Damon Inferel
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Everything posted by Damon Inferel
Mr. Peredhil sir, meow. Thank you for noting the mannerisms that are appropriate for the site. Though they were, in my mind, unspoken laws of which I attempt to uphold, perhaps some of the people may understand better now that there is a certain etiquette to writing... even if it is less strict than some publishers and the like wold allow. I have seen some amazing talent here at the Pen, and i have appreciated how kind everyone, literally, has been to me and the other members. while it seems that the mannerisms of our quaint little tavern were unspoken and abided by, at least on this site anyway, I thank you for making them known... particularly because, in the future, there may be the instances where some of the people have retired from chat rooms, and know nothing of what can be construed as appropriate. I enjoy this site in every aspect, save for the annoying tan and green colors I had before I changed them to black and grey, and I hope that we may expand and introduce an endless repertoire of people to our humble abode of writing. Meow... In particular mention, I have to thank the site... creator(s), especially for the Conservatory. Without which, I may have doubted my potential, as my imagination expands whilst I am roleplaying. I also must give thanks to my dear ashke, Elwen, and my other two muses, smallscale_mind_games, and autumn_sun... they've really been nice in helping me to revive the aforementioned room. I couldn't have done any of it without them... Meow... I don't know if that was supposed to be here, especially considering I do not know if any of this makes sense, but I had to thank them anyway. Also, thank you crowgirl...numbersomething (Katy) for introducing me to the site... I'm sorry to have seen you go.
Guedirre turns, annoyed, facing away from the drow. "Look, I appreciate yer help, but do ye know anything at all besides the Black Magic of the Dead?" A thoughtful look spreads across his face, and he turns back, smiling his best dwarf smile... not very pretty, but not something one would turn away from in fear. "Wait! I'm sorry. I just thought of somethin'. If there are a lot of dead folks in those mountains... ye can resurrect 'em, right? We could use the Dead to our advantage. Mister... yer my new friend. Ye don't know how important this Grey Rose is to me, just, as i said before... no backstabbin'. I'll run ye through like any other Dark Elves I meet, and I certainly hope ye don't take too kindly to yer kin neither. If they attack, I expect ye to help, or I'll consider ye a traitor and leave ye for dead. Ye understand?"
Meow... Meow! Meow... Meow! Meow... Meow! Oh... no, no Pip... sadistic is good. It makes me happy to picture killing things... erp... eh, shouldn't have said that...
Meow... dot dot dot... Eh, NoC... she doesn't have any cheeks... But if she did... no, she doesn't. *waves hand* no cheeks. Erm... good poem and stuff like that... I'm still stuck on those damned Turkish Bath Houses... Vance... disturbed me.
Untitled Reply... (morbid poemy stuff) blood runs warm throat is torn no muffled scream no sound larynx clenched in bloody fingers painful gasps of air escaping from the wound hands drawn tight around the blood pressure failing falling to the ground blackness closes concrete slaps painfully skull shattering a fleshy mound mind losing grip fear overcoming death being brought the hammer's pound into the river dead, bloated flesh floats wounds fill with water victim drowned... (Fmrowr... you made me feel kinda sadistic... sorry, but it was a really good poem!) P.S. You'd really give me a pink kitty and Dew? Hn... (!_!) =surprised hamster >!_!< =surprised kitty
My reality poem... Trapped in a realm of misbelief For one to escape brings no relief A reward it is to never escape Though this prison has no walls or shape We dwell in here in happiness Our elves and orcs and deities bless We never tire but rather roam Reality sucks almost as much as home We can die here for forever Our dragonslaying, our final endeavor Many adventures stem from our mind A place so sacred, none can find We drwon in this ocan only by choice So the water within drowns reality's voice Perhaps someday we'll build some boats To the top of the ocean where reality floats But for now we'll swim with imagination And leave reality for procrastination I had to review it wiht a poem... I was quite inspired by the creative genius found within... I'm very proud to have you as my muse Pip... Meow! ><
The dwarf waves his hand non-chalantly (like me!) "Eh... That'll do. I don't suppose ye know any of the flashy magic, do ye? Like, lightning bolts or the like? I don't normally like those, but I really think they might come in handy about the mountains."
