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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Brighid of Byrness

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Everything posted by Brighid of Byrness

  1. Tequila -- in the form of a fruity margarita (I'm not a very trendy drinker ) Night or Day?
  2. It was cold and drizzly, so over in just a few hours for us! Much warmer inside and pleasant, upbeat background music: (Love Van Morrison AND the Chieftains...but I've never heard them together (I don't think)...will have to look them up right now!)
  3. Oak for the sturdiness, bark and leaves; pine for the smell of sun-warmed needles and the way they stand sentinel on the Maine coast. I'm not very good at only choosing one option in this game! Spades or hearts?
  4. This is extremely difficult for me. There are a few natural objects that I really, really, really like above my general love of nature, and two of them are trees (gnarly) and stones. I try to buy handcrafted wooden and stone objects for my home. Hmmm...guess I will choose wood because of how silky smooth wooden objects are...though I also love the cool textured feel of stone. Sleep in on the weekend or get up and get moving?
  5. The Dark Side of the Moon http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8_538092vKc Chilly day...just made a small fire, Pink Floyd on the turntable, checking into a few online sites and then reading for a bit before heading out to a beer fest.
  6. General...then you can fill in the details yourself! Woodwinds or strings?
  7. I can't have both? Ok...banana is more versatile Swim in ocean or pool?
  8. Sunny...most of the time. Chocolate or vanilla?
  9. They still have showings in DC around Halloween, but I'm not up for that anymore hehe. I went a few times in high school and college, but I never dressed up as a character. I did take a bag of props though, like newspapers, a squirt gun, a piece of toast.....
  10. Cool! "I'm just a sweet transvestite...." Fun memories for sure! When I was in high school, a friend and I went to a midnight showing. We went to the restroom before the show and when I came out of the stall, Dr. Frank N Furter was standing in front of the mirror putting on his finishing touches. We talked for a bit -- he was attending the local university and had very long legs which looked nice in stockings -- but then his sister came into the bathroom, took one look at him, started to cry, and said something like, "Mom would die if she saw you now!"
  11. Listening to The Raven That Refused To Sing album
  12. Hmmmm....depends on the context! I will go with my intuition -- back Firm pillow or soft?
  13. Wittiness abounds. "Your humor is spicy sauce," wrote the Stratford bard.
  14. Confusion -- it's what settles in after you let go of ignorance and denial. Travel in time to the past or to the future?
  15. Down here in the south BBQ is pulled pork on a bun with coleslaw! Up north it's burgers and steaks on the grill! And I've been to a few "Mongolian BBQ" restaurants, which was really a stir fry Okay...I love three or four different kinds of sushi, but anything too exotic is not for me (even though I grew up touching sea urchins and sea cucumbers, I'm not going to eat them)...so I guess I'm going to have to go with BBQ...southern-style or meat on the grill! Zombies or Vampires?
  16. Hmmm...depends on what you mean by BBQ
  17. Yeah, he's like an Australian Bono Very nice water images...
  18. Love Monet (I appreciate Picasso, but just don't "connect") Chinese or Mexican (food)?
  19. On the turntable: Midnight Oil "Blue Sky Mining" (I especially like it because the disc is blue vinyl!)
  20. One may never know till the baffling button's pushed -- assortment is spice.
  21. Painting -- along the lines of abstract impressionism Attend an exercise class or hike/run/bike outside?
  22. Mexico...(but I've always wanted to visit BC) Bare feet or shoes?
  23. Nonsense sentence for sure!
  24. A carnival of frogs murdered the shiest dandelion.
  25. I should have listened to this before writing my Boaz post; maybe the entertainment would have been a bit more exotic!
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