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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Brighid of Byrness

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Everything posted by Brighid of Byrness

  1. The years fade quickly. Seasons slipping through fingers like last summer's sand.
  2. Apple...I just ate one for lunch Melody or harmony?
  3. “I’m completely overwhelmed by incomprehension and sensory overload,” Brighid shared with Yasmina. “I don’t know about you, but I’ve been lost since Rydia mentioned ‘car-rots’ and Blitz One or Two!” “Me, too, but I think we’re about to be caught up to speed,” Yasmina replied, gesturing toward the dimly-lit corner on the far side of the room. Brighid could barely distinguish between what was shadow and what were lingering wafts of singed-squirrel smoke, but she could see that something dark was starting to coalesce into a defined colossal shape. “Wh-wh-at is that?” stammered one of the troubadours who had ceased strumming his instrument. “Or, perhaps you mean who?” stated Swami Noguru succinctly.
  4. A positive video for this morning...needed it! Thanks
  5. Beautiful song! This was the first time I've heard it, so thanks for sharing. Perfect timing with the thoughts I've been ruminating lately...
  6. Luckily, the old groom and two young stable hands were quickly called for, and they led the mélange of animals past the diners and out through the back entrance to the near-empty stables. They would be busy all evening making sure they were fed and bedded down for the night. A few stray peacocks lagged behind, strutting around between the tables looking for handouts. What had started out as a quiet dinner for two quickly devolved into a riotous carouse. Swami Noguru’s entourage filled the entire back quarter of the immense Boaz room, but their singing and jests could be heard throughout the cavernous space. While they waited for the staff to bring them food and drink, the musicians played lively melodies on their lutes and pipes. Several dancing girls were hoisted up onto the table tops, and they undulated to the rhythms while their jewel-colored gowns flowed around them creating a rainbow spectacle. The somewhat staid clientele of the Boaz Room were totally enraptured by the exotic party-goers. Even those who had settled their bills right before the Swami appeared decided to stick around to see what would happen. “My professional name is Yasmina,” whispered the gold and jewel-bedecked belly dancer sitting next to Brighid, “but my real name is Mary. Swami Noguru found me waiting tables in my father’s back-country inn and rescued me from a life of dull servitude. He dubbed me Princess Yasmina, the orphaned daughter of Sultan Suleiman and a favorite member of his Imperial Harem. A much more fitting name for the companion of such an esteemed swami as Noguru, no?” She winked conspiratorially and gestured magnanimously toward the paunchy man. “My name is Brighid, and I just arrived to the Keep myself this afternoon; it’s nice to meet you. I suppose you’re already acquainted with Zool?” Brighid replied, suddenly feeling quite aware of her disheveled appearance next to the gorgeous dancer. She should have gone to her room to bathe and freshen up before dinner, but hunger had gotten the best of her. “Oh, yes. I am well acquainted with Zool," Yasmina answered quietly. “Although, it has been awhile since our last visit here and he’s quite changed. Whatever happened to him?” “I’m not sure,” Brighid whispered back to Yasmina. “He hasn’t told me how he came to be trapped within his painting, and I didn’t want to be impolite and just ask outright. Like I said, I just arrived a few hours before you. I’ve been traveling alone for some time and came across Zool in the forest. His frame was being carried by a man called Grimmael. I followed them back to the Keep, and so here I am.” Brighid suddenly became aware that the conversation across the table had come to an end, and when she looked up, Zool and Noguru were both staring at her expectantly. “I’m sorry, Zool. Did you say something?” Brighid asked, feeling slightly awkward. “It was I," replied the swami. “I was saying that I’m intrigued in how you happened to stumble upon this Keep. You’re shrouded in something mysterious, my dear, but I’m sure you’re worn out from your travels and I don’t want to delve too deeply until you've rested up. Zool has told me that you’re from a far-off northern land and that is it. Your story can wait until tomorrow, though; right now I’m interested in how our larger than life fool has somehow shrunken himself into a sliver of his former self! Oh, Zool! What mishap has befallen you since our last meeting, my friend?” “Yes, Zool, I’m also curious,” Yasmina added, smiling and placing her hand gently on the gilded frame surrounding the somewhat flustered man. No one noticed the shadow in the corner as it leaned in closer toward the conversation.
  7. It ended, so I put on the next album: Oregon -- Moon and Mind
  8. The equations went about their shopping derisively.
  9. Alright...I admit I have some gaps in my knowledge: I didn't realize Marlene Dietrich was also a singer! (I also didn't know what album I am listening to right now until I got up and looked at the cover. It sounded like some record that could have been a Disney soundtrack! But it turned out to be this: http://www.ebay.com/itm/like/251357078076?lpid=82)
  10. Pearls Take a risk or play it safe?
  11. Thanks -- the dream experience it sprang from was a meaningful one.
  12. Ice Silver or Gold?
  13. Lovely!
  14. I wrote this poem after a rather intense lucid dream: The osprey's shadow flew across my open window,grabbing my attention in its talons like a silver fish.Hurrying through the ancient doorway,I scanned the horizon above the glittering waves,but nothing moved within the heavy, summer heat.Turning from the sea, a voice whispered to my heart from the beach below:"Where my ocean meets your land,there, within the slightest curve of a kiss,upon a million grains of gritty sand,our vast, blank universe exists."
  15. U2 -- The Joshua Tree This song is totally underrated. I've mentioned that to several friends, but no one else seems to share my view. Oh well....I guess it's just because I fell in love with Bono when I was in college and we left MTV on 24/7 and the song is really about the emotion in his voice.
  16. Stripes...wonder what that says about my personality?! Deaf or Blind?
  17. (Aha...another water sign....) Train for the scenery (I've never gone on an overnight train trip, but I imagine it would be fun. Plus, even with all the flying I've done, I still get nervous during take offs and landings -- I have to conjure up legions of burly angels holding up the wings so I can stay calm!) Chess or poker?
  18. Roses...most versatile Sky dive or scuba dive?
  19. Blue Mashed potatoes or baked?
  20. I started listening to Symphony X, Tamaranis, but it will have to wait until my kid's are finished with their homework...
  21. Nice Darkness descends -- night. The day's details now hidden, covered by the cloak.
  22. Water! I am a water baby through and through Stay in or go out?
  23. Silent awareness. From the core of my being I visited you. (For my father, who I reached out to today through a meditative ritual)
  24. Welcome to the thread, Bubbling Mud Heads I'm not a coffee lover, but I can relate to the warmth seeping into your fingers from a coffee/tea/cocoa mug!
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