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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Archaneus

  1. I really enjoyed this. It was perfectly vivid, and it had a good idea to it. Great job Rune.
  2. I used to have a lot of rats, but they are all dead now so ya. Just had to put in my two cents.
  3. Hahaha. No offense if you didn't mean it to be, but I found this one pretty funny. The concept of comparing life to a bowl of soup that is. Good job.
  4. I like htis poem. I'm pretty sure you're trying to epress society's neglect of teh individual person. You acclomplished it well. Good job.
  5. I like this one. Archaneus walks over and gives Rune a hug in a diplay of emotion rare for him. I don't like using the words "I'm sorry" because they are an apology not a expression of caring, but i express that expression of caring. Even though everyone knows pain goes away it is sometimes necessary to be reminded. Hop - Great poem. Keep up the good work.
  6. I like this poem. Good job.
  7. I, like Rune, thought the symbolism was very good. Great job.
  8. Very much describes how I feel about my family. I liked it.
  9. I like this a lot, but I always have liked things that make fun of god. Hehe. Very funny.
  10. I like the way you wrote it. It sounds like someone who is actually thinking this and maybe getting pissed about it?
  11. I liked the poem, especially since I'm more or less what a lot of people would call a tree hugger and it agrees with me completely. Saying that, I saw that movie not too long ago. It was ok but I htink it was kind of limited in it's, do I dare say, vision? Good poem none the less.
  12. I really liked this one and yes I agree with the others "Should I open the door with the clash of thunder and meet my fate?" is the most vivid line. I also like the way It sounds like the person's thoughts. It sounds lik they are confused and trying to figure things out and make a decision quickly. Great job.
  13. I like the way you compared bad times in the world with sunless times. You used it well. Good job.
  14. Short and to the point, just like this comment.
  15. I'm not exactly an expert on happy poetry myself but I say good job.
  16. Wow. I like the way the first and second stanzas are incorporated into the third. I t kind of reminds me of Dr Seuss and that is a good thing. I like this a lot expecially since I always like things having to do with war and stuff like that. Good job.
  17. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Haha. Happy commemoration of your being one day older.Lol. Hope you have a great day.
  18. I really enjoyed this one Wyv. Thanks for posting.
  19. I like the whole conversation idea. Great job.
  20. I liked a lot. Good stuff.
  21. I'm scared, all my work pails in comparison. Seriously though, great work. I really liked this one. And I like the subtle almost contradictions.
  22. Wow! A lot of really good poems today, but I guess that's to be expected, this is the pen. Lol. I like it a lot. Great job.
  23. I don't know why but I really like this one. Great Job.
  24. OMG!!!!! Awesome!!! I think this is probably one of my favorite poems I've read. Do you hate it and love it at the same time, because it was inspired by the events mentioned but it's a good poem?
  25. I thought of this one when I was in the shower oddly enough. It's more of a rough draft and it's need work. Anyone have same revision ideas? It crashes over me It forces me to the ground I am pressed to the extent of my strength I can’t fight it, can’t contain I can’t control this rush I am weak, I know this now It begins to take over A sudden burst breaks forth I am sprawled out under the force I have lost control, I am held fast I have no control The waterfall has taken over
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