Guedirre turns to the other potential candidate. "Well, one of ye at least has some questions. That's good ta hear. There is no catch. You'll probably never come back, but where's the fun if ye don't know the risk? If ye find it... I don't know. Nobody's ever found it before, remember? Or... at least no one's come back. If ye get it, ye either die, or ye get whatever ye want... or at least that's what the tale says. I'm running off of a legend that I'm obsessed with, but i'd rather not die on my own. Their's strength in numbers, ye know? Compensation comes with my rank, since I'm a seargent of the police in the most respected metropolis and power center of the country, I'll get what ye need. And we ain't got a healer... No." He pauses for a moment, enjoying answering questions. He was never one to interrogate, but he always loved answering stuff. "Ye'll need some stuff to climb some mountains, and we'll be on a long trip before there... For now, all you'll need is yerself. and trust me? Well, ye don't have to, but ye can ask anyone in this city almost... I'm a really nice guy, and I do almost anythign for my friends. I'm not a supervisor, I'm after something, and we're all equal in this..."
Poll? A pen or a pencil? Which one do you use?
You see, like, this one time... There was like... this guy, And he was, like, walking... yeah. And he like... stopped. Yeah... And then... he like, gave me a dollar. And I was like "Woah! It's like, a dollar!" And he was all like... "Yeah." And I was like... "Thanks." And later on... there was this thing. It was like... a thing, yeah, And it talked! It was like... "arf?" And I was like "Woah..." And it was like "ARF!" And I was like "Woah..." And then it like... ran away with my dollar. And I was like "Hey! That's like... my dollar!" And it like, ran away... And it was really fast! It had like... legs, and uh... fur, yeah! And I like... couldn't catch it. So I like... don't have a dollar... yeah. So I'm like... sad.
Guedirre nods in approval, particularly to the drow. "Well, if any of ye want to join this meager band that we 'ave here, we'll be on our way to Rivermist now. It's in the south, that it is, and ye'll find yerselves a good deal of hospitality there. It's much like home here, but less pretty." He suddenly remebers what the half-elf had said about it being an old wives tale and looks over at her. "How can ye be sayin' that it's only a wives tale, when only one person sang about it, and he wasn't no wife? Have ye heard of it somewhere else? Eh... we'll talk on the road." he covers his mouth as he burps to himself, the alcohol catching up with him. "Ye won't find many polite dwarves like myself... I'm pretty darn proud of that." After having his word with the half-elf, he turns to the large tavern, which is housing over four hundred other members. "This is yer last chance to come with us! If ye want to help me find the thing, then speak now, 'cuz we're headin' out! I'll warn ye though," his voice drops to a low shout as he finishes his sentence. "Nobody's ever came back from the hunt... so the bard says."
In spite of the situation, Gabriel laughs at Lenore's comment about adolescent mood swings. "Yes, I do remember how i used to be the same way. He's less than half of my age by a year, but nonetheless, I remember that far back. That's how I took up the profession of a bard." He blinks at Lenore, a question popping into his mind. "you... wouldn't happen to know anything about him, would you. Certainly it would take some effort to find out on my own, though I am willing to do so, but I was wondering if there was just a piece of insignificant information that might help me at least be a little more friendly. Sure, he's really pretty and all, but that's even more reason to be careful, and i don't want to frighten him off. He said something about empty words, but I meant everything that I said. It's a terrible thing, not being able to lie. i've given away some pretty valuable information in the past that led to a lot of dead people because I couldn't keep my mouth shut." He blinks and sighs. "Oh... this isn't about me though. He seems awfully familiar, but I don't remeber anything about my past since... Hn. Since I woke up in some guy's room... a cleric or something. Believe me, he was not attractive, but he apparently saved my life. He told me I was... well, almost dead, and I would have been in a few minutes had he not stabilized me. He asked my name, but I didn't know, so I just took his. He said his name was Gabriel, and it sounded pretty cool. I stole Pelous from the word pious. It's almost the same thing, and I'm revered for my devotion to my work. I think that's what pious means anyway... So, i know my name isn't actually my name, but i like it better than not having one. what's a bard going to do if he can't make a name for himself? In my case, I did it both ways. i became famous and I literally made a name for myself. I'm such a genius!" The last comment made his eyes sparkle. He paused, looking somewhat annoyed with himself. "Forgive me... am I talking too much? it's a terrible thing, this habit. Usually, I get money for a story or something, and then people run away when I start conversation... I'm surprised you're still here... How do you know Calonderiel anyway?"
