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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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About Dakeyras

  • Birthday 05/05/1981

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Profile Information

  • Location
    Bavaria / Germany
  • Interests
    Fantasy<br>Heavy Metal<br>reading<br>Science Fiction

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  1. Dakeyras = 'DAH-kee-rahs' Dake pronounced like lake Dak = 'dahk' errr... whatever you can pronounce it the way you want it or the way you ever did it
  2. We had last weekend a discussion why people and the press talked of "kriegsmüde" (German) = tired of war when referring to the unwillingness of some European countries (old Europe) to participate in the recent Iraq conflict? Why didn't they say something like 'peace loving' why did they use a word which if one analysis it states: If the Europeans were a bit 'fitter' or something they'd happily join in and give Saddam a big whack. Just wanted to hear some of your thoughts about it
  3. Happy birthday!
  4. Happy birthday Jakob, ol' man. Didn't know that you've yours so close to mine /me wonders if the name still rings a bell in your mind
  5. Well, I don't know what to say... Firstly, sorry that I noticed this thread only now since I'm no regular reader of the forum... Secondly, thanks to you all Most of you probably don't know me very well so I'm doubly 'honoured' (can't find a better word but I set it in inverted commas nonetheless) in receiving your congratulations After such a warm welcome I've to make a point in coming there more often... well, that means more often than once every three months I love you all. *Hugs everyone* PS: Damnit now you finally managed to get me possting
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