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Everything posted by Knight
Mine, also, is posted. Here
Mentor and Friend, Writer and Man, All of these things you are. Honor and Grace, Style and Faith, All of these things you have. So it is these great things, Very excellent and wonderful all, That set you out as a king among kings, Elder of many, and wisest of all. Peredhil, once of archmage, Now thoroughly of the mighty Pen, Should once again take the stage, This mighty man of men. Mentor and Friend, Writer and Man, All of these things you are. Honor and Grace, Style and Faith, All of these things you have. But most importantly, you are my friend.
((OOC: How could you off Quincunx! You evil, maligned peoples, you!)) IC: Brother Thomas spent most of his free time that day, praying for the souls of those who had passed in recent times. Unlike some of his brothers, he had been able to sleep- it was amazing what a person trained themselves to handle nearly any situation that might require penance. And so, the good Brother prayed, and prayed hard, wondering what the next night would bring. He wondered also, what would come about when the Inquisitor arrived. He worried not- the Inquisitor was an agent of the church, and as such, an instrument of the Lord. All things in their own due time would come to pass, such was the will of God. He finished his prayer to the almighty, and taking his parchment and paper, set about the cafeteria, transcribing the recent happenings into his records of the last days. With a sigh, he also began to write into his personal notes- with such fervor that he had forgotten the meal that he had laid out before him, and it had gotten cold- whereupon he had to be reminded by Brother Rhys, who had seemingly joined him... ((OOC Again: I'm just trying to work in a little more character interaction, so you may take over from here, Akellabeth... Just recall, Brother Thomas is stull subject to his Vow of Silence, and can communicate though, via writing.))
Having finished the recordings he had planned, Brother Thomas took some scrap parchment, his quill and ink, and headed for Dinner. Spying several of the fellow monk, he rubbed his temples gently, and shook his head, as he approached them. Suffering from a particularly bad migraine, Brother Thomas listened to them, as they uttered various rumors that had been floating around the abbey. So unlike them. So unlike those children of the Lord that they were. It was unnerving, and unsettling. Certainly, there had been deaths, and certainly, Brother Adrian had been imprisoned.... and released... Yet, he could not abide by the fact these, his brothers, were casting aspersions on one another. Scrawling quickly, he thrusted a note into the hand of Brother Gulzar, and left in a huff. My brothers, it is not appropriate, nor is it fair to say things about those who serve the Lord, same as you, or I. Give one another the benefit of the doubt, same as you would yourself, for we are all, in the end, the children of God. 'Thou shalt not cast aspersions on thy neighbour'. OOC: Edited an error in which I said my character had been imprisoned and released, and after some thought in the matter, I think I will go ahead and accuse Sweetcherrie- Brother Gulzar. Redirection from yourself, perhaps?
Brother Thomas, shocked not only by the fact that Adrian had made such a rude statement to him prior, but even more so by his quickness to accuse him of such unspeakable acts, was deep in prayer for poor Adrian's soul. It was obvious that the young man had been led astray, and had fallen from grace. Though it would not do to make accusations, nor was it his place- it was in God's hands now. Perhaps it would be best to prove the young man's innocence by sending him away.. Perhaps he should suggest that to the Abbot.. Perhaps. Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps. Always perhaps. Another brother having been poisoned, now was not the time for indecision. Yes, he would suggest that to the Abbot. May the almighty father have mercy on my soul, he mused... Yet, was he reacting in haste and anger? Certainly young Adrian had wronged against him. And certainly, he had been quick to accuse. No, there must have been a reason for his quick accusation, and his careless barb. And so, he must report his suspicions to the Abbot. ((OOC: Accusation is for Vahktang/Adrian)
Brother Thomas sat in his cell, feeling quite fortunate that he had not cast a vote. He would not have the loss of the innocent man on his conscience. He felt sorrow that his brethren had done this, but there was nothing that could be done about it. What was done was done, and it was in God's hands now. He quickly transcribed the events of the day into his journal, careful to leave out his personal feelings of the issue. At least there would be a record of the events of the abbey, once this was all done and said. With another sigh, he took a light rest, before heading out to meet with the others...
Scratching furiously on a piece of parchment with his quill, Brother Thomas looked about his small office, still taking his pennace into consideration. In the process of writing a book, Brother Thomas had also taken a vow of silence- and as such, had become quite proficient with the quill and paper- those being his only modes of communication. Curiously, he poked his head up from that which he had been writing intently, he left his chamber, and headed out into the communes- To find that Brother Adelmo had been murdered. Curious- he had not seen him at Matins, afterall... It was a terrible shame, Adelmo had worked often with him. With a silent sigh, Brother Thomas went to the church, to pray for the soul of the fallen monk.
