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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by TLDunn213

  1. Other metals of note. Titiansteel a bit of a misnomer as it is actually an alloy of titanium and tungsten. Nonmagnetic very durable and corrosion resistant. Not typically enchanted which is not really all that surprising as it is made almost exclusively by Morlocks who tend to be technological and psyonic rather than magical. Myrthriem is an alloy of Mithril and Darksteel. Only a few hundred of these weapons are known to exist. As they were made for the singular purpose of driving out the Demosidhe. A Demon Fae hybrid that came into being during the Great Fae Migration of the Forgotten Age. The Forgotten Age is forgotten on purpose and for good reason. For the Demosidhe can enter the dreams of those who know about them and can then use those dreams as a way to enter our world. I will say no more about them here least you become an unwitting doorway for their return. If you are determined to learn about them, there are spells and other protections to secure your mind and dreams against them. Make sure those are in place before continuing your studies of this subject.
  2. Feromantic iron is very magnetic. Such blades tend to become magnetic during forging. As to the effects of magnetic fields on enchantments. No one has really looked into it. There are no reports of enchanted blades made from other metals showing any magnetic properties. The exact effects of magnetic fields on enchantments would depend greatly on the type of enchantment and the purpose of the object and the reason for magnetising it. Brasium is non magnetic. In fact its non magnetic nature is a reason for its use in place of iron or steel in some cases. Brasium weapons are not typically enchanted but there are no reports on it being any harder to enchant than other metals. Darksteel takes powerful magic to enchant but once enchanted it will stay that way unless even more powerful magic is used specifically to disenchant it. There are no reports of anyone trying to magnetise darksteel but most likely it would take a powerful magnetic field to do so but once accomplished it would be practically impossible to demagnetise it.
  3. This a quick overview of metals unique to the Shardscape. Or mostly unique; as some of them, Brasium for example, do have real world equivalents. And given that I just mentioned it I'll start off with Brasium. Brasium is an alloy of brass and bronze; which is to say copper, tin, and zinc; with chrome and nickel occasionally added for extra strength and croesion resistance. Brasium is commonly found in places where such resistance is especially needed; and in places where iron is less available. Next we have feromantic iron. This form of iron is mined in the Underworld along the banks of the Styx and is therefore much more able to retain certain enchantments. Which is the primary reason for bothering with the stuff, as it is otherwise no better than iron minded from anywhere else. However the ability to incorporate magical properties makes Feromantic iron highly valued for the creation of Darksteel. Which is formed by adding a relatively small amount of finely powered dark fire crystal. The resulting material is not only able to store highly powerful magical energies it is also nearly indestructible. There are a few other items I will be adding to this list later. When I can find my notes on them.
  4. After some further research I believe I have found something of a pattern for predicting the probably of breeding true. The factors to consider are the compatibility of the magic involved in the creation of the founding members of the bloodlines involved. There were three different types of magic that were used to make Wyldings and Lyncanthropes. Divine and Arcane for Wyldings and Eldritch for the Lyncanthropes. With a few Lycans being created by Arcane magic. Oddly there are no known cases of Infernal or Demonic magics being used. But given how rare the use of Arcane magic was by the Yun-Xi it does make a certain amount of sense. And Yuuxath is not going to want his followers turning to other beings, Divine, Demonic, or Infernal. Which brings us back to the first point. Eldritch magic just doesn't mix well with other types. So, that seems to be the biggest factor in play. With the animal forms being the next factor to consider. And finally there is the matter of contamination from other magics that anyone in a given bloodline might have been exposed to. All of which is useful as a starting point. But beyond revealing how likely devation is, it doesn't really do much to help with predicting what form the devation will take. Moon phase, and other astronomical factors have been suggested, along with the local environment. And it is possible that these things are contributing factors. So far no one has kept accurate enough records for any reliable conclusions to be drawn. And with the majority of Ka-Jeen settlements being located on the lower slopes of the Dragonspine mountains western end. Otherwise known as the Fading Lands. Ruling out the effects of random wildmagic surges becomes practically impossible. As for Ka-Jeen living in other places where wildmagic is not a significant factor. There just aren't enough of them in any one place to be able to establish any sort of reliable baseline. So given that most Ka-Jeen A: Just want to be left alone. and B: Don't seem to care about what their children will be. I consider it best to simply leave them be. Of course if anyone does find a group of Ka-Jeen that want to be studied so as to have the option of trying to control the form their children will have; Please let me know. I would dearly love to understand what forces are at play and to be able to give the Ka-Jeen the opportunity to choose to influence the form their children will have.
