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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Knight

  1. Stepping up very silently behind Guido, Knight grinned. He knew exactly what was fixing to happen.... He reached out, and tapped him on the shoulder... "'Ello, Gweeds. Good salad?"
  2. "Oh for the love of-" Stick cuts Knight off- knowing that if he lets Knight speak more than what he has, he will never comply. "You know old friend, that you need to. Go back, and find Big P like I asked, would you?" Knight merely shrugged and nodded, and trekked back to find the Elder..
  3. "Well, I hate to interrupt the inspection folks, but we have searching to do here. I'm certain that they're at least reasonably benign, else when Stick returned.. We'd have had him screaming for us to remove him.." With this, Knight keeps walking along, his head and eyes darting back and forth, looking the place over. "So Stick buddy... what is all this?"
  4. Knight whistled softly to himself, waiting on Stick to finish his Druidic work, resting loosely on his hammer. "So.... Anyone want to fill me in here?"
  5. Somehow, I don't think coalitions are fair.... but that's alright, I'm already dead.
  6. ((OOC: Is Wolf-ish like Bunny-speak? In the even that it is, Knight is fluent in it, as per his many adventures with Stick and Mr. Bunny. Also have to remember that he's the Vice President of the official Mr. Bunny Fan Club... Arawn, wherever he may be, {good luck to him} is the actual president, but I digress...)) "Well, whatever's down here, we'll be fine. I've brought with me some provisions, nothing major, just some things that I brought back with me from another time, and another place. And, I have what Stick has affectionately dubbed the BFH- the Big Friggin' Hammer. Sorta like the BPS, but a hammer... Oh! And I do have a wee bit of magic left- watch this!" With that, he raised his hand, and conjured a small fireball- which he cast before them about 5 feet- and suspended it, perpetually in front of them, to act as a light, as necessary. "How's that?"
  7. *Sniggers* TOGA! TOGA! TOGA! Sorry, sorry...
  8. Hey! Congratulations! Good luck! All that good stuff! I don't see how you women can do it- forcibly expelling an 8-pound living creature from your body has to be excrutiating.. Not to mention... 5.... of them. Now I get to look like an idiot: What the heck is a doula?
  9. ((OOC: I have no idea what this place is like, so if you guys'll kindly elaborate a bit for me, so I know what I'm walking into, I'd be appreciative...))
  10. "Stick- if lesser things include weapons manufacture, then certainly! Well, that, and extra-planar travel, but that's rather beside the point. I'm still paying for my wrecked ship, and I cannot find what's left of the crew... Anyhow, if you will wait here for a moment- I need to go fetch some things- caves tend to have stuff that need a good beating, and my armor and my warhammer are back in my room.." Some several minutes later, Knight comes running back in, wearing a set of battered old armor, and toting a warhammer that looks entirely too large for a normal man to carry. He chuckles gleefully, and looks around, ready to go, even though he has no clue about where the heck he's going. "Well folks, NOW I'm ready. Let's go!"
  11. Looking back from the ever comical, and most likely confused Wyvern, Knight chuckles, his eyes sweeping over the assembled group. The butterflies have begun dispersing at this point, and another woman has joined the group. "Erm, well- it appears Annael has gone missing- and though the better majority of us have never actually *met* her, we're going ot go look for her. As for helping, I imagine you're more than welcome to. You may want to check with Gyrfalcon and Peredhil- they're pretty much the senior members here. As for myself, I'm not so much a new-comer, as an old-comer, who never-comes, if that makes much sense. The rather curious fellow you see beside me here," with this, Knight snags Stick roughly by the shoulder, and chuckles, "Is my good friend, and sometimes adventuring partner, Stick. We call him that because well, he's got that stick of his. And as for me, They usually call me Knight, if they call me at all." As he had obviously baffled the lady with his banter, he turned to Stick, "Well old friend- where do we begin?"
  12. ((OOC: Oh come on! That's just wrong! )
  13. Knight looked on, behind and to the left slightly, of Peredhil. He raised an eyebrow. "Well, if you think you all are going on some crazy quest to rescue someone-don't think you'll be heading out, without me. It's been too long." He rested his hand on the sword at his belt, and snorted. "Count me in, Big Peredhil. One of those rings will do right nicely..."