Damon winces slightly, realizing he might have said something he shouldn't have. "Please forgive me Vincent. I honestly meant no harm, and it seems that I was a trifle too analytical. I honestly did not mean to ruin whatever mood you might have been in, as I despise myself should I bring anyone discomfort in any manner. I have no intention on examining this RP in any manner, though I may have, pending upon what I wrote. As you have said, this was meant for fun, not for a logical analysis of various aspects under the technicality of roleplaying. surely I will gladly beat my face in with a brick should I offend you in any manner beyond what I seem to have already done. I am truly sorry, and should there be any way that I may make it up to you, I will do so. The amount of hesitation, however, depends on what it is. Should you ask that I refrain from joining this in lieu of what I have done in my logical frame of mind, I have no qualms, and I will not argue about it. I will simply leave you to yoour thoughts and keep my banter elsewhere. again, I am truly sorry, and i await conditions as to how I may make it up to you..." With that, he crawls into the nearest dark corner and ponders whether or not his overactive analysis has killed him or not. >*_*<
Damon looked a Katzaniel, the giant leopard, evilly. "Meow... It's a kitty." She blinked for a moment, knowing the cat was going to run away, as well as knowing it wasn't really a cat, and turned her attention to the fainted Kasmandre. "You know Vlad, for someone who says he's afraid of blood... you sure don't seem to have a problem with it. You're just a stereotype... Anyway, I guess we should take him somewhere else." She picks up the missing arm of Kasmandre, the seemingly dead-but-used-to-be-somewhat-immortal-guy, and looks at the little red button on the wall. 'Destroy the World' it says. "No, not that one." she mutters to herself, looking next to it at the pink fluffy button with flowers. 'The evil button that will kill all of you and places arms back on seemingly dead-but-used-to-be-somewhat-immortal-guys' "Yeah. The pretty one that most demons don't like. It's so cute though!" she smiles widely, her eyes taking on the appearance of quivering cute kitten eyes. "Push." she says, pressing the button into the wall, as she holds the severed arm back to it's original owner. The arm melds back into Kasmandre with a loud metallic sound, the buzz of drills whirring about in the background as mechanic gnomes fix him up. "Now," she says, grinning again, looking back at Katzaniel, "The kitty."
Damon sighs, holding this new RP as a regard to say something in his own natural character. He contemplates on how to word his sentence for a second, scratching his head thoughtfully, attempting to bring his thoughts to full fruition. "Mr. Silver? Certainly, I have interest in all RP's in this forum, roleplaying being something of a hobbie of mine, but I would think it nice that the 'DM' so to speak, would hold his appearance where he begins it. In essence, I am inquiring if you would be present to assist in the running of this game as well? Forgive me if it sounds rude in any manner. Having someone feel bad is the last thing I would like to do... I must inquire on a secondary note though. Why would one consider the fantasy roleplaying style 'cliche' when there is much more to it than simple dragons and the like. Certainly the beginning may always be the same, a group of people banding to gether to fight evil or cause it, but the storylines in themselves are hardly cliche when the proper imagination is put to it. I hold no dragons in my tales, lest they are appropriate, but rather I wish to play off of various legends that are created by my imaginations. The situations may seem cliche at first, as the overall goal is effectively to attain something powerful, or to save the world, but the adventure in achieving that goal is not cliche. The adventure is not about the final outcome, in my opinion, but rather the experiences therein which develop the characters as friends... or enemies. In basic literary senses... the beginning and end of the book is not nearly as interesting as the middle..." He pauses, shifting his form slightly so that his eyes glow their natural yellow, leathery black wings sprout from his back as he fans himself briefly. "But, in spite of all of that... sure, I'll join. I just hope you can as well..."
