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Everything posted by Alaeha
Well, to quote the old Schoolhouse Rock songs... A Noun is a Person, Place, or Thing. Verbs -- That's what's happening! or in other words, a Noun is something you do a Verb to; 'cause Mr. Morton is the Subject of the sentence, and what the Predicate says, he does.
Firerose shook her head sadly as she looked down at the contents of her bag. How in the world was she supposed to silence "Runs with Scissors", a screeching phantom, with only a postcard and a screwdriver? Torpedo Frowzy Mantra Poindexter
I spent years trying to master the art of seeming pococurante, but now I just don't care enough to keep trying. ;P
~Items~ Nigel: A small knife, a gift from Clarence. Clyde: One of Sweet's Marbles. Hasn't yet acknowledged Sephora. An unnamed Magic Marker found in the Mighty Couch.
~Abilities~ Sephora is an adept gymnast -- her small size and innate nimbleness make her quite good at it. She can jump higher than many full-grown adults, and climbs quite well as well. Her acrobatic skills and sense of coordination and balance are excellent. The one thing that she never quite got the hang of, when travelling with Nodis and the gypsies, was the trick of fooling magic things into thinking that you were the one supposed to use them. She can usually pull it off if she has enough time, but only rarely on the first try. Lastly, she has the strange ability to navigate the pocket dimensions she finds inside the Mighty Couch with ease, finding useful things that have slipped out of people's pockets, or individuals who have take up residence there-in. (The Penguin, for example.)
~Relationships~ Sephora is friends with Jirah, obviously, as he brought her into the Keep. She also has a friend (though some are dubious) living within the Mighty Couch -- a penguin who makes ridiculously sugary candy. Sephora gets on splendidly with Sweet, even if Sweet is a lot bigger than she is. Everybody's bigger than she is. She thinks Wrenwind is kinda weird for not liking candy. Oh, and she loves cats. Even if they are almost as big as (sometimes bigger than) she is.
~History~ (Very brief, rough outline. May be revised in the future) Sephora was, literally, something the cat dragged in. An old couple were walking along the beach with their pet cat, when the cat ran off and came back with what they found, on close expection, was a dripping wet, shivering human baby... except that she was absurdly small. They raised the girl until she was five, but she crept out, through a hole in the wall, in the middle of the night. She didn't know where she was going, just that she wanted to go somewhere, so she found herself walking through the poor quarter of town. Eventually, she fell asleep in a puddle. When she woke up, there was a nice looking old man looking down at her. He introduced himself as Clarence, took her in, and had her run "errands" for him. Creeping into peoples houses and retrieving little things that he said were actually his. After a couple more years, she started hearing people talking about Clarence, and complaining about how he stole their things. So, not wanting people to think she was a thief, she left. Sneaking out of town, in the middle of the night, she came upon a camp of gypsies. She stowed away with them for a few days, but eventually they found her, so she put the small bit of acrobatics she had learned for Clarence to work for them. With the help of Nodis, an older girl who had grown up with the gypsies, she learned to amuse crowds as a tumbler. After a time, though, she felt the same strange compulsion to leave, as they were passing a strange castle. She wandered toward the castle, and one of the big people came and offered to show her the inside. He introduced himself as Jirah. She's been learning her way around and meeting people (mostly learning her way around) ever since.
~Personality~ Sephora is ten years old. Like many pennites, she finds shiny things strangely hypnotic. She's whimsical to the point that one might be inclined to question her sanity, and enjoys climbing things and people. She views tall things as a challenge to be overcome, and being denied access to a place is actually a game. Her favorite things are, in no particular order: shiny things, candy, things to jump on, things to jump off of, things to balance on, things to hide behind, and things to sneak up on.
~Physical Description~ Sephora is teeny. Like, tiny teeny. She measures in at 1'4" (~40 cm), and weighs all of 8 pounds (about 3.5 kg), but isn't proportioned like a small child. She looks most of all like a 10 year old, scaled down to about a third of the normal size. She has black hair that borders on blue, and keeps it trimmed at her shoulders. She wears surprisingly well-fitted green clothes -- a simple, short sleeved shirt with full length pants -- and if forced to wear shoes puts on sandals that come with just enough straps to keep them from flying off when she goes jumping around.
penguin. A very special penguin, born with bunny ears and gifted with an almost uncanny ability to carve apples into heatseeking bananas suitable for bonking evil wizards -- with his beak!
Also classic... Reminds me of Engrish.com. And, it seems, there is actually a sign in Japan (somewhere) that says in Japanese "Public Urination is forbidden here." I want to go to Japan someday. Just so that I can say that I've gotten panties from a vending machine.
Alaeha... The origins of the name are really simple: I was playing ADOM (Ancient Domains of Mystery, one of the best Rogue-Like Games (ASCII based RPGs) ever) and I was trying to come up with a new name, since I had something like thirteen different save files, and the game doesn't let you have multiple characters by the same name at the same time. I was planning on playing a Healer for the sake of variety, so I did what I do when I need a name. I scrambled the letters of an appropriate word. In this case, I inverted the word Heal. It became Laeh. But that seemed kind of weird. When in doubt, add vowels. After all of about thirty seconds, Laeh the Healer became Alaeha the Healer, and later I recycled the name onto a Bard, after the original suffered a gruesome death at the hands of something or other. Probably a Raider or some such. And then some time later I needed a good screen name on AIM, and I decided on a whim to try that name, and it went through. I was lucky, because I flatly refuse to apply numbers or creative misspellings to my name. And since then I've been using Alaeha or one of a small handful of other names for most everything. I don't remember how the names Nisela and Aleyar came to be, though.
