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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Mira

  1. "Hop in the queue”, they told me Get in line for your piece of the pie But I was waiting there so long With not an end in sight And as I stood there waiting The cogs of my mind did turn I came to wonder if maybe they were wrong Maybe it wasn't the pie that I yearned Now I think I'll walk around the world Just to pass the time ‘Cuz I've come to find that anything is better Then standing in that line Edited out some stupid errors.
  2. But yet, without feeling the bitter agony of defeat, we may never know the saccharine like taste of triumph.
  3. Silently I travel As I make my way to the City of Dis When I entered the portal to this blighted land I did as the inscription on the gates read In my heart not a shred of hope remains But still I search. Search for the answers that had eluded me in life Search for the questions my soul still seeks to ask I will have no respite until time is at an end I am a damned man. Damned for sins I did not understand For to waste one's life On such ineffectual matters as money, power, or lust Is perhaps the greatest sin of all.
  4. Thanks.
  5. I added a stanza between the second and the third, and edited a few things. I'm also working on some guitar gords for it. We'll see. Time is lost I try to breath Try to think And to perceive My senseless thought My wild dream Self is lost Soul set free With Ragged cloths And greasy hair The tollman asked A costly fair For me to pass From day to day I lost my soul Along the way Phantom pains In my mind I see but I'm still blind They say life's One big game Turns out I'm Locked in chains Like the son That flew too high Every dream Will one day die But hope will Be found by all When broken horns Let out their call
  6. You've got my vote ... (wait, I don't get a vote) ... well than you've got my suport. Hey, and what about Warren Zevon, he died on Sunday September 7, 2003. CNN.com
  7. "And these children that you spit on As they try to change their worlds Are immune to your consultations They’re quite aware of what they’re going through" Changes -David Bowie- Good poem. I really like this subject.
  8. Time passes Wounds heal Leaving scars That all can feel Bombs explode Shrapnel flies Victims stare With piercing eyes Men died Women too They were loved Like me or you Freedom ’s now A name brand Protect it from The black gold sand Am I safer Than before? Is safety now A prize of war? Time passes Wounds heal Leaving scars That all can feel.
  9. Parmenion, The Icarus allusion is the most obvious. The "tollman" reffers both to Charon and the toll to enter the abbys, as well as the prices one must pay throught their life.
  10. It's 2:30A.M. so I apologize for anything in advance. Time is lost I try to breath Try to think And to perceive My senseless thought My wild dream Self is lost Soul set free Ragged cloths And greasy hair The tollman asked A costly fair For me to pass From day to day I lost my mind Along the way Like the son That flew too high Every dream Will one day die But salvation Can be found by all When broken horns Let out their call
  11. I love it. It justs reads so smothly. Keep up the good work. (and what Peredhil said)
  12. A song that I wrote, that was inspired by a conversation with her. The lyrics are o.k. but I like the acutual guitar part better. To bad I can't share that. "Today is the day" she said With a smile on her face I wrote it all down Though it seemed like a waste And looking around I felt odd and out of place Like I was alone And she was there just incase She laughed at me I didn't care I liked her voice And she liked my hair I rambled on And tried not to stare But couledn't resist She wasn't aware
  13. I've thought of this several times before and I've decided that I'd want the ability to see everything in a given instant. From the smallest quirk to the entire universe, I'd want to see it all from the comfort of my own home.
  14. It was so happy in the beginning.
  15. The unknown.
  16. Was this one supose to be silly?
  17. Rhyming is good, if done correctly, because it adds to the flow and meter of a poem. It isn't, however, necessary to the actual meaning of a poem and therefore some people feel that it gets in the way of what needs to be said. To say that this poem could be better if the rhyming was omitted is in my opinion a rude comment and going as far as saying that poems without rhyme are better then ones without is a gross generalization. Dragolin, if you would like me to make a list of “touching” poems with rhyme I would be more than happy to do so.
  18. This world has bred and conditioned you - to feel no pain No emotions or feelings can be found inside your brain A heartless shell A soulless husk It’s just what they want you to be Not to think or question, Just to follow orders “Don’t even dream of being free.” Find your clique, your niche, your lot in life The path they picked for you. And listen to everything they say “Who cares if it’s not true.” And one day, years from now As you lie on your death bed With random neurons firing And flights of fancy in your head Something might snap or click As you watch your life flash by Your last thought, the realization That it’s all been one big lie.
  19. I very much enjoyed your little poetic comment on competition in the modern capitalistic society. I think that the first and last stanzas are very strong, although my favorite lines would have to be the last two of the third stanza Keep it up, but keep improving too
  20. A song of sorts. Simple open cords. If I could take a rag And make the stars shine more bright For you tonight For you tonight And if I could take this watch And stop all time For us tonight For us tonight But I am no god, just a man I have no power, beyond my hands I can't fulfill, your every dream I am weak, so it seems If I could gather Every flower for you I wish I could I wish I could And if I could write you A Love poem I wish I would I wish I would But I am no god, just a man I have no power, beyond my hands I can't fulfill, your every dream I am weak, or so it seems
  21. Gyrfalcon, If you were looking thru the 3rd edition MM you missed this entry Lillend Lillends are mysterious visitors from another plane. Many are skilled in one or more forms of artistic expresion. A lillend looks like a human or elf female with the lower torso of a multicolored serpent and huge, strikingly patterned wings like a bird's. The typical lillend's coils are 20 feet long. Lillend are lovers of music and art. Gold, even food, means little to them, while a song, story, orpeice of artwork holds great value. The destruction of art and ill treatement of artists enrages them. Their grudges are infamous, and they are often encountered seeking violent retribution against enemies of their favorite arts. Also I dug out my 2nd edition MM and found this one. Sylph Sylphs are beautiful humanoid women with wings like dragonflies. Their wings are 4-5 feet long and translucent, clear or spotted with iridescent color. Their long, bright hair may be any "normal" color, or blue, purple, or green. They wear flowing, diphanous robes wich accent their wings or hair. Sylphs are related to air elementals and nymphs, perhapse originating as a cross-breed between nymphs and aerial servents. They speek common and their own musical language. Sylphs are friendly and may befriend andventurers and give them aid in exchange for a favor. Hope one of these two creatures is something like what you are looking for.
  22. Valkyries were the maidens that carried fallen heroes to Valhalla in Norse mythology, Valhalla being their version of heaven. (sort-of) AD&D is Dungeons and Dragons. If your looking for winged creatures there are probably several in either the 2nd or 3rd edition Monster Manual and I would be more than happy to look for them if you would like.
  23. Valkeries! ( I think thats spelled right. )
  24. Mira


    What do you mean you've never heard the song!?! http://www.themightypen.net/public/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif You got to go download it or something.
  25. Mira


    That first line seems very familiar. Probably due to the fact that I have spent the day listening to Dylan, and that it is the first line of “Blowin’ In the Wind”. Not that I am accusing you of plagiarism or anything, but unfortunately for me I subconsciously read the poem to the same beat as the song. It doesn’t work, trust me. It ruined my whole experience. The words are good, the meaning is there, it just doesn’t go along with the song. "It’s not you, It’s me."
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