Rahsash Geldich
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Everything posted by Rahsash Geldich
Lets hear it for the movers and shakers, The artists, the writers, the makers. For these are the people that move us along, The ones who won't hesitate to write a song Or paint what they feel so that society Can stay in their little gray box. No Variety We'll weed out these people, our movers Who were yelled at for ideology, groovers That disrupt the flow of daily life over Its worn-smooth path. Hate to rovers. But isn't this how society works? We place higher value on quirks, But if they become too large, they Must be mashed back down, Pay Ye thinkers, Ye movers, you shakers For individuality! Yet we have takers? Be brave all you movers and shakers- You artists, you writers, you makers. There will always be critics in our day But we must not let ourselves run away. Who cares what anybody else will do? You have two people only to answer to The first is God, the second, dear thinker Is you- An illustrous individual, a tinker.
That one had been bouncing in my head for a long time, I just didn't know how to put it... Poet's Block: ____ I I I___I
"To drink or not to drink, that is the real question." I love coffee, and one of my buds was saying I was addicted 'cause I'm a grouch without it. She would be too if she knew how yummy it was... ::slurps a cup::
Happiness in a creamic cup, Swirl it around, drink it up. Black and sharp, steaming hot. I stand beside the half-full pot. Of course I'm not addicted, Its just that I'm afflicted With an anti-morning problem, Does anyone have sugar on them? Caffiene floods my veins And contentment reigns. But as it leaves me, I fall Down, never up at all. Maybe I'm addicted after all
I like this 'cause I feel you with the happy dreams shattered part... At least, thats what it feels like to me...
It reminds me of something seen at a glance that we don't think of untill it suddenly applys with more force than we would like to admit. Very ::searches for an adjective but gets distracted as a giant mushroom bounces past:: Holy Mushrooms and Magic Cookies!
The stars are now out, Shining in a clear sky. My breath curls in white steam And out of happiness, I sigh. Neon numbers proclaim ten, An odd hour for activity. But my friends and I gather We are going skiing you see. The ride in the van fuels My adrenaline, boosting It to the roof and sky where Only the moon is roosting. We reach the slopes with the bass Of the music still in our ears, tapping Our feet to the invisible jukebox. Nothing is energy sapping. I fight my way into a pair of boots With a smile of triumph, I grab The snowboard and klunk outside Small clouds form as we gab. Novice hands fasten feet to motion, All of us unsure, but too happy To let this get to us. The night air That surrounds us is similarly snappy. Lights glisten in the distance As we first start down the slopes. Tentatively we start down, Learning the hidden ropes. I am coasting smoothly for a moment But I am new at this yet, for soon I meet The snow in a thump of ruined glory. Maybe giggling glory, as I take a seat. I was meant for the night, times like these Where the world is dark and we can show Our true selves. I grab a handfull of The white stuff: Soon we all hurl snow. Laughing a truce, we start off again. But of course, down we go. Try, try Is all you can do. Get up off the ground And try yet again to learn how to fly. The night is not long enough for me, But alas, the clock is striking six, so early. With a sigh and a longing glance behind, I promise myself we will come back, surely. The same music that boosted me earlier Now coaxes me, singing a lullaby. I nod off to sleep against my will, Head leaning against someone nearby. I dream of snowy hills, beckoning me To relax and enjoy the ride down And converse with my lift-mates As if we had been previously known. Who needs a winter wonderland? Why, anyone would know, count me. What would I have done to stay there Amidst the exotic, snowy sea? I have only to close my eyes and I'm there Left foot strapped to a board, humming A song on my way up and taking this Beauty in to replay later, heart's strumming.
::applauds loudly:: The drama you unfold portrays itself in an incredibly eloquent manner! Very, very, very good!
Yes, I wasn't sure if it had posted or not because ezboard was being grumpy
::applauds:: Reminds me of Saint George the dragonslayer ::hopes she got the right saint:: it is perfect!
EEK! Never Mind, it decided to be annoying and appear where I couldn't see it : unishes the poem::
((This poem has given me more than its share of trouble! When I first wrote it, I fell in love with the way the first verse flowed. Then I realised that it flowed because instead of rhyme, I had used the same word! Vexed, I decided the flaming thing could stay that way, and wrote it to be so. Then when I was delayed in posting it, I lost the last two lines and the last word of the second line. Frustrated, for surely no line can ever be re-written exactly how it was, I finished again. So, without any more ado, my troublesome poem.)) Silver eyes glistened at sunrise, Taking in the new light of day. A cold wind swept up from the east. She was doomed to die this day. Her jaw was clenched bravely And her eyes were now cried dry. Her love watched from afar, Face covered in blood, now dry. "I'll always love you." Words hung. She nodded, gestured with broken hands. The guards pulled her away rougly, Yet another death in their hands. She knelt before the altar, heavy death. She looked up and saw the red sun. Her youth-silver hair caught is light. The guard's sword raised, caught the sun. Her love cried out and fought He was hit again, blood spilled. Chains protested his force, crying All tears now being spilled. She turns her head slightly, The red, the sun, the silver. Her eyes meet her loves- swish. Blood red now taints the silver.
