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Everything posted by Alaeha
Great poem... but isn't blank verse Iambic Pentameter? This seems to me to read more as if it were a combination of Iambs and Anapests. I tried reading a couple of lines as Iambs and the stress got all screwed up. But that's ok. Anapests are even more fun than blank verse. And if you can do Dactyls, those are fun too. Homer wrote his epics in Dactylic Hexameter, after all, so they must have something that makes them interesting. (Wow, that was random...)
Wrote this last night. It was inspired entirely by the first line, when I had the urge to write something fun. It was. I had great fun writing it. I can just imagine some alchemist or lesser magician in a fantasy novel muttering something to this effect while trying to outdo a competitor Chemist’s Battle Chant Eye of newt and toe of frog, Onion shoot and wisp of fog, Snips of snails and viper tails. A horrid brew concocted fresh, come drink a few cups, ease your flesh. This potion tastes divine, the recipe is fine. Skull of statue, carved of stone. I will match you, bone for bone. I will win, your odds are thin of triumphing in this contest, although to tiring I’ve confessed. My training is complete, my chemistry elite.
Wrote this little bugger yesterday. The initial question was one that I found in the book I finished that morning. The rest was spawned by the fact that I feel like I’m growing distant from the world at large... And it bothers and even worries me. Perhaps more than it should. Be that as it may... The poem, though not true of me (and in fact not even showing my true attitudes) still rings true, showing my more cynical and pessimist side. But with little further ado: The poem. What color is your heart? What is the color of your heart today? Is it of gold, or silver, pink, or green? Is your soul clad in robes of dismal gray, or does it wear a brighter, happy sheen? The loneliness you feel will pass with time, so worry not about Love, it will wane with passing days, and though it seems sublime, you will find that it leads to naught but pain. What color is your heart? You never spoke an answer, for I rambled on too long. You miss your Loved One still? Your heart she broke when two days back she left you with a song. A mournful tune. Your heart, my friend, is blue. I sympathize, for I lost my Love too.
Fear is like a dagger: It can either keep you alive, or kill you, but it's always unpleasant, and it always bites deep.
I know how you feel here... feeling that way right now in fact. *Hugs* We could just sit around and be miserable together... A very good poem. Impeccable timing, too... Just wish people didn't feel this way.
Happy Birthday! Remember not to push your luck too hard in the year to come. We want you to have another one, after all.
Alaeha wanders into the room absently, her mind struggling to find a word that rhymes with "orange". She stumbles into a table and, with a laugh, discards the puzzle, replacing "orange" with "red". Looking about, she spies an unfamiliar face. Listening for a moment, she gathers sufficient information to begin a conversation. "Welcome to the area, Ayshela! We're always glad to have newcomers... Will you be staying with us, or are you just passing through?" OOC: Welcome to The Pen. Shall be looking forward to your application, if you decide to stay with us.
Elwen, don't try and tell him that you're not wonderful. Trust me, you are to him. I've the same problem. I try and deny it when I'm told how "special" I am, and I can't get anywhere at all. (But I'm not) Of course, the reverse is also true. It's a good poem. In terms of the form... the meter is rough (could be improved with a bit of rewording... ) but that's it for complaints. Certainly can't criticize the content.
Yes. Happy Birthday Justin. Shan't ask any silly questions such as "Do you feel any older?"... But I will ask this... Which is better? Chocolate Cake with White Frosting or White Cake with Chocolate Frosting?
Wrote this some time ago... Several weeks at least. I found it while flipping through my binder. I must have written it when I was bored in Creative Writing or English... I don’t worry so much about these things anymore... But I do have moments where I worry that I’m just deluding myself, or that I’m just setting myself up to get crushed... I think that’s where these lines came from. Or perhaps they're just the result of the usual confusion and chaos that are being a teen. Anyways, with minimal further ado... I give you my poem. One that I wrote addressing myself in the second person. Wishful Dancing Dancing and singing and feeling so fine, spending the night with your friends. Feeling that somewhere you may find a sign that with these folk your wandering ends. Doomed from birth to wander free, until you found harmony with the people ‘round about where you were, inside and out. Laughing and crying and talking to her, knowing she’s more than a friend. Wishing that you could feel totally sure that the love that you have will not end.
Wow. That's the truth... no question about it. It's those moments that you wish you could keep for a lifetime that make life worth living. Very nice. One request though, if you decide to edit it... Could you perhaps reformat it a little so that you don't have the whole thing double-spaced? Silly, I know, but nonetheless, it bothered me a bit. It made it look like each line was it's own stanza... Perhaps I'm only bringing it up because I cannot, myself, find anything else to complain about. Whether that's the case or not, however, is much like the question about tootsie pops. The world may never know.
Congratulations! Knew you'd make it... They were both very good poems. Now I just need to make you start importing your stuff in here... We need as many good poems as we can get over here, after all... and we're certainly not getting any from me. I'm the one who, even when depressed, can't write free verse. Alaeha gives Celiwyn congratulatory hugs, while privately scheming to... now do you really expect me to post my schemes and plots out here to be read?
[continued from description] unbroken. I started this about two days ago, and just let it sit for a bit. I picked it up today and put the last stanza on it. Here it is. Just let me know what you think. Wind Yes, I have always loved the air, it lets us breathe and talk. I feel it blowing through my hair, I hear it saying “Yes, I care” Though not a person, it is there to soothe me when in shock. With wind I have a special bond, with hurricane and breeze. Of warm, soft breezes I am fond, I love the chaos that is spawned by harsh winds blowing ‘cross a pond, though wind chill make me freeze. Though I love wind, there are a few dear friends that I love more. A few rare people that are too important to me, I would rue your loss, so hear this: I love you, though this I’ve said before.
