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Everything posted by Psimon
White dreams ***************************** Crystal light through glass came streaming soften'd glow of maiden dreaming Hair of raven black fell there o'er alabaster skin so fair Of what she dreamt we cannot tell for dreams are where the heart doth dwell But safe to say her dream was true and fair to tell if we but knew On hearts of heroes bold and strong I'm sure her dreams did linger long with deeds of legend in the making maiden's promise lay for taking For love has won the day again into strong arms she falls and then her true love's kiss doth steal her breath and saves her from the grip of Death See how her breathing quickens thus Her hero's cause is true and just. And now you know I speak the truth of yearning love and golden youth. And so away they ride to sunsets plentiful and without regrets Two hearts in love have set to sail brings happy ending to my tale.
The days of blue sky clear *************************** The days are gone and past when looking to the skies from light we'd shield our eyes, the white clouds moving fast across the blue expanse and to horizons race - sun's heat upon our face. What giddying romance! Our lives are not that plain and simple anymore. The wolves came to the door and taught us Woe's refrain. Just who first burnt the sky is now of no import - all passed and gone for naught. In darkness - live and die. But still a few hold true to prophecy foretold of one who'll make us bold, to take back sky's of blue. And when that day arrives we'll lift our eyes and see our world again now free For this time our soul cries, the time not lived in fear. Days we look for, long for hope for, wait and pray for - the days of blue sky clear.
The man who had no face *********************** Night... 'Tis time I venture forth and know that none shall see ...lest they look upon me take measure o' my worth Pass unseen... unremarked to go about affairs Their ignorance brings tears their wit-wood surely charked Like unto ghosts I step Betwixt and 'tween the light This world and next doth bite release my soul once kept O' Fortune crease thy brow and see thy servant do not darkness wrought by you but good for kingdom's crown My life may fall beneath walk not this mortal coil Yet 'fore I lay in soil see evil in it's sheath This sacrifice I know compares not fair to thine O' architect divine accept it 'ere I go I've naught else for to give my life for sins I've done What joy, my soul is won I now begin to live My life is mark'd with grace my name of no import Let history not distort the man who had no face.
Applied Membership, 101
Psimon replied to Nobody of Consequence's topic in Recruitment Applications Archive
Ah, fair Potato Where is it that you go? Far from me, I know How I miss you so. Dear, sweet Potato Where is it that you grow? I once knew, long ago Now life is laid low. I'm sad, Potato Where do your seeds sow? Gone deep down below First love's all for show. Hungry, Potato That's what I am-o I ate so long ago come now.. quid pro quo Dirty Potato Was it all for show? You know you tease me so my face all aglow. Tasty Potato! I'll have you, you know. Your flesh will flow over my steel hoe. Hehehehehehehe.... Dirty little potatoses... where are you my precious? Gone?? Stolen we was? Yes... We know. Filthy little hobbitses... MY PRECIOUS!!!!!! GONE!!!!!!!! What? Oh, er... I mean, um, well yes... Good effort there. Yes. Good effort. Um, er, I liked the part about monkeys... and the part set in space. That bit was very good. Yes. Erm.. well, carry on. Nothing to see here, move along. A VERY entertaining read. Good luck and welcome! -
Vision Thing ******************** White. So small - almost can't make them out but they're there, swimming in a black sea. Colours begin to compete in this triathlon Reds, blues. So many shades and tones. So many competitors. Which one will emerge victorious? Who can say? Is it a fickle choice of the Fates? Or perhaps a random, infinite number run through a hash that makes the government look like a kid with a decoder ring? No clear sight of what they are. Particles or beams of pure light energy. Who can say? Then, in the blink of an eye they're gone. Obliterated. So sad. I open my eyes to look at you. So sad.
Ok... ok... it took me a while but I think I've nailed it to the wall here... Check it. Ninja-style The Gift ****************** I sit here still and watch my family and wonder much at all I've been given. Beloved wife with children 'pon her knee, a gift that surely came from God, not men - from wondrous place I hope one day to see. A gift most undeserved held me again - refused to let me go and nor do I wish to release it, let it pass me by.
Welcome *************************** Why have you called me? If I wanted to talk to you I would have picked up the phone. If you want to leave a message, which I won't listen to either, then leave a message. Otherwise hang up and don't call me again. Are you still there? Did you not understand me? What part of that did not get through to you? Are you simple or something? I'm amazed you can operate the phone at all. Look. I'm beginning to lose my patience. Go away! Don't bother me. I don't want to speak to you. I don't want you to speak to me. No, really, I don't want to... I haven't the time. Seriously. I'm very busy. I've a lot to do at the moment. You again? You just don't give up, do you? OK. But just for a minute. I can only spare a minute. Really? Is that so? Wow. I'm really glad you told me that. No, really. It means a lot to me. I'm glad you took the time to come over. When can we get together again? Next Tuesday? Great. See you then. Bye.