Love is for the puny mortals. For my part, I intend to live forever or die trying. If memory serves, Hercules died because his wife gave him a cursed cloak. I don't remember for certain, but I think she thought he was cheating on her or something. So she gave him a cloak that burst into unquenchable flames and killed him. Or something like that. One way or another, it was her gift that killed him. But more to the point, I've seen the word Love twisted, misunderstood, misused, and abused to the point that I'm about ready to strike it from my vocabulary altogether. I've lost count, for example, of the number of times that I've seen people excuse inexcusable behavior in someone that they're dating because they "love" them. (Or, in those cases, just don't want to risk feeling lonely.) Or the number of times that I've heard the phrase "I love you" used to say "You're being stupid" or "Do what I want" or pretty much anything other than simply "I love you." And... yeah. I don't really have the stomach to go on right now. It's late and I'm feeling snarky, so I should probably stop. Love, as most people like to describe it, is an interesting and potentially worthwhile thing. But almost invariably, what I've actually seen (in person) being called Love is Lust, Codependancy, Selfishness, or some combination of the above. (By the way, I'm back. For a little while, anyway. And my apologies if anyone's offended.)
Gyr -- Of course. It's something of an inside joke, the way I look at it. And, of course: "Well, you know what they say. 'If you give a man a fire...'" becomes: "It is, has knew well that they have the thought. ' ' the personal fire... therefore occurs;" Also, "When an eel bites your hand, and that's not what you'd planned, that's a Moray" becomes: "If it is the Aal and bit, therefore Moray, the program has, nonmaterial he."
*Blink Blink* I'm not sure whether to be proud or ashamed that I can read that... it's like the ultimate leet-speak. Definitely one of the most memorable poems I've seen in quite a while. And I think the meter is mostly consistent. I had to pause over a couple of words, so I may've missed a rough spot or too though.
Heh... "Hit Dice? I'll show YOU Hit Dice!" becomes: "Forms to sing electrical? Effect with the material of the visualization of the form!"
1) Mynx 2) A Bunny 3) Targeting 4) Wyvern 5) Snarky 6) Left Shoelace 7) Hoverboard Inside a Bag of Holding 9) The World's Largest Ball of Yarn 10) Googly-Eyed 11) Knitting Needles 12) Resembling 13) Paneity 14) Sovereign Glue 15) Amy Allen 16) Scarf 17) Ecophobia 18) Periwinkle 19) Earlobe 20) Quacksalver (Not to be confused with quicksilver)
What's cool about Peredhil is...
Alaeha replied to The Portrait of Zool's topic in Cabaret Room Archives
The Facts: Peredhil is a PC. PCs may take flaws, but only in exchange for Bonus Feats. (See Unearthed Arcana) Peredhil has flaws. Therefore, Peredhil has Bonus Feats. I'm not sure, but I'm thinking his bonus feats were "Empower Awesomeness" and "Maximize Awesomeness" Because they're prereqs for the epic "Intensify Awesomeness" which is awesomely awesome. And that's why Peredhil is Supremely Awesomely Intensely Amazingly Awesomely Awesome. Did I miss anything? (Apologies to those out there who don't play D&D) -
*Nods* Most of the kids I knew in grade school were nasty little buggers. If I acted now as they did then, I'd be a good deal shorter and an entirely different hue due to chronic acts of violence. On a side note: No need to apologize or note the time at which you wrote the poem. If you're terribly insecure about your writing at 3 AM, run it through a spellchecker. (I recommend doing so anyway, regardless of when you wrote it.) Otherwise it doesn't matter. Of course, if you were horribly dissatisfied with the piece, you could post it in the workshop. Abbreviated version: I read it. It's good.
Pennite Dictonary of Words and Terms
Alaeha replied to YanYanGanaffi's topic in Cabaret Room Archives
Snorfle (v): To mix a Snort, a Laugh, and a Chuckle. -
*Tacklehug* Have missed seeing you around. Glad to know that you're doing pretty well, at least. And welcome back, for however long you happen to be here.
</Lurk> *Tacklehugs Tralla* Have a Rocket or whatever those explosive smartie type candies are, you silly non-smartie-eating-person. *Disappears, Ninja-Style* <Lurk>
Frustrated! or is it . or is it ; or is it...
Alaeha replied to Salinye's topic in Cabaret Room Archives
I'd have to say I agree with Katz on the matter of punctuating poetry, for the most part. It's nigh on impossible to reliably indicate pauses without punctuation. I mean, sure, you can use line breaks to indicate pauses, but that turns your sentence "there should be a pause here, a longer one here" into "there should be a pause here a longer one here " and is just really awkward. Leaves the piece with huge amounts of ambiguity, which is great I guess if you want to reach out and touch a bunch of people randomly... but you don't know how they're going to read it. Granted, you never know exactly how someone's going to read something, but punctuating it is one of those things you can do to narrow the list of possible responses a bit.