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Everything posted by Alaeha
Actually, all the senses but humor are covered if you count the last line of the first stanza. I couldn't think of some way to work humor into it, unfortunately. *Sighs*
Oh... I didn't mean to imply that I didn't enjoy it. I rather did. Especially the irony that seemed (to me) to abound in it. It was quite well done. But my offer still stands.
I actually sat down and wrote something that vaguely resembles a free form poem. First of its kind, so it's probably absolutely horrid... especially the second stanza. Any suggestions would be more than welcome. They'd be requested. Living on Breathing... Feel the heart beat. Taste the life's blood. Now watch as it all flows away. Breathing... Smell the body. She still listens to everything that you say. Living... somehow breathing... She still goes on. In this nightmare, she still waits for day.
I love the way the title works with all of this... everyone sees... but what do they see? For what it's worth, I say the blue voice is right. *Hugs*
Wouldn't that be Gomen nasai? I'm sure I've been hearing an eye sound at the end of it, not an ee... Don't worry, I've had little/nothing to contribute lately as well... You'll get better eventually. Just keep trying. *Hugs*
Glad you put in that bit up front... Because if you go and die, I swear I'll hunt you down and kill you. *Mock Glares* It's a well done poem... *Hugs*
Well, it was much the same with me, to be honest... I wasn't going to compete for something that shouldn't be competitive... especially when I stood little-no chance of winning anyway. Given that, there was just no reason to post on it anyway.
Happy Birthday! *Hugs*
Hmm... Are you sure you don't live near me? I swear that song fits me like a glove...
Heh, Peredhil... I'm the one who bursts out laughing half the time while listening to songs like Stone Sour's Inhale, or Bother. It did strike me as being a little odd that the child's voice in this sounded so... well... mature, and in some ways better educated than the other. But apart from that, I really like this. The ending of it seems to me to be particularly well done.
Alaeha looked up from her brooding as the door to the Cabaret room opened once again. Interesting... she hadn't seen this man before. He'd obviously just gotten here, his cloak was completely soaked... though with the weather outside, that only meant he'd been out for a couple minutes. As Snypiuer wandered off, she set aside her brooding for a time, and began to walk toward the newcomer. With a short, whispered song, she sent a wave of warmth running through him. "Glad to see a new face here." She smiled. "I'm Alaeha. "I apologize if I wasn't supposed to overhear, but my seat was nearby. I've found that the best way to prevent your thoughts from being forgotten is to write them down immediately. But I'll be looking forward to reading something of yours..." Without awaiting a reply, the SpellSinger returned to her seat, donned her cloak , and left. OOC: Welcome... Not sure there's much more to say than that, and what I've already said. So... *Hugs* Consider yourself thoroughly welcome.
I'm impressed... You come very well recommended... So... Just how much did you have to pay Wyvern to get his permission to use his name as well? Welcome to the Pen. Glad you're here. *Hugs*
*Hugs* Happy birthday, then. You're about a year and a half closer to being a nonadolescent than I. (Considering some of the 21-30 year olds I know, I'm not sure "adult" is the proper term) Enjoy what there is left of the day.
Heh, Beaver Stew... Cute. I know some guys who would try to tell a story like that... It's a fun poem, but the irregularity of it kind of throws me off. A bit of variety within the poem is good... but I couldn't even begin to tell, when I was reading it, whether any given line was going to rhyme with the next or the one after or not. It's got a lot of potential to be sort of a Silverstein/Seuss-esque poem.
Well, I never use porcupine, but it sounds good. I decided to take a gentle poke at Shakespeare. So here we go, it's my very own un-love poem/demented sonnet. Shall I... Shall I compare thee to a wintry night? Thine heart, methinks, is colder than the worst of winter's fury. Frost has much less spite than thou. Your rage is quick, and so you burst. Shall I compare thee to a frozen lake? Nay. Cold, perhaps, but constant you are not. We've had, we two, too much of this heart-ache, and yet you know not even what you've sought. Shall I compare thee, then, to summer's day? Your blood is warm, but yet you somehow lack a crucial part of beauty. All is gray within. So give my trust, and my heart back. I shall not give another symbol. No, for there are none that really, truly show.
Hmm... This one, if I may say so, is... odd. Were I to say something like that in speech, it would sound venomously sarcastic and biting... except for the last line or two. But if you'll take my vulnerability, I'd be more than willing to take your peace.
I answered the question in this thread too... but it didn't take, I think. I would leave, because I hate to force my presence where I'm unwelcome, and I don't like to be around those who are high on illegal substances. And if they wanted me there, that would be proof that they were high on something... Simple as that.
*Laughs* I want one of those banners too...
That sounds almost like me...
I've wanted to do this for a while... because I realized that I just didn't like my application poem anymore. So last night I finally sat down and worked through a complete rewrite of it. I renamed it as well, since the original title wasn't as fitting anymore. So you can consider this either a revamp of my application, or an offshoot. (The original is at http://www.patrickdurham.net/themightypen/index.php?showtopic=8515 , for those who want a comparison...) Possession Laying on the stony ground, she watched her life’s blood flow away. Without the strength to make a sound, she fought to hold the dark at bay. A demon banished long ago, regained his form at love’s expense. The girl’s love had slain his foe, but lost his soul in recompense. Then, as he’d bargained in advance, the demon gave him, for a while his faculties. A final chance to bid farewell, and reconcile. The man who sold his soul in rage rushed over to his near-dead friend, his loved companion’s final wage was drawing nigh. Then came the end. Before the man could speak a word, a light flared up within her eyes. Her final plea she cried. He heard and honored, forming mystic ties. She gave to him her final breath, which cast with it a mystic spell. Her spirit, cast out by her death, fought with the demon spawned in hell. The fight was fierce, the battle hard, yet in the end it was a draw. The demon stayed, but still a shard of human soul brought with it law. The demon with a human side left battlefields of many kinds. The paths were many, choices wide, He had within him many minds.
Hmm... I know a few people who need to read things like this... It's quite good. Very good, in fact.
Strange... being human has never really been much of a comfort to me... Took me a while to get started, but I like this. Looking forward to the next part.
Very, very nice... It flowed well, and you made good use of the rhyming. It wasn't quite what I'd expected from the title either... It left me a bit puzzled for a moment. I like this.
Odd... Hadn't thought of it as a fairy tale... Any one in particular that it reminded you of, or what? (Just curious as to why you said that) And... thanks, to everyone else. I'll try to make my next work worth reading, as well...
Heh, adding another poem while I respond to the first... Eh... not really sure what to say about the other... except for one thing. *Hugs*