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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Archaneus

  1. I actually went with a rhyming scheme this time. Raven A single raven circles overhead Another one has fallen, dead Some other raven sees the sight It comes over and starts a fight The battle wages till only one is left The other one dead by a cleft The victor indulges in its spoil It flies away, leaving the loser leaking blood as oil
  2. Actually, I agree with Reverie, I imagined a crow too.
  3. Wow! I really enjoyed this. I have always liked Sci-Fi and like Zool said the metaphysical twist was great. Good work.
  4. WEll if this is your first writing in a while you certainly haven't lost anything with time. Great work.
  5. Well I'm reading it... not that I matter though. Hehehe. Seriously though, ya we all should be polite here and for the most part I don't think we really have a problem with it.
  6. Beautiful. Very clear in it's meaning and well stated. Thanks for posting.
  7. Wow! I believe this is the first poem of yours I've seen but by all means post more.
  8. Hey only I'm aloud to say that! Although it is true.
  9. Hey what's wrong with naming a rat Tasslehoff? It's beter than Archaneus, geez! Arch is just a loser.
  10. Oh... but I want to ask. Please do tell.
  11. ROFLMAO!!!!!
  12. Ya, I hate Steve Irwen too. Bloody annoying Aussies.
  13. I really like. This one seemed very vivid to me. While I was reading it I was imaging a caged wolf that wanted to be free to roam the woods again. Really great job.
  14. I like this. It has a serious sense to it, but it's a light seriousness. Again, I like.
  15. Hahaha. Good to know people agree that poserpunk bands suck.
  16. I'm in this with Tasslehoff, it's a song but it sounds more Blink-182ish and they are definately not punk! Very good, none the less.
  17. Once again I am amazed at your ability to catch one idea, one moment perfectly and so elaborately. You are a true poet. I feel threatened. Lol.
  18. Wow! Really good. I'm afraid if you accept her Wyv, all my stuff will be ignored for the sheer greatness of this persons. Oh wait, it already is. Great poem.
  19. Wow! I really like this one. It is really good. I'm still in shock form the pure brilliance so this is all I can say for now.
  20. As one of the people that has says good things about your poems I have to say you deserve it.
  21. Wow. I like a lot. I think you captured the victim of a vampire's "kiss" perfectly. Great job.
  22. Hahahaha. I'm always fascinated by the ignorance of some people when it comes to computers. So here is another one... "format? Hmm, wonder what that does..."
  23. Hehehe. About how I feel 3/4 of the time. I like.
  24. I wrote this the other day after a series of events that really had me pissed and this just sort of popped inot my head. Hope you like. Seething inside I can feel it stirring Growing like a parasite And I don't care I want to decimate I want to destroy This emotion The strongest one It's growing
  25. I will expound on Zool's comment nad say LMAO!
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