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Everything posted by Archaneus
I agree, do give. I like this one myself. So in short, good job.
The person above me once refered to me as "noob" in #thepen.
Cool. The format is very original. I like it. Very nice. ~raises two thumbs~ "Two thumbs up." Lol.
*Claps furiously* Peredhil, Imposter, Gyrfalcon you all deserve it. I think every entry was great though. Congratulations to everyone. Wyv- I wasn't the first one to be reviewed after all. Lol.
I wrote this one the other day while I was bored in class with nothing left to do and 10 minutes till the end of school. It sounds a lot like another one I wrote, I think. Not sure if I posted the other one though. I am pleased with it, for a change. Haha. Anyway... I know what I imagine it about, but everyone has their own interpretation, so tell me what you think of it as describing. I sit here and ponder Everything and nothing All at the same time These things swirling In my mind there is no difference I can’t see space, time Everything is a blur I wander through the coils of my mind They threaten to trap me That ever present feeling Being held back from my doom Why can’t I break free? How can I break free? I fall deeper into the recesses I am ever lost I ask myself can I escape? I hear around me an inner voice “There is no escape, no release” I slowly edge my hand It touches cold steel and I draw back Taking the dagger in my hand I put the dagger to my chest As I drive it in, I think, “I am free”
I LOVE IT! I really like the way you wrote it. I'm with Rune. I like the way you worded it. Grea Job .
Have you ever thought about the possibility that faith and god are just concepts created by our imaginations in an effort to put responsibility for our actions on someone else, or to feel like someone cares, or any other number of reasons? I just view god as a limiting factor in society. Sory, didn't mean to turn this into a philisophical discussion. I like the way you worded it, but as I stated above I don't care for the message presented. Regardless a good poem .
Hey! You wrote this one about me. haha. I like this one. It's a topic I write about or is conveyed in my stuff often. *The men in white are here for me... Get that jacket away from me!* ~insert insane cackle here~ Seriously though, nice poem.
OOC: Laughs hysterically at more proof of his ignorance
I needed to write another poem as I haven't in the last couple sas so here it is. Inspiration for this one was a really crappy day. I know you'll all understand the symbolism. Sailor As I ride the sea A sudden torrent surges It sweeps across the deck Causing my footing to falter I try to stand and Am knocked down again The waves increase Pinning me to the deck I struggle to my feet Intent on winning this struggle I lash my self to the helm In an effort to stay aboard The waves crash over me Now drowning me at every one They increase in intensity They threaten to pull me free The lashings break As I am swept away I reach out trying to find Something to save me from this fate Nothing to save me Nothing to help me Just another sailor Lost on life’s seas Description edited - no need to offend multiple groups of people explaining what it isn't... Good poem by the way. keep writing! You aren't as bad as you seem to think you are. -Peredhil
I like this one. Normally I don't like tuff about this sort of thing, but you pulled it off well. Nice job.
As everyone else has stated before me, good poem. I like and I can't think of anything else to say so I guess that's it. Lol. Anohter short, stupid commentary from everyone's friend Arch.
Oooohhhh. Very, very good and don't worry, if my app. poem got me in this will. lol. Wyv- Accept him. He deserves it. K, that's all.
Well this is A poem I wrote a few minutes ago because I'm bored. I love my short intros. I sit here and stare at my screen As I slip off into monotonousness It’s just a normal day So full of activity, it’s exciting As I sit here I think Of all I could be doing Nothing comes to mind I guess I’ll just do nothing Hope you peoples like.
SWEEEETTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't jsut like this one, I love it. And welcome to the guild. You should apply for member. If you write another one like this, you got it.