  14. Khe, having rushed in at the first sign of commotion, looks about the room. "In the name of Ra, what kind of creature do you all think me to be?! I did no such thing! What mad sort of logic would it be for me to allow Moses to be taken? He was not one who was suspicious of me in the last incident, and thus it would be foolish for me to have him eliminated! Would you or would you not agree? I would think that someone was out for vengeance! By the gods, I am starting to wonder if one or more of you have it in for me. Nehrathi, be not vengeful unto me- I was not the only one who had accused her. I already deeply regret that I had. Would it have been myself, and not her. We were wrong, dreadfully wrong." Khe sighed, and looked the group over. His eyes fell upon Rahotep, pleadingly. "My commander, please- you must know this to be true. We have been through this unlife together, and you must indeed realize what is going on- someone is trying to spread dissension, and confusion amongst us! We must work together, to defeat them! In my defense- I spoke hastily. I made no accusations, I merely questioned. It is true that I acted without pause and without hesitation. I admit this. I admit that that was wrong. I also admit that I wrongly accused Napheen. I am deeply sorrowful for this. As I said- would it have been I, rather than her..." (OOC: Minor editing to answer something I missed, and just caught in the re-read. No accusation yet, at this point...)
  15. Looks pretty much like a broken link to me...
  16. Excellent! I enjoy a good sonnet... They are well written- even if you didn't break them down into stanzas.
  17. As he shifts back to his guard chamber, Khe contemplates what has gone wrong here. If only he'd known the actions he would perpetuate by allowing Napheen to go. What a terrible, terrible waste, he thought. Still... she had been quick to accuse him. She knew full-well what was his nature. He was a guard, and it was his nature to be watchful, and careful of EVERYONE, but the Pharoah himself- he and only he was infallible. Quietly, he jotted the events down on an ancient sheet of parchment, before settling into his 'sleep'.
  18. Sorry Ayshela, it was you or me...
  19. OOC: Sorry about my delay folks... I had a very busy last few days. As far my 'accusation', it was not an accusation at all. Merely my character being characteristically suspicious. Oh well, go with the flow. IC: "I cannot believe that you all would suspect me of this. Especially you, Rahotep. I refuse to accept that you, a fellow guardsman, would think that I would stoop so low as to allow access to those that we guard. I was in my chamber last night.. as has become our custom.. Resting. Why I would eliminate one of our own is beyond me. Especially after all these many years, I still bare the weight of my position and station. It is my duty to ensure your SAFETY, not your harm. I would not do such a thing. And for this, I admit, if I am guilty of anything, it is failure. Failure to prevent the action from happening. I did not ensure the safety of Hemahibe. For this, my friends, I am truly, and greatly sorry..." Khe pauses for a moment, letting his words soak into the others as they may. He glances around, and his eyes shift from Moses, to Napheen. His body rattles somewhat- as if he were trying to clear his throat. "Napheen, I am greatly disappointed that you also have brought these charges against me. I believe that the ambassador may speak rightly- you were quick to shift the blame from yourself, and without good cause... I spoke hastily, but you should know by know that that is one of the many facets of my nature..." OOC: Accusation goes for Ayshela/Napheen
  20. Khe looked to Rahotep, his commander, and spoke. "Do you have any suspicions, Sir? It is dreadful that someone could do something so awful to someone so... beautiful... What a travesty..." Khe continued to look the group over, wondering just who, and what could bring themselves to do this. A terrible crime to commit...
  21. woohooo! Gyrfalcon... the Movie! I remember reading that.... *sniffs* Oh, the Nostalgia!
  22. Glancing around suspiciously, Khe, glares straight at Khaires, the former servant. "You! Where were you, last night. You had something to do with this, didn't you?"
  23. As I told you in IRC the other day, Joat, EXCELLENT story. I enjoyed it thoroughly..
  24. Count me in. Haven't played yet, but it looks like it'll be a blast. I'll play as Khe, the new guy in Rahotep's squad of guards...
  25. Black: You can't upkeep devils. They take a proportion of your population, not an actual fixxed number...
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