  5. TLDunn213


    Are the Ka-Jeen a race? And, if so, what boundaries do we use for inclusion and exclusion? These questions pose a problem that is arguably even harder to sort out than the question of inclusion surrounding half elves and their fractional offspring. After all half elves and their kin can be placed in order based on how they look relative to their bloodlines with fairly good accuracy. Ka-Jeen, with the shape shifting nature of the bloodlines they spring from... It has been something of a struggle among scholars to come to the agreement that Ka-Jeen are a single racial type. After all having Grandpa dire wolf, cousin fox girl, and aunt house cat all in the same family is something that requires very good birth records and some verification by skilled bio-mancers before most people are going to believe it. Ok, for completeness, and the benefit of those of you who may not know what Ka-Jeen are or how they came to be. I will try to cover those details. Now keep in mind that there is no real evidence for any significant amount of iintermixing by dracons, fay, doppelgangers, and such like other shape-shifting types. And we are left with the generally accepted origin of wyldings and lyncanthropes interbreeding, with a dash of Wyrdlings thrown in. And it is worth noting that Wyrdlings as a distinct group are practically impossible to find anymore. As for those who raise objections about the intermixing of wyldings and lycanthropes due to their being on opposing sides during the war. Remember that the wyldings volunteered while the lycanthropes were victims of a curse. Well, most of them anyway. So many wyldings, after the war, devoted quite a bit of effort tword efforts to help the lycans bring their bestial side under control. Given the amount of close personal interaction required for such an effort it's not really surprising that many of them paired up. And of course the Druids and Shamans were in favor of this. Both because of the ability of the Wyldings to help the Lycans stay in control of themselves and because any offspring they might have would be much better off with both parents being able to understand how to raise such a child. Now as to the wide range of non shape-shifting animal forms that can be found among the Ka-Jeen; that is something that many mages, sages, and bio-mancers are still trying to figure out. Wildmagic is definitely involved to some degree, but beyond that rather obvious fact, there is little progress in sorting out the details of what form or forms a given Ka-Jeen child will have. Seers and deviners are sometimes able to foresee the child's form in advance but as to what forces are at play in determining that form...
  6. Wait...was that an arrow!? Pointing back the other way? Is this a sign that perhaps I've lost my way? And yet the road before me goes on as plain as day. But now there is this nagging doubt that I have somehow lost my way. Was that another arrow pointing to some hidden way ? The way is clear beforeme; yet I feel ever more astray . Wait... was that an arrow, pointing to a better way? ........ Next line: Have I lost my way ?
  7. Well that is what the tophat is for Beyond that I'm not sure how much resemblance you can get with just a skull. I'm trying for a pirate flag that looks like what the Monopoly Man would fly if he was a pirate.
  8. Thanks The logo I wanted was a skull with a tophat, and an eyepatch with a dollar sign on it and a pair of fancy walking sticks crossed under it. At some point I'm going to hand write out the cards on index cards and play test it assuming I can find both the time and people. If I have to I'll try playing it against myself or three player Me, Myself, and I 😁 And by all means feel free to make your own copy and play test it . I'm debating a couple of tweaks to what I have here but want to test this version before trying the other ideas. So I don't forget them. I'm thinking about adding a black market and having the Noping be a dice roll thing rather than automatic. Anyway if you do play test it let me know how it goes and any ideas you think might make it better.
  9. Stranger Things is one I hadn't heard of before. Not surprised it exist, just hadn't seen it. I think we have a make your own oply around here somewhere. So, yeah that could be a way to make the cards and stuff. As to play testing it I'm in the same boat as you with trying to find people to play with. As to selling and all that, I want to play it and debug it first. Anyway good luck finding players and let me know how it goes when/if you get the chance. And I'll post what I learn from playing Whenever that happens
