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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Ozymandias

  1. Okay, to recap: Day phase and night phase will be twenty-four hours apiece, or until all votes (or special PMs) are in. Day One begins now, and unless we get an rp streak rolling that would hurt by doing so today, I'll have all player characters met up by or befor eend of day phase. Roll 'em!
  2. Unless rp goes in a direction that would be hurt by fast forwarding at that point, I'll have all of you met up before end of day phase. Sound good?
  3. Wouldn't know, so I'm happy to negotiate. 24, or whenever votes are all in, then?
  4. (Oh, and we DO have a Seer. Beg pardon.)
  5. Okay, we lost a Mynx, so I axed her instead of a poor little defenseless NPC. More posts by me to follow as soon as you guys post some more. Sorry to do that to you, but as you can see, we're still in a very "back and forth" phase. Since we have nine players, I went ahead and rounded up to two wolves for our purposes. Hope you don't mind. \;>) Roles are PM'ed, and voting can begin as soon as you guys feel ready. Each day phase will be 12 ghours, or whenever everyone has voted, whichever comes first. Day phase begins now, so night will be at 3:11 AM, EST.
  6. Well, most BBS simply up your board ranking (longevity, board permissions, etc.) by how many posts you make, and/or petition. On the Pen, we do frequency AND a vote, which is based on what Peredhil said. (Plus, at rank of Quill-Bearer, it's done solely by Quill Quests, which are a highly specific form of petition)
  7. "What in...?", Alyssa muttered. She was suddenly aware of rushing feet behind her. There was no time for the favorite teacher in Lakeside Preschool to even cry out before she was borne violently into the wall by the sudden and painful twisting of her right arm behind her back unto the breaking point. "Miss Amanda Hall, you are under arrest for fraud, grand larceny, idenitity theft..." Alyssa tuned out the rest of the litany she'd been fearing since she started this quest, focussing instead on the blood in her mouth. I hope I wasn't the only one. I hope the rest of you run faster and harder than I did.
  8. At the tone, the time will be the first day of rest of your life, the scratchy baritone of an electronic voice scrambler declares. You think you're safe-you're not. Go to gate A1. Pick up another ticket from there. This one will be under your birth name. It almost seems as if the voice snorts after this comment. Get on the plane. Do not stop for food, or bathroom, and especially no phone calls, e-mails, or text messages. Avoid all policemen. If you see one man in a black suit with white shirt, black tie, and sunglasses, keep him under constant surveillance. If you see more, run. By any means necessary. I mean any. Remember- explosive decompression isn't like the movies. Other folks will not be sucked out of a plane by it. Keep that in mind. CLICK.
  9. I'm needing rest for m'flu bug, so I'll see youse with an NPC death tomorrow. Sorry. Ta! {:>)
  10. Excellent! And it looks like we may have yet more join! See you folks later today...
  11. (LM apologies- I am nursing a healthy case of the flu, thus necessitating the party being a day late.) This month, we welcome Da Yog Preprise and Guinea Pig "further up and further in", as Aslan once said. It's a pleasure and a privilege to have all of you! Now, some may say that three people just isn't enough. I beg to differ. We eat 'Three meals a day'. There are 'Three Little Pigs'. We give 'three cheers'. The number three is a major facet of celtic mythology. The world is 'animal, vegetable, or mineral'. Number Three helped save the human race from the Cylons. Archaeology tells us the three ages of history: Stone, Bronze, and Iron. "There seem to be but three ways for a nation to acquire wealth: the first is by war, as the Romans did, in plundering their conquered neighbors - this is robbery; the second by commerce, which is generally cheating; the third by agriculture, the only honest way, wherein a man receives a real increase of the seed thrown into the ground, in a kind of continual miracle, wrought by the hand of God in hid favor, as a reward for his innocent life and his virtuous industry." -Benjamin Franklin 'The third time's the charm' There are three face cards in American decks of cards. In baseball, there are three outs, three strikes, and three bases. Sigmund Freud thought the number three was phallic. A boxing round lasts three minutes. There are 'Three Billy Goats Gruff'. Earth is the third planet from the sun. Even American folk wisdom:'beg, borrow, or steal' 'blood, sweat, and tears' 'cool, calm an collected' What do you get when you add all of that together? Techincally, 51. More importantly- Three, you see, is small, but large. Never doubt your importance. Welcome to the rank of Page.
