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Everything posted by Alaeha
Seems to me that the answer to this one would be Law. Or, if you prefer, customs, government, or in general the Status Quo. Could be wrong, but that's all I'm seeing.
Valkyries, I think. I could be wrong, though. And of course Alicentaurs (Winged Centaurs, created by Piers Anthony) are good. Afraid I can't help past that.
Hmm... Kiki Debucket is a good name, I think... Certainly better than Roger Mortis. But (perhaps this is simply because I've taken Japanese classes) I'd have leaned more toward Shi (or Shin) or Hametsu myself. But what language are the names of other people from his area based on? His should probably be the same... Or at least it would appear that way to me.
I knew what you meant as well, I think. So you can always PM me when you're exhausted. Some people are a lot of fun on no sleep. Such as myself. And Daily hugs are available from me, as well. Or Hourly. Because I like hugs too. *Hugs*
*Hugs* I'm sorry... I haven't played Everquest in so long... mostly because most of the people I enjoy talking to aren't there anymore. But it really hurts to quit something you enjoy because you have to, rather than because you choose to. *Sighs* *Hugs again*
The line "How many roads must a man walk down?" was one of the possibilities that the mice in the first book (Hitchhiker's itself) were considering as the possible Question. They were trying for something philosophical sounding to go with the answer (42). "The trick to flying is to throw yourself at the ground, and miss."
Well... apart from Love, Acceptance. If someone can't accept me for the nut case that I am, the rest doesn't matter. I refuse to let myself become close to someone who looks at me the way you would look at an old house. "Well... You put a new roof on it, and recarpet the living room, and it'll be ok." But by the same token, when someone insists that you remain exactly as you are, refusing to admit that you have flaws, that's not helpful either... So it's Acceptance of me as a person, with the flaws inherent in humanity. One who refuses to accept that people change and grow would be less than a friend, and certainly unworthy of being called a mate.
Depression is, in Everquest terms, a DOT. It sucks the life out of you over time and, unless you get it cured or otherwise act against it, it's extremely dangerous. In "normal" terms, it's a poisoned dart. It strikes, often without warning, and does as I stated above.
Well... I'm a bit dubious about exchanging The and What's... It seems to me that there's a subtle difference between saying that What's past is past, and saying that The past is past. The implications inherent to the wording are slightly different. The former sounds slightly more... aggressive, I suppose... as well as speaking more about a specific event. What's past is in the past. It's a single event that, like all the rest of of those things that have happened, can't be changed. The past is... well... the past. It's the whole of the series of events that are in it. Does that make any sense? Or am I the only one who sees it that way? But for the rest, it seems to be a vast improvement. And even if it weren't, you'd be in no danger of an attack by flying furniture... At least not from me. Any criticism is always welcome. It makes me think, even if I disagree. Thanks!
Hmm... I seem to write all my best work when I'm depressed. Even when it's just random depression. No exception here. This is something of a new style for me, though, in that I had more repetition than usual. Did it work out at all well? Past What's past is past, What'st done is done. It couldn't last, but it was fun. You claimed, you wrote, you swore, you cried. But like a note, tossed it aside. And through it all, I trusted you, I gave you all I had to give. One heart was false, one heart was true. I died that day, but yet I live... What's past is past, what's done is done. It didn't last, You'd had your fun. You thought... you spoke, I let you go. My heart... it broke, and I don't know why, like a fool, I loved the one who was my closest, dearest friend. It ruined that. I want to run each time you come around the bend. What's past is past. What's done is done. And I don't matter in the end.
Well... I'll say that it's an interesting poem. And most certainly an interesting way of looking at life. I've thought about it on a couple occasions... But there're a couple of things that I can see that could be improved... First and foremost, hot is spelled with only one t. Second, and slightly less important... (since it's only a matter of opinion, rather than a fact) and of course less easily remedied, there are the last two lines... "Just imagine what life would be like if we were all real- no one was fake...." With the pattern of rhyming set, it seems a shame to break that pattern at the end like that... And of course my mind supplies alternate lines without my even callling for them. It's annoying at times, but I'll offer them in this case. Feel free to dink around with them as you wish, or just ignore them. "I've wondered at times... Just what would it take for us to be real... and nobody fake?" Just an idea or two. Those were the things that really leapt out at me as I read. I rather liked this though... Especially the idea behind it. *Hugs*
Heh, even at this time of morning, it was short enough that I could read the whole thing. Impressive. *Hugs* It's good. Almost more of a poetic statement than I poem, I think... But unless it's distinctly a short story that just happens to flow and all that in a way that's poem-esque, you can call it a poem. Hmm... I think my message made more sense and was probably more meaningful before I edited it soas to have it actually say something. Oh well. If you want, you can ignore this paragraph and the previous one. *Rehugs*
I never would've expected this... ever. But it's got to be one of the more humorous things I've read in my time here. Particularly coming from this source...
Wrote this last night... It didn’t take very long, surprisingly... The hardest part, honestly, was trying to find a place to stop. Repairs Breathing in, and breathing out, Ruing all the words I gave Of love and trust. You took the route Killing my heart, you “loving” knave. Even now, when it’s too late... No. I cannot, will not hate. Have you ever thought it through Enough to truly realize Amid this chaos, “I Love You” Requires an effort? Else it lies To them, to you, to both your hearts. Some lies are worse than poisoned darts. Real anguish came from all of these, Evolving from the lies you told. Please understand, you can’t appease A shattered trust with worthless gold. In all these words, I hope you’ll see... Real trust is rare. I’ve none to give. Enough has changed, so let me be. Deal’s done. I have a life to live.
