Kokuryuu Flameshifter
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Everything posted by Kokuryuu Flameshifter
Disillusion Alone I walk, always alone, I stand in an empty room unable to move away, Alone I am always alone without another like me, I wish to be a person, right out of my reaching grasp, I long to better myself, express my creativity but I cannot do it alone, But alone I still am, How do I change this feeling, this longing? I take a step towards one direction but I am swept back by a torrent of questions, I stand alone in the breeze, To the north my face turns and the warmth of a bright light floods over my face, It is a strand of hope, I reach for it but I am yet again cast down to my abyss, I am unable to move, I am stranded, lost within myself… -Ryuu :dragon4:
Well you see, none of them are as "up-beat." -Ryuu :dragon4:
“Believe” Hidden between bush and tree, Lives a word for only attentive eyes to see. There, hidden beyond, the dwarves dwell, Mining for mithril and gold to sell. In mountains tall and mighty, There are cities both tall and tiny. Here is a world people speak not of or do not know, Still their realms shine and glow. Hobbits jolly and round, Burrow in both hill and ground. Joyously their children play, While the elders puff the day away. Eagles pass leisurely in flight, Swooping down to a wizard’s might. His arm stretched high to the heavens, He is remembered only in tales, myths and legends. Laden with age and wisdom is he, Eyes seeing further beyond than others see. He joins the tables of the Elven lords, Who sing and chant wielding shining swords. O joyous are the elves full of light, Bringing comfort in a hopeless night. Their bright eyes and shimmering hair, Bring overwhelming warmth and care. More graceful with every leap and bound, Their wonders reside in realms unfound. Their sun ripened hair flows from heads held proud, For they are masters of sea and cloud. Harvesters of land, keepers of nature, rulers of both weak and mighty, riders of the wind and rolling thunder, Through their voices tolls the heavens’ wonder. Linked to all, Both hidden and tall. Through the woods they prance with the Ents; shepherds of trees, However, even their wooden hearts grieve. Their endless search for the Entwives pierces their hearts, Far and wide, they have searched through all parts. Though not in the land where shadows lie, For not even Elves there tread, less they wish to die. Where Orcs lurk and prowl, On the Misty Mountains there are creatures foul. Creeping in the dead of night, Eating innocents brings them delight. Although all is not well, In this world many still dwell. For it has existed since the first sun age, Even through Minas Tirith’s siege. Battles rage and in the end I stand alone, Within a world to some still unknown. Was it all just a wondrous dream? O how real it did seem! Or is it that without more than one believer, This world cannot linger…? Yeah, ok, I know I stink at writing rhyming poems but this was a good attempt.... *weak smile* -Ryuu :dragon4:
Kokuryuu becomes dotted for reading the poem Nice...... I like dots.... EXCEPT for these.... grumbles and licks at the paint.
Kokuryuu bows Thankie, thankie. -Ryuu :dragon4:
My impression of him..... KOkuryuu clears her voice and starts to talk in an australian accent Kryckie! (sp??) Look at this beauty! Let me just stick my foot up 'er @$$ and see how far 'er teeth sink into me! WHOOWIE! LOOK AT THAT!
I've always wanted to start playing this game but the problem is I know close to nothing about it... Thats why I ask you all! Can anyone tell me how to get started? -A rather clueless Ryuu :dragon4:
I want to start a RPG so, here goes...
