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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Brighid of Byrness

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Everything posted by Brighid of Byrness

  1. I haven't listened to Bush for a long time -- nice one! (I used to "have a thing" for Gavin Rossdale! But nothing like my "thing" for Eddie Vedder which is still enduring...)
  2. Alex struggled to maintain concentration so that he could create enough of a physical form to hold onto the squirming chicken, at least long enough to lure the frogs away from Brighid. But what little brain the chicken had was focused on filling his empty stomach with those dazzling dragonflies, and it didn't take long before he had slipped from Alex's tenuous grasp. He launched his flubbery form from amphibian to amphibian, bouncing off their backs up to the ceiling and rebounding down again. The frogs snapped, growled, and shot out their long tongues in a frantic attempt to ensnare the bothersome bird, but the only thing they managed to 'catch' was eachother; soon the the passageway was clogged with a tangled mass of frogs. The chicken managed to squeeze his flimsy body through the conglomeration and bounded ahead in hot pursuit of the dragonflies. Alex floated like a rising mist from the bottom of the pack and doubled back down the tunnel toward Brighid. Having an intangible body had its perks, but he was eager to get this whole 'wish thing' over with and pick up his life where it had 'ended.'
  3. All your darkest fears are nothing within the light -- turn it on and shine.
  4. ...next up on vinyl: The Flower King's album Banks of Eden (I'm going for the relaxing music tonight...no Opeth!)
  5. A friend of mine from a prog site messaged me today and asked what I thought of the Russian band iamthemorning. I downloaded their album awhile back, so I just put on the CD after a long break. I really like the piano player http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZT0xBmxrZ0
  6. Enjoyed your creative retelling! Poor broom... Fly high in peace
  7. Hope you enjoy it; I bring mine out every once in awhile
  8. “Quick, Alex, you need to come up with a plan or our gooses are cooked!” Brighid begged. Alex rolled his eyes at his love’s stupid pun but couldn’t help emitting a snort of laughter despite their dire predicament. “It’s that damn chicken’s fault! If we get out of this alive I’m going to wring his neck, and I don’t care if Zool suspects ‘fowl’ play!” He winked at his panicked companion, trying to lighten the mood. The frogs stopped their forward march. The chicken looked confused as he stared up at the bulbous amphibian bodies. Where were those delicious dragonflies he had seen swarming around from the safety of his perch within Brighid’s hood? Several of the frogs started darting their tongues in and out. “I’ve got a plan,” Alex whispered in Brighid’s ear. “Don’t worry, and don’t move from this spot. I’m going to grab that chicken and run down the passageway ahead. I’ll lead them away from you while you try to find James and Scheherazade.” Before Brighid had a chance to voice her concerns for his safety, Alex jumped over the rock and scooped up the chicken off the ground. The bird started flapping his wings and squawking wildly, driving the frogs into a frenzy. Dodging and weaving, Alex managed to make his way out of the middle of the horde which had devolved into total mayhem. As he started to pull ahead of the pack, the leader – who had little brain power and poor eyesight like the rest of his crew – gave the order to follow the bouncing chicken. None of them realized that the bird was being carried by the shadow of a man.
  9. You mean you just bought the Vespero album? Or you had previously bought it? Cool either way! And the Oasis LP would be a good one for a party
  10. Just got back from the gym; it's freezing out there! Sitting here listening to an awesome psychedelic/prog instrumental album while a pot of beef stew bubbles away on the stove top...darkness is approaching I can't find a video, but here's a link to the album. One of my favorite tracks is #3... on vinyl it's called "Silence Breath Echo." http://lightintheattic.net/releases/831-liventure-21 All I can find is a video review of the album... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1PMcr2-1YTI
  11. More grading...and college recommendation letters to write -- seems like "working" has been the theme lately for many of my friends on here and elsewhere "...until there's nothing left for you..."
