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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Mira

  1. Mira


    Wyvern, I'm sure everone would realize the reality of the place, however, just in case anyone had any doubts, I put it there as added the little note at the top as an afterthough. Also, my obvious error has been fixed, and I thank you for pointing that out to me.
  2. Mira


    This is about an actual bridge in East Lansing. Here I stand, on hallowed ground A graveyard of one line poems Hastily scrawled on concrete parchment With pens of aerosol The poems speak of long lost love; "I LOVE KAT" Others of forgotten hate But all lay bare their writers souls, For all the world to see With the same haste as poets before, I add my rag-tag lines to theirs And when the deed is done I fade into the night But leave a part of me, forever, under Bogue Street Bridge. Edited in Wyvern's suggestion: 9-2-04
  3. Calliope, Clio, Erato, Polyhymnia, Euterpe. Terpsichore, Thalia, Urania, Melpomene. My voice raised on high. Pray that your will guide my Hand, My Head, My Heart. Pray that my words and deeds be true. For I know that all I achieve, And all I create, Is born of you. And to you I dedicate my works.
  4. I'm not sure if Salinye PM'd you our character descriptions Celes, but my character is definitely lower class.
  5. Your all too kind. Most of the credit is Quincunx's since she wrote the words, that were infinitely beautiful before my clumsy fingers and voice ever put them to song.
  6. I haven't been involved in a Werewolf RP since WWII, and have been meaning to signup for another. Count me in.
  7. When Tzimfemme won myself in the Batchelor Auction during the Summer Solstice Carnival she had a unique request of me. Several months earlier Tzimfemme had written a poem in the Writers Workshop titled, On the Necks of Giants. I had replied to that poem saying that I had converted her poem into a song by setting it to music and altering the words slightly. So when she had the fortune of procuring Mira in the Bachelors Auction, she immediately asked that I find a way to record the song for her. The following is a link to a simple recording done on my home computer. I apologize for the sound quality as well as my attempts at singing. http://www.audiostreet.net/artists/005/323/brian_blaze.html
  8. Despite this poems failure to make it onto the Pen Recomends list Mira, is totally amazed at the subtile power displayed here. "Some people just don't get great poetry", he mutters shaking his head, and at that moment an idea pops into his mind. Quickly, when no one is looking, he adds this beautiful poem onto the Super Secret Mira Recomends List
  9. In response to Salinye’s bid for questions Mira plopped himself down into one of the rooms overstuffed chairs and simply sat there, staring at Salinye through the magic barrier that turned the room into a prison. When it became clearly evident that Mira had no intentions of asking any questions, Salinye picked a book up from out of another chair on her side of the room, sat down and began to read. From time to time she would look up from her book to glance at Mira who was now sat rather slouched, his arms hanging down the sides of the chair. He had yet to break his stare. The minutes passed, and eventually gave way to hours. Some time during those hours there was a knock on the door. Without looking up from her book Salinye willed the door open, allowing a small red fox to come in. The fox, which was obviously the Daryl Sal had asked “Tom” to send over, headed strait to where Sal was sitting and hopped up into her lap. He then curled-up, and closed his eyes. Only slightly disturbed by the fox’s leap, Sal continued reading, now with one hand holding the book while the other absently rubbed the fox’s soft fur. The sky grew dark as night fell and Salinye was forced to light several candles to continue reading. Still another hour passed until Mira suddenly said, “So tell me, do you love him?” Both woman and fox lifted their head and looked at Mira with a puzzled expression. “Love who?” Salinye answered, narrowing her eyes as she did. Mira chuckled, “The half-elf, do you love him.” Without any hesitation she replied, “No more then I love any of my friends, if that’s what you’re asking.” “So all that talk of you being his women was another lie?” “I believe the words I used were ‘knew him intimately’, not ‘women’”, Sal replied, saying the last word with a certain venom. “But yes, that was yet another lie, I really do seem full of them lately.” Mira rolled his eyes and was planning to return to brooding, but Salinye had other plans. “Don’t you think that I’ll take that kind of attitude from you!” she said in that kind of tone a mother takes with and insubordinate child. “You saved my life, yes, and for that I’m grateful, but you were being paid to kill Gyrfalcon, my friend, and if you think for a minute that I regret kidnapping and holding you like this, you're dead wrong.” Then regaining her composure she said, “I only wish you could see the lies Urgarte told you for what they are.” Now it was Mira’s turn to raise his voice. “Lies! I saw his banner as clear as day not a week ago, lying in the ruins of what had been Tel Reth. And from what you’ve told me today, I don’t think you’re in a position to accuse anyone of lying!” Both of them were surprised to find that they were now standing, wordlessly