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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Archaneus

  1. Nice idea. I think you could make it sound a bit better if you put in some sort of rhyming scheme, though.
  2. Oh, sorry, I guess I gave the wrong idea. I didn't mean to rewrite it like that. I meant keep it almost the same just maybe change a couple words and things like that. I'm flatterd someone actually took my ideas for once. On that note I do say that now I think the second one does sound better.
  3. I like the concept but I think you coudl improve it a lot if you worked on the wording.
  4. I like, Vlad. just curious, what made you write this?
  5. I don't have anything to compare this to myself but good work.
  6. Wow. This is great, Rune. I really enjoyed, write more.
  7. I liked this one. It seems like it sort of switches pace when it hits the last stanza. The everwise Pered strikes again.
  8. Hehehehe. I'm positively sure this in no way applies to me, because I already have enough wierdness for the rest of the world. ~starts to spread the wiredness, then he bocomes like Wyv and takes it all back~
  9. That's great, Tass. I really like it, actually, I really like them both.
  10. I like Wrenwind. I like the way you set it up as well, good job.
  11. Great job. I don't know why, but this has the sound of a punk rock song when I read it.
  12. I don't really know how to comment except to say good job.
  13. I am shocked at the stupiddity of that teacher, wait a minute, aren't most teachers just strange individuals anyway? ~shrug~ This was very good.
  14. Makes me think of the mind of a serial killer. Good job.
  15. Being at a complete lack of commentary abilities at teh moment I say, great poem!
  16. Great job, Pered. Strange, but I can't seem to come up with anymore words to say. Heheheh. Nice song.
  17. Heheheheh @ Zool. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, RUNE & DOPEY! Hope you have a great one.
  18. Well, I don't have a long, important speech like most everyone else, but I will say that I am glad things are turning around, Vlad. I agree with the others, this is a place of friends and a place where we are a family to help and support each other in our writing and our lives, but I guess everyone else already said that. Well, here's one good thing, when you get down you can always go kick the crap out of n00bs in Warcraft 3. Heheheh. I wish the best.
  19. Regardles of formating problems, GREAT JOB! Heheheh. I really like where this is going, you should start a thread for the rest of his story in the conservatory, and , yes, I DID say the REST so there had better be more! Lol. Great job.
  20. I'm pretty late too, apparently. Happy Birthday!
  21. Heheheh. I like the way you lead into it, making it seems as if it was a serious story then all of the sudden you realize it wasn't. Great job.
  22. Wow. That is great! I find myself really wanting to hear the rest of this story or, if this is the end, why it was her fault. I emplore you to do just that and don't worry, this WILL get you accepted.
  23. I like this, it conveys a sense of urgency and need then as it progresses seems go more and more into hurt and anger. I picture the last two lines as if the person is yelling them in the other's face. Although this could just be my slightly (<---sarcasm) psychotic tendencies. Mwuahahahahaha! ~clears throat loudly~ I'm okay. Seriously, Great job.
  24. Once again I'm not really sure why I like it but I really, really do! Oh, I know, it's a masterpiece.
  25. I'm guessing this was inspired by teh movie that one of your quotes is from. Good job.
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