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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Brighid of Byrness

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Everything posted by Brighid of Byrness

  1. What is my problem? Brighid thought angrily. I've turned into such a wimp, crying every time I think about what I did to him. "Sorry, guys." she said through her tears. "Whenever I look at you, Alexander, I can't help but think about killing you. And now...now you're a shadow, and it's all my fault! I was holding out some hope that this elusive 'wishing stone' was going to fix everything: cure James completely, stop the insidious infestation of evil from crossing over into this world, restore the Mighty Pen to its former glory, and bring you back to me, Alex...bring you back to yourself." Fresh tears fell from Brighid's luminous eyes. Alex stepped forward and gathered her into his arms. James looked down at his bandages with disgust. Ozymandias looked up from the small patch of ground he had been studying. Scheherazade's stomach growled, "Borborygmus!" Gathering her composure, Brighid straightened her shoulders and wiped away her tears with the backs of her hands. "I think we've had enough of an emotional interlude for now. Let's get focused and find this wishing stone, James. It may not work, and even if it does, it may not work exactly as I hope it will. But if we don't at least try, we're already defeated."
  2. Brighid followed Ozmandyias' gesture up to the ceiling of the cavern; again she was struck by the enormity of the place. A few stray willow-wisps floated like lanterns above her, punctuating the gloom with cheerful illumination. In many ways, at least when they weren't plunged into inky darkness, the caverns were beautiful and it was difficult to imagine the impending chaos and destruction that was threatening her friends above ground. "Are you searching for your friends or merely surveying the damage the Pen's suffered in your absence?" Brighid asked Ozymandious. "And I think the wish stone that we're seeking is of ancient origin; isn't it, James? It seems as Elder of the Mighty Pen that you would be aware of its existence." Ozymandious stroked his grey beard thoughtfully, as if he was trying to decide what -- or how much -- information to divulge next.
  3. King Kong...I don't like anything lizard-like, eeek! Cheez-its or Goldfish?
  4. Headless Horseman...more adventure Mow the lawn or buy a goat?
  5. "What do you mean by we've been gone for who knows how long? Who are you referring to -- me and my companions, or yourself...in a collective sense?" Brighid asked with slight agitation. She was getting tired of receiving half-answers and was a bit panicked to think that the four of them could have been wandering around down here longer than just a few hours. "And give me your other arm, James. I've worked around diseased people my whole life and have built up an immunity to most viruses, magical and otherwise; you don't have to worry about me getting infected." She gave a reasurring smile to James, realizing that he was trying to protect her from the lesions. Scheherazade giggled and then replied to the stranger, "Yeah, what do you mean we've been gone for a long time? We haven't even slept once...and we haven't had anything to eat!" Why is this guy acting so anxious? Brighid wondered to herself as she applied the salve to James' infected arm.
  6. Hmmm....interesting. I'm not listening to music tonight...just the random crackle and pop of my fire. But I'm enjoying checking out your musical interludes
  7. I enjoyed this one a whole lot ^^ super chill...and the water was dreamy
  8. Ice cream (but I like fruit sherbet and sorbet, too)...and NO vanilla ice cream Apple or pumpkin pie?
  9. Adventure (different context = different answer) milk or dark (chocolate)?
  10. That Swami is a cheeky little fellow (but he's absolutely correct!) Isn't knowledge power? (I bet that's what Noguru would say) Knowledge.... Mario or Luigi?
  11. You put a lot of thought into that answer! I've always wanted to travel to India...so that's my quick choice (the food, yoga, meditation) Cup half empty or half full?
  12. I prefer color in most instances, but love black and white photography. Ancient Greece or Ancient Rome?
  13. Rare...mooo (synchronicity...I almost asked that question but went with the pillow one!) Mountain or valley?
  14. Biscuits (if I can have egg and cheese filling...but I've really been on a pancake kick lately!) pillow: firm or soft?
  15. French Pancakes or waffles?
  16. Football...for watching and playing! Peanut butter: smooth or chunky?
  17. Not to flood this thread with Thom Yorke...but just one more
  18. Radiohead kind of night http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XmNG2D81x3Y
  19. Fozzie...so cuddly! Truth or Dare?
  20. Also, peaceful "Peace is elusive!" scream the angry worker drones: green tea, not greenbacks. (Does this make sense?!)
  21. Hmmmm...I'm a history buff, but I know just enough for the romanticism to have vanished, so I'll choose far away...love traveling. Daleks or Cybermen?
  22. Brighid regarded the newcomer warily but relaxed when it became apparent by James and Scheherazade's expressions that they knew this bearded stranger. He seemed vaguely familiar to her, but she couldn't place him. In any case he didn't seem dangerous, but what was he doing in this part of the underground caverns? She thought they were alone down here; for all she knew, there could be several other wanderers hiding in the shadows...
  23. Definitely...dill! Rye or whole wheat?
  24. Probably vinaigrette...because there are more varieties to choose from! I do like ranch though, especially garlic ranch. Swiss cheese or provolone (on your sandwich)
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