glaring at one another. Salinye had her hands clenched in fists at her sides and it took all her will to keep from trembling visibly with rage. Daryl had placed himself between the two humanoids and was fiercely growling at Mira, but Mira paid the fox no attention. Several moments passed, with neither side willing to stand down. Finally Salinye whirled around and retreated into her bedchambers with a slam of the door. Mira felt a twinge of guilt as he once again sat down. He hadn’t meant to be quite so angry or rude, but he couldn’t stop himself. They had been getting along so well together, first back in Tel Reth and then on the farm, that he had hoped she was beginning to like him, at least as a friend. But now he knew the truth, that she saw him as an enemy. How had he let her manipulate him like this? In truth he was angrier with himself then he was with her. This wasn’t the first time he had let his interests in a girl get him into trouble, but he swore to himself that it would be the last. Looking down he noticed the tray of food that had lay in the middle of the floor, forgotten since Salinye slid it over to his side of the room some hours ago. He reached over to it and pulled from off it an apple. With a grumpy look on his face, he bit a chunk out of it, suddenly realizing how hungry he was. When only the core remained, Mira looked around for a place to put it. He noticed that Daryl had curled up in Salinye’s chair and was fast asleep. Then turning his gaze to his side of the room he noticed a set of curtains. So as to not wake the sleeping fox, he quietly made his way to the curtains and peeked through them. Apparently Salinye had forgotten to block this window with her spell and looking out Mira took in his surroundings as best he could in the starlit night. From what he could tell, he was about four stories up, above a large courtyard. Looking around he saw other buildings and light streamed out of at least a dozen other windows, vainly attempting to mimic the stars above. He must be in some sort of castle he reasoned. Knowing that castles were usually filled with armed guards who had express instructions to kill intruders on sight, he would have usually thought better of attempting an escape, but Mira’s current mood gave him the extra motivation he needed to attempt regardless. He knew he was much too high up to simply jump out, but the walls were made of hewn stone, which was perfect for climbing. Even in the dark, Mira was pretty sure that if he took his time, he’d be able to make it all the way down to the ground. Once on the ground he would start worrying how to get past the rest of the castle’s pitfalls. Mira swung his legs out the window, and felt around for a foothold. Then he began to lower himself the rest of the way out. He was almost all the way out of the window, and was currently looking down when he felt a tug followed by a distinct growl. Looking up Mira saw that Daryl had latched on to his shirt and was trying to pull him back into the room. Mira was thoroughly amused by the fox’s actions, but that amusement was quickly replaced with horror as he witnessed an amazing transformation. Suddenly Daryl was not the cute, loveable, little fox he had been just moments before. Now he was a monster. Half man, half fox, Daryl grabbed Mira by the neck with one of his newly formed hands and roughly pulled him back through the window. Mira tried to let out a yell, but the intense pressure on his throat made any noise other then a pathetic croak all but impossible. With a roar Daryl threw Mira sliding across the floor, and into the magic barrier. From a heap on the floor Mira instinctively reached inside his coat for daggers that were not there. Looking up, he could only stare with a shocked look on his face as the man-beast made its way across the room to him. "Daryl No!" Shouted Salinye as she burst out of her room. "Don't harm him!" "But he was trying to escape." Daryl said his gaze still fixed on Mira. "And you've caught him. Now there is no longer a reason to be violent." Daryl snapped his jaws at Mira and let out a low growl. Then leaning close, he harshly said to him, "You may have known pain in your life, but if you somehow manage to hurt her, I'll show you pain like you've never imagined. And the next time you try to escape, you had better be silent, because if I catch you again, I'll make you silent." Then Mira and Salinye both looked on as Daryl transformed into his human form. The sight put a queasy feeling in his stomach. The whole thing was just unnatural. Once human Daryl turned to Salinye asking, "What would you have me do now?" "Wait here." she said disappearing into her bedchambers. She reemerged several seconds latter caring a thin spring coat. Donning she said, "I'm going out to get some air and to clear my head. Daryl, watch Mira until I get back, and don't you cause any trouble." Turning to Mira she said, "I was hoping you wouldn't attempt to escape, and that I could allow you free reign of my quarters. I know that you hate this current situation, I would too if the roles were reversed, but any escape attempt will undoubtedly end badly for you, and until you realize that, you will be confined to this half of the room." With that the door to her quarters swung open, and Sal walked out with a quiet whisking of her pajama pants. The door immediately closed behind her and Daryl and Mira were left alone.