  10. Possible name changes Skid Row. Rush Street The Orient Express Airport/Shipyard/Trucking Company.
  11. If you do try playing this, please let me know how it goes. Thanks And if you have any ideas for cards or thoughts about how many of some of them should be in the game; or any other thoughts/ideas about it let me know. I haven't had a chance to play test this yet. But I fully expect that it will need some tweaking. Any ideas about how to pitch this to Hasbro (assuming you liked it and think it would have a chance of selling) I'm mostly doing this for fun But given the number of Monopoly Editions that are coming out lately Why not give it a go ? I'm also thinking about putting in a system of Scoundrel Points. Who can be the Biggest Scoundrel? Getting away with a Dastardlydead would be worth so many points Nopeing would be worth some points But not nearly as much as getting away with it. Also thinking about having the Stocks go up in value whenever someone rolls that number. Winning would be about who has the most money including the value of everything they own including stocks and $100 for each Scoundrel Point. Getting Away with a Dastardlydead would be worth 5 Scoundrel Points while Nopeing is only worth 1. Exceptions will be noted on the card.
  12. Chance Go to Jail (-1SP.) Get out of Jail Free (+1 SP) Send Another player to Jail (+5 SP) Draw a Scoundrel card. Gambling Den. Place on a property you own. When another player lands here you both roll the dice High roll wins. Looser pays winner the difference between rolls×$100. This card stays until you lose a roll.(successfully placing this card is worth 5 SP and each win is worth 1. This card can be noped when it is first being placed) Brothel.(See Comunity Chest Tourist Attraction But $100 successfully placing this card is worth 5 SP and 1 SP each time you get paid.) Impersonate a Celebrity: The next time you owe rent play this card and that player pays you that amount.(+5SP) Stuck in Reverse: Pick a player (yes,you can pick yourself)on their next roll they move Backwards the number of spaces rolled.(+1 SP) Busted: You are caught running a scam. Pay $100 or go to Jail.(-5 SP) Take a cab: Advance to the next unowned property. NOPE. (Plays just like a skull up Scoundrel card.)
  13. I'm mostly using the Comunity Chest/Chance cards from the Cheaters edition. Several of which are the same as the originals Unless noted otherwise CC/C cards cannot be Noped. For now I'm going with just one copy of each card but that may change depending on how things go Comunity Chest Get out of Jail Free. Go to Jail (-1 SP) Send Another player to Jail (+5 SP) Offshore Bank Account goes belly up Pay $300 to the Bank or Go to Jail (-5 SP) Judge a Beauty Contest: Collect $50 from the Bank. DD(optional) receive $100 bribe to rig the contest. (From the Bank.) (+1SP.) P: forfeit the original $50 and pay $100 to the Bank.(-1SP) Draw a Scoundrel card. Teleport Fake Taxi. DD: Move another player to any space on the board.(+5SP) P: They move you.(may be used to Teleport yourself in which case it is not Nopeable and +1SP) Bailout (save until needed) When you owe more than you have in cash play this and receive $2400 from the Bank (+5 SP) Construction Zone. Place this card on any property you own. The next player to reach this space stops here regardless of what they rolled and pays Rent as if landing here normally. Card is then returned to the bottom of the stack.(+5 SP) Foreclosure: Return any one property another player owns to the Bank. Houses/Hotels stay on the board and belong to whoever is next able to buy the property.(+5 SP) Piggyback: The next time a player buys a House/Hotel Play this card and put one on a property you own for free.(+5 SP) Christmas Bonus: Advance to Go and take one Stock Number for free. If no Stock Numbers are available collect $500 for landing on Go instead. Tourist Attraction: Place this card on any property you own. Whenever another player passes this space they pay you $50. Return this card to the bottom of the stack as soon as someone lands on this space.(+5 when placed +1 each time you get paid) NOPE. (Plays just like a skull up Scoundrel card.)