A wonderful piece Death. The final rush. You've painted a beautiful, bittersweet picture and it tells a thousand words (and then some!) Enjoyed it thoroughly. Thank you
Still ***************** So peaceful No sound to disturb the void No sound at all Anywhere. So very peaceful You would think there would be some sound anything, but no. Nothing I'm alone here Couldn't be more alone than this And that will never change. Just me, alone I won't change either Funny, really, how that can be so But there you have it Or rather, there I have it. So funny I'd laugh if I could, but I can't So I'll cry instead. I can cry in silence. Yes, I can cry in silence, alone in this place Just me and my silent tears So peaceful.
Small **************** Mummy? Please get up, Mummy. Please. Wake up, Mummy. Please. Hurry Mummy. Hurry He's coming back, Mummy. Oh please wake up. Don't leave me here with him, Mummy. Please don't. Mummy? I don't like him, Mummy. He hurt you, Mummy. I got angry at him but I didn't say anything. Cause you love him, don't you Mummy? You said you love him. After you shouted at him and he hit you and you cried and he said he was sorry and you cried and hugged him. You said you loved him, didn't you, Mummy? Mummy? Please wake up. Please. Don't leave me here... alone.
Faceless ************** You're drunk! No - wait... No, it's me. I'm drunk. Sorry. Couldn't help myself. Was just gonna have one but - well, you know how it goes, eh? Still. Not as bad as this other guy I saw. Geez he was messed up. Thought he was going to puke all over himself. No, hang on a minute... Oh shit. That was me too. Can't think straight. Sorry. Yeah. Just gonna have one. Just one for the road. To remember Dave by. Shame about Dave, eh? Yeah. Shame. Good bloke was Dave. Yeah. Good bloke... Killed by a drunk driving son of a bitch! Bastard! Poor Dave never knew what hit him. Still. Probably best that it was quick, eh? How did I get home? I drove... Least I think I did. Yeah, I did. I drove... home. Shit. Shut up! Ok? Just shut up... I'll come to bed soon. I'm not talking to anyone! Anyone! You hear me? No one! You don't understand. Don't understand at all. Not at all, you hear!? Not at all. No. I miss you, Dave. Miss you, little bro. Miss you heaps. Sorry. sorry, eh?
Well... For better or worse I've posted my verse. My entry is in let the waiting begin! But I must find a way to adequately say thank you to all who responded to my plea most despondent. Cheyenne - your response was so quick! It gave the others some stick. Wyvern - O' He Who is Almost a Dragon, your response was next in the wagon. Gwaihir - Elder of All things Wiggly, your edited list had me all giggly. Peredhil - Great Polite Ancient with my work you're most patient. Yes, I know these rhymes are sickly but hey! This was written quickly OK? To those who didn't respond.... Your names have been passed to the appropriate authorities... Expect a visit anytime soon... *KNOCK KNOCK* See... What did I tell you? J/k.. LOL You guys all rock so no probs
A good piece, almost self-mockery after a fashion... full of bitterness yet written from the 'wealthy' viewpoint. define "wealth" what is "rich"?
Long road ahead ********************* The long road ahead is waiting for you. It waits in silence, stretching for miles. It watches you with millions of cold white eyes. It waits for you, waits in black silence. It makes no remark as you pass by. No comment on how you look today. No questions, no "So, how are you doing today?" It will not pass comment on your choice of clothing, though black is the new red, nor will it have an opinion on your hairstyle or how your tears have made your mascara run. The road ahead is very accepting. It will accept all who pass over it, even welcome some to stop a while. Yes, the road is very accepting. It will accept the broken glass, the twisted metal, the splintered plastic. It will accept the bone fragments, the raw flesh, the blood drying slowly. Oh yes, the road is very accepting. It will accept the broken and twisted lives of your loved ones as they slip away to walk the rest of the way, alone. The rest of the way down the long road ahead. The rest of the way back home.
Love lost ******************** Oh, why can't you be mine until the end of time? No reasoning or rhyme why you cannot be mine. I just can't understand why you won't hold my hand. This isn't how I planned - just cannot understand. Cut loose this mortal coil. My hope all dashed and spoiled, is this for what I toiled? Oh, loose this mortal coil! Love lost and gone behind drifts slowly from my mind and answers not in kind. Lost now and gone behind. Night's falling, darkened times. Love was but now not mine to hold fast to the rhyme of twilight, darkened times.
I think it's ready ... Why **************** I turn around and see you walk away from me. I cry, how could this be that you could not hold me. I can't remember why I chose to say goodbye. At night, alone, I cry just can't remember why. No matter how I tried, I wept. Oh, how I cried! My arms are open wide, your love for me denied. Just can't remember why I chose to say goodbye. At night, alone, I cry I can't remember why. Oh, why can't I hold you? I walked away, it's true, now how will I get through? What am I supposed to do? I can't remember why I chose to say goodbye. At night, alone, I cry just can't remember why. I ended it tonight my sorrow taken flight. I held on way too tight - moving towards the light. Just can't remember why I chose to say goodbye. At night, alone, I cried I can't remember why.
