Rahsash Geldich
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Everything posted by Rahsash Geldich
Very vivid indeed, it conveys a lot emotions that aren't usually conveyed so subtly, like hopelessness at the line "hate... will make me stronger" Just my thoughts I guess
::grins:: Then we'll be intreped poetry daydreamers as a group eh?
::recognizes a fellow Calvin and Hobbes Reader in Seth:: I like writing in metaphor, but sometimes I get so far into it, the meaning is lost!
I am the Embodiment of Evil, I am the Portrayer of Light, I love to Wreak Havoc And give the Blind Sight I have a blue million Faces And not all are Masks. I am One and am All In case Anyone Asks I Hate and I Love, I Live and I Die. All for the Fun; Never the Why I Plot and I Track, I wander The World. Real or Fantasy Together, all swirled.
Stereotypical maybe, but it has a timeless essence to it that I like. I also congratulate you on your use of thy's and thou's and thee's... I have the talent of a duck in that area lol
yes, two posts in two days im going sane people :)
Rahsash Geldich replied to a topic in Banquet Room Archives
Very powerful, I particularly like the line "mentally transmitted disease" -
I really like that! Keep it up!
:blushes:: ty, I liked that one as well
For you I know my heart does seek, Your words still make my body weak. When you're around, I can't seem to think Brown eyes search my soul; watch me sink. Fate loves to sit with a self-satisfied smirk- I am his warped little piece of handiwork. I am falling into a gaping abyss- Your outstretched hand I somehow missed. But people caught me, falling from you. You took all the color, but greys are pretty too. Fate loves to sit with a self-satisfied smirk- I am his warped little piece of handiwork. I will learn to be happy without your touch But do not think I won't miss you a bunch. I cannot sit around waiting for you, Even though I know you love me too.
Would you be less broken hearted If I told you that I hadn't started A relationship so long ago I was hooked up, hadn't wanted it so? Would it have mattered when It came down to the line. Then And there, I didn't know Paralyzed by disbelief and woe. Hooked up by a friend to A near stranger, and you Were always there, haunting My thoughts- Wanting. I wanted to cry, but my heart Stopped to feel, as a part Of it was missing, still with You, happiness now a myth. Now tell me truly, would it Have mattered? As I sit Here and wonder, I don't know... Just please say it is so! Tell me I didn't sit here without You, wondering what to do about This sudden turn of fortune that Left me cold. Say it flat. Oh God! Dear God no! You told me it was so! You said I'd been an angel to you, Yet you said that it all was true. And now you say you've moved On, and love another. My heart's grooved With the pieces it gave up for You, but I know I'd give more. I want wou back, but my wish Isn't coming true. Other fish May be in the sea, but all I want is you. I still call. But now there is no return, The sun still rises, wheels turn, But I am now an empty shell Returning to the living hell.
But then I woke up to the world again And watched my life go down the drain. I was still singing that morbid refrain. Been hit again by a metaphorical train. I remember when you still loved me, When I was the only one you could see. I guess it simply wasn't meant to be. When I should stand, I only flee. Its all my fault that I sit alone I simply wish I had known My true feelings coulda been shown If only different winds had blown. ((still to be continued, expect a lenthy one....)) Edited by: Rahsash Geldich at: 1/20/02 8:11:47 pm
I had a dream the other night, You saw me and your eyes took light, Cradled me in your arms, held me tight Whispered everything would be alright. And I nestled myself in your arms, Told myself I was far out of harms Way. Happiness settled in gentle swarms. I was totally enveloped by your charm. ((To be finished at a later date, it feels like the middle of something, but I need the rest, so its to be continued))
People are like stars, Some shining brighter Some hardly shining at all. Some so overshadowed by another that They do not shine as bright. Or maybe they do, but we're so blinded We can't see that they make others brighter And some shine even though they're long gone, While others shine but we can't yet see them For they're so far away. And some twinkle, dimming but coming back brighter Only to dim again so we wonder Why and how but why should we care Do you ever wonder if you're an observer Or do you shine too, up there among others Do you wonder now?
