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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by WrenWind

  1. Wow I've been remiss about coming here I almost missed these. I really like the mice ... do you still see them?
  2. When i stop crying I'll write someting inteligent but for now ...You have writen a very good story Luv you Wren
  3. Wren drinks her koolaid and then begins to feel very energized."soooo much sugar.. I need to do something' Wren grabs hold of Snake and begins to dance him around the room carefully avoiding the pool of chocolate and trying not to step on anyones toes . When Knight walks into the room she stops dancing even though she hasn't seen him yet she can feel his presence. " Well ! Well! Well! Snake looks at Wren with curiosity. Wren doesn't seem to notice as her hand traces the necklace draped on her neck. She shakes it off and starts dancing again. She will catch up to Knight later.
  4. Wren thanks Xaious and looks at her reflection in the mirror that Snake hands her. WoW!!! I should have got you to do it the first time around It looks great. *bounces her hand in the curls and smiles*
  5. Cat perched on the fence Howling his pain into night's clear air Unrequited love Her cat hiaku clutched in her hand Wren is about to enter the hall when she is suddenly pinned to the ground by a large piece of the crashed space ship. Although unhurt, she is a little stunned and just lies there watching the curious goings on. She does notice that her carefully coiffed hair and her lovely silk dress are now in a totally wretched state.
  6. *kisssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssses*
  7. *hugs* an expression of grief and fatalism that we all feel at times Well done!
  8. Wren admits to being more than a little batty *grin*
  9. So good Round orange orbs hang pregnantly. Sweet nectar fills the air. Honey seeking bees have done there part. The fruit becons invitingly. No time to waste on flare. Tear an orange from it's start. Remove the peel delicately. There will be none left to share. Taste the perfection of nature's art. mmmmmmmmmmm
  10. Wooot!! a poem from Buddha man.
  11. Winning doesn't matter it's how the term is used
  12. Wren bounces from room to room hugging the birthday people. Happy day to all of you.
  13. happy day
  14. *smiles* Love this!!
  15. The storm brews inside of me each day the waves grow higher but do i stick close to shore or unfurl my sails and run Winds swirls around me blowing my hair into my eyes blinded by its strength buffeted by it's fury Exhilerated and afraid still standing on the edge Jump! I hear it chanted now I look into the sea One more step open my arms accept fate fly
  16. Two parties for two great people
  17. Wren ponders on the decoration of the common room and decides that the colours should be ....of cource silver and black ..black tablecloths and siver dishes silver chandelieres and black curtains even the walls are painted for the occasion in swirling partens of black ans silver. That done. The invitations have been send and the and the guest begin to arrive costumed to match the theme. Wren takes one last look at her reflection in the mirror her black gown flowing softly to the floor she adjusts the silver hair decoration and then waits for the guests of honor Happy birthday BlackCagedheart and Justin Silverblade
  18. Happy day to all
  19. I had to get out the tissue box for this one. Well told story. Thank you for sharing it. *hugs*
  20. Well Done.
  21. OOOH! i really liked this. stepping back to see things in a different perspective. Well done.
  22. Not yet. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Don't! touch me yet. Let me close my eyes. Now! whisper against my cheek. All of your sweet lies. Stop! I'm not ready for you to go. He just shrugs and sighs. Wait! leave your hand on my cheek. Then he softly cries. Go! quickly now don't look back. Let me quietly die.
  23. Alone a state of being we fear and yet often we strive to have some time alone to buffer us from the world and restore ourselves. Good piece *hugs*
  24. I am honored and glad that you continue to dream and create.
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