  10. Mira


    I was safe in my stronghold. Alone, But the world could do me no harm. My poems formed an armor That turned every razor keen blade. But you, You found my trap doors, My secret entrances. With your love, And your word You penetrated my walls To enter my Fortress of Solitude, And lead me back Into the radiant light of day.
  11. Liar! That's what you are! You keep saying "I can't write poetry that well", and then what do you do? You go and write something as lovely as this! Hmph! See if I listen to you ever again.
  12. Mira


    Sitting by himself at a small table, with his feet propped up on it, Mira had been enjoying a quiet minute between himself and his latest read. The simple leather bound book was one of prose and poems, a more then common sight around The Pen. But despite its rather plain appearance, this book was very special. Mira had found it in one of The Pen's countless libraries, under a section labeled "Imports". The book was fascinating, with poems describing strange lands, peoples, and ideas. Flipping to the inside cover, Mira once again gazed upon the picture contained there. It depicted the author; a rugged looking man wearing a hat slanted on his head, one hand in his pocket the other on his hip. Just as he was planning or reading another poem a loud feline growl shattered the relative silence of the room. He witnessed Mynx's near bestial actions in complete horror, but was unable to advert his eyes. When the fury had passed and Mynx had muttered her apologize, Mira managed a hesitant response. "Bad day, huh? I'd say so, by the looks of it. Hope you feel better tomorrow, but if you don't, feel free to smash all you want. Although, I think it might be a better idea to do that outside, ya know, just so no one gets hurt."
  13. The flavor of the dirty handkerchief lay heavily in Mira's mouth and he had to try his best not to spit to rid himself of it. His eyes fell upon Dove, a look of complete bewilderment etched on his face. How could she do this to him, after he had spent the past several days worried sick over her, and now she repays him like this? Several choice adjectives ran through his mind, but like the taste in his mouth, he managed to keep them to himself. Turning his gaze to Gyrfalcon, he set to answering the half-elf’s question. Or at least he had planned on answering the question, but some part of him just couldn’t. Mira’s next action made Dove flinch noticeably, but the ranger just took it as he would a puff of wind. He had been planning to shine his boots, but he hadn’t planned on it being a spit shine. Mira knew that this wasn’t the way to treat ones captors, but on the upside his mouth wasn’t quite as foul tasting anymore. “Keep that up, and we might just have a problem.” Gyrfalcon stated mater-of-factly. “Now tell me why I’m being hunted like a rabid dog again.” This time the only thing to leave Mira’s lips were words. “My guess would be it has something to do with murder, betrayal and being an all around evil sort of man, not to mention the fact that a demon army, under your flag, laid siege to the city of Tel Reth less then a week ago.” A smirk found its way on to Gyrfalcon’s face at the first three charges. They were obviously ludicrous. Well, the third one was open for opinions, but there were few people he knew openly held that idea of him. When Mira spoke of Tel Reth, however, the half-elf’s face became as slate. He knew of no way to make enemies faster then having demon armies raiding under copies of ones own standard. Something would have to be done about this quickly, or he’d have more to worry about then a couple of amateur bounty hunters searching for him. Bending over and grabbing Mira by the collar of his shirt, the ranger gazed into his eyes and demanded, “Listen closely and answer my questions. Who’s paying your bill bounty hunter? Who sent you after me!” Mira tried to meet Gyrfalcon’s gaze, but he couldn’t find the will. Staring at the floor he managed get his reply out through clenched teeth. “I’ll answer no more of your questions half-man.” The curse passed over the ranger with as much affect as the spit. Gyrfalcon released Mira and rose. Lost in his thoughts he made for the door. “Where are you going!?” Salinye cried to him. He reached for the door handle, which was not there, and again shook his head. “I’ve got some things to take care of” he responded, not even turning to face Salinye. “Now could you please open this door.” “But what about him?!” she said, motioning to Mira, still on the floor tied up quite securely. “You’ve handled him so far, I’m sure you can manage.” And with that the door opened on silent hinges and the ranger was gone. The door close and Salinye turned her attention to the person on the floor. With one hand on her chin and the other on her hip she looked over Mira’s pathetic form, and did her best to choke back a laugh. “Now, what am I going to do with you?” she said, shaking her head.
