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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Elvida

  1. oh cool! freaky_elvida@hotmail.com
  2. yeah that one was great.i give you two thumbs up.
  3. the person above me is an ancient friend of wiggly cabbages.
  4. evil is good.the person above me knows that im evil. and that vampire is gibbled.
  5. YEAH!!!!!1
  6. hehehe
  7. oh yeah...
  8. erm...yeah.. it was great.nice.COOOL!!!!!
  9. I hate little kids.I love scaring them.hehe.their EEEEEEEEVIL!!!!!but im EEEEEEEVILLER!!is "eviller" even a word? *ponders the meaning of "eviller"
  10. heh...uh.......it's a vampire thing.......*looks around and runs away*
  11. *slaps Tass* get away from his pockets.*then turns around and looks perfectly innocent*yeah....welcome.
  12. no......i like Limp Bizkit.
  13. crude humour can be funny...and so can cleverness...it all depends on how insane you are. *sitting in a corner screaming her head off*SOMEBODY GET ME OUT OF THIS BLOODY STRAITJACKET!!!!!!! *bites the psychiatrist
  14. *walks in*YAY!!!a room without the evil chicken!!!!!
  15. hehe.the person above me is...well.....me. and the person above THAT likes NIRVANA?!?!?!?!*stares*freaky freaky person.......
  16. chocolate is COOOOOOOOL!!!!!!
  17. READ my profile then!!!lol The person above me has the same last name as a vampire on t.v.lol Angelus is COOOOL....and evil.lol :D:D
  18. yeah well that was ELVILIA!!!Elvida is better.*walks away with her nose in the air*
  19. meh.Elvida is cooler than the stuff on there....
  20. the person above me said something about the person above him
  21. * :woot:
  22. *evil grin* They like me...they really like me!!!!!
  23. FUZZY WUZZY WAS COOL!!!!*looks at the staring people* what?
  24. whoa.....issues......
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