  14. To save myself some typing Scoundrel cards: S Dastardlydead: DD (the rotten thing you are trying to do) Scoundrel Points: SP (the points you get for your DDs or stopping someone else's) Penalty: P (the price you pay if your DD gets "Noped" Comunity Chest: CC Chance: C Nopeing any Scoundrel card can be used to Nope a DD just present the card skull side up and say Nope when you want/need to stop a DD Some C/CC cards will have optional DDs/Ps The Cards Scoundrel Secret Auction Buy an unowned property from the Bank for $10 P: The Property goes up for open auction. Price Gouging Charge double rent P: They stay for free You pay lowest rent to Bank Go to Jail. Jail Break Leave Jail on your turn P: skip your turn. Pay $50 Squatter's Rites Place this card on any property that you don't own. The next time a player lands there You collect the Rent and the Deed to that Property. P: (can be noped when placed or when rent is due.) You pay highest rent and go to Jail. If Property was unowned it's up for Auction. Unlicensed Contractor. Put a Hotel on any property you own even if you don't have the full set. P: The Player who Noped you gets the Hotel Bounty Hunter When you are on the same space as another player Play this to send them to Jail and collect $100 from the Bank P: Pay $50 to the player and $50 to the Bank. You Go to Jail. Bank Heist Take $500 from the Bank P: Pay $1000 to the Bank. Go to Jail Identity Theft Move any Player's token to any space on the board.(yes. You can move yourself) P: The Player who Noped you moves your token to anywhere on the board. Skip out on Rent Present this card when rent is due to avoid paying P: Pay Double rent. Go to Jail. Stock Fraud Take a Stock Number from another player or the Bank P: Pay $100 to Bank. Go to Jail Pick Pocket Take $100 from another player P: Pay that Player $100. Go to Jail Trick Dice Move any number of spaces (2-12) P: Stay where you are. Pay $50 to Bank Insurance Fraud Return a House/Hotel to the Bank for double its cost P: Return the House/Hotel to the Bank and pay its cost. Go to Jail. Arson Remove a House/Hotel from another Player's property P: Pay that Player the price of a Hotel. Go to Jail Vandalize Place this card on another Player's property They can only collect lowest rent until they pay $100 to the Bank for repairs P: you pay the player highest rent plus $100 to the Bank for repairs and you go to Jail Incriminate Send another player to Jail P: You go to Jail
  15. These are the icons I'm using for Scoundrel (Both for the space and the back of the cards) Teleport Lottery I'll type in the text for the Scoundrel cards and the changed Chance and Comunity Chest cards later As to printing out the cards I'm working with hand written index cards for now but at some point I will try to find a way to print the cards and make my modified game board. But I'm wanting to play test it some before committing to making anything fancy.
  16. I recently played Monopoly Cheaters edition. Interesting concept but not really pulled off all that well. Anyway, I decided to make my own version. And I'm jotting down my brainstorming efforts here so I can get back to them later. Ok First up. Stockmarket: Game of Life has one and I've long thought Monopoly should too. So, while I'm tinkering around with my own version why not. So, how it works Land on Go and you get $400 (Because people have had this as a house rule for years anyway so let's make it official ) And you have the option to pay $100 to buy a number from the Stockmarket 2 to 12 and when anyone rolls that number you get $100 from the bank. You can only buy one number each time you Land on Go and only one person can own a number. You can sell/trade Stock numbers just like any thing else you own. Next Free Parking is changed to Lottery Land here roll the dice get that much ×$100. Snakeeyes gets you $200 boxcars gets you $1200 ect. One roll per visit. Getting money from Free Parking is another been around forever house rule So why not The Go to Jail space is now Teleport. Go directly to any space on the board; and proceed as you would getting there any other way. There are going to be plenty of other ways of going to jail, so we don't really need this one. Next up The two tax spaces are replaced with Scoundrel spaces: Land here. Draw a Scoundrel card. If no cards are available then Draw your choice of Comunity chest or Chance card or roll again. The other way to get Scoundrel cards is by rolling doubles When you roll doubles you have the option to roll again (as per original rules) or to draw a Scoundrel card. Ok That's it for the board for now Worth noting I'm building this with the original board. I want my railroads and utilities. Which seem to be the first things to go when they make a smaller version board. I might rename some properties for flavor and change a few prices as I'm getting rid of $1s and $5s for easier money handling. Might also change some of the Chance and Comunity Chest cards also mostly for flavor. Now for the big bit The Scoundrel cards. Each card will have some dastardlydead on it. Bank heist, Pick pocket, Arson, ect. Then there is the penalty section Being a Scoundrel is risky business after all The penalty will be a fine and/or going to Jail. The penalty is triggered by another player using one of their Scoundrel cards to NOPE what you were trying to do. Used cards go to the bottom of the stack. The stack may be shuffled at this time. In case it wasn't clear Scoundrel cards are played when you need them and can be held until needed with no limit on how many you can have. Now I just need to work out the Scoundrel cards themselves.
