Damon Inferel
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Everything posted by Damon Inferel
On Video Games and an Article of sadness.
Damon Inferel replied to Falcon2001's topic in Cabaret Room Archives
Meow... This is a very interesting thread. I'd have to agree with Xaious, of course. (Forgive me if I spelled your name wrong.) anyone who doesn't like Tetris... *bad images of taunting little kids by beating their PS2 with a baseball bat* I'ts not to say some of the new games are bad, but they seem to lack the certain adictiveness of the old games. They are all about graphics and flashy sounds then ever. I mean, in GTA3, you don't really need to have more than one radio station in the car because you hardly stay in one car long enough to get anything out of it. Normally, you just shoot it with a rocket launcher... >< In comparison, like miss Celes had said, they are all shine, but if you take it away you've got nothing. Just anopther engine to feed mindless gore and destruction in today's influencable minds. It's like comparing Star Wars 4, 5, and 6 to the new ones. The ones with good 'ol Luke and Han beat out Mr. Anakin and his queen anyday. (IMO) I miss all of the old stuff, but i do have to agree with Wyvern. I'm not sure if FF1 had a plot. I was a lot smaller back then, and all that mattered was swinging the sword and killing the bad guys... just out of curiosity... who says any FF game is too hard? It's like the last bowl of porridge in difficulty... "It's just right." -
Meow... i generally just post and then wince. If it's good, it's good. If not, I'll learn and get better. If it's ignored... Well, then I guess it should be deleted. But, through the posting process, from writing to posting, I just type and click with blissful indifference, and hope nobody shoots me on the street for bad writing...
Indeed... How did it begin? I read this at a somewhat rapid pace, but i didn't skip a beat. I've got very limited time left at this computer, so I had to speed-read. Truly, I would like to know where this might have gone, and perhaps the muses will once again inspire you to bring the past story, this one, back into the light and under the lihght hands that work with the keyboard in elegant grace. I gotta go now. I do look forward to this, perhaps. A fine job ashke, a fine job.
Reply coming soon... another thing to print and read first! i'll get back to this shortly... I feel i should quite enjoy this.
Meow! you know what, i hope that the "penchant for self-sacrifice" doesn't override thet whole survival thing. I'd like to see my beloved live for an eternity... hee hee. Eh... Well, in any case, a rather aaccurate description of the character i've come to love almost as much as the person herself. (Characters are a little less real, except in the case of 'Tai's warring imagination with Kris...) I wonder why they're all destined to die... Hn, well, I'll be there to the end, no matter if it's the eprson or the character. I won't leave any of them behind. (By the way, sorry it took so long to post on this... I'm re-browsing this stuff that you wrote and replying to what i haven't replied to.)
I haven't read the updates quite yet, but there will be a post following this one in the next two or three days. I printed it out! I said one time that i'd read everythign of yours, and so I will. (Well, except for stuff that i'm not supposed to read, like your medical records and stuff... but i think that goes without saying...)
On Video Games and an Article of sadness.
Damon Inferel replied to Falcon2001's topic in Cabaret Room Archives
That is a very funny article, but the fact remains that some of the best and most pplayable games came from the ages. I could play super Mario Bros. for days! It was great. I have played a tank game for Atari, and the original Pong beats out the Playstation version any day! Those were games that held you in frustration because you wanted to now when the perpetual madness was going to end, but if it didn't, you didin't care! Old school games are amazing, and besides, FF1 and FF2 and such were for the original Nintendo. No die-hard RPG fan can say that those games sucked. Old games til the end! But, some of the new ones aren't as bad either. RPG Maker, FF... everything, GTA3/VC... There are some good ones, but most of them came out as cheesy 32 bit concepts first. Have you seen the first GTA?! -
you know, somewhere in the endless morbid novel of my mind, I often contemplate the exact same thing. How it would be to know that all things end and that everything eventually leaves. Friends, family, comrades, compatriots, acquaintances, it all ends. Nothing is truly perpetual, save for the flow of time. It is in this sense that my mind has flickered back and forth between thoughts of death and self-destruction. My mind flickers, but my hand stays still, bound to a promise of course. Oftentimes there is a severe conflict, not knowing what would occur after the eternal silence. who would care in the place of those who didn't. Were there 'secret admirers' of my life? Will those who once showed me malice weep at my burial? I do not know, and at some points, the thought only annoys me. Sometimes the fall doesn't seem that far. Sometimes the blade doesn't seem that sharp, nor the wound so deep. But, in the end, it's all worth it somehow. Life goes on and you forget about those little conflicts. It's not an anti-suicide response, but something of a thought that was inspired by this piece. I've never read anything of yours ashke that I didn't thoroughly enjoy, or at the very least, take to heart in some way. Wonderful work, and perhaps someday i'll see the whole story. Good job!
