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Everything posted by HopperWolf
" ... there must be some 'Absolute Truths' somewhere - else why would any of us even bother looking. " The very fact that we can percieve an existance must mean that there is ultimate truth. For anything to exist there must be something of substance to sustain it. and so, as definitions for these things must exist, even though we may not be able to use language to define it, the idea of them is definition enough, and so it is the truth. So, yes, Bud my man, there is truth. The problem with this anti-realism which you preach is that there is an ultimate truth, you are just chosing to ignore it because you can't understand it, you cannot see. The mistake is in believing that just because you can't see it, that doesn't mean it is not affecting you. (Listen up you anti-realists: Truth is relevant simply because at the end of the day everything is either true or false, right or wrong. it is not just subjective, it just happens that the subjectove is all we can be sure of in ourselves) But then again the scholars suffer from the same problem. In fact, that I attest this to be truth also faces the same problem.
hrm... and I was aiming for sonnet too..... nawwwwwww If they told you I'm mad, then they lied. I'm odd, but it isn't compulsive. I'm the triolet, bursting with pride; If they told you I'm mad, then they lied. No, it isn't obsessive. Now hide All the spoons or I might get convulsive. If they told you I'm mad then they lied. I'm odd, but it isn't compulsive. What Poetry Form Are You? they liiiiieeeeeeeeeed I tell you. LIED!
woohoo! Thanks As of next tuesday I might even be able to resume posting! Congrats to everyone else who got promoted too. This pretty exciting *laughs giddily*
yes, it's all been said. I just want to add my voice to all saying it.
actually, sonnets are not necessarily written in iambic pentameter... neother strictly have to apply. I bow to you on the case of topic though. I will say that it is generally accepted that all three are usually the case, however. That is why those such as Shakespeare can so cleverly do the opposite. He took a basic sonnet and turned it round to suit his purpose. Defying the standard though npt straying so far as to make it unrecognisable as a sonnet. The point being that a sonnet is not confined to many particular rules, but there are accepted generalisations. and when the poet strays from those it is usually to make a statement. As with mine and Rival's own examples. The idea was to emphasise the passion of the opposite. Using sarcasm in a pretty obvious way. Had I had the guts i might have even tried satire, but I rarely pull it off in poetry. Still, the general guidelines for a sonnet are so truthful [right word?] that straying from them bares a very rec ognisable significance. Just as it did for Shakespeare.
*sigh* I have this whole idea for a poem. I've written it down in narrative form and everything. Usually that jars some creative juices, but I cannot put it into verse! I can't think of any of the right lines. It's so frustrating and I NEED TO VENT! ARG! I haven't been able to write for a long while. Not since Beast I think! (I'd have to check that) But I REALLY want to write something. To create. And I even know what I want to create. I just don't have the skill to do it. so frustrating!!
I'll sy it too! hi and welcome. Though I don't know what lies they've been telling you about abuse *twitch*... j/k it's a great place here, and you are perfectally free to be yourself. At least so I have experienced It's good to see another new face see you around
see ya laters Shade. you can still visit... it's not like we gonna FORCE you to write...
I would say it not so much expresses that idea but stakes a claim. This girl is stating that she is a person too, she is unique and has her problems. But at the same time there is a sense of denying the very thing she is trying to communicate. she looks upon the crowd as just that, more of a swarm, if any identity is seen by her it is that of a single autonomous being. They all do the same thing, and she refers to them as a whole. No thought for who they are. But then, that in it's own sense, gives an equally powerful message about the human psyche(sp?). The idea of being higher and seeing the greater truth but still unable to alter the facts. It is not hypocrisy, merely human nature.
I agree, the writing is enthralling... you manage to hold even my attention http://www.themightypen.net/public/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif I really liked the rhyme scheme for the first stanza in particular. I wonder, what prompted you to alter the scheme for the rest of the poem?
I have that feeling almost constantly very nice poem
well, I'll say something. Innocence is perhaps linked in some way to ignorance. The suggestion is that experience forces an awareness upon people and the real world strips them of their innocence; it permeates through them and once they know they horrors of the world they cannot go back. Indeed, those adults who we view as innocent we also assume to be ignorant of the facts of life. [Don't know if anyone reading this is a Discworld fan but the basic original idea of Carrot's character was that he retained his innocence by closing his mind to the "obvious" truths of the world of crime, much to vimes' dismay.] I tend to disagree with this idea anyway, at least for the most part. I believe one can experience life and learn from it and still retain innocence, but people are often tainted. there is always some innocence lost, but a large proportion of what we would view as innocence in a person: Honesty, belief in true love, belief that there is good in everyone, well, that's something a LOT of people retain, and even find strengthened by what they experience. A lot is to do with perspective, how they think affects the way they see an experience. A lot of it is to do with the integral "character" of that person. Innocence can't be stripped completely through loss of ignorance. But there's a part of innocence that IS linked with ignorance (the innocence of a child who thinks he was delivered by a Stalk loses that innocence when he discovers what really happened between mummy and daddy) but most I think is not. the makings of a class discussion if you can get past the braiwashed attitude which you might not be able to...
congratulations again. you do pull off a narative style within your poetry that is hard to do.
hun, you have a great talent for literary imagery. keep it up. like the poem very much!
Make a Saga!! I hunger for a good saga. May even get around to one of my own some time
YAAAAAAAAAAY! DOTS! Hopper rushes around with a paintprush in his mouth putting big blue dots all over everyone he sees
That's very true. I hate the way society leans a lot of the time. Makes me feel creepy sometimes! Always something is sacrificed to accomodate such changes. Tis sad to see it.
awwww! great job. and it's easily worthy of these boards It's a very good poem
okay, I LOVE the use of contrast especially the line, "The Angel with wings of a darker feather" the conflict illustrated between intention and effect is one I am sure we have all dealt with. good job
very noir... you know, black and white bogart detective mood piece, but far more innocent. It works well, the dark around you while you stand in that light is quite symbolic, and so the mood of the piece sets of against that very well. great stuff.
I have to agree with peredhil. It's excellent but there is something when reading it that seems out of place in spots. But the imagery is wonderful! I would say that it is perhaps a little short for the content. it would make a superb ballad if lengethned slightly, or anm amazing saga if you felt like going allllll the way Just a thought though. I'd like to read more of it, so it's a selfish thought.
striking desperation. especially with this music I am listening to... Anyhow, I like the use of language: mixing the metaphysical ideas with the ordinary, everday realities: "He came along with these papers" for example
good POV piece. of course, if it's not a pov, and is a analogy for your grim affect on a person who become close to you (also came to mind) then it is equally as good. The use of language is effective for both purposes and I am totally wrong aren't I? but hey, that's what I see. care to enlighten?
The excentric is taken into society all the time, but society has a habit of MAKING it the normNever really understanding the significance of such excentricities. A Brave New World by Aldus Huxley illustrates this brilliantly, among other things. (A book you should all read!) Society is constantly looking to survive, and so when something out of the ordinary arrives, the society feels threatened and will either assimilate it or reject it. Still, look at the society around you and thing back 50 years, or even just 25 for dramatic changes. Things we see as perfectally normal now would be viewed as outragous in the past. Not that I have a point or anything... I was just pontificating.... what? stop staring. *runs away*
I like the savage imagery plus I'm a fan of rhyming schemes, they can add to the serious tone, or black humour. depends greatly on how you use it.