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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by WrenWind

  1. *Hugs*
  2. Voices in my head I don't think I can you have to He will be hurt He is already in pain My heart will break It has long been shattered I feel like crying There will be time for that later I have to do this I will be waiting
  3. *smiles* Something that is so very hard to do but so rewarding when you can. I liked this very much Appy.
  4. Congratulations
  5. Cut to the chase slow down, take your time Pick up the pace Enjoy the smell of the roses This is a race Take it easy, make it rhyme Fallen from grace I will catch you, dont be afraid You will lose face What others think is not important Just wasting space Remember you are loved A new one comes to take your place You cannot be replaced
  6. Very sad that most of this is true but I do believe that no all are frauds and though rare galantry and romance still are out there. It is good to see you writing again Parm and as always you have produced a thought provoking piece. *Hugs*
  7. I listened .I even called but you couldn't hear me oh well
  8. *hugs*
  9. Welcome *hugs*
  10. *yippee!!! I love this tale so far. As always weel done. Your biggest fan *hugs* Wren
  11. Wren brushes off the crumpled purple pillow the popped out with Wyvern, fluffs it up and tucks it behind Sorciere with a smile. Now I think I had better untangle this mess. Sorciere looks up to see Wren's hair sticking straight up in the air in the reverse shape of a tornado. Dancing with the child The wind blows in wild chaos Enchanted laughter Wren giggles softly as she walks out of the room.
  12. *satnds an applauds* Bravo!! well done. I liked the twist in the end. Wren Windsong
  13. purple silk pillows patchuli and willow fragrant excess subtle soft lighting nothing too frightening comfort to think friends all good company talk in quiet symphony relax and enjoy *Wren steps back into the corner with a smile*
  14. Happy Birthday!!! *hugs*
  15. the hardest person to forgive is yourself
  16. *hugs* happy birthday
  17. Yesterday my sister and parents came to visit and we went out to supper together. It was a blast we enjoyed good food, good company and a lot of laughter
  18. I feel the same Regel.
  19. LOL!!! a funny tribute
  20. Wren tosses her cape in the air putting the fire out and creating a sling for her to carry the Nimballâ„¢ in. Instead of running she simply dissapears from sight and reappears in front of the library doors. She figured that the ball should be on display there. Looking up and down the hall she seemed to be alone. She opens the great doors only to be mowed over by the frantic pen members who had guessed right about her whereabouts. The now charred imp spleen covered Nimballâ„¢flies up and out the open window into the garden below hitting ________ on the head with a good thump.
  21. *hugs * Wren smiles and congratulates the new member . Nice piece and please, please have PootFire use a pseudonym if he ever decides to apply. I don't think the walls of this place could handle Wyverns responce. *giggles *
  22. Wren gets a little lost in the math but not in the sentiment . Happy birthday to you both. *Hugs*
  23. *hugs* even though the tone of this is very dark for some reason this line made me smile. the only other bit that stuck out at me was the line "curling into position, fetal." it is very different from the rest of the poem . Maybe I have missed something . *big hugs* keep writing Wren
  24. Woo Hooo!!! Happy Anniversary !! You all do a great job!!
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