  17. I've got quite a bit of lore on Thuliens and other races in the Shard Scape Feel free to look around and/or ask questions if I didn't explain something well enough.
  18. After some thought and research the answer is both yes and no. Or really more no. Well...sort of... It is worth noting that the Illith phase of the Thulien life cycle is the only step in that cycle that cannot produce tadpoles or the eggs for them directly. And as the Nedrathul are simply a variation of that step the same is true for them. However Illith can undergo a morphosis into an adult or Elder Thulien which can produce the Tadpole stage. This process requires a potion which is encoded in the Thulien genetic memory in such a way that only Illith who have reached a certain point in their development are able to access. Nedrathul have a somewhat different biology from regular Illith so it is likely that a different formulation of the potion would be required. I have no reports yet of any Nedrathul undergoing the transformation but I believe it is possible. Although the potion needed maybe something that is still being researched.
  19. Let us now take a look at the Nedrathul life cycle and compare it to what happens when an Illith dies. We are not going to bother with the Thulien life cycle here as I've covered it quite well enough elsewhere. But it is worth noting that a decaying Thulien, of any type will provide an excellent supply of nutrients for the growth of Chaos fungus. A Nedrathul corpse does the same but also provides the spores needed to start a Brain fungus. Now what happens next depends on the environment and if the Brain fungus is being tended or not. If it is being tended then the results will be according to the intentions of the gardener. Now if it is growing wild the results are more up to the environment However if someone or even something that can serve as a gardener comes along and eats some of the brain stools there is a very good chance that the brain fungus will be able to establish some level of control over that being and then we are back to a being tended situation. So. What happens in that situation. Basically the same thing as when any other fungus person dies and gets planted. First some basic Chaos fungus form and with proper growth regulators new fungus people eventually appear and can take over the gardening duties. I think I covered the life cycle links between Chaos fungus and Fungus people somewhere already. If not I'll try to make a point of getting to it later. Anyway, the other side of the life cycle question still needs to be addressed. Can a Nedrathul spawn other types of Thuliens?
  20. A Nedrathul is what happens when you use a fungusman aka Sporanid as the form doaner in the Thulien morphosis process. Interestingly enough it was the fungusmen who first tried the experiment using a wild Cephalarack tadpole and an immature Sporanid for the attempt. In fact several were made at the same time as the full experiment was about observing what happens if an Illith has a childhood. Modified Chaos fungus combined with memory moss were used to create a brain fungus that could be used as food by the growing Illith children. The brain fungus proved to be simi-telepathic and able to share/store the memories of the children. And as the main part of the brain fungus is the underground mycelium, harvesting the upper brain stools caused the brain fungus no discomfort and it seemed to actually look forward to being harvested. This is likely due to the joy the children experienced at gaining new memories along with their meals. Indeed feeding was a group bonding event as all involved entered a temporary hivemind state during the meals yet fully retained a sense of self both during and after. Nedrathul formed in a more conventional way; that is an adult fungusman and a regular Thulien tadpole with a full set of imprinted memories; produse Interestingly similar results. That is a merger occurs. Unlike normal morphosis in which typically there is at best only one survivor. Something about the Sporanid physiology causes a merging effect the majority of the time. Nedrathul can eat brains and do hunger for them, but unlike their Illith counterparts they do not need to and thus can live and work alongside other races much more easily. Of course as it is nearly impossible to tell a Nedrathul from an Illith most other races are not particularly welcoming. On the other hand it is rather easy to tell if you are in an Illith or Nedrathul village as only the Nedrathul will have children. More on this topic later.
  21. More about Eric. He's closer to 10 than 6 but he's small for his age. Red hair green eyes. Surprisingly strong for his size and amazingly fast. Red hair and green eyes are not unknown in the village but are features seen on travelers much more than those that live there. He's also paler than most people. Not albino or anything but definitely lighter skined. Strange things seem to just happen around Eric. Uncanny good luck for him and people around him when he's in a good mood; which is most of the time. But equally Uncanny bad luck for anyone who is being mean to him.
