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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Archaneus

  1. It reminds me of a wise man imparting wisdom sort of thing. Good job.
  2. Welcome to the Pen. Good job on the poem, by the way.
  3. I'm afraid.
  4. Does that mean that your three pets(which I am one of) is now the property of Taslehoff to?
  5. Ah, very common subject nowadays. I can speak from experience on this issue. I think you captured the feelings very well. I think you implied the loneliness throughout the whole thing. One way I think you could improve it would be to try and express al those emotions in the poem instead of stating them at the beginning. Great work.
  6. Yay! Another one. Another good one.
  7. Wow! I'm scared. If this is bad, I'm in trouble. Great job. One suggestion, I used do this too and I still do sometimes, but it helps if you try to make all your lines approximately the same size. It makes the poem smooterh and ya. That's it. Great job again.
  8. I'm confused. You say you stink at writing rhyiming poems? I didn't smell any foul odors on this one. Seriously this is very good. Great work, and please pleasure us with more poems.
  9. Yay! You finished it. grabs a red marker and puts dots all over everyone's hands Hehehe.
  10. Just because it's light and happy doesn't make it any less deserving. I really think you did a good job on this one.
  11. Eww. I really like. It gives the impression of a creature who knows it it blemished but doesn't care and maybe even revels in it. Great job.
  12. Wow. I'm frightened, Nightshade. (not really, but hey) Good job.
  13. Ooh. Great job.
  14. Wow. I have always liked poems about medeival battles and the such and this one is great. Is inspired by this to dig into his archives and get out his old one that's similiar, and maybe write some new ones
  15. I don't particualrly care for little kids myself. They're annoying. <_
  16. Thou art welcome under our humble roof. Make yourslf at home and enjoy your visit. If you choose you my become a permanent resident. (OK, I can't do that anymore) Anyway getting back to common speech, a new face is always welcome to the pen.
  17. Hey! Nirvana is the best band ever and the person above me doesn't like tehm.
  18. The person above likes chocolate (who doesn't? ) the person above that is being stupid, you can't like Nirvana too much.
  19. The person above me got their sig picture form amybrownart.com. A very cool picture at that.
  20. I've seen this onebefore I just forgot where it was thanks for reminding me.
  21. Hehehe. Hopefully it takes a lot of room.
  22. I pretty mush say the exact same thing as Zool. Yes, this has lot of potential as a novel. I have a suggestion, write a follow-up that goes into more detail about these questions Zool stated and and post it.
  23. Woot! I was wondering if we might be able to ge a messneger thingy but I guess now we do. Thankie
  24. Neither really. I like it, but I'm not sure how to comment further.
  25. Not quite sure what to say.
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