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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Mira

  1. This is pretty much all I know... This whole life thing is going to hurt like hell. It wouldn't be worth it if it didn't.
  2. Apparently there is still reason to fear... Thanks for the comments.
  3. We have left the Nuclear Age Have forgotten that we're gonna kill us all The fallout washed over me like rays of the sun Warm on my arms and upraised face I've never once feared that I'd be vaporized as I drew ragged breath under a meager desk (I suppose my father had, I've never thought to ask) I see signs for shelters and laugh. I have seen a silo before, seen it empty and derelict The middle of the Arizona desert, 1995 But I can't understand what it was for I can't comprehend Thermonuclear War What ever happened to all that fear? Hopped a train and said its goodbyes Came back a moment later under different guise.
  4. All your days should be great, Birthdays only better. Hope this one is.
  5. Music softly blaring all around And two dance slowly to the silent sound A pair of hearts fill in for the missing drum's pound The melody played out by their feet on the ground They escape away to the place that they've found A place just beyond the night's hidden bound And though the groups of people still surround They are alone, In love. "Dispell this pernicious ennui"
  6. I'm just going to quote Steinbeck on this one... "A man is a lonely thing."
  7. A subtle shift of languid light Slips lazily through the curtians Red tinted but bloodless Rebounds off The old grandfather clock And ancient vase That stand in the corner As silent sentinels Who watch over me With gazes of contempt As I lie lifeless on the floor
  8. As always, I thank you for your comments Wyvern.
  9. My decisions have to be made after dark For they can not stand the light of day Under the accusing light of the sun I stand powerless to act Immobilized by a single castigating ray But with the sun safe in bed My soul is set free And I am granted the will to act To finally let the me be me ----------------------------------------------------- Naked with the lights on I'm ugly; perverse. Hewn from soft sandstone; an unrhythmic verse. But as the lights fade and finally die My mind leaves my body and is set loose to fly Wildly though the black open sea that is time. Aimlessly though the open summer night sky. I am allowed to dance with the questions that try, With some measure of luck, to keep me awake as I lie Upon my bed, Still naked, now beautiful.
  10. How evil are you?
  11. Mira


    Some slight changes My rivers are dammed up Jammed up Straining to break free And she won't take and he won't take and I won't take me as me But what then? When the levies break and my world becomes the sea What then my friend? Can I continue to be? ------------------------------------- Am I a young man who's stumbled into an old man's world, Or are all of the old stuck in mine? Blowing around like yesterday's news; slightly soggy and past their prime. Their moth-eaten ideas so covered in dust are rendered useless to me I've spent so long trying to get young and now that I'm here I'll reserve my right to disagree.
  12. Mira


    I've written these over the past twenty four hours. Hopefully I can do something with them later. #68 The eldritch noise of AM radio waves wakes me from my sleep What time is it? 11pm or 3am For all I know I might be dead This is hell or purgatory Surely not heaven, not for me But I'll settle for this place; out of time and out of space An existence that may only lie within my mind And a voice in the dark that sounds a lot like mine Says "Go to sleep friend, it will be alright" A lie But I don't mind ---------------------------------- My rivers are dammed up Jammed up Straining to break free And she won't take and he won't take and I won't take me But what then? When the levies break and my world becomes the sea What then my friend? Can I continue to be? ------------------------------------- Am I a young man who's stumbled into an old man's world, Or are all of the old stuck in mine? Blowing around like yesterday's news; slightly soggy and decades past their prime. Their moth-eaten ideas so covered in dust are rendered useless to me I've spent so long trying to get young and now that I'm here I'll reserve my right to disagree.
  13. You know I'm glad you're back.
  14. Mira


    A very Lo-Fi demo of this song can be found here Thanks for listening. Verse 1: Dusts commin' up on a westbound wind It blows me away and I'm gone I'm livin my life on a hope and a prayer And a worn out, torn out song Chorus: Well take me away from here I need to get out of this place Make me afraid of fear And wipe the smile off my face Verse 2: I'm ten thousand miles from where I've been And ten thousand from where I'm goin' I've grown so tired of the same old thing So sick of what's right and what's wrong Chorus: Take me away from here I need to get out of this place Make me afraid of fear And wipe the smile off my face Verse 3: Been shovelin' smoke for twenty years Please tell me this 's not where I belong I thought I'd grow out of my teenage fears Well it looks like I was wrong Chorus: Take me away from here I need to get out of this place Make me afraid of fear Wipe the smile off my face Take me away from here Just throw me into outer space Wipe the smile off my face Wipe the smile off my face Wipe the smile off my face
  15. Congratulations to all.
  16. * Commentary is by the Yahoo user who created and chose these poems. I wish I could say I have some idea of who she is, but I honestly don't. Contact me if you're interested in some links that can give you more information about her or her Yahoo newsgroup. I love Ginsberg and Whitman, so this poem is wonderful. I do not however agree with some of the comments made by the Yahoo Reviewer.
  17. Congratulations.
  18. Mira


    Thanks for the comments all. Well damn the ubiquitous They But They say And They say They say that I've gone away To boldly flee another day To form my image in brittle clay Well I think this time I'll decide to stay For just one more act in this endless play For just one more stroll down this forgotten way Beneath the moon, and the stars, and the trees
  19. Mira


    Thank you for the comments both of you. As for the whole italics thing if you looked back at my works almost everyone of the 66 or more poems posted here are italicized. Its just something I do, though I understand what you're saying about the "They"'s not sticking out. Also as far as the first line of the third stanza goes, I debated about removing the first two words, but decided to keep them since I felt it gave it a bit more lyrical quality when read aloud. I suppose I'm just going to have to record it or something.
  20. Mira


    Damn the ubiquitous "They" Well They say And They say They say that I've gone away To boldly flee another day To form my image in brittle clay Well I think this time I'll decide to stay For just one more act in this endless play For just one more stroll down this forgotten way Beneath the moon, and the stars, and the trees
  21. Sorry I didn't say it earlier.... Thank You.
  22. Eh, Harry Potter wasn't that good; mostly over hyped. The characters stay pretty much the same through the six or so most dynamic years of their lives and despite mountains of ineptitude, always seem to come out on top. As for really good books... I'd have to say the best book I've read lately has either been John Steinbeck's "East of Eden" or Jack Kerouac's "On The Road" both of which left me speechless. Oh, and on a book related note I have some sad news. Jim Rigney, a.k.a. Robert Jordan, the author of one of the most successful fantasy series of recent years, The Wheel of Time, has been diagnosed with amyloidosis and been told he's got around 4 years to live. I hope he beats the disease, and from the press release he sent out last week, it sounds like he fully intends to.
  23. Some recent good films I've watched were... Good Night, and Good Luck, Jarhead, The Weather Underground, No Direction Home, The Station Agent, and Blade Runner.
  24. Cool
  25. Sorry, this one's a little silly and not all that good, but I was bored on my lunch today. I have no room for waste or error My words they must be terse Writing on napkins I fear Has proved to be a dreadful curse And even though its just begun This poem has reached its end Punctuated by a ketchup stain I once had called my friend
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