  22. Nice to see you too. At some point I should have the kid take a closer look at the box that the magical Warior figure arrived in. Ornately carved. Dark, heavy wood of a type the kid has never seen before. Strange Magical symbols all over it. A folded piece of parchment under the figure. The writing is in Strange runes that the child has never seen before; and yet as he looks at it he is perfectly able to understand what they say. The writing of the figure is the same and only after looking at the parchment does he realize that he read it without noticing that it was in an unknown language. The boy is between 6 and 10. Small town. Middle ages early Renaissance feel about it. His bedroom is a small part of the attic above an inn/tavern. His family owns it, or he was taken in by the family that does. Taken in. Just showed up one day. Not sure how old he is, where he comes from, how old he is. Or even his name. No; he does know his name. Eric. The name came to him when he thought about it. But nothing else about his past has been willing to reveal itself, yet. All this is coming to me in bits so far and I'm just jotting it down. At some point, when I have enough information to work with I should take the time to organize all this into a more proper narrative style.
  23. I don't know why I can't reply to the Help post but as I can't I'll put my thoughts here. And because my mind just works like that, I'm linking the two ideas you mentioned in your email. The small child who finds the box under the bed. When he opens the box there is a carved figure, about six inches high, of a Warior in full gear. But not really ready for battle. The sword is sheathed, shield and spear strapped on his back with the helmet hanging by its chin strap from the end of the spear. The figure stands on a base with the words: "The Karthinian Giant" carved on the front. On the bottom is the instruction: "Place me where I can see and I will gard all that I can see." That's all the inspiration I've got on this for now. Whoever wants to try to take this further Go for it.
  24. TLDunn213


    Now to understand how we got from assassins and shock troops to the Xeth we have today one must understand how the Yun-Xi were defeated in the war. The main flaw in their plan was the part that they saw as the most ingenious. That is using the enemy as a source of recrutes for their side. And to be fair it is an effective strategy, as long as you are using a process that erases the original mind completely. Where they let their arrogance trip them up was when they tried leaving the original mind mostly intact. Erasing the personal details and relying on mind control for obedience as a way to get smarter better trained troops. The assassin/spy Xeth were the test run for the mind control part of this plan. If they could be kept obedient while passing as their former selves and betraying those around them. Then they could be counted on to remain obedient after becoming field commander warriors. A clever plan. But they were not expecting to abilities of the Wrydlings. I'll go into more detail about Wyrdlings elsewhere. But for now the important part is the Wyrdling abilitie to precive and break mind control. Along with the ability to restore erased memories. Not perfectly perhaps, but well enough that we were able to turn the tables on the Yun-Xi by sending their spies back transformed into their Field Commander state, but loyal to our side. As Warior Xeth are made to all look alike, and given that our turncoats were still able to both here and speak into the hivemind it was quite easy for them to pick off key Yun-Xi and destroy important installations. After all they were created to command the other Warior Xeth. Who were created to follow orders with out asking questions. Now once the war was over there was the problem of what to do with a bunch of free willed Warior Xeth that couldn't be changed back into the people they were before. Attempts were made and there were some successes. But there were far too many failures for it to be a reasonable option. The Assassin Xeth were a great help to their less fortunate fellows. Being able to assume their original form they were able to handle interactions with other peoples and thus make setting up a community much easier than would have otherwise been the case. The Morlocks and Sporanids were also very helpful. Providing both resources and trading opportunities. While some of the Xeth had been craftsmen in their former lives most were just Wariors. This however did not deture the Morlocks who were able to arrange contracts for hiring out Warior Xeth as both warehouse guards and after a time bodyguards. After all having a couple of Warior Xeth flanking you is quite effective at convincing most people to avoid messing with you. After a while the demand for Xeth Bodyguards became high enough that they were having to take people who were being provided by the customers and transform them into Xeth. Mostly Bodyguards of the Warior type, but every now and then was a request for an Assassin type. Over time the process was improved to the point that Assassin Xeth were able to change form in seconds. Making them quite useful when more discreet bodyguards are needed. The faster change ability does not come with out it's tradeoffs, most notabl are the eyes and skintone, both of which are just not quite human. The main enclave of Xeth is located in the city of Drumslow on the Island Continent of StriYa in the Southern Hemisphere. Given the Hive mind abilities of the Xeth and the somewhat questionable nature of the business dealings of the people who tend to want Xeth Bodyguards it is quite likely that the Xeth Enclave secretly control most of what goes on down there. Or at the very least know about it.
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