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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Knight

  1. "As if you would actually have been capable of eliminating me. I would have sensed you coming a mile away. You are after all, clumsy, noisy, and a lout. Yes, he was xenophobic. And perhaps one of the others did it? But you see, I don't think so. I think you are beginning to get paranoid- beginning to try to cast all suspicion away from yourself. And why would Fx'zet or Klen have killed the others.. certainly, that would be what someone who were trying to cast the suspicion elsewhere would have us believe, is it not, Jedi?" The two circled each other, lightsabres flickering on, as they paced about, back and forth, wearily glancing at each other, waiting for the other to make the first move, any move at all....
  2. "It is curious to note that you would find him first.... Jedi..." Palu said to Reaver, when he finally came face to face with him, some time afterwards. Lightsabre drawn in case of any.... incidents, Palu kept a close guard over the other student, very carefully keeping an eye on him. Completely at the ready, and sensing out through the force to make sure any duel would go uninterrupted, Palu kept his eyes open, all the same. "While he was a pompous xenophobic fool, it was far less intelligent to wreck a ship... Unless of course, you were trying to sabotage the order, and cast blame upon Fxz'et. However..... You forgot something. He wanted the ship for his own; not to destroy it." ((OOC: Accusation against Gryphon/Reaver))
  3. "Well now... That is an interesting turn of events.. And it's hardly as if we need protection from... Jedi.." Still suspicious of Reaver- especially after the implication of Rukmini as the guilty party behind all of this, Palu decided to watch and wait, and see what would occur. He headed back to the trianing grounds, and began to engage targets with a renewed fervor. He would need to be on his best game, for this..
  4. "Nor will I be so easy as you think." With that, he grinned, relishing in the challenge, slipping into fighting position. The two stared at each other, and quickly began to swing away at one another, lightsabres crackling through the air in rapid succession- a flurry of blows rained in at one another, countered by the other, as were the various force attacks that either used. Left, right right, up, left, down, feint, left.... It was as if the two were busily locked in a presentation on sword play...
  5. Palu suddenly decided that he had had enough. He thought he recognized the handiwork for sure, and following his hunch, drew his lightsabre, and carefully proceeded his way towards his suspect. Sensing someone was trying to beat him out- he re-doubled his efforts, and moved stealthily, lightsabre not on just yet, but at the ready. He came around the corner, and found who he was looking for. Reaver. His lightsabre crackled on- and he smirked. "Hello, Jedi." ((OOC: Vote for Gryphon/Reaver))
  6. Having rushed to the scene... Palu looked over the crowd now assembled.. who amongst us.... Who indeed.... His mind quickly began to run through those who were the likely suspects. His eyes darted from face to face, picking them out as rapidly as he could. It was well that Mira was gone- the scum could not defend herself from a Jedi with a standard blade. How pathetic.... Still- which amongst the students would wield a standard blade? Rukmini was a likely suspect, perhaps- she was all body, and no skill. What of Reaver? Reaver rejoiced in the use of lightsabre- it would not be too far a stretch. Perhaps Klen? No, Klen was more likely to use the force- something with more finesse was more in keeping with a Bothan. Fzx'et? Perhaps. The... thing, was terrible indeed with a lightsabre... And then there was Zarek, one of the few other students with a ship- and more interested in flying, than anything else... Decisions, decisions.... Very curious indeed. Palu shrugged, left the scene of the 'crime' and headed back to the cafeteria. Better to think with food available... ((OOC: No accusation, yet.))
  7. Back at his favorite spot in the training grounds, Palu went over the combat once more. The final, bloody moment when he had ended Jethay's life was, as always, exhilirating. Still, he would need to be on top of things for the days to come. Certainly the other students had no great 'love' for him, and as such, he would have to keep an eye out both physically... and through the force. Pretending to actually train against the incoming bolts, he flicked them away with precision, and ease. He stopped the program to sense something- Rukmini.... Reading her like an open book... Well, Reaver is in for a.... good time... He snorted.
  8. Now that's curious. Purple's just conked out over her little booth. Perhaps I should see if she needs assistance. With that, Knight rose, still puffing furiously on his pipe, and wandered over to the young woman, and began to run through preliminary first aid.. Unconscious, but breathing.. Miss, are you alright? 'Ello? Looks like she's out cold... So Knight did what he did best, and waited- taking a seat near her, but not so near that it would be inappropriate, should she wake up in a startled state... He did not want to perform magic if it weren't necessary, especially considering he wasn't sure if she would want him to. So sat he did.
