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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Archaneus

  1. Probably the most anger I've seen in any poem so far on here, but I'm a new meber so waht do I know? You really succeeded in showing how much you hate this individual.
  2. I agree with Rune, that part sounds like it doesn't fit, but besides that it's great. Tasslehoff: Nothing wrong with romantics, I'm one too. Lol.
  3. Exactly my thoughts. I like.
  4. Raw and, of course, uncaring, just like me. It gets right ot the point. I like.
  5. Good but, I agree with imposter. It sounds like you made it too... elegant and vague.
  6. I normally don't like poems about love and all it entails but this ones good.
  7. Thanks for the titles. A lot of good ones, not sure which one to use. Cyril Darkcloud: This is the only way to express my ideas about the poem you wrote in your comment that's right, I'm in total shock. Great expression. Zool: Maybe we all should strangle ourselves with our umbilical cords. Lol. Thanks for all your help with title and examining what needs to be changed.
  8. Thanks for the help. Love the way you worded it.
  9. Another poem, I'm on a roll. :woot: Anyway, couldn't think of words to replace forgive and farewell to make it rhyme but besides that I'm pretty happy with it. Can anyone think of anything to make them rhyme? I see it all as it slips away Why did my life have to end this way? I know not why I did this Or why everyone finds me so hideous I see myself as I float away Why did I choose this pathway? I look back on everything I’ve done I know I’ve let down everyone Everyone that’s close, everyone It all ends now, I will not fail again As I silently say farewell I hope they will all forgive
  10. I like. That's all.
  11. Being an elf I have a great appreciation for nature so I love that somebody wrote something displaying how we destroy the world. I was thinking about writing something like this for a while. You gave me the final push. Thank you. *Bows in respect and leaves*
  12. Um... Um... Um... *Runs away for sheer greatness*
  13. LOL. Um... don't know if it was meant to be funny but, I'm guessing it was. Good job. *raises thumbs*
  14. Although mi knowledge of Espanol es quite limited yo like. lol. My version of spanglish.
  15. Impressive. I know we've all felt that way... Who's ever felt that way? *Looks around and notices he is the only one raising his hand* Dang! K, maybe only I do but... nice poem.
  16. Sweet. I always tend to write my poems about waht I'm thinking but you seemed to tell a story and what you were thinking at the same time. Congrats. *Standing ovation* Needles to say, I like.
  17. First, thank you all for your comments. I agree with you Tasslehoff but, most people view death as a bad thing and I didn't want to write a long explanation of my view. Expect more depressive poems from me, they seem to be all I'm good at. TO: Vincent I will take over your spot as depressive poet. Mwahahahahaha. *wheeze wheeze* Lol, how about a draw? *Puts hand out as if to shake* Again thanks for all the comments.
  18. Wrote this one last night. No clue why, just did. Anyone have some suggestions for a title? I walk down the city street I see people all around me They all have something to do They all have somewhere to be They all ignore their destiny It will all end eventually Procreating and recreating What’s the point of it all? Everything has an end They choose to ignore it To go on without thinking They are ignorant of all
  19. I agree with Degenero Angelus. It was pretty funny. But it still actually sounded good.
  20. I think this needs work but this is the rough version. Another morbid poem to go with my app. one. lol. I can feel it coming It’s almost upon me I have been waiting so long For the release, the ease I can’t wait to be free Ecstasy embracing me as I slip away I feel joy in the end I am happy as I slide down that tunnel As I slip away into nothing I an content I will never have to feel pain Never have to be sad I am free from everything
  21. A poem I wrote when I was really depressed, as usual, lol. I thought it was good enough to use as my app. In the darkness of my mind it calls Waiting, wanting, trying to consume me What is this thing that stalks me? What is it that infests my every thought? It calls to me again, from the shadows Waiting, watching for me to make a mistake Why do I resist, fight for my very soul? What is it that causes me to resist? There it is again, I cannot escape Waiting, desiring a moment of weakness Why does it want my very essence? What is this thing that haunts me? I try to run it follows, I try to hide it is waiting for me. Waiting, exasperating every effort to claim me. What is it that makes this thing stay? What can I do to escape? I have reached the end. I have no escape. Can this be the end, can it finally be over? Can I finally rest from this endless struggle? As it nears I can see it more clearly. I finally see it, and I cannot bear what I see. How can this be it? How can it be that it has been myself all along?
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