Faces crying all around Flags flying, all half-down The poles that usually hold Them so high, proud, and told Of our heritage, now weep too. Gas laden bombs flew Into our world, telling us that We could just as easily be flat on the ground as that tower Little more than gray powder. I pray that I will wake up, My world will not be messed up And all these men in uniform Recruiting my friends, Desert Storm Vets. with pain in their eyes Trying to show all of the guys And girls that we need to stand Again to face our enemies and prove That we can be strong to move Ourselves forward, learn from the past, And make sure we last To see another day in this beautiful Country I call home. Bountiful Have been our blessings, but now we need to show That our very will and hope, hearts know.
I am balanced on the rim of the world- The world as you know it behind, The world noone knows ahead, On the rim, I stand perfectly aligned. Fantasy is ahead, giving me insight To my well of creativity and lending Me a getaway when I feel that negativity Is all anyone has been sending. Whenever I reach into it, my balance Waivers- So I am left outstretched, Not wanting to reach too far and fall To hit the Rim and never be catched. A wind sweeps up from behind, pulling Me backwards into reality, but I refuse To budge from my post. I will not abandon One for the other, as both are there for use. I am balanced on the rim of the world- Positioned for happiness, I stand Willing to wait to let each show me Ways to go without any demand.
I don't know, I really like it how it is, espically the terminology, how it has that Shakespearian feel to it.
Thanks for replying, I liked that one too, it turned out better than I thought it would because I thought the rythms were off...
I tried to reach out to you today. I don't think you noticed, but its okay; I'll reach out to someone else. I wanted to tell you I am acheiving. In myself, I have started believing. But its okay, I'll tell someone else. I wanted help with my problems For they feel like no-one-can-solve-ems But I suppose I can tell someone else. I guess another day will have to do, I'd still pick no one over you. As much as I tell someone else
A bit of sunshine found me today I was surprised, after being so sure That I had wandered too far to be reached By the suns warming rays. It rained down gently from the skies, Drifiting across my fingertips and Shining in brilliant facets to cast Rainbows that gave peace and dried eyes. I looked up, wanting to find the source Of this bit of happiness that cradels And tells me I'll be okay, that the world Will be okay again, my ship will be back on course. But it eluded my sight, hiding from me Behind a cloud. And as long as I searched, It stayed away. Finally, I gave up and Looked back into the world; What will I see? But there is the sunshine again! I smile, and it strains my face from Disuse, or maybe misuse, but the light Turns into gold my death-white skin. I look around my once black world Clouds fly overhead, shadowing the green Hills and the wind runs too, pulling The wildflowers, colors swirled. I stand up and laugh, for I have again seen The day for what it is. I realise what I've missed, and what I need. I catch The little rainbows, turn them into birds that keen. I run with the wind and dance throughout The flowers, regaining myself whom I Thought lost, my love of the world Reclaimed. This is what I needed, no doubt. Shatterings- The shadows of depression flew Out from nowhere, Trying to pull me back to them "Please, Please! We need you with us!" I run. "Leave me alone! Don't you understand? I need me too!" I race down the hill, and the rainbows encase My shoulders and I have wings as they! I soar through the air up and up to the moon. And I find the shadows have lost their chase. I fear to go back, knowing the Shatterings are There. I sit and cry in the never-dark of the moon And the coyotes and dogs back on the ground Look up and cry too, Howling at the biggest non-star. But the rainbows follow me here! They Dry my tears yet again and help me to my feet And float me back to earth. They coat me in Sparkle, and I am sure they know a way. I curl up among the drifting wildflowers, And look back the way I came. And now I see That now, I am silver as the moon above, Basked in its never-dark showers. I drift off to sleep, knowing it is guarded From the Shatterings. And in the morning I see the sunrise and the rainbows return to me With the bit of sunshine, during the night hoarded. Its gold soothes me, but I don't forget the moon Who guarded me during the night. It is even Here during the day, still in the sky, watching me and telling me, tonight I'll be as safe at I am at noon.