Yay! Another lyricist! Seriously, it's great to see someone else here who writes in verse. Welcome to the ranks of the dark poets. Great poem. You'll do fine. And if they don't accept this one because it's been posted elsewhere, or whatever else... don't worry, you can do another. You'll get in easily.
YES! I think I have found my people! Finally someone else that likes (or has even heard of) Breath of Fire. It is in fact based on Breath of Fire two. I chose to write it on the scene where Mina becomes the "Great Bird". Out of curiosity, has anyone else here ever been to the BOFFC, or heard of Arcahan? If so, I'm sure you could find a fine example of me at my worst if you go to the BOFFC library and read Cat's Eyes. I like the story I chose to tell... I just happen to have told it horribly.
Heh, let's see if anyone has anything to say on this one... I wrote this poem quite some time ago, as something of a christmas/new years gift to a friend who runs a library for fanfiction for the Breath of Fire series of games. But since I found myself speaking in this poem just as much as Mina did, I felt that I could post it here. Mina Windia When I’m gone, will you love me the same as you did? Will you call me your Child, your Dear? When I’m gone, will you miss me, or gladly be rid of this child you once held so near? Mother, I’m Mina, e’en after I’ve gone. Father, don’t leave me, please don’t go away. Please, watch me when I come home here at dawn. Please don’t just end this, please love me today. Nina, my sister, I’ve missed you so long. I always will answer your voice. I pray that you won’t think I’ve done something wrong, but I won’t let you make this your choice. To myself I bid goodbye. On the wind I soon will fly. I leave behind my human kin to aid the heros, help them win for in the end it matters not where on the battlefield I fought I spare my sister, take her place for she is quicker, in this race. And she alone may end the jinx which causes the most dreadful links from blackened wings to burning fire. But now I act, before I tire. And now that I’m gone, do you love me the same? Do you call me your Child, your Dear? Now I’m gone, do you miss me, or now do you blame me, a child you never held near? ...or a child who ne’er brought a tear?
I know how it is... I wrote random verse for a creative writing class, but I wouldn't call it poetry. I didn't really start writing poetry until sometime around late november/early december (when I first began to suspect that I had fallen/was falling in love. /shudder I hate such terms... they seem so cliche... oh well. If the shoe fits...) A good poem. Just keep writing. You can't help but improve the form with time, as you get used to making the words flow together. There's already plenty of feeling to it. Definition of Poetry (as it was taught to me): Words written with feeling, that flow together and cause the reader to feel something. I guess that makes poetry a relative thing. Much like music. Appropriate, since they're so similar. I'll quit rambling now.
Glad to see you finally got around to coming out of the shadows and posting. Don't worry, there's really nothing to be nervous about. They haven't laughed at me either... not even for the poem I posted a while back, Redemption... You'll do fine. It is a good poem, after all.
well, it's making me even nervouser. Nervouser? Is that even a word? It is now, Garion just made it up! (Or something like that. My friends and I make up random words all the time. We just don't usually use them after the first time)
Wow. Very, very good. I was a little dubious of it for about the first paragraph... but it's quite good. You might want to expand on it, though, extending it a bit. For example, what was going on in the narrator's life at that time? Just an idea. I loved this though.
A great beginning... If you want something critical, consider this: You might want to rephrase one thing. I'm not sure single-handedly is appropriate in that context, and it doesn't seem to flow quite right. Just my thought. I'd really like to see where this goes.
Glad I'm not the only fool who's gone and fallen in love while still young... If he loves you, and he's "satisfied" with you as you are, there's no need to worry about "making" yourself worthy... You already are. But I find that I feel like this myself sometimes... A very good poem.
Happy Birthday Wyvern! I talked with a friend, and they arranged to give you back your soul for your birthday. You may either resell it, or keep it, as you choose. Seriously, though, have fun and enjoy what remains of your birthday. I'd suggest carrying it on through tomorrow, but people might not appreciate it.
The tale I tell is sad, but shed no tear. For what is in the past, what has been done, is done. And weeping changes naught, I fear, nor will it banish rain, or call the sun. A friend of mine that some of you may know, or may have heard of, though you know her not, lost dearest love, her soulmate, long ago. He died in but a moment, quick as thought. He felt no pain, but she had no such luck, and ne'er, I know, will she ever forsake the hatred that she feels for worthless muck that from a lover, all their heart would take. Yes, Eryn will avenge loss of her love, so has she pledged to all the worlds above. Ok, so it's a sonnet. But it fits the requirements for blank verse. It's written in perfect (or near-so) Iambic Pentameter. I can't write nonrhyming poetry, so please don't try and make me. Alaeha is the singer of a song that brings tears to the eyes of those who weep, but merrily she then will walk along. Why should she go along with all these sheep who cry at anything that may be sad? On this, her own council alone she'll keep. It is a bit perverse to seem so glad when others all around her weep and wail, but all this sadness makes her truly mad for why should happiness be like a tail that is oft chased and never, ever caught? And now, goodbye, though I've not e'en said "Hail!" Extended by one stanza, but it also fits the required criteria. Do with them as you will, I didn't spend much time on them.
Likewise. Masterfully done. I didn't catch the references, but then... it's an inside joke, I'm not supposed to, because I'm outside. And anytime you explain something like that, you kill it. That's why I love to threaten a friend of mine with popsicles. Sends her mind straight down the gutter. Ok, I'm done rambling now. Loved the parody. There's no need to apologize for such things... I should do a parody sometime.