  14. Mira


    Ok, there are a couple of things I need to get out of the way before you read this "poem". First this is merely an experiment. I stumbled across an online dictionary for Tolkein's Elven language Quenya, and decided that it would be cool to write something in the tongue. The hardest part was getting the stuff to rhyme. If anyone here actually knows any Quenya, I apologize for my horrible grammar. Inyë harya lomba Lomba inyë sanwë inyë lemba Tana níra lá fir Anda yaa mi nésë Mel firë mir i hísë Lá ana entulessë Inyë yára ar rácina Fëa vára ar rúcina Luume inyë oantië Translation: I have a secret A secret I thought I left behind That will not die Long ago in youth Love faded into the mist Not to return I am old and broken Spirit soiled and ruined Time I went away By the way, I was hoping to put this in the Manner of Tongues, but was disappointed to find that there isn’t a Quenya forum in there.
  15. Don't you love that feeling when someone 'gets' your work. I know I do. Hope to see more good stuff in the future.
  16. I know your pain.
  17. I wrote these a week or two back when I was attending my orientation in beautiful East Lansing. I was sitting in the dorm room I had for the night, listening to the sounds of the city (which compared to many of you might have passed for relative silence) and feeling rather disappointed, because I could only see a handful of stars due to the light-pollution. They would probably be more significant if you had been there. #43 Tap, tap, tap The water falls from the leaky showerhead next door. The noise keeps me from my dreams. It calls out a cadence, For my fingers to follow As they guide my sad pencil Across this bleak page. #44 I am alone In this vast open sea Unseen and unheeded My actions go unnoticed Except but by me.
  18. First, you get tons of bonus points for using the words "vibe" and "ya dig it" in your opening paragraph. As for the poem I really liked it. The first stanza gives me the image of a forest of gigantic trees, all reaching for the heavens. While the last stanza gives me an image that mirrors the first, people reaching for the heavens. Over all, the poem leaves me with a feeling of somber hope, if that makes any sense.
  19. Mira


    Ms. America sing to me, your sweet sickly song Ms. America scream at me, whenever I am wrong. Ms. America ask of me, to die for higher cause. Ms. America chastise me for breaking fickle laws. Ms. America watch over me, as I lie in my bed Ms. America spy on me, and steal the thoughts from out my head. Ms. America, oh maiden fair Who has no single fault Your sons and daughters stand proud for you Your sins they must exult.
