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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Kokuryuu Flameshifter

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Everything posted by Kokuryuu Flameshifter

  1. "Well let's get going.." I said wryly, starting to walk forward. He follows and we enter a crossway which will lead us to the Lord Mayor's quarters. I noticed a leak in the stone. Apparently the outside was the only vanity of the castle. Water gurgled out and spurted across the hallway. I curled up a lip in a sneer, observing my surroundings. "This place is just lovely." I pointed out sardonically. "What did you expect? Sure, it may be beautiful outside, but that's only to attract people. They could care less about the inside." The mage answered. I considered this and muttered in my hissing language. "what was that?" He asked me. "Nothing," I played innocent. "Uh, Draco's idish...." "Now that I heard. What is so wrong with this place?" "Look, there are rats running around. It smells horrid and the water isn't even clean!!!" My delicate nostrils quivered at the odor. The mage just sighed. "Then let's stop stalling, c'mon." He started up the stairs, his staff thudding softly on the ground. I began to follow but stopped, blinking. I watched him for a moment and bit my lip in silent thought. I shrugged and followed. It took more time finding the Lord Mayor than getting to his quarters. We sat in his room waiting to hear form him. "I don't suppose it bothers him that we are waiting..." I snorted impatiently. The room was large and there was certainly lots to do, but one gets bored staying in the same space for too long. I shifted my weight from foot to foot, amrs crossed across my chest. The mage reguarded me funnily. "Why can't you be patient for once in your life? I thought most dragons don't live life day by day..." "Well, I'm not most dragons! I am me. I'm unique." I stated and stuck my tongue out. Just then the door swung open. In storde a short plump man wearing yellow robes of state. His head was shiny with no hair ontop, but the hair around the side of his head was a steely gray. He had a grey-white mustache and beady black eyes. His face was flushed a pinkish-red color and her walked in quickly. "PLease, sit, sit! Sorry to keep you waiting! I am the Lord Mayor of Crystlin, Farren Grimsha. Please, please, sit." He motioned a pudgy hand to a table with 4 chairs around it. We walked over and seated ourselves. "Lord Mayor, our briefing please?" I tried to hurry things along as the pudgy lord mayor screamed out for a servant who skidded into the room, carrying ale and mugs. The lord mayor paced nervously, as was his way of things and started to talk, stutteringly...~
  2. We turned to the gates of the city. A large portecullis is anchored to the ground made of cross-crossed metal. The city gates rise high in all white marble, backed by knights and hired men. Towers of swirling white marble, laced with silver and gold trim grace the lordcity. My eyes wandered to the castle, a beautiful structure of hewn stone from the dwarven mountains. A gift given to the lord of Crystlin many years ago in the formation of a pact. The city would not expand into the northern Thinron Mountains and Crystlin would make a stronghold in the Mountians' pass. The Hold of Bakeras. We called up to the gate guard and requested entry. The portecullis opened and I ran through cautiously, never really trusting human arms for supporting such mechanisms. "Well, which way is it now, Dis? I see the castle, but how do we get there. I still don't understand human passageways."
  3. Two figures walked down the dust-covered dirt road. They came with no carts, no wagons or big bags. One was laced with pouches around his belt and a bag at his side. He carried a staff; it glowed with a soft yellowy light where a crystal was embedded in the top. He walked next to a shorter figure. It was a female, she was slight in frame and lithe and rather lanky. She had a mass of gold-brown hair tied at the back of her head and amber eyes shone in her head. She had pouches laced about her person though she only wore breeches and a loose shirt. She serveyed their surroundings and sniffed the air. "Think we're close yet?" She asked the man next to her. She looked up, scratching her tanned arm and pulling loose strands of hair behind pointed ears. The man next to her pulled out a map and unrolled it. "We are on the way to Crystlin. We have to follow this road and then the next and we should be there." "Go. Say, do you think they'll be a lot of gold involved with this job? I'm thinking of making a new lair around here." She poked him in the ibrs with an elbow."What do you think?" She chuckled and pulled ahead.~
