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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Brighid of Byrness

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Everything posted by Brighid of Byrness

  1. Hey, James! Two heart-felt poems; is the muse the same for both? You've got a good start on the second one -- just needs to be cleaned up a bit. I really like the rhyme scheme...it's like a waltz of sorts (for those of us who aren't ballroom dancers)...one, two, three...one, two, three.....
  2. Rose Red (never watched it, but I like Stephen King) Candy corn or pumpkin-shaped Reese's?
  3. Write an "or" question or have someone else do it?
  4. The beating of drums inside my body -- the insistent thrumming of passing time. It's relentless, the Fates' swift strumming; you can't resist their dance sublime. Not corny but cliche: Resistance is futile
  5. 42 is always the real answer...so I'll pick 52 just because I'm feeling contrary Death by boredom or death by chocolate?
  6. The world turns, and turns, and turns....whether we're on it or not...and keeps turning through individual ups and downs. The Elizabethans called it "The Wheel of Fortune." It's great to see you're still writing; it seems to be pretty quiet around here! My private message feature isn't working (or else I would send you one inquiring about the state of affairs of James, Scheherazade, Zool, and Brighid. I think they're still in a cavern somewhere). Hopefully that will get remedied (relatively) soon :smile:
  7. Brighid couldn't help but take some secret delight in James being harassed by the rubber chicken; he deserved it for all the witch nonsense he kept feeding Scheherazade. He often seemed too cocky, and he needed to be taken down a peg or two; although, all of them had been tested by the fog and she knew James didn't possess as much self-confidence as he wanted them to believe. "Bested by a bird, oh brave leader," Brighid sniggered in James' direction. "That bird is a maniac," James replied, pointing in the direction of the rubber chicken who was roosting quite peacefully in the safety of Scheherazade's arms. "He doesn't look too dangerous," Brighid retorted with a smirk. Swiftly, James lunged out of the pool, grabbed a hold of Brighid, and pulled her back into the hot spring. "Why you ---" Brighid sputtered as she surfaced for air. But she couldn't resist laughing as she wiggled free from James' grasp and started flinging water at him. The two of them engaged in a friendly but competitive water fight. "Here, hold him," Scheherazade said to Grimmael as she pressed the bird onto the older man's lap. Then she ran towards the hot spring, launched herself into the air, and shouted, "Geronimo!"
  8. Red...I guess. I don't know a whole lot about chili apparently Kill a spider or set if free outside?
  9. It was my attempt to write something; I'm in a terrible funk!
  10. I missed this when you first posted, and you have me a bit confused...so I may or may not be belatedly wishing you the same
  11. A new year unfolds: like a skein of yarn it rolls, batted by Time's cat.
  12. Yeti...I have a hard time pronouncing "abominable snowman" clearly! FedEx or UPS?
  13. Another favorite! ^^ For some reason I always liked this Rush song even though it's not one of their best...just upbeat and catchy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UTFHwTKWawU
  14. Not racist Breakfast foods: sweet or savory?
  15. Turtle -- (I confess, I don't like snakes or lizards! Spiders don't other me, and rodents startle me but that's it. I freak out over snakes! My son had a chameleon once; I interacted with it as little as possible.) Lo mein or fried rice?
  16. I'm listening to a new album (for me) Le Onde by Ludovico Einaudi...the whole thing is gorgeous I found a prettier video (because it's of the ocean) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AVNoeRdlVL0
  17. )(Brown for me...) ...and mild (I'm not very "saucy!") Go deaf or go blind? (first thing that popped into my head, sorry!) Go deaf or go blind? (first thing that popped into my head, sorry!)
  18. Love... Brown rice or white (fellow Chipotlean!)
  19. Abstract is fun, unless you're trying to communicate with your spouse. Eat a new food or stick with tried and true?
  20. As soon as Grimmael finished his tea, Brighid rinsed out their glasses and returned them to her bag. "I wish I had something more substantial to offer you," she said to Grimmael. "I'm starving! I wish we were back in The Boaz Room with Zool. We could order up more roasted peacock with that flavorful, red sauce...and a slice of that hazlenut torte Swami Noguru devoured on his own before anyone else got as much as a forkful!" "I could also do with a bit of food, Lady Brighid, but I think it's going to be awhile before we get back up above. I wonder how my master is faring; there seemed to be quite a storm brewing outside when we left." "Zool seems to be resourceful from what I can tell," Brighid replied with a smile as she thought fondly of her friend forever trapped in his painted form. "I'm sure he's fine. Have you known him long? How did you become his -- " "Brighid!" Alex yelled as he ran toward the pair's resting spot beside the pool. Brighid hugged her former lover, grateful to see him unharmed after the fog's treacherous ordeal. "Oh, Alex! You're okay!" "Well, I'm as 'okay' as a man caught between life and death can be, but hopefully that's about to change." He smiled down into her eyes and was surprised to see how much relief they contained because of his safe arrival. The fog had shown him her darkest secrets, and he knew she was full of guilt at the betrayal of her vows. He also knew that if he had just stayed dead then she wouldn't have to make the decision to betray them again...or to condemn him to a more permanant death. "Alex, have you seen the others?" Grimmael asked, interrupting the couple's reunion. "Yes, Grimmael...and that's why I'm relieved to have found you first. I overheard James speaking with Scheherazade -- it was really James, not a figment of the fog -- and from what he said, I don't think we can trust him." "But he's the only one who knows about the wishing stone...the only one with a plan to get us all out of this mess and set things aright," Brighid interjected. "Yes, I know that, Brighid, but I also know that he's out to save his own hide. I heard him tell Scheherazade that he --" Alex stopped short as a crash resounded in the passageway leading into the Hot Springs. "What in the devil was that?" Grimmael declared.
  21. Just dug this Phoenix album out:
  22. My mostly-indoor-cat "escaped" when I went out to turn on the lighted bushes. Being a wily cat, he hid under my car; I had to lure him out with meaningful conversation. Once I "captured" him I tried to point out how beautiful the night sky was: Look! There our moon shines with stars outside our bubble. (But mice are within...)
  23. ^^ Oh my gosh...one of my favorites, too!
  24. Indulging in a bit of my Eddie Vedder admiration
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