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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Aldeen

  1. This is something I wrote a while back. It is an inspirational tool of sorts. Whenever I need to a little mojo to get me in the mood for fragging, I turn to: Biting the hand that feeds TD Young Petty pleasures bring me nothing but pain, And the simple joys drive me insane. Fools are trapped in pointless lives. No man lives, but everyone dies. The world we're given is a prison unseen, And all our lives, we'll never be free. Their laws destroy the weak mens' minds; The truth lies hidden behind their blinds. It's a zoo they've made and we're on display; The time has come, I'll lead you astray. Bite the feeder, his fodder is foul. Look him in the eye; give a fearless scowl. Our minds are the key to kill the keeper. Together we shall deceive the deceiver. The walls will fall when the mind wills. You're the victim, unless it's you who kills.
  2. Greetings all. My name is Aldeen. Perhaps some of you already know me from my rantings over at the Legion of the White Rose. More likely I am a stranger to you. In either case I've been led here by Goodly Peredhil, many thanks to him for the invitation. At his behest I have posted for your comsumption a little something I threw together. I am breaking edicts set down for me by every writing instructor I've had by exposing my first draft for public consumption. However, such is the pace of things these days that I am both hardened to technical critique and in haste to move on to the next thing.
  3. May Mr. Lucas forgive my infringement upon his copyright. I hereby offer unto him all proceeds I have made from this verse thus far. Please be gentle, it's my first time: Ode to the Sky Walker On feet of fire you tread where None since Icarus dare. Neither for vanity nor pride But for intrepid spirit And the knowledge of Man. Upon the Heavens attained, You spread large your wings And glide upon the light of stars. Bask but for a single moment In the awe of what you have seen. Your desire not merriment But the furtherance of Mankind. Upon this mantle rest your souls For the Creator to keep If such be His will and desire. Roll ye downward steady Soaring high yet upon the sky, Gliding towards your final home. ‘Tis selfish to covet you back For higher yet your spirit belongs.
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