Here's my entry. Aren't you glad you gave us another day Wyv? Lol. I think everyone else has a better chance of winning but I'm trying anyway. Don't you just admire my fighting spirit? Lol. Stupid forum, it won't post right, I can't tab or anything (whine, bitch, moan). Anyway, with no further ado. On to the story... “It’s almost complete Williams. Very shortly I will be the most powerful man in the world,” General Imarius stated plainly, as if it were a certain fate. “Sir, I can’t wait for that day. It will be an honor to serve under you, sir,” Colonel Williams replied, sounding as if he believed it. “I have made sacrifices to get where I am, mostly I’ve made others sacrifice for me, hahaha,” he laughed hoarsely and Williams laughed along. “It has all been for the better of humanity, sir.” “I know that, Williams, which is why I have done it. Humanity needs a wake up call and I am the one that controls the bell that will wake them!” Imarius stated with a tinge of passion, or possibly insanity, in his voice. ----- A few hours later the General walked down the hall alone. He was headed towards an area Williams did not have clearance to enter, in fact no one did except him and a select few scientists. Everything was going as planned and soon it would all come together. Entering a sterile room and putting on a contamination suit he entered through the large doors into the lab. It was a medium size lab filled with glass tubes and machines everywhere you looked, like something out of a movie. He approached the right side of the lab cautiously, the specimen was kept here. The fate of all humanity, the Reaper virus. Engineered to target all humans, quickly breaking down their DNA till they ceased to function and died. From the midst of this chaos would rise a hero, one with the cure, giving freely to save all humanity. He couldn’t help but laugh at the genius of his plan. He would take over the word in a week, especially since he would destroy the world’s leaders first, making it appear a terrorist act and crumbling all government till he reestablished order. “Sir, we are ready for phase one of the project,” His head scientist reported. “Good job, Roberts, we will begin immediately, start the infection of the countries leaders around the world. Make it close together. We want it to seem like a unified assault,” Imarius ordered. “Underway, sir,” he replied. ----- The General strained to open his eyes. He looked around and caught the back of a white -clad person disappearing around the corner. He was soon followed by Wallace and Wallace dismissed the nurse. Wallace stepped through the plastic containment wall surrounding the General and said, “Hello, sir,” seemingly mockingly. “Wallace what’s happening?” he inquired. “You have been infected. The plan worked perfectly, all the nations have crumbled and they are pleading for help.” he responded. A look of shock suddenly struck Imarius’s face. How could he have known? He had never told him anything of the plan. “I see you are surprised, don’t be. Hell, I wasn’t. Roberts was really working for me. Don’t worry, I took over your place in the plan. All the nations gather to me for support. Goodbye, Sir.” Imarius tried to open his mouth in protest but couldn’t as he slowly drifted off and died.
I like it too, even though I know nothing about Poseidon. I wallow in my ignorance. Lol.
Thank you all for welcoming me. I love having the privelage of posting poems with people that are so much better than me. lol. Except for maybe Degenero Angelus and Rune. j/k lol. Anyway, happy to be here.
Ooh, a poem about loneliness and general unhappiness. I love it. Lol. Really, good work.
My favorite or yours. I really like this one. Hope to see more like it.
Love it! Probably because it's not happy. Lol. Good poem.
Good poem. I like, don't know why, but I really liked that one.
We are reading Romeo & Juliet in English class and I got into that mode of thinking and start writing a poem. It came out sort of happy, go figure. Lol. Anyway, this is my pitiful attempt at writing a poem about love. Love is but a red, red rose Gently blooming with the sun With the passage of time This love doest fail And wilt thou to the ground Displaying it's ignorance And in that greif depicted Showing the passage of time Another bud doest spring forth Whilst blooming this one plucked A menacing hand which doest seek To destroy and befoul But in this task fail As the blooming bud Doest fall towards the dirt It is captured in lovers' grip This nurturing, holding it to Sun's kiss Doth cause it to bloom And in this blooming dost it flourish
If this poem sucked, I can't wait to see your good stuff. I really liked this poem, especially since it's a lot like my own, lots of use of symbolism, I think. Lol. Really good stuff.
If you meant it to be a funny poem, you succeded. I like. Imposter: Hey, I love that song! Lol.