The beginning of the middle of the end
Damon Inferel replied to autumn_sun's topic in Conservatory Archives
Damon blinks, suddenly thanking himself he's at least not a zombie, and turns to his aunt. "Well, maybe you had it so easy, not having to repair your broken ribs and all, because you died quietly. If I hadn't planted that phone in there, i would have died a lot younger than you... It is quite terrible to die over and over again, reliving the agony of being crushed, cut, shot, bludgeoned... and everything else. In a way, as bland and boring as your death may have been... you had a better death than I did, mostly because you don't add an 's' to the end of death..." -
Guedirre trudges drunkenly over to the table where all of his original suspects are gambling and promptly pushes an orc out of a seat that he wants. "Ye were losin' anyway. Go on about yer business." The orc grunts a little muttering something in his native tongue. "Look. I dun wan no trubbnle, so jus take these coins and go buy yerself... a drink! Yeah... Don't say nuthin else... er I'll take them coins back, cuz i understand ye... Yeah..." He flops into the chair, setting his waraxe on the ground. "All right people. I'm so drunk rite now, and I wanna tell ye a story before I'm not drunk enough to remember... Okay! Now..." He hiccups before beginning, his face cleared up and no longer drunk. "im not really drunk. I'm a dwarf, so I don't get that drunk easily. In any case, I'm looking for some help, but the police won't help me. Since y'all are gambling, I figure you like to take risks." He pauses for a second, pounding the table with his fist. "Pay attention please, as I'm not jokin'. I'm lookin' for the Grey Rose. This city is pretty, and not itty bitty, but I want this place better, so let's get down to business. I think that any of ye who were in here the other night saw a Bard talking about it, but I'll refresh yer memory." he clears his throat. "In a place that's pretty far, an artifact lies where monsters there are. A thing of beauty and a thing of peace, and much more valuable than flannel or fleece. The Grey Rose it is and it's the perfect thing, to bring to this city for paradise it brings. It's powers unknown but always sought, no ones ever returned so no Grey Rose has been brought. Those few that go are strong and brave, but never make it past the Barren Caves. It lies without protection but the caves are fierce, the natural monsters use claws that pierce. Should anyone succeed and get the Grey Rose, their courage forever so noticeable it shows. Return with it and bring endless cheer and paradise, where these flowers will always bloom... wouldn't that be nice?" The dwarf nervously toyed with his beard. "Eh... I made that myself. It's okay if it's terrible, but we dwarves ain't poets. So, will any of ye help me. Ye've all heard about it, and I ain't got any other options. It might be dangerous though, since the fact still remains that nobody's ever returned... even those that have made it past the caves... But it should be great fun!" He shouts the last part, picking up his axe and embedding the foot-long curved blade into the wooden table. "I'll pay fer that!" "Well, you wanna help and gain money and stuff, or do ye want to stay here and probably lose it all. It's up to ye." He turns to look at the drow, Lissandrien. "Yer invited too, if ye want. An enemy of the drow, even if ye are a drow yerself, is a friend of mine. Just promise ye won't stab me in the back... okay.?"
"Aw, c'mon Hikaru, it can't be that bad." Masumi commented as she caught up to her friends, straight, waist-length hair floating around behind her. "You just have to stay out of trouble, that's all. Some of our teachers last year were really nice to everyone else, you just happened to be a little more troublesome than other people. I thought it was funny though." She sneezed, recalling she had forgotten her coat, the school uniforms not being the most insulating things in the school. "Sorry. I would normally have joined you, but you know me... I'm 'Miss Teacher's Pet'." she comments, her voice dropping at the title she had been given. She hated being thought of as the nice person in school, but she just... was. Home... was a little different though, and Akiko, Aki, and Hikaru knew it. Flashback... "Masumi?" Her mother called down, the slight hint of accusation lilting her daughter's name. "Masumi, I'm missing almost fifty dollars! Do you know where it went?" "No, mom." she commented, a small grin on her face as she pocketed the money. "I'm missing a few things too, mostly CD's and stuff. I think we need a new housekeeper!" "This is the fifth housekeeper we've tried in the past six months though dear!" she shouted desparately down the stairs, her footsteps drawing near the top of the flight. "We can't afford to keep changing them." "Isn't it the same as keeping the old one? Their rates are all about the same." "It's not the money that concerns me, it's the fact that they all look so stricken when I ask them if they've been stealing from me. It's kind of hurtful when someone accuses you of something, you know? I hate doing it to them..." she said, her light brown hair glimmering from the crack of sunlight pouring through the window curtains. "It's all right mom... There's got to be one out there that won't steal our stuff. C'mon you guys." she said, motioning for Akiko, Aki, and Hikaru to follow. "Where are you going Masumi? her mother asked inquisitively. "Hikaru said he was going to take us out to lunch. DO you want to come?" "What?!" Hikaru exclaimed. "Don't worry about it Hikaru, I'll pay you back later. What do you say mom?" "No dear. I'm sorry. I have to get a few things done around the house. Maybe I misplaced the money, that's all." "You've always told me you were going to pay me back, and I haven't seen a single dime!" Hikaru shouted. Masumi had shot him a cold glare, but changed it to friendly a second later. "Well, if I had some money, maybe I could pay you back. I'm sad to hear that mom. I'll see you in a few hours." The three walked out of Masumi's house, Akiko shaking her head. "Have you no guilt?" "Not really." (OOC: Sorry for playing your characters a bit ashke... It was a flashback. She is both sides of Yin and Yang, and I had to think of a way to express that. Mrowr...)