((This is more of a rant than actual poetry, so if you want it away, feel free)) I'm freaking TIRED Of people running their MOUTHS Telling me stuff they know nothing ABOUT Telling me I should care about RACE I should care about ETNICITY I shoud care about FAITH What if I don't give a DAMN? what if what if what if what if I'm freaking TIRED Of people saying I SHOULDN'T People saying I COULDN't People saying I WOULDN'T Know love without him here in my arms... THEY'RE WRONG What if I loved him ANYWAYS Even though he lives miles AWAY! What if I don't give a DAMN?! What if What if What if What if Why the hell do they CARE About my beliefs if I look past THEIRS Their hellish ideas of SEGRIGATION And evilness that fills their minds about LOOKS They must be blind for they lack true SIGHT They lack hearts sight for true LOVE How can they find it when they are PREJUDICED What if I don't give a DAMN??!! What If What If What If What If They think they're inside doors of GOLD But they don't see the gold is TARNISHED Tarnished with BLOOD Tarnished with HATE Tarnished with their stupid IDEAS Of perfection that cannot be ACHIEVED Because if God wanted us to be the SAME He would have made us CLONES What if I don't give a DAMN???!!! WHAT IF WHAT IF WHAT IF WHAT IF I see past your prejudiced VIEW And I simply can't stand the sight of YOU How can you find the love you SEEK The peace of the world you want to SEE Through your clouded SIGHT I swear you must be BLIND And I will get and recieve more PEACE And get and recieve more LOVE Than you, you prejudiced FREAK! ((::lets out a deep breath:: Sorry that is so depressing and negative, but I am usually judged by all those things, and I refuse to be prejudiced because so many of the ones I love are missing out because of their stupid beliefs that certain people are... ::trails off before she repeats the poem that is not a poem: )
I fear my heart shall never feel again My soul is all alone within. Art without color, this I do Live without feeling? This too. My mind pulls and scrambels At my heart with Briars and Brambels Trying to get it to pulse once more. Its a place where no waves hit the shore. How in the world did I get this way? Fearing? Hating? The brand new day Now unwelcomed, passes without notice From my rest deprived subconcious. Truths hidden, lies said, wall up first For safety, but I fear the worst Is yet to come and they are too weak Or am I just afraid to speak? Either way, I now feel nothing, a shock Of too many boats entering the dock Leaving me empty, inside a glass box At which thrown are rocks. They dent the surface, but cannot Get in. Will I ever again have a shot Of feeling again? The future looks grim I'm standing on the worlds outer rim. One foot in fact, the other in fancy I don't Want to go to either side. More like I won't Without feeling, my heart runs on lore. Fantasy books, all of love and war. Yet nothing stirs the rock of my heart. Perhaps it has been ripped too far apart By too many people. I can't go on this way Fighting my way through empty day after day. I fear my heart shall never feel again My soul is all alone within. Art without color, this I do Live without feeling? This too.
::Walks into the recruitment room, long black hair partially hiding her face. She carries three leather bound books, matching light brown covers and ribbons streaming from their edges where the places are marked.:: I heard this was a place for free writing? I have a great wish to have someone critique my work, but I needed such a forum... ::She suddenly trails off, tilting her head tot he side as if hearing some inner voice. Her dark eyes are blankly staring, yet her figners move as if they are writing.:: "Love, Anger, Happiness, Hate In some way, they all relate. Happiness with one Frolick and run. Love grows Begins to show. Anger at words Happiness curds Bits of Hate They all relate." ::Suddenly her eyes get their life back and she looks at the freshly written words.:: "I can give a further demonstration if you wish, but I write, roleplay, and draw. A book for poems, one for stories, and one for my sketches." ::Her eyes shift to the person behind the desk, slightly questioning.::