  9. Twins. Both a boy, and a girl. I win.
  10. WEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..... Now that was fun.
  11. "Ah yes. That." Withdrawing the light sabre, he tosses it over to Klen. "There you are. Perhaps you are right. She does not pose a threat... at all." ((OOC: Also change of a vote to Mynx. Just 'cuz.))
  12. "This is so." He re-doubled his efforts- and his speed. A sharp kick to the Bothan's abdomen staggered him- and then he slammed home with a blast of the force- sending the creature flying into the wall, and forcing him to lose sabre. "I will be taking this." With that, he drew the blade to him, and turned it off mid-flight. Also, stuffing it into his sabre's holster, he looked at the Bothan. "Think for a moment, companion. Who amongst us lacks the intelligence, the forsight, and the skill to truly be a sith. Who alone truly should not be here- Certainly, we both belong. But even more certainly, she does not."
  13. (Hey Ozy! Tag, NO TAGBACKS!) Your logic is flawed, my padawans. The chances of my former jedi-hood being a cause for infiltration is kinda silly, considering HALF the students at the academy are likely former jedi...
  14. "I suspect that you suspect me, then. Very well." Palu ducked underneath of the fist, and riposted sharply with a kick, that Klen also dodged. His Lightsabre also crackled on- he assumed his two handed fighting style, and smirked. "Did I ever tell you why I went to the Jedi Academy? So I could get this. And some knowledge of the force." He held out the lightsabre in his hands. "Did I also tell you why I was expelled, and banished from Dantooine?" The two clashed blades rapidly, left, right, right, left, over, under, backwards. "I killed an entire village. Laughed as I snuffed out the lives of two hundred, fifty three people. I relished in their deaths. I have a momento of each. Feel free to check on that sometime. Revan heard of me, as I made my way slaughtering the innocents from place to place... You know that I have a ship, yes? Know how I got it? I killed the crew. The skull of their commander sits on its console." Again the blades clashed, and force lightning crackled from a well placed attempt on Klen. The man handled it almost as effortlessly as it was flung at him- it was obvious that they were at a standstill. "Yes, I was at the academy. But do you think a JEDI could have obtained Revan's personal seal, and his letter of recommendation?"
  15. "Well now... THAT is curious. Jedi, eh? I was training to be a jedi once- you would think I would have smelled their scum a mile away..." And then he thought about it, for a few moments. Who amongst all the students did not likely belong? Who here was lacking the overall... gumption, and intellect, to really, truly be a sith? Certainly not Rukmini. She had been the oddball out for quite some time. Keeping his Lightsabre in hand- he stalked his way very closely indeed, towards the attractive, yet.... lacking, young woman. ((OOC: Vote for Rukmini/Sweetcherrie Yeh, sorry. Nothing personal, just the most likely candidate for a first round...))
  16. Glancing up from his smoke-induced revery, Knight nodded hello to Sweetcherrie. "Allo. Salut. Guten tag. Howdy. Hola. Hiya. And all of that other such silly nonsense. How are you this day?" He motioned for her to have a seat, as he took another deep puff on the burning tobacco, and then withdrew the pipe to blow a smoke-ring, which he then in turn manipulated into five pointed star- and then back into a ring again. Knight always did love to show off...
  17. The ignorant louts. The bloody lot of ignorant louts! What in the name of the dark side were they going on about? It was quite obvious to Palu that these incompetent oafs would fail in their tasks- none of them had the credentials, and none of them were nearly as intelligent as he... Nor as... malicious... With a sigh, a shake of his head, and a small inward chuckle, he wandered his way to the training grounds- whereupon he withdrew his Lightsabre from its holster on his hip. Quickly flicking it on, and adopting his somewhat unorthodox two-handed fighting stance, he began to engage targets as they came at him, completely at random. Alternating between using powers of the force, and his lightsabre- the targets fell quickly- disappointingly quickly. He needed to train against something, or someone more.... gratifying. After all, he only truly felt alive when he was testing his power- as he had on the villagers, that day, or against countless others, throughout his travels... That is, until he was sent to this place. Though he had learned much, he was still... Bored.