Kokuryuu Flameshifter replied to a topic in Conservatory Archives
Rage. Fear and rage trace through my mind, numbing out pain, blinding me to others aropund me but the green. He has to die, no way around it. I twisted my body straight and launches myself, claws brandished, with my powerful hind legs. I caught him off guard, just as flames licked his face. My front claws found a grip around his upper neck and I knock him down with my momentum and hind claws. He fell back, unguarded but met my attack with a thrusting motion of his back legs into my gut. I barely noticed. Fear and anger drove me. The half-elf jumping to safety anf the gold-bronze dragon backing off were oblivious to me. I had only one purpose, to destroy this former friend. I find purchase as my fangs dig deeply into the softer scales of his throat. He screams in torment and pain and I find myself being clawed at, my silvery black scales raining off my sides. I rake down on his sides, sending emerald scales mingling with the black. "I will kill you!" I scream with an oath and bite down on his muzzle. His blood stream out along with mine, making the rocky out cropping very slick. I dig my back claws into the stone to keep from sliding. We grapple with eachother, both on our hind legs, clawing at eachother like cats. Our claws were locked in the next instant and I arches my neck back, dodging a bite from his massive jaw. I snake my face down and open my maw, releasing black flames with an acidic quality. His face contorts and scales melt and sizzle, blinding him. I unlatch myself and charge agina on all fours, using my wings to propel me forward. I've lost a lot of blood and it soaks the ground, but so has he. With a last swipe of my claws, I rake down hard on his underbelly. The supple and softer scales break away and the force of my charge makes him slip back and start to fall. He's reached the edge... Well a terrible cry of outrage and pain, he falls back off the cliff face. He tries to flap his wings but they flutter uselessly and the softer membrane holds no wings, for the tears I made in them. He falls with no way to catch himself, his back slams on rocks but I avert y gaze.... I don't want to know how it ends... I tell myself. I crawl back form the edge. I raise my head in a victorious roar. Then my strength gives out and I flop on my side, blood spraying and puddling around me. My form shimmers into the ahlf-elf, bloodied and broken. I lie there, passed out. OOC: I want to appologize for the many many MANY mistakes in this post. i have not the time to correst them.....Bear with me please! -Ryuu :dragon4: -
I want to start a RPG so, here goes...
Kokuryuu Flameshifter replied to a topic in Conservatory Archives
“Beyond the fact that your green friend over there looks like he wants to eat me slowly and I’ve nearly fallen off about ten times? Not much.” Gyrfalcon retorts. I snort at the half-elf. My delicate nostrils quiver as a scent fills them. The scent of...Death. They tingle as the horrific yet tantalizing odor. My head swims slightly. The scent is very strong and ominous. What could he be leading me to? I can't trust him. Flying close to Deleo he smells it too. His head rears back as the scent of living is replaced by nothing but death and decay. He rears his head back in disgust and a low growl emitted deep in his throat. Gyrfalcon shifts uncomfortably. I stop and land on a ledge and shy back from the overwhelming scent. It is my curse to not condone it because of my silver blood. Bix looks back, a myschievious glint in his eyes. I don't like this. Not one bit. "Get off." I tell Gyrfalcon gruffly and shake him off. "BIXELINTHRIX!" I call out and growl. I leap over to where he is landing leaving the half-elf anf gold behind. He eyes me critically as if trying to size me up. "What is going on here? I don't think this is the way..." I look around cautiously, a shiver slightly and send my scales and spikes bristling. My tail twitches restlessly behind me. "I don't like the feel of this place--" "Don't like the feel?" He inturupts. Then laughs loudly, boomingly. "I would have thought the ground of your father wouldn't bother you! But I suppose that mother of yours--" "Shut up, Bix. Stop talking now." I snarl. "I don't want to have to scratch that grin from your bloated face!" I lower my head in a silent threat but he seems to just get delight from the moment. I growl loudly, lip curling back from my sharp row of silver fangs. He grins more and steps forward. "We used to be friends, Kokuryuu. Allies. But it seems to me that you've gone soft. You have lost all shreds of black blood in your viens, haven't you? You've become just like them! Just like those soft-hearted, mortal-loving