  20. It was nearing dusk as Mira reinged in his horse at a farmhouse several miles into the Eastern Wood. The flutter of curtins in the front window of the quaint little house told him that his arrival had not gone unnoticed. Dismounting, he was barely able to catch Dove as she toppled off the horse. He knew that he should have stopped sooner, that she needed to rest before her wounds had time to get any worse, but he also knew that they had to put as much distance between the two of them and that hive of fire and chaos that had been Tel Reth before night fell. With as much care as his exhausted arms could muster he picked up Dove's limp body and made his way towards the farmhouse. As if by magic the farmhouse's front door opened as they approached. Quite unmagically, however, the owner of the farm, a thin, balding farmer was there to greet them, pichfork in hand, his wife and children huddled behind him. "She needs help" Mira said in a gruff voice, as he pushed past the terrorfied farmer as if he wasn't there, and entered the house's kitchen. "Do you have a spare bed?" he asked the farmer's wife. She managged a frightened nod and led the way down the hall to a tiny room, about two paces across and four paces wide, in which was a bed and a wash stand. No doubt one of the children had unwillingly and unexpectedly givin up their room, for these odd strangers who seemed rather rushed. Mira layed Dove down on the bed and turned around. The farmer was standing there, again pichfork in hand, trembling in his boots. "Be still man." Mira said, "If I had ment your family any harm, harm would have been done by now. The lady is hurt and we need a place to rest for a time. I will see that you are rewarded for your generosity and promise that no trouble will come to your family." Comforted some, the farmer lifted his meager weapon and stepped back as his wife entered the already crowded room. Towels and cloth in hand she shooed the two men out saying that she would be tending to the ladies wounds now and that if either of the men had a speck of decency that they would see to it that they were someplace else. With appologize Mira and the farmer exited the room just as the door was slammed in both of their faces. Back in the kitchen Mira asked the farmer if there was extra space in his barn for a horse. Nodding the farmer replied, "Aye, but there isn't extra space in the house for you, I'm afraid." Thanking the man for his kindness under such unusual circumstances, Mira went out and led his horse to the barn. There he took off the saddle, brushed him down and fed him. After seeing to his horse, he made his way up to the barn's loft and laid down in the hay. As he lay there he though, A horse has to have a proper name, and seeing that I "borrowed" this one without asking the previous owner what his name was, I suppose it's up to me to pick one out for him. He began pondering what to name the animal and was in no time fast asleep, his last thought being, Ithil.
  21. Mira saunters (that’s right saunters!) up to the booth and ponders for a moment. He suddenly remembers some advice he had been given during his many travels afar. "When you earnestly believe you can compensate for a lack of skill by doubling your efforts, there's no end to what you can't do"
  22. (OOC: How did I miss that a thread I had originally been very interested in was reborn! I'm sorry that I took so long to post.) Kiral listened to the politicians babble with little interest. Thats what they were paid to do, he figured. Himself, he was paid to keep the peace. As comander of the fairly small Allenua Deffence Core it would be his responsibility to lead in the unlikely even that some sort of conflict errupted. Duity dictated that he be at all Council sessions, although he was sure that he could actually be doing some good somewhere, anywhere else. Lost in his thoughts Kiral didn't even notice the first time he was called on. "Ehem, Commander Tarrak" "Oh! Sorry Counciler. What did you just say?" "The Council asks the Deffence Core's possition on this matter." "Which matter?" "The matter at hand Commander. The warlike species our probe has encountered." "Well...ah... The Core advises that we maintain a stance of vigilance and take every precaution not to drive this obviously martial species into taking any aggressive actions, although were sure that with our superior technology and tactics, we would be able to deal with any threat they may pose." "Thank you, Commander."
  23. "We need to get out of here now!” yelled Mira as he grabbed Dove and half pulled half carried her out of the ruined dinning hall and into a passageway. The building trembled and shook as they searched for a way out. For a brief moment they looked down a hallway and saw Ugarte being ravaged by a group of demons, and despite her injuries, Dove would have vainly rushed to his aid if Mira hadn't of grabbed her saying, "Its too late, we can only worry about ourselves now." Turning down another hall, they left Ugarte to his fate. Finally arriving at the stables Mira quickly saddled his horse, mounted, and pulled Dove up behind him, before riding into the chaos that was the besieged city.
  24. Mira watched Dove as she expertly dispatched the demon that had rushed her. She's even good with a sword! he thought to himself as he produced a pair of daggers from within his coat. Whirling he hurled them at a demon that was flying towards him. The daggers caught the beast in the chest and shoulder, but did little to slow it down. As soon as Mira had released the first pair of daggers though, a second pair was in his hands and he readied himself for the demons attack. In a blind charge the creature slammed into Mira, sending him sprawling on the floor. It then swooped around for the kill. Somehow, despite the strength of the blow, Mira had been able to hold on to his weapons, and from his position on the floor he threw one at the demon just in time catching it in the throat. The unlucky creature let out a howl that quickly became a gurgle as it plummeted towards the ground. With no time to catch his breath Mira got to his feet and readied himself for a fight.
  25. Maybe I'm missing something, but this poem seems a little insane. I like it.
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