Enchanted ****************** What sorrow in the blackest night could break apart the chain that binds me to heartless sight and cuts me deep again. In twilight hours the shadows come, sweet visions of my end. To lift my eyes to silver tome 'pon which my soul depends. The silence of forgotten worlds, remembrance past and gone. Winds swirl stark banner left unfurled Soft lullaby, hell spawned. Forest hymns drift slowly down from dappled leaves, enthralled. Give substance to ethereal crown to which no heir is called. Euphoria of wisdom spent in search of worthy cause holds fast to madness that was meant to keep fate from what was.
Ash to Ash - The Space Marines' Triumphant Return. *************************************************** Ash to ash and steel to rust. Rockets fire and engines thrust. How could we then have paused to trust when worlds collide and turn to dust? From worlds afar that I could see the rock of ages crushing me, and still I thought, 'How could this be? We can't believe this now, can we?' What are these urges, passing phases, rock us still from age to ages - leave us breathless? Blind cold rages, while history writers turn the pages. It left us cold, it left us still. And at that time we took a pill to save us from the ice-cold chill so we could take another hill. Heaven's fire we did descend. They stretched us all from end to end. We did not shirk, nor did pretend that this ideal could not defend. The innocents we did not pause to cast aside upon our cause, and triumphed to our own applause. We paid no heed to moral flaws. So homeward bound and so to rest, the celebrated and the best, in finest uniform were dressed and marched down streets at their behest. But eyes cast down amongst the crowd gave pause to glory, chests held proud, and cold black shadows softly shroud. The cheers have faded, once so loud. Face to face with all we've done. They can't blame you or me alone! It's not our fault, we were as one when we stepped off-ship with our guns. Ash to ash and steel to rust. Rockets fire and engines thrust. They look away in their disgust as worlds collide... and turn... to dust.
White and Black ****************** White ceiling marked in lines so small so uniform, so stark cries out for flies and insects all to come and leave their mark Black dots deface the purity, simplicity of being, that tiles hold tight in unity 'tis my bedroom ceiling.
Space Haiku *************** 1. Dark is cold and still; Ice formed around my vision clouds views of heaven. 2. In the void I lie; Chill of the night runs through me as softly I fade. 3. In the cold I scream; No one to hear me pass the dark side of the moon.
Worthless ************** My turn to feel this way. To hate what I've become or what I've been all along. A pack of lies and deceit. Just another nail in the coffin of the pathetic collection of moments that make up my life. Just another rusty nail. Caught in my own web of lies and made to see just how sick this life has become, my life. Ownership is all I have of it. Not control. Not even to be a willing participant in it. Just ownership. It's mine. Whether I want it or not. Right now, right at this moment, I don't. Don't want any part of what I am, of what I have become. A liar. A cheat. No longer a man. I don't want to own this. This bag of rusty nails to be hammered in one by one, one by one into the coffin. A coffin. Empty recepticle waiting until it's filled to the brim with death and decay. That's me. I'm almost full. Better get hammering. Can't face up to what I am, so I run and hide. Down deep in my cave. Don't have that much dignity anymore. Want to hide how worthless I've become.
I lie alone ****************** I lie alone. I wait for thee and in this darkened hour I call to mind the quiet times that sheltered me in towers. Providing for my every need, this solitude is fair to hold onto each thought it gives to me. The time I share. Thoughts like a child that runs away at moments when I call yet when I turn to leave they will come scrambling down the halls within my mind. Still cluttered now, yes, after all these years. The piles of thoughts and memories, the happiness and tears. And like a child the words will burst onto the pure white page and so each sheet is ruined by the babblings of the age. This was written at about 02:00am while I was waiting for news that my team had won the F A Cup (soccer)... Of course, they did win! YAY!!!! :woot: :woot:
By the light ****************** By the light of the day I saw in May the leaves on the ground no more can I say. By the light of the moon I saw in June The frost on the ground or so goes my tune. By the light of the embers I saw in September the buds on the ground. No more I remember. A silly little piece, but the children seemed to like it
The man on the moon ************************ I saw the man on the moon. The man on the moon saw me. The man on the moon danced and danced and danced until he was out of breathe. Again with the prose already! *smiles proudly* Spontaneously burst out with this little piece after he saw the full moon last night.
Download Times ***************************** I sit. I wait. I count the hours. Download times from ivory towers. It does not seem so fair to me that I should wait so long for thee. For you are just a data packet all wrapped up in binary jacket. No place to go except through lines and keep me waiting - download times. One day I'll upgrade, then you'll see. A big, fat pipe will set me free from small, restrictive copper lines - A cable link for Download Times!