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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Alaeha

  1. *Laughs* That does seem just a little bit edited... I know my twelve year old sister doesn't sound like that, or have even half the comedic potential. But on the upside, the article is well worth the read. Had to stifle my laughter though, since I'm in a public computer lab. I don't know, really... I love some of the old-ish games (Any Zelda, for example, is great fun. Likewise Final Fantasy, and Kirby was fun for a while) But I still like to get together with my guy friends and kick their Fesses (thanks for the term, Celes ) as Princess Zelda, on Melee. Who says girls can't fight? But then... I'm sort of a generation straddler anyway, in terms of video games.
  2. Happy Birthday! *Hugs*
  3. First poem I've done in a while... I was revamping one of my accounts somewhere or another... and wanted to put an acknowledgement of that change into poetry. This is what came of it. The first line is a bit odd... but the idea of a clock striking thirteen, to me, signifies to me that something isn't normal. It seemed fitting. It's Time The clock at last has struck thirteen, the bells have rung their final time. The curtain's closed. We'll change the scene and listen to the fateful chime. It's time, and as the echoes fade, the old shall flee; The new unfold. A new sun comes, and lights the shade and brings to light a wealth untold. Yet, just as it has always been, the dark remains. Not all is light. The treasures' guards lurk near, unseen within the shadows of the night.
  4. 1) A Pen Member Mr. Bunny 2) A distance A hop, skip, and jump. 3) A place in the Pen Salinye's Bathtub 4) An adjective sharp as a marble 5) A number e (It's a number... it's just irrational. approximately 2.14) 6) A noun Almost-Dragonic Margarine 7) A verb snorfle An adjective antedeluvian 9) A Color In the manner of Douglas Adams: Ultraviolent 10) A plural noun Cows 11) A material Post-dated swiss cheese 12) A type of light Infrared 13) A part of body the second knuckle of the left pinky. 14) A name for an underling Wyvern 15) An animal (plural) Manatees 16) An adjective graceful as a saint bernard 17) A height 100,000 micrometers 18) A cryptic phrase "When the clock strikes thirteen." 19) A verb flinch 20) Any phrase "I'll stab him with my Stabby Stabby Pencil of DOOM!"
  5. Ok... just figured this was might be worth a laugh. I was thinking about the differences between Saxon and Latin terms in english... and I got to wondering what the Latin term for the butt was. I still don't know, but I decided that Derriere was close enough, being the french term. (as I recall, it is, anyway) From there I wondered, since they have similar structures, what the name Arielle would mean. Since Derriere is the French term for De-rear, which comes behind De-front, it was a quick jump to decided that Arielle was originally the French term for a reel, something you use when you go fishing. But that didn't explain the name... so I thought for a minute and realized that when the French made it a girl's name, they must've decided that it meant "Fish Girl" or, if you prefer, Mermaid. That cast a whole new light on the whole thing with The Little Mermaid being named Ariel. So... am I the only one guilty of this? Or do other residents of the pen have wildly random thought processes when they get sleepy too?
  6. *Hugs* Good luck... moving isn't any fun... We'll look forward to your return.
  7. *Giggles madly* Well... it was just lying there on your desk unused! What was I to do? You got a good shot of me out of the deal...
  8. I like it... there's a lot of emotion to it... and I know how it feels. *Hugs* Giving up hope is never fun...
  9. Death is the moment in which your brain cannot be restored to activity. I've never really stopped to think about what happens after that... because to my way of thinking, it doesn't matter. The way I see it, if someone dies... then I can't communicate with them. If I die, then... if I cease to exist, I won't really care. If I'm reincarnated, I probably won't remember it. If I'm absorbed into some greater being... so be it. If a christian perspective wins out, then I'll go wherever the "you did your best" people go. I'll burn that bridge when I come to it. There's nothing, really, that I can do about it except to do my best with the cards dealt to me, so I don't bother to waste my time worrying about it. Sorry that I can't help any... *Hugs*
  10. In a certain masochistic way, I enjoy the sense of dread I always get in EQ when my little rogue walks right through the names NPCs in dungeons... so I know what you mean.
  11. Alaeha and Doomgaze's Haiku: Cold Reality Spinning all around, Into a world of beauty, Real and sometimes fake. Look into the lands of dreams. Look into the realms of life. Imagined wonders, Wishful thoughts, and memories. False, yet sometimes true. We are beckoned by hungers, That are so unreachable. Why do we desire? Are they simply in our head? Realities come true? Tantalizing images, Creations of our dreaming... Always out of reach, No matter how we struggle. Shall we, then, despair? Despair the loss of our hopes, Define what's real and what is not. Watch them flying by, Trying to grasp the fakeness, Of what we can't have. Fantasies, our fondest dreams, And adventures... our escapes... All are crushed by Earth. The cold realities of life Crush us in the end. We can never escape them, No matter how hard we try.