METALLICS!" He released a small spurt of green poison into the air to embellish the last sentance. That was it. I didn't stand for this any longer. I lashed out with my foreclaws, catching the side of his face adn sending small emerald scales flying. He turned his face back and growled, arching his neck and releasing the blast of poison in full. I small bit of surprise crosses my face as I go to step out of the way and find myself on the very edge. The poison is ever approaching and I have no time to react. Launching myself shakily into the air is the only way to escape it but I realize a bit too late where the blast was actually headed. Deleo, Robby and Gyrfalcon... I watch in slight horror thinking what might happen to the mortals; they'd surely die. But Deleo is quick-witted and its a good thing for them. He thrusts out a wing, blocking them from the fumes and then flaps them wildly to knocks the poison away. He goes to attack as well. "No, stay and protect them. Leave if you have to, this is my fight!" He nods and stays back. I dive at Bixelinthrix and makes a snap for his neck. He counters with an upper cut into my jaw, I bite down hard, cutting my tongue. The warm and salty taste of blood flows through my mouth. I spit and growl, sending flames of black straight into his face. He rears back, momentarily blinded as the charred scales rain down. I take the chance to claw at his neck and chest. I go for the softer underbelly plates and I find a hold around his neck. I sink in my teeth but he doesn't need his eyes to find me. He hits me hard in the ribs with his tail weapon; a fanned out arrow-shaped spike. I roar in pain, realeasing him and I am sent into a sharp outcropping of rocks. My sides burn with pain. I fall in a heap, watching him approach menacingly... OOC: Gyrfalcon, here is your chance to attack with your katana! -Ryuu :dragon4: -
I want to start a RPG so, here goes...
Kokuryuu Flameshifter replied to a topic in Conservatory Archives
:dragon4: OOC: I just found this.. *glee* :woot: These are fun... "Not a clue. Bix was my friend... But these days.." I shrug, jarring the half-elf from his position again. "Can't you find a better positon" I snap. Bixelinthrix pulls far ahead of us. He stays quiet and ominous. So far we've stayed on the course I was already headed in but now he duck to the left, tucking his wings in close and pulling his legs tight against his body. He plummets down some what and swoops low over a ridge. I watch skeptically and Deleo rears up next to me. I give him a glance of confusion. Maybe he's been this weay before. He shrugs. "Get in close, Gyrfalcon." I tuck in my wings, making my body very stream line. The half-elf ducks down behind a spike and I begin to drop like and arrow. The wind whistles through my ears and I pull up just before hitting the ridge. My wings billow out and I lower a foreleg just incase i have to push off the stop the momentum. Bix is way up ahead, an emerald on the horizon. He passes through a hold in the ridges. This is going to be interesting. I'm up to high to get through without scraping my horns so I flip over. Almost too late I realize the half-elf is still on my back. I make a wild grab at him and place him on my softer underbelly and fly though just missing hitting the craggy rock. He looks bewildered. That was close... I offer him a grin and ask,"What, did you think I'd drop you?" I laugh but a bit too shrilly. I almost DID drop him... Deleo pulls through with more grace than I did, his body is smaller than mine. I snort a billow of smoke out. Bixelinthrix stops ahead of us. i wander how his bulk got through that hole. "Are we almost there?" I ask becoming level with him. "I have no memory of this place." "Yes....Almost. Where have you been? With the metallics no doubt. I thought you lean towards your father's side..." The green spat. I growl. "I do what I please. Where I am lately is nothing of your concern. We may have been brood mates but it matters not. I have both bloods churning in my viens and I feel compelled to help now and then..." I turn my head and add; "No matter how much it sickens me..." We both fall silent. I drop back to Deleo and Robby. "We are almost there. Any problems?" -
Hehehe. Dancing cabbages... Hehehehe. Hamster music. You people are funny.
I want to start a RPG so, here goes...
Kokuryuu Flameshifter replied to a topic in Conservatory Archives
OOC: Dude, this board is great! OK Anyhow, I am sorry I haven't been around. I couldn't get to this board for a while Too bad they don't have a black dragon. Um... Thank you Gyrfalcon for putting in that piece of mine. It JUST let me post it on the other board when i find out that there is a new board! GAH!