Well, since you guys are making characters... I guess I'll have a crack at it, too.. TV shows: Andrew von Hazen- Yes, the name is not German. Yes, he legally changed his name to add it. He is the whiny director of a half-dozen or so cookie cutter drama shows. He has no friends, but does possess a Napoleon complex the size of Texas. Or Alaska. Your call. Rose doodamahickey: Friar Thomas- The very quiet guy with the very Mr. Bunny-esque quotes of '...' and '...'. Having taken a vow of silence for his last round of penance, his method of communication, (at least for the next four months), is by hand-writing alone. Generally though, he is a good sort of guy..
Well, at least you gave it a shot. I think. Under any circumstances, I wish you luck, though I do not know you. That has got to be one tough cookie to have to go through... I hope I don't run into that problem, but then again, I don't think I'm bipolar, or have a broken leg... or a lost testicle...
I'm game. Let's hope I won't get lynched second round this time... heh.
Huh? we spell Curb like that.. And Connexion? I'm confused.
"to little to be seen" Not to nitpick, but that should be "Too little to be seen".
Would I be correct in assuming it's a little late for this? If it isn't, I'd like to get in... I missed this one, somehow, and I always enjoyed a good riddle..
This is so, but neither were Ninjas. Romanticism aside, Ninjas were only good for one thing: Knifing some poor schmo in the back. Face to face, against a proper samurai, they had little to no chance- the katana > Ninja-To... And it's a matter of training, once again... However, given the fact that Pirates had guns... And large numbers of them, I must place emphasis on the pirate winning the fight. Stealth, and darts, and bows, and arrows, and all those nifty things are cool, but they aren't worth spit when compared to .60caliber hand cannon....
Auction: Seranil, the Lyre of Deception
Knight replied to Katzaniel's topic in Conservatory Archives
OOC: No, you did quite admirably in use of me... But I'll tell you what, we can auction the can of bruteweiser... mwahahaha... -
Pirates win, by sheer numerical superiority. Ninjas take forever to train. Any average joe can be a pirate... Not to mention that despite all that stealthy niftyness, I pity the poor ninjas caught out on the boat...
Auction: Seranil, the Lyre of Deception
Knight replied to Katzaniel's topic in Conservatory Archives
Twenty-Seven. Plus an empty can of Bruteweiser, and a wad of chewing gum. -
Auction: Seranil, the Lyre of Deception
Knight replied to Katzaniel's topic in Conservatory Archives
Give ya twenny. -
hm... Why not? Count me in.
Exploring the caves beneath The Pen
Knight replied to The Big Pointy One's topic in Conservatory Archives
Running back to them in a huff, having been summoned previously by the demon that is typically called real-life, Knight looked at the two of them. "I followed after Riven for a while, couldn't find him... and *POOF* I got summoned back... So here you find me hauling back down, because I'm not entirely sure where you guys had gotten off to. I am able to track, so it was not too difficult to find you all." He flashed a toothy grin at them, and looked over the group. "So, what's the deal folks?" -
(OOC: Oh Dear... I forgot to mention- Knight isn't quite a dominion anymore...) Knight grins somewhat devillishly, and in a fit of masochism, he nods to Pedro, and points at Wyvern. "I'll have what he's having.."
Santa Claws' "The Night before Christmas"
Knight replied to Vigil StarGazer's topic in Banquet Room Archives
I got a rather good chuckle out of this... sort of reminds me of the Santa Bot from Futurama.... -
Katz: Would it be possible for me to post the text seperately, from one of my poems that I know was posted up here? I just do not feel like back and hunting through 35 pages of poetry to find it...
Bravo, Bravo! I like these very much- particularly the Haiku, The Darkness, and The Secret's Out. The Secret's out strikes a particular chord- reminds me of things I've seen all too often... The Haiku is excellent- it is, as a haiku was intended, about nature, but nature of a different sort. And The Darkness reminds me of some of my own writings, even if itt does not hold to a rhyme scheme like I am fond of using. These are all very good.
Fluttering, fluttering, I do not know it, Small little creature, dancing like a fire lit, Little wings upon its shoulders flicking quickly, In its confusion looking sickly, So who is this little, little wonder? Why does she try to tear my people asunder? And what is with the look upon her face? The one that makes me wish to bash her with my mace.