Actually... Not to be offensive, but rather to be picky right back... I stumbled across a web page once, though I can't recall the name of it, that made an interesting point. A stanza of four lines, however the rhyme scheme is laid out, is still a quatrain. Be it an AAAA, ABBA, ABAB, ABCD, etc, it is still a quatrain. There were different names for each type, with Alternating, Enclosed, Straight, etc... though I can't think of the names offhand. So it's all in where the line breaks fall. [/snob] I did mean couplets, though I was probably incorrect in doing so, because I have a strange way of looking at it... I looked at it as being both an ABCB arrangement and just being a (null)a(null)a arrangement wherein the second and fourth lines were simply the first and third spilling over soas not to look crowded. Just a bit of clarification and return education. *Hugs*
Well, speaking in reference to the Hitler bit... The man tried to dictate the affairs of an empire that he hoped would take over the world, yet he could not spell his own name properly to save his life. I'd say, myself, that one like that is probably not right in the head. But that's just my opinion. Anyways, if I could spend one night with any living person, it'd have to be a tossup between David Eddings and Piers Anthony. Dead... and given that we'd be able to communicate regardless of language issues... I'd probably opt for Homer. The guy who wrote the Iliad in Dactyllic Hexameter deserves respect, after all.
You two had better have a happy birthday. Or else. I'll hunt you down, and I'll tickle you until you're happier! *Demonstrates Evil Laugh* (Insert Evil Laugh Here) Anyways... Have fun. And you just remember what I said.
Hmm... Do I get points for being a pain in the rear, or overly perfectionistic, if I point out that last time I checked, Acquire was spelled with a c before the q? Or was that intentional? I have played Magic, but I haven't an idea as to what cards you derived the signatures from...
Writing Exercise - Pentacle of Poetry?
Alaeha replied to Falcon2001's topic in Cabaret Room Archives
Healing powers, the daylight hours, the forces of the light. Though often scorned by those "unworthy fools". Brought back from death, devoid of breath, the warriors of the night. Such dark enchantments also make good tools. The swarming bugs, the ugly mugs of craw wurms... and the trees! The plagues of elves, and druids, and all their kind... No better are the goblins and the ogres, a disease infesting every mountain that they find. But Magic is the one true art. Enchantments, mystic spells, and creatures of the deep seas and the air. The Angels of the Heavens and the Demons of the Hells alike are allies of our silken snare. (Yes, Silken Snare is the title of a book of some sort... but it fit perfectly. I've never read the book, anyway...) -
Wrote this at about 11:30 PM while staying up late with my stepsister, who is one of my better friends these days. I was quite proud of myself, having written this, because it's surprisingly not-depressed for me. Randomness is a lot of fun sometimes... The Mighty Pen I like pens that write in blue, or black, or pink or red. Pens are nice. Don't write in glue, or pencils and their lead. I like pens the most of all, they are my tools of choice for talking about getting small, or speaking without voice. Pens are mightier than swords, or that is what they say... But if I have to fight off hordes, no pen can save the day.
*Laughs* That's beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. "logic circuit failure" Intergender relations and logic are almost always mutually exclusive...
I like this... The mildly irregular meter still flows, so it works... though I have to "pace" it a little quickly. The romantic side of me really appreciates this... and the rest thinks it's impressive that you managed to say what you wanted to while writing in couplets. Take either response, or both. It's up to you. *Hugs*
As was requested, this one involves differing syllable counts... Which I work in without even intending to most of the time. I know of no real name for this, but here you go... Choose a meter that you like. In my case, a slightly tweaked Anapestic Tetrameter. Then write a few (two or three, at least) quatrains (ABAB pattern) with the B lines being one foot shorter. That is, two syllables less if you're writing in Iambic or Trochaic meter, or three less if writing in Anapestic or Dactyllic. So my A lines would have four feet and my B lines would have three. If you're writing entirely in Spondees, you have my respect... and you don't need this. Example: You said that you loved me with all of your heart, with your mind, with your being. You said that you'd never hurt me. And so, from the start I believed. I was greatly misled. I would never have hurt you. You knew that, and yet you cooled off, as I feared that you would. "You could do much better than me" you don't get it. You're wrong. I deserve nothing good. I hope this helps those who have a hard time writing with an inflexible meter... These have been helping me... Writing helps to get stuff out of your system.
I like this. A lot. All writers must have eccentricities... and this one certainly does. Best of all, he recognizes them and compares them with those of others, which is always fun to do. Mildly surprised that this didn't get any commentary... Oh well. I made the first reply! I'm proud of myself now! *Laughs* I like the way he signed his name...
Hmm... Heart: Part, Start, Smart, Dart, Art, Mart, Cart... I'm sure there are others. Love is a much harder word to rhyme with without Cliche, so I endeavor to stick it in the middle of the line. Anyways... I like this poem, though the rhythm is a bit strange. Love is a good thing. And I like the touch at the end... I could never bring myself to hurt someone I loved for hurting me... Though if someone I care about winds up getting hurt by my ex like I did... I'll prove that bit about the pen being mightier than the sword. *sighs*