  18. Palu Home Planet: Dantooine Race: Human Force Sensitive from an early age, Palu was born in a small town on Dantooine. Secretly hateful of all that existed, and somewhat depraved, Palu had enjoyed torturing small creatures, and performing generally malicious acts as a child. Noticed finally for his senstitivity to the force, Palu was taken in to be trained at the academy of Dantooine- whereupon his powers, and his skill with a lightsabre grew. Using a rather un-orthodox style of fighting, he wielded his lightsabre in two hands- much like a katana of the future. Palu was expelled from the academy upon the realization from his masters that he was responsible for the slaughter of an entire village on Dantooine- the reason- he had been short-changed by one of the local merchants. With this, his masters had no choice but to exile him. And like all exiles, he left. Shortly thereafter, he 'found' (Read: Killed the crew, and hijacked) himself a ship, and went about his merry way causing havoc and mayhem throughout the galaxy. It was during this period of time, that Darth Revan took a personal notice- and tracked him down. After a short, brief attempted battle- Palu tried to attack Revan, for reasons still unknown- which Revan beat him senseless. Recognizing his potential, and his love for the Dark Side, Revan sent him on to the academy, with his personal seal, and endorsement.
  19. As ever, Knight sat quietly in the corner of the room, just enjoying the sights and sounds of all the people around. His hands went two or three times to the pocket of his simple suit- and withdrew the watch that sat there. Unlike the suit- the watch spoke of extreme riches and wonders- a time piece from another time, and place, a slight blue glow emanating from its golden body. He chuckled to himself- this party had only just begun. Noting that Zariah was feeling down- he started to stand to make his way over to be friendly towards her- but noticed that Pilocani had beat him to the punch. No matter, here's to hoping he can do what I probably would be a dismal failure at... Shrugging once more to himself, he pulled out a small pipe from the other pocket inside his suit, and a small pouch- filling the pipe, he lit it, and smoked thoughtfully, wondering why he even came to these sort of things. It was most likely because the people were good company, when they weren't too busy fighting amongst one another, trying to con him out of his life's savings, and/or possibly both. With a small, derisive chuckle, Knight leaned back into the bench he sat at, and puffed away on the pipe...
  20. Wow, now I want to play a wookie.... With such garbled expressions as GRRRRRRRRRRhaaawhgh.....
  21. And as another innocent leaves the Monestary, Brother Thomas writes of his passage. Not having had a part in this brother's departure, he feels some solace- if only slightly. Not even bothering to take dinner, Brother Thomas was busily dealing with his work, and writing his thoughts, and of the accounts of this latest of departures.
  22. Brother Thomas, noticing also as Brother Caire walks into the room, nods his greeting. Also feeling somewhat guilty about his inaccurate accusation, he has been buried in his writings. It was most unfortunate that things had worked out as they had... And that he had no ability to make a confession, though the Abbot knew fully who was also responsible for the action. It was a very perplexing situation. Perhaps someone had had Brother Gulzar's ear- and as such, was playing him like a violin, knowing fully that the good Brother would speculate amongst the others, and create suspicion. However... Brother Thomas had had a hunch, about someone... Now what to do about it...
  23. OH hell! Sorry Sweetcherrie...
  24. My Dear Abbot, In light of recent events, things around the abbey have become understandably tense. An aura of fear and suspicion permeate the air of the abbey, these recent days- I believe that some of my brothers, God help their souls, are losing the faith and rationality that the Lord provided them. First amongst this number is Brother Gulzar- I have heard him on more than one ocassion casting aspersions and unprovable testimony against our brethren and servants here in this abbey. It is with a heavy heart that I write to you, requesting that something be done about this immediately, for the good of the Abbey. May God help the good brother as he, our Heavenly Father sees fit, but on this Earth, we must deal with things as they are necessary. It is of my opinion, at this time, that Brother Gulzar at least take a sabbatical from this abbey, at your reccomendation. It would not do for him to continue with the irrational fearmongering that he has been laying out before us- and at such a juncture, it is a dangerous thing. I am but a lowly servant of the Lord, but I do believe that this must come to an end. Go with God, Brother Thomas ((OOC: Accusation for Brother Gulzar, Sweetcherrie))
  25. Vahktang: Fan of Burke, I see? Oh. and in that case... I get Charlie Manson. Helter Skelter, baby.
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