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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Mira

  1. Training and discipline are no match for a good flintlock pistol and a sharp cutlass
  2. Sure, though I doubt he'll be touring anytime in the near future, or ever for that matter.
  3. Mira


    I've found myself trying to describe places in my poems of late, both real or imaginary, and I've been wondering if this style of writing is effective and if my descriptions are poignant enough to get my point across. Any feedback on this issue would be greatly appreciated. The tired tan paint lies flat on the walls, Never trying to be more than it is. Ten-thousand sickening feet of it, Dragging on forever. There are doors, Placed seemingly at random, From which people come and go. They are only specters though, Traveling down this endless corridor. And I sit on this sole wooden bench forever. Unable to go; not wanting to stay Pencil held to blank pad of paper. Unable to write what I want to say.
  4. You obviously haven't spent enough time yet talking to Sal. Otherwise, you'd know she'd never let a little thing like advanced pregnancy stand in the way of what she wants to do.
  5. Taking your comments into account Cyril, I've rewritten the third stanza. The poem is now this. Oaken doors creek on dead, rusted hinges Within the deserted house of our love. This building is haunted, by ghosts of ourselves Who stumble and search for each other in the habitual dark. How did we get to this? How did we let the house, which stood so proud, fall into disrepair? With unanswered questions that poisoned the air. With sorrowful glances of fleeting despair.
  6. I'm callin' it! At approximately 11:15 EST Kerry called Bush and conceded the election Now what do we do with Republican control of the entire government?
  7. My feelings are exactly the same as drummondo's. Can't really play an instrument without the ability to hear.
  8. It's 1:06 EST and I'm gouging my eyes out.
  9. Amen.
  10. I was planning on voting NO for president, and even had made a poster urging others to do so which I placed on my dorm room door, but now I'm thinking I will vote for Brown/Herbert. I seem to agree with their platform the most. If anyone else is looking for a third party alternative I suggest you look here and read up on their stances on the issues.
  11. Good overwhelming! Its as if I am actaully in the world that you paint with your words. I can almost see the leaves and feel the wind.
  12. #51 A lone piece of newspaper Floats through the breeze Information discarded and lost. No one cares for week old sports scores The Penuts comics are all reprints Those faces in the obituaries never belonged to the living And foreign conflicts have never touched me A lone piece of newspaper Floats through the breeze Flanked by a cloud Of orange autumn leaves. #52 One leaf remains on the old maple tree Orangish, Yellowish, Reddish, Brown. It shivers in the wind and seems to say, "I will not let go" "I will not give up" "As long as I hold on Winter will hold up." But that gnarled old man Has never stalled for stubborn leaves. And sure enough, crisp Autumn wind Becomes cold Winter breeze.
  13. Good stuff Wyvern. I'll have to tune in more often.
  14. The imagery is overwhelming. Hopefully I'll post a more detailed analysis later.
  15. Despite many peoples personal reviews, Green Day's newest album, American Idiot, is a work of art on par with some of the great albums of yore. Its a punk-rock opera, that tells the stories of several characters as they try to survive the chaos of adolescence. The album, as a whole, is also a social commentary on the state of America today as seen from the POV of the characters. There are a number of songs from the album that stand out as singles, namely, American Idiot, Holiday, Letterbomb, Wake Me Up When September Ends, and Boulevard Of Broken Dreams. However, the album is greater then the sums of its parts as the songs build off of each other to tell the story in a magnificent fashion. American Idiot is proof that good bands can make good albums, and anyone who claims Green Day has "sold out" has most likely not listened to the album and contemplated its meaning. The members of the band are all now in their 30's and have decided that its time to start acting like it.
  16. Would that be Bob Seger, Pete Seger, or another Seger I am unfamiliar with? With the mention of CCR I am incliened to assume Bob, since they are similar styles of music, which is awsome, because Bob Seger rules, and he lives in my home state!
  17. Mira


    Whatever happened to the fields I ran through as a child? To the hills I use to fly down on a sheet of virgin snow? Were they bulldozed into parking lots, Or built up into shopping malls? Do they only exist in my memories? If that is true, where will my children play? On dirty streets full of razor blades. In abandon lots of broken glass.
  18. I do music too... What Mira listens to: (Artists/Albums/Songs) Paul Simon - I almost literally worship Simon, especially his ability as a lyricist. Favorite albums - The Paul Simon Songbook, Graceland, Bookends Favorite Songs - Patterns, Flowers Never Bend With the Rainfall, Sound of Silence, etc... Bob Dylan - Little explanation needed. Favorite Albums - The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan, The Times They Are A-Changin', Highway 61 Revisited Favorite Songs - John Brown, Don't Think Twice, It's Alright, When the Ship Comes In Green Day - While no one ever said Green Day were talented musicians, I feel that too often Billy Joe Armstrong's skill as a lyricist is overlooked due to his overuse of obscenities. Favorite Albums - American Idiot, Dookie, Nimrod Favorite Songs - J.A.R., She, Holiday The Beatles - No explanation needed Favorite Albums - The White Album, Rubber Soul, Let It Be Favorite Songs - Julia, Across the Universe, Helter Skelter, etc... The Smashing Pumpkins - I've just recently started to listen to SP, after purchasing Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness, and I quickly realized the shear talent of this group. They could pump out a total metal song like Zero or Bullet with Butterfly Wings and follow it up with a song like Tonight, Tonight or 1979. Nirvana - Kurt Cobain was messed up, and somehow that allowed him to write some pretty amazing songs, if you really listen to them. His ability to convey emotion, exspecially pain or anguish, was simply amazing. Favorite Albums - Unplugged in New York Favorite Songs - Pennyroyal Tea, Heart Shaped Box, Lithium I could go on for hours, and if I get bored soon, I might be back to lengthen this. But for now, I think I'll stop.
  19. I created a profile under the name Mira, hope to see you around.
  20. Mira


  21. First off, welcome to The Pen. I like this poem for a number of reasons. First it flows well. The ryhme scheme, while pretty simple, does a good job of holding the poem together. I also really like the images conveyed all over the poem. Finally I really enjoyed the way you tackeled the subject. All in all, good stuff. I hope you continue to post around here.
  22. Mira


    Oaken doors creek on dead, rusted hinges Within the deserted house of our love. This building is haunted, by ghosts of ourselves Who stumble and search for each other in the habitual dark. How did we get to this? What unholy host came and drove us away? Why were we so blind to build this house of clay, That melted and crumbled in the cold autumn rain.
  23. Mira


    What can I say, I aim to please.
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