(OOC: Mrowr... Pip. I don't know if my actions as far as character-ish stuff made Yasuo like that, but I have to apologize anyway... meow. In any case, this is your RP, so you can erase what you've made of him, edit, whatever... Mrowr. I'll wait as long as necessary. I can change my character too, I think. Sorry for getting carried away with her persistence.) (OOC: You were right Pip. Poprocks & Coke is a really, really, really, really, really, really, really (continues forever almost) good song! Meow! Well, I'm not exactly obsessed with it, but I don't not like a single piece of it. Meow!) Cyndy perks her head up, somehow watching Yasuo freeze in time as a somewhat diminuitive girl in a trench coat appears. "Sorry. He's gotta take a break for a while, I don't like him too much right now." "Meow? Oh, that's okay. I was kind of afraid of what he would say anyway..." she comments, herself suddenly going rigid, as a less diminutitive but still somewhat small guy approaches in a trench coat. He pulls out a cat brush and brushes his hair. "Okee dokee Pip. I was getting a little lost with myself too, though I hope this doesn't disappoint the other people. Mrowr..."
Another meek attempt at applying
Damon Inferel replied to autumn_sun's topic in Recruitment Applications Archive
IT SUCKED!! ...the whole innocent guy being blamed thibgy, I mean... very, very, very well done Pip. -
"Well, that's over." His voice get louder, but more friendly and less gruff. "All right everyone, there's nothing left to see here. Ye can go about yer business. Gamblin' and such." He turns over to the drow who is blinking. "Are ye okay?" He asks a little flatly before ignoring the elf completely. "Good. Well, to celebrate, i'm givin' all the suspicious people in the inn a drink!" He steps over to the bar and beckons the bartender. "One fer everyone." He whispers before regarding the inn again, motioning for the music to stop. "Since all of ye are potential suspects... y'all get a drink.. fer those of ye who don't want it... I'll drink it!"
Guedirre settles back down a little, the majority of the bar still holding their swords and other weapons half out of their sheaths and holsters. "ye made the right choice missy. Now... just turn around and go back ta where ye belong."
The dwarf grumbled, looking at the drow who was nearly assassinated. "Just stay outta sight there, ye hear me?" He pulled out his crossbow and pointed it at the attacker. "I don't care if this elf of yers is a blasphemer. Anyone opposin' ye is not to be trifled with. I'm the law in this city, so I suggest ye turn around, 'fer I gotta make things ugly. This is a place of peace, and we don't ake kindly to ye startin' trouble." He looks about, noticing that a few off duty police officers are loading their own crossbows, as well as a great number of other tenants pull a variation of other weapons out. "Ye might want to turn around elf..." he glares, growling as he raises his heavy crossbow.
I must admit that I was confused at the beginning of it. I actually thought it was about you... I feel a little stupid, but I guess I should have known. It's a really good poem though, and despite the little accident your art 'candy' thingy had... it still looks very nice. Meow!
(OOC: Dear, dear, dear Mr. Wyvern. While I am unbelievably flattered that you consider me a lady, and I mean that with no sarcasm at all... really, I happen to be a guy. however, as it has been done, and since I have some experience as RPing as a lady... I'll give it a go. You may call me a lady if you wish, oh dearest of lizard kings. I appreciate your understanding in this matter though...) Damon glances a Vlad, confused both at what Wyvern had said, as well as the fact the 'hematophobic' vampire was not screaming and/or melting at the fact that there was blood on his face... "Vlad..." she sighed. "Believe me, I understand the lizard's dyslexic mind, but it is of no bother to me. Being a demon and all, I enjoy travelling, and I would be more than happy to get away from the chaotic Abyss on a joyful cruise powered by Wetzel's Pretzels." she glances at Vlad and blinks a little more, wondering if he actually notices there is blood on his face. "Doesn't that freak you out, even a little bit? Ah well, I suppose I can not get the desired reaction every time." Damon pats Vlad on the shoulder and teleports behind him. "You know... I can be pretty vampiric too you know. I wonder what your blood tastes like..." she leans over to bite Vlad on the shoulder, but reconsiders, as coagulated blood is not her drink of choice. In a second, she is standing behind Wyvern, her hand firmly clasped on his tail. "Certainly I will attend you Mr. Wyvern sir, so long as you allow me to bring my pink kittens along with me. That includes the leopard over there..." she comments, pointing to Katzaniel, her voice going moderately possessive and sinister. "I want him... the kitty. Get me my kitty, and make it pink, and I'll go with you..." (OOC: I don't know if this is important or not, but my character is a succubus. Succubus are legendary for their perfect figures and their nature for tempting human souls into... stuff. Though my character may have the perfect figure and all of that stuff... she has been alive too long to continue her tempting things, especially since after a few thousand years... it gets boring. But she can if she has to... Also, in case no one knew, a succubus is a demon, and they understand all languages, and can communicate telepathically with anything that has a language within a hundred feet of them... ><)