::giggles:: I'll try to write something happy for you peredhil, and it will dazzle you
Silver eyes glistened at sunrise, Taking in the new light of day. A cold wind swept up from the east. She was doomed to die this day. Her jaw was clenched bravely And her eyes were now cried dry. Her love watched from afar, Face covered in blood, now dry. "I'll always love you." Words hung. She nodded, gestured with broken hands. The guards pulled her away rougly, Yet another death in their hands. She knelt before the altar, heavy death. She looked up and saw the red sun. Her youth-silver hair caught is light. The guard's sword raised, caught the sun. Her love cried out and fought He was hit again, blood spilled. Chains protested his force, crying All tears now being spilled. She turns her head slightly, The red, the sun, the silver. All caught in a celestial moment. Red tarnishes the silver. <i></i>
::would wipe a tear if any ever came:: Thats a tribute to love how it really is, for Aphrodite is relly just the idea of love.
I LOVE this! It somehow finds the balance of yelling and helping a loved one... the anger and hurt practically come off in waves. ::applauds::
I think my favorite part about his is how you adress your characteristics as if they are little, seperate parts of yourself
I really like the style its written in, and love the whole conception of she must pull herself together from her immiturity and lies. Well written
Beautiful and elegant like always ::grins:: I really like the way its told through a different perception than you usually see in its kind.
Let me cry Let me cry Let me cry Let me cry. I want to see tears in sparkling rivers Runing down my cheeks. Forcing my mouth to move For it never speaks. Despite all this hurt inside, My eyes remain dry. God! Please! Just let me cry! 'Cause I'm falling into oblivion, And I simply want to feel. Anything to pull me down, I think I'm losing what is real. Far too much hurt inside of me, Yet no matter how I try. Hellfire may burn my heart, But I have yet to cry. I have people digging in my soul I feel so lost and I want to run. Their false conceptions hit me In my stomach and sap my fun. I sit, sickened at their accusations But all I do is sigh. A false mask goes over my face For I have yet to cry. Some people would call me crazy For wishing for the salty tears. But I have found they vent pain And soothe the worst of my fears. Pull them out of me! I want them to be my Key from these shackles! Please! I just want to cry! Am I too resilient? Why do I Stay silent and hurting rather Than letting everything out... Is it because I think its blather? No, I don't know why, maybe I'm Dysfunctional. God! Why!? Why am I like this?! All I want to do is cry! Let me cry Let me cry Let me cry Let me cry.
((I believe this is the end, thank you very much for your wishes Peredhil, I needed to hear those words and I thank you again for saying them. Also thanks for your replies to my poetry, I enjoy reading them because I believe they make me a better writer.)) I forced myself to move once more Not knowing what is now in store. I kept my eyes glued to the floor, And heard someone open up the door. I slowly, forcedly, raised my eyes, Removing the focous of my demise. I then recieved the most welcome surprise! From my mouth lept joyus cries! You were still there, right in front of me My dream played out so I could see. We promised each other we'd be free To follow our hearts and let irony be. ((I'm not sure if I really like the ending, I may change it later....))
:: Blushes again:: Glad you think so, poetry is a good outlet for me
I take in a deep breath of air, It echoes loudly in my ears Little bubbles dance from me They come but no one hears The little light that reaches Down here casts shadows That mottle the floor and Dance fae-like in meadows. It is quiet. My mind calms. My brain performs basic Functions and lazes like The fish, a colorful mosaic.
::gives a big round of applause and throws a couple roses:: Bravo!
We were climbing a dangerous path we two, The way was unmarked, but our love guided. My eyes were unbelieveably full of you. Its a wonder I hadn't slipped before. It took me a while to realise someone had tripped Me, but by then, it didn't matter. When you Turned, I watched as your heart ripped. Why did you think I had stopped climbing on up? I watched with eyes filled with pain and sorrow As another joined you and you kept going. Yet while someone was with me, the tommorrow Came and left me, all alone and standing still. I tried to climb up alone, but found it didn't work I slipped again and this time, no one watched me fall. Down and down I tumbled, down where shadows lurk. They surrounded me and I thought myself gone. But someone gently gathered me up, placed me Back on my feet and let me stand. Now my friends Are also there with the someone, and I can truly see. They were cheering me on all the time, I just didn't know. I see you up ont he top sometimes, and I wish you luck. May no ill come your way for you have had your share. You have spent more than enough time in the muck. Fly free... Now those words said, I am lighter again.