  12. Welcome, mon bienvenue, welcome! The more the merrier! Speaking of which, I'm holding off on *my* next rp post, because Kikuyu just expressed interest in playing to me yesterday, so I'm going to put in a brief hold whilst I make sure she has all pertinent info. Don't imagine it'll take long. (and may I say, my word, but this is a gung ho lot! And such graceful landings too! ^^)
  13. It begins! I'll leave the next three days, or until whenever you guys are ready for rp. Roles will be PMed to you Sunday. Sunday will also be the first NPC death. We're using original rules for this one, mate! With one tiny excption: in the RP, you can take the option of wolf kills NOT being done by your character, and done through highly specialized NPC actions instead. If you take that option you may have me write out your kills, or write for the NPC yourself the whole way through. Your choice. I'll tell you all about said NPCs when I PM the roles. Meanwhile, the best sites of reference for our little game: The official one and of course, wikipedia
  14. 'The loud wind never reached the ship, Yet now the ship moved on ! Beneath the lightning and the Moon The dead men gave a groan. They groaned, they stirred, they all uprose, Nor spake, nor moved their eyes ; It had been strange, even in a dream, To have seen those dead men rise.' -"The Rime of the Ancient Mariner", Samuel Taylor Coleridge ---------------------------- Wednesday, January 13th, 4:20 PM, EST 1999 The subject line of the e-mail was just enough to distract an already whirling mind. The act of clicking on it quickly brought distracting variety, including but not limited to the fact that the immediate presentation was not one of text, but a very grainy video of a fellow in full canary yellow mask and black sunglasses. His message is even more striking. "HEY! YOU!", he actually shouts, jabbing a blue-gloved finger fully into the camera lens, rocking the picture a bit. "Listen up, sweetcheeks. Today's your lucky day. Bored? Wishing for something a little different? Well, Edgelad.JPEG's your man. For what I am here to do is open your eyes with the mother#$%^&*@ jaws of life! I am about to jerk your chain like noone else ever has, or ever will." He gives the eerie impression of smiling through the yellow spandex. "Weird Al was right. None of this matters. None of it! This job, this house, this computer, money, politics, clothes, toys...NONE! You know that discomfort you feel at night when you can't sleep, and don't know why? You ever have that intense feeling of deja vu? You ever feel like these hands, that face, those feet, this life, isn't yours? You know how your skin doesn't feel like a part of you sometimes?" He leans in far too close, his face becoming shadowed and filling the frame. "You've been right every time. And I'm here to help you with that, but time's run out for lesson one. Here's your travel info:" Edgelad.JPEG leans back again, bringing a note card into the picture now. It has a list of names and addresses. The names seem to be those of people and of airlines. The addresses correspond with the airlines. "You'll notice that your name's on here, complete with airline." There's the smirk again. "I booked you and all the rest in coach, as package carriers for the companies' whose names'll be on your ticket printout. It's less conspicuous that way, and cheaper. All the same-" He removes the note card just ong enough to lean in far too close again. "I do hope you can lie your way out of a paper bag." He replaces the note card. "Write these down; don't try to print them out- you can't. The worm virus that I've tossed onto your rig'll frag it beyond all repair in thirty seconds. You. Need. These. Exactly five minutes after your computer dies (maybe four minutes, thirty seconds, maybe thirty seconds more), They'll be busting down your door, and you will NOT be seen again. It's because'a this e-mail. Sorry. Exactly three minutes after you disembark from your plane, you will get a PA notice of a telephone call on one of the courtesy phones. Vaya con Dios, pal. Five seconds."
  15. B-Call her from a distance.
  16. Happy Black Birthday to you! Happy Black Birthday to you! Though black isusually a colorassociatedwithdeath,emomusic,themiddleofhtenight,tar, squidink,themightymightybosstones,penguins, andatleastonesea,todayit'sassociated withaging,cake,birthandpreseeeeeeents! Hapy Birthday, Black9, to yooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooouuu!
  17. *strips naked and proceeds to run a lap around the Cabaret* YEE-HAW!
  18. Kewl. ^^ Game on, as of the 30th or ten folks, most definitely!
  19. Excellent. :>) Even if we only get one more player by the 30th, it shall be game on!
  20. ...really wished God wasn't so eager to help you become more patient? ...accidentally braided something? ...given up gasoline in favor of taffy?
  21. W00t on ya. :>)
  22. Don't say I ever skimped on the cavities. :>)
  23. Ask, and ye shall receive. (seriously- it's the signup!)
  24. Where do babies come from? Why is the sky blue? What are ghosts? What is deja vu? Why does all meat taste of chicken? Why do we dream? It is our world. It is 1999. You wake up, you get ready for your day, then you work, you play, you finish. You go to bed. You get up every day and do this. Something seems fundamentally wrong, though you've never been able to put your finger on it. Until Wednesday, January 13th, 4:20 PM, when you get an e-mail that changes everything. This is the beginning. Who you are and what you do with it is up to you. (signup will be open until January 30th, or until we get a definite group of ten or more, whichever comes first)
  25. *passes out blue, sparkly cakes to all*
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