  12. Without society, culture, and rules, we would find ourselves in a new society, culture, and rules set up by whoever happened to take power first. It is the nature of human beings to form organizations, structures, and communities. Personally, I'd rather be led by an incompetent leader who's held in check than a ruthless dictator, such as Hitler or Mussolini. Bleh... I'm tired, I don't have the energy to candycoat this... so I'm not going to waste my time on it anymore... I just wanted to say that I don't think you'll get the rise you're hoping for here. If you're looking for advice on how to improve your results, I'd recommend studying Lenin and the Russian Revolutions.
  13. Might as well toss in pronunciation for Jirah... since it's pretty much a guarantee that at least 90% of us are mispronouncing it. It's just a tricky name... The J is the catch... I imagine it as sort of a "zh" sound, as opposed to an sh sound, which is to say that it's sort of an unaspirated, unstressed sh sound. The stress goes onto the ee sound that follows it. Therefore, given that, the pronunciation is as follows: zh-EE-ruh Vehl-see-r ... if that makes any sense. If you can't get the hang of his first name, then you can pronounce it Jeer-uh. (and no, the jeer is not a false alarm this time... )
  14. Sweetness! I wonder what it would take for me to get someone on KGMI or some such to call me a bitch... Congratulations! *Applauds loudly*
  15. Happy Birthdays! *Hugs*
  16. It wouldn't be a secret, even... because the secret would take half the fun out of it. I'd want it in my boyfriend's room... I'd be able to see him more often that way. *Misses him* Failing that... umm... crud. I don't know. I guess it's a good thing I don't have the option.
  17. Ok... since the original deadline on this is shot, here's my current plan. At this point, I've presented one piece and will try to find time around exams, holidays, and the like to put together another one or two... Ayshela and Gwaihir have performed... So here's the deal: I'm opening the door to sign-ups for this until November 16th. My official Quill Quest will then run until all who sign up either perform or withdraw. Those who don't sign up will then be able to steal the Stage on their own during the last few minutes of the show, or reminisce about the past as a song comes on that reminds them of something or spawns a thought. *Sends a significant look at Peredhil* I've currently got a list which consists of: Salinye, Alaeha, and hopefully Gyrfalcon. (Sorry to stick a deadline on this... I just don't want it to drag on eternally in the background. )
  18. *Hugs* Yes. Have a good birthday. Or else. *Hugs again*
  19. Yeah... I just wanted to sort of take a gentle poke at it... we were in danger of having a serious thread in the Cabaret room. *Hugs*
  20. Those of us who have read the works of the great Douglas Adams, however, all have the same understanding of Life (and the universe, and everything.) You've got a point. I just had to reference Adams... *Hugs*
  21. I'm up for taking a shot at this... I tend to ramble on more than a haiku will allow... but who knows? Maybe I can master the art of brevity? Sign me up for whoever's available, please.
  22. Just wanted to say that I took your challenge yesterday. While I was at the mall, I tried getting my bubble gum from a different machine (Fruit Cocktail, rather than Sour Power.) The machine ate my quarter without giving me anything. I later that evening decided not to give up, but to give it another chance. I dug another quarter out of my backpack (I was there waiting for my bus home) and looked at the little island of bubble gum dispensers. "Mint might not be so bad." I thought. It took me at least fifteen minutes to get the taste out of my mouth... I guess I'll have to try again some other time...
  23. Yeah... really, really, really not liking this whole snake thing... snakes are some of my least favorite things. Right up there with spiders. But I'd rather deal with a boa constrictor than a tarantula, myself. Easier to decapitate it than to squish something the size of a small automobile. I... think that I'll just stay conveniently inactive in the Fall Ball until somebody switches people back and all that good stuff.
  24. Ayshela trembled slightly, for a moment, as she finished her piece, and walked off the stage as quickly as her dress and appearance of grace would permit. As she reached the edge and faded into the crowd, she passed Alaeha. "You were fine. It was a good story." Alaeha whispered a reassurance as she took the stage once again. Having gauged the crowd's reaction to the show, her confidence had been restored somewhat, and the momentary stage fright she had suffered seemed a trifle silly. As she reached the center stage and addressed the membership of the Pen once again, her smile was unforced. "Our next piece will be perfect, for those who don't frequently visit the assembly room." She added, with a sheepish tone: "I'm afraid I'm guilty of that crime myself sometimes... "I'd like to introduce Gwaihir, our Deputy Loremaster, but I suspect that we all know him. On the offchance that some of our newer members have managed to go without the pleasure of meeting him, I simply mustsay that apart from being the Protector of all things Wiggly, he is one of our finer ballroom dancers, and he's an inspiration to us all. "Gwaihir will be reading a poem based on the song Daniel, by Elton John, and he'll be here any moment..." She trailed off and waited for the next performer to arrive on stage...
  25. Heh... The beginning of the song, at least, is relevant: "From the Bible to the popular song There's one theme that we find right along Of all ideals they hail as good The most sublime is Motherhood" - Tom Lehrer: Oedipus Rex. Sorry... I'm tired. It was the song I thought of when I read through all this.
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