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Everything posted by Archaneus
This has now become a great book, the kind that you stay up late reading and stilll can't wait to read more in the morning. Great job, and keep the installments coming.
Deg - Well, I am sorry to see you go but at least I see you everday anyway. I do have to say that I agree that the pen has changed, I think it has become more impersonal. Which has been bothering me, as well. Zool - haven't really talked to you, but you were always interesting. Lol. Sorry to see you go.
HAHAHAHAHA, that's great Rune, and happy Easter to you too.
Well, I'm not the best at encouraging speeches and I, in no way, can say "I understand." Be that as it may I do sympathize and I am here if you ever want to talk, although why would you want to talk to me? Lol. I guess all I can say currently is "life really DOES go on."
~Archaneus reads and suddenly feels imcomplete~ Please write more!
I really like this poem, but I have to disagree with Annael. I think in society we are far too soft on the criminals and far too strict on the people who do small unimportant "crimes." I guess that last part doesn't really fit. I think we make way too many excuses for people. If someone rapes people we always say, "Well, they were abused as a little kid." Escuse my French but that's a load of bull. Sure they may have been abused, but it was still their choice to rape someone. Sorry about the rant, I guess I just had a bad day. Anyway, great job on the poem.
This is great, I really liked this one. Good job.
Hehehe... nice job. (Ignore my mad cackling) and yes, blank verse is fun.
Happy Birthdays to alls to whom it is relevant... ~blinks~ Wow, that sounded really stupid. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
I guess I'm a bit late but Happy Bithday anyway. Ooh, it rhymed.
Well, I have to say,I totally agree with the idea presented. Great job.
Race: Elf Name: Archaneus (last name unknown) Age: Appears about 28 Hair: Dark brown/black Eyes: Change with light and surroundings Class: Ranger Archaneus is a very clever individual who has succeeded in almost completely destroying any sense of emotion. His alignment is Chaotic-good. Unlike most chaotic good he does not do the right thing because it is "right", as he believes that there is no right and wrong, but rather because he is a gentleman. He will do anything to stop harm to nature even going as far as slaughtering a helpless villgae, so in this way he is ruthless. He has a natural friendly attitude but underneath that he is actually quite cold and calculating. I think that gives you a basic idea of who he is.
Um... A feeble attempt at role-playing...
Archaneus replied to Damon Inferel's topic in Conservatory Archives
OOC: I'm not sure if I am over my writer's block completely yet, but nevertheless I am going to TRY and write. Lol. If there is a problem about me joining just tell me and disregard my post. I might end up having the same problem Brute realized he had so if it turns out I can’t post often enough I’ll graciously remove myself. IC: An Elf, of approximate 6’3” height--very tall for an elf--wearing a black cloak that seems to engulf him is seated at the bar and sipping at an elderberry wine. He rises and heads toward the table, taking in every detail of his possible future “companions”. Turning towards Damon he says, “Hello, Sir, I couldn’t help but overhear.” Presenting himself to everyone he asks, “If you would not mind another companion, I would like to join your quest.” OOC: I will post more as soon as I find out if you'll have me -
I absolutely LOVE Gundam. I think my favorites have to be Gundam Wing (Yes, I am including Enless Waltz in that) and 8th MS Team. I've always kind of liked DB for teh smae reason Tass stated, it's simply addicting.
I have this theory about Evangelion... you can't explain it! I believe it to be a mental impossibility to understand it. Lol.
'Speak Softly and Carry a Big Pointy Stick'
Archaneus replied to Yui-chan's topic in Cabaret Room Archives
Great job, Yui. I think you did better on this one than mine. -
I think I missed this by a little bit, but still... Happy Birthday!
Um... I feel really stupid right now. I think I am suffering from sleep depervation because I didn't understand this at all. The whole thing just left me dumbfounded as far as what happened. Um... did I just completely snap?
Well I agree with Hopper to a degree, but I take it further. You are a collection of thoughts, ideas, and past experiences. Your clone would not have exactly the same thoughts, ideas, or experiences, therefore it would be a completely different person.
Nice idea but, like Tass said a bit rough. Look at some of your phrases and see if you can smooth it out a bit.
I think cloning in general is a great idea for that very purpose. It would open avenues of testing. If you wanted to study how a certain disease affects a liver you just clone a liver and use it in your test.
Hehehe. It seems as if the little conversation about good and evil has evolved into a debate about cloning. We're good. lol
Well, just to comfort you, if you agree with me on very many things, you're extremely demented
I didn't really go into detail on what I thought about this the first time so here goes. Right and wrong and creations of the ruling class to regulate societies actions. This was especially strong back in the middle ages when the Christian church was the true ruler of the European world. There definitely are things that are true and things that are incorrect, but I do not believe that you can say, for example, cloning is wrong because god made us and we are special simple because that is a view feeding off your own ideas and concepts which were told to you to regulate your actions and keep you in a moral guideline. I know most people don't think of it like this but this is how I think of it. What I am simply saying is there are facts such as a statistic is a fact so there is a true and a incorrect, but there is no such thing as riht and wrong except for the moral guidelines we and societies holds us to.
I'm not sure if this is exactly what you all have been talking about but simply put, right and wrong are relative. On a side note, Donnie Darko is an awesome movie