  12. I can relate to the sentiment! (...and I agree with Zool's suggestion.)
  13. “What do we do now, Ozymandias?” asked Brighid urgently. Hearing no reply, she spun slowly in a circle searching for the man who had helped fend off the dragonflies just moments before, but the crotchety ol’ Egyptian was nowhere to be found in the panorama. However, Brighid did see an advancing ‘army’ of enormous amphibians approaching from just east of the village where James and Scheherazade had gone in search of the wishing stone. “Ozymandias! Where are – “ “Shhh….” Alex whispered fervently under his breath. “He ran over that way, toward that outcropping. Let’s go quickly before the frogs notice we’re standing directly between them and their dragonfly feast; follow me!” Easy for him to run stealthily Brighid thought to herself as she followed the flitting shadow across the cavern, trying to be as inconspicuous as she could. Ozymandias wasn’t behind the rocks. He seemed to have disappeared into the misty vapor that clung to the damp, stone walls. “What are we going to do now, Alex? I didn’t think Ozy was the kind of man that would leave us when trouble showed up. All I have is this dagger to defend us with if things get dangerous.” “Hopefully, it won’t come to that. Have you ever seen frogs of this unusual size before? Maybe they’re not dangerous to humans? What are they going to do, anyway…suck us in with their sticky tongues?” Brighid did her best to stifle a giggle; although, the image of being forcefully ingested and slowly digested in the belly of such an enormous beast didn’t seem pleasant at all. “I’ve seen frogs eating fish and birds in one whole gulp along the lake back home; I suppose they could eat us if they wanted to.” I wouldn’t be worried if I were you, she continued on silently to herself. I don’t think a flimsy shadow is going to be as appealing to a frog as a person plump with flesh. By now the vanguard was just about abreast of the outcropping. Peeking around the edge of the hideaway, Brighid could see the enormous bullfrogs were covered in warts and slime. Ewww…with any luck they’ll just keep moving right on by without noticing us. Alexander reached for her hand and gave her a slight squeeze as if he concurred with her silent plea. “Oh, no…” Brighid hissed under her breath as she felt a frantic squirming within the hood of her cloak. With a mighty effort, out popped the rubber chicken, landing in plain sight at the foot of the rocky outcropping. “Sqwaaaaaak!” he cried angrily, as he narrowly missed being squashed by an enormous webbed foot.
  14. Settling in with King Crimson to write a reply in the JttCotP thread -- adding a bit of heavy edginess (I hope) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52jWnPogtPw
  15. Turning on some Beatles...something simple to accompany my housecleaning! Happy Saturday morning....
  16. Pulp fiction! ^^ I'm listening to some Pink Floyd. On the turntable: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9zACEJdFOpA
  17. Usually hair down...unless I'm going to the gym or out on a fancy date! Solitaire or Mahjong?
  18. Both?! I tend to do more chores inside the house and run errands on Saturday...so I guess Sunday because that's when I usually go fun places or work outside...BUT, it also means getting ready for the workweek Sunday evening...soooo....I'll just take whatever good moments I find myself in either day Sneakers or hiking boots with jeans?
  19. Hmmm...not sure what you mean? For decorative planting? Ground cover? Smoking? In northern Maine you can pick a fern in the spring called "fiddlehead" and steam them...yummy! So I will pick fern Play tennis or play golf?
  20. “So, you’re killer with a mace but superstitious of a gaze?” Brighid tried to hide a smile by chewing on her fingernail, but her raised eyebrow gave away her amusement. “I’ll stop staring at you when you stop stalling and answer our questions,” Alex declared with far more authority than a substance-less man should possess. “I've seen you glancing down at the ground every time the wishing stone’s been mentioned. I think you know exactly where it is, and I think it’s close by.” Ozymandias sighed emphatically, “You got me. The stone’s—“ He was cut off by the beating of a thousand tiny wings as a swarm of iridescent dragonflies flooded the cavern. The trio raised their arms and beat furiously at the insects – Alex wasn't very effective at swatting them away – but they were persistent and seemed to multiply by the moment. “This can only mean one thing!” The old Egyptian yelled above the commotion. “They’re being chased by a pack of giant, subterranean frogs!”
  21. I love ice skating! Popcorn or candy (at the movies)?
  22. The headache I woke with has returned... ...but I'm determined to make a dent in the huge stack of papers I need to grade. First, I need to stop watching youtube videos my whole planning period! I bought this album on vinyl last year soley because my favorite bass player Nick Beggs (along with Chris Squire and the late Peter Steele) was part of the project. This is one of my favorite tracks: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5bKYYfaLgcg&list=PLk9HQ3DdqSJTAPTy9tNn6FRhJXOi8UYQU
  23. “Well, Ozymandias, it looks like you’re stuck with the two of us. I hope you’re handy with a sword because Alex is unable to wield a weapon in his present state, and I’m proficient in the art of dagger thrusting only.” She winked at him light-heartedly. “A well-placed thrust of a dagger is all you need in some cases, Lady Brighid,” replied the old Egyptian. “But not to fear, I've been known to hew my way through hordes of various foes a few times. You’re safe with me.” He winked back half-heartedly; guiding these two adventurers through the countless corridors and catacombs under the Pen’s underpinning had not been on his day’s docket. Plus, they were a little bit too nosy…and far too presumptuous; the Pen’s magical items were hidden for a reason. Brighid ignored the lack of Ozymandias’ enthusiasm. “Before we get started, why don’t you tell us exactly what it is we’re looking for? All James told us was that we’re in search of an ancient stone full of the magic needed to grant a wish. Stones, like people, come in many shapes and sizes; how do we know where to start looking? For all we know, the stone could be literally right below our feet. Ozymandias couldn’t help but give a darting peek downward to the small patch of ground he had been studying earlier. Brighid was unaware of any suspicious behavior, but since becoming a mere shadow of the physical man he once was, Alexander’s powers of observation had been finely honed, and the Egyptian’s furtive glance told him what he needed to know.
  24. Shrimp...on the barbie? Water ski or snow ski?
  25. Hmmm...I buy Wheat Thins more often than Triscuits, but I actually prefer Triscuits, especially with super-sharp cheddar cheese! Gas grill or charcoal grill?
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