  4. Sigh. Time to leave finally. The day had broken over the horizon but Deleo was not to be found. I sauntered over to the two men and nudged them awake. A soft growl indicated it was time to rise. But no, Gyrfalcon lay sleeping still. My nose twitched in irritation so I walked over to Robbie and butted his shoudler with my muzzle. He got up and began to do whatever it is human things do in the morning. I didn't really notice because I turned to the next thing at hand. Rousing the slumbering Half-Elf. I padded back over and began to butt him as well. He didn't get up. Stupid magically-induced exhaustion! I grumbled and released a silver-white claw. I dug it gently into his arm and rumbled in a purr. I ran the claw slowly over his skin, not drawing blood but pressuring it just enough so that it would hurt. he winced in his sleep but didn't wake. Hnnn. "Well then," I said. "You mortals really do sleep too much. You remind me of my red cousins!" I nudged him so that he was almost flipped over. I felt him move. good. "About time..." I grumbled and hovered in his face, amber-gold eyes staring at him, waiting for him to truly wake. -Ryuu :dragon4:
  5. It was not you baby!!! XP Hehehehe. :woot: I'm gonns post our rpg here, if you don't mind... -Ryuu :dragon4:
  6. One question... Why couldn't I just fly over the area? Hm? XP J/k. Nicely done! -Ryuu :dragon4:
  7. Nice enterance, Dis. Can't take you anywhere, can I? Anywho, welcome finally. And OOC wasn't so bad. XP Kokuryuu grins and laughs Welcome my friend! -Ryuu :dragon4:
  8. Kokuryuu puts a paw out to the tiny kender and grins Deal. :-P -Ryuu :dragon4:
  9. Baby steps for a Dragon... Does that happen??? -Ryuu :dragon4:
  10. I padded over to the ledge were Deleo dropped from. What was his deal? I didn't understand it. He seemed like he was asleep a minute ago... I sat on ym haunches and peered over the edge to see the gold-bronze dragon finally catch air in his massive wings so he wouldn't simply splatter on the rocks below. I purred softly watching him. He belonged to one alignment, why couldn't I? The rumbling in my chest stopped and I looked up at the moon, the beautiful moon. I lay down, head on my paws, amber eyes reflecting the moon. I watched the stars peacefully, hoping to fall back asleep, but the unsettling mood of the male dragon made me restless. I hung my head over the edge and sighed. I yawned, silver-white fangs beared. My tongue rolled and I strecthed still watching what I coudl see of the flying Deleo. I relased and retracted my claws again, kneeding the ground near me and looked back to see if Gyrfalcon was up. My nose twitched and I paced back over. -Ryuu :dragon4:
  11. tas it is then, dear kender. now i've got to get people tp call me RYUU! Kokuryuu is fine too but it's more complicated if not longer than Tasslehoff! -Ryuu :dragon4: ()
  12. Thank you Tamaranis.... That was a "special" story. Cute though. Thankie Brute and Lady Crusader. There is still the problem of finding that group of people who have an active enough imagination as my own to do this with! -Ryuu :dragon4:
  13. Well, I like is Tas. Do you mind if I call you that? So used to Tasslehoff being called Tas from the books. Anyhow. I like that poem. It flows nicely how it is, in my opinion at least. Kokuryuu grins a silver-white fanged grin and claps Nice work! -Ryuu :dragon4:
  14. I have yet to make one for myself.. I have to draw the dragon then have a friend color it and all on the comp.... -Ryuu :dragon4:
  15. I opened my eyes, well as well as I could. My right eye was puffy and almost swollen shut and my lids were heavy. My head was swimming, and my limbs ached numbly. I lifted my head for a better view. It was night time, the sky was dark and Deleo was curled around a fire, where Robbie seemed to be sleeping and Gyrfalcon lay. I propped myself up, only remembering the Green's horrifying death. A shudder ran through my body. I shifted my form again, back into the black panther who has scabbed wounds all over its lank body. I slinked over to the Half-elf. I sniffed at him and memory hit me. In my unconcious state I dreamt of him leaning over me, singing or something. Then I looked at my wounded body. He must have healed me, I realize. Hn, I owe him now Don't I? I asked myself. I yawned and stretched and sank back to the ground, next to the half-elf. I owe him my life, I reminded myself. Now that I've slowed our progress to see the Great one, I'll have to make it up to them. I seem to be wasting their time. Why was i even bothering anymore. Apparently my silver side was shinning through... I yawned again but I couldn't fall back asleep. My tail twitched restlessly behind me and I released and retracted my claws. I grumbled and growled, turning over and over. the numb pain in my sides was lessening, but I couldn't heal myself. That was the only draw back of that spell. I rolled on my back and stared at the stars. I licked my fangs and searched the sky for the three prime constellations of Krynn. There-- Paladine, the Platnium dragon. In the middle was a book, representing Gilean. Then, on the other side of the spectrum--Takhisis, the five-headed chromatic dragon. I'd never felt any of their divine influence on me, being that I don't belong to either side of the spectrum. I never really bothered to wonder what god did wacth me, but now that I did, I felt an emptiness inside of me, a void that had to be filled. My wandering thoughts were disturbed when a rustling next to me caused my ears to swivel. I looked over to find Gyrfalcon stirring... -Ryuu :dragon4:
  16. I thank you for the examples and Archaneus for the advice. I am not a very experienced poet so all help is welcome! -Ryuu :dragon4:
  17. Dragon trudges off, painted and drawn on
  18. I wrote this 5 years after they broke up...... I was only like 7 so...*shrug* I didn't know much at all about writing, not to mention that I could definatley not have captured the feeling as well... -Ryuu :dragon4:
  19. Watching you from the other side of the room, a twinge runs through my heart. You turn your head gracfully as I quickely hide my own. I know my chances with you are almost completely shot. I have no knowledge of you besides your general asspects. I see your glimmering ebony-black eyes catching the light with a magnificant brilliance. Your hair becomes a bit tousled yet stays in its dark brown-black place. So I write this hopeless love poem about you, the boy I will never know better. My heart sinks with depression, when I know I could never muster enough of my pathetic courage to say the simple form of greeting- 'hi.' I keep only to myself about the longing to know the inner you and not just your exterior. Secretly I obsess, too shy and timid to even let you know I glance over at you every now and again. I doubt myself to the point of desperate emotion. I think now, how can I say this without being corny and terribly trite? But my mind churns to no avail. I am left, alone, lost in this peacful daydream of a joy that will never come. -Ryuu :dragon4:
  20. Thank you for that, rev. -Ryuu :dragon4:
  21. Your life is around me, being supported by my soul. The warmth in your aura is slowly diminishing, leaving your pitiful existance limp and lifeless as the last shreads of life wisp away. A cold breeze sweeps you back to nothingness. Hard emotion hits me as my parched eyes cry for you. My heartstrings are pulled sorrowfully, as a void is formed where you used to be. It is cold and empty, left for blackness to consume. Your presence leaves me alone and crying. I mourn through the night but still I awake to the bleak and meaningless existance without you. To think....all this for an iguana..... I LOVE my pets! -Ryuu :dragon4:
  22. Hate, rage and a horrible loneliness. They coursed through my soul I was alone, curled in a corner with a tear streaked face she would have wanted me to come to her for comfort, but how could I when it is half her fault? It was their problem they decided to give up, to quit, to end so why should I feel so much grief? Slowly rocking, my sobbing continued and my puffy eyes were etched with more tears how could they when they knew that they were not the only ones involved? It was their fault that they separated not ours, so why do the tears still come? My pain and self-pity soon turns to sorrow as I realize, was it me... no. It was obvious by the fighting that my thought was not true I had not forced them they decided themselves to give up on each other and start a new they filed for divorce, not me...... -Ryuu :dragon4:
  23. My clever wit and strong personality match those of a wild horse, Her tender beauty, gracefulness, and often stubborn mood, She and I share a similar wild spirit longing to be freed, My bushy mane, chestnut as her fur, flows from my scalp tossed in a wild breeze, My creativity paints the fields on which she gallops and together our kind-hearted spirits run free. -Ryuu :dragon4:
  24. Guiding Light Here I stand alone, always alone, There yonder I can see what I want but can never reach, I am in a rut of creativity, of which I thought was no escape, But from whence you came and saved me I cannot say. Your strong grasp was upon me, Your shining self was next to me, You pointed me in the direction of the path that I had long since strayed from, Though it was overgrow with fear and ambition I walked along it and found where I had longed to be. You are there still beside me as a guardian and a friend, From this path I shall find a way to express myself as long as you are there, Though you may not know it, you are my inspiration and hope, From you I will grow and move on to wherever destiny and fate shall lead me along my grassy path. -Ryuu :dragon4:
  25. I am surrounded, Suffocated by expectations and dreams, I put up a barricade but still they permeate it, They seep into my skin and burrow their thoughts in my mind, I cannot breath, think or be! These borrowed traits are not me, I am lost, gone, trapped within, People see a girl who is not inside, Parents expect something I am not, So I stay in this dimensional limbo, as a fake, a fraud, a nobody, For I am lost in essenceā€¦ -Ryuu :dragon4:
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