*wavery teary eyes* Meow! This is such a great story! I would say that i have the same problem with razors, but I don't consider it a problem... everyone else does. You know, at some point in time, I'd like to hear some of your philosophical thoughts on life, if you have any. In turn, perhaps I could share my 'corrupted' views as well. simply a suggestion for a conversational piece. I truly enjoyed this. Bravo, my good man, bravo!
(OOC: Um... Er... huh? Just kidding, I'll follow.) Damon put a quizzical look on his face, his eyes flickering back and forh to himself. "We actually had differences? Hn... Well, in any case, Miss Silver, I suppose we could say that we have put them aside, as Heinrich has so put it." He muttered to himself for a moment, thinking nothing to himself and saying nothing to anyone else. This lasted for less than ten seconds. "Heinrich/ Myriddin... Hn... I wonder, do you feel as though you may have made a mistake by holding yourself outside of time for such a lengthy period of... time? As you have rested, the world has moved in a number of ways, and there have been a great deal of those who hold wisdom you might have been able to acquire. If you are going to live forever, why do you not seek to better yourself through both physical and mental prowess, much as I have done. It is true that as I am timeless in my nature, and I need not to preserve myself in such stasis, and thus I can say that I have had time to learn from the past many mistakes and time to improve myself, though still clinging to my chaotic nature. This is not a gloat, but rather a point. Humans hardly ever live beyond a century, so your seeming 'immortality' must be magical, and not genetic. Thus, with your expanded age, you might have been able to continue your... training, so to speak, and you would, possibly, hold the power to avenge your brethren with ease. In short, I am wondering why you have not done so?" (OOC: I hope I didn't repeat myself... But, yeah... I ask long winded questions. It's supposed to reflect my character's patience, I guess... Or, I'm simply trying to fill the space in this little typing box so I can click the 'Show signature' and use less space... Stephen King is a good writer... ><)
(OOC: Meow! I'll explain stuff later... even though tis isn't my RP) Damon's eyes reflected a small amount of surprise, but he did not step back from what could almost be interpreted as threats. "Hn... I imagine you are much older than you first appeared, perhaps through some form of magic. humans do not generally live as long as you seem to have. Your soul has a vast amount of wisdom to it, and there is still power you haven't used yet." The demon contracted his wings, and approached the new man, Heinrich, with pleasantness. "In fact, Heinrich, I would say that you are formidable enough to compare to the two of us. Perhaps some time you and I might engage in a duel, a sparring match. Not on this night, but I should like to see the potential of a Witch Hunter who has survived the ages. I am quite the honed swordsman, and you should not find me to be weak in my magical properties either. None flashy, as you might say, but I do know the tricks of the mind... enough to control them should I choose so. But, as you say, threats are wasted. I've grown tired of boasts and empty threats over the past millenia." Damon smirked, the fires of the camp reflecting in his eyes as though infernal flames were in them. "Competition, someday, with you. I doubt that it would be unenjoyable... And I shall heed your warnings. You may sleep when you wish. I'll not betray you or Silver. Tomorrow, I am guessing by Silver's determination, we are moving again." (OOC: Well, humans aren't exactly weak. In fact, fiction very rarely depicts non-humans defeating non-humans. It is a known fact of myth or legend that the human has overcome all oddities and obstacles. your character will do very well.)
I may not know you too well, but indeed you will be missed. i know what it's like to move and have to set all of that stuff up and still have a hobby that you don't want to leave. (I think) Well, I'll see you when you get back, and i'll be sure not to eat any butterflies. Though my stomach feels like i already have. --> needs snack Adieu, and good luck on your quest for... well, moving. Hopefully i will follow suit in a few weeks. >:_^< <-- happy, but crying kitty
Damon paused at Myriddin's laughter. "Hn... You have captured my curiosity with the comment involving illusions. You are not as old as you appear, are you?" He stood and walked to the tree and proceeded to tap on it. "You wouldn't mind showig your true nature, would you? I am quite curious, and if I am right about your illusion, then there is no need for your 'age' to slow our travels..." His voice was calm, almost uncaring of the whole situation. It had taken him centuries of practice to hide the effect of irritation, so it would take someone of profound experience to realize that Damon was not pleased with the 'prank' he had been decieved by. (Demons have pride too! >:_:<)
Aww... what a sweet little poem... Just kidding. It's good, of course. I've never actually read a bad one from you or anyone else. Well, we've all got little voices in our head, mine actually manifest themselves, and there is always the chance to start anew. Simply cross-examine yourself and determine whether or not you like who you've become and if you like the life you'e chosen. A person is so dynamic, that they can change themselves in infinite possibilities. I suggest perhaps doing that... scary note: I know what you did last summer... and I still do too. In fact, i know what you did for the last... rest of the summers! MWAHAHAHA! >\_/<
"Interesting..." Damon commented, watching his new companion, or vice versa, disappear into a tree. He chuckled a little. "I'd almost think you were a druid my friend. Sadly, your age defies that nature. I have to wonder if these spells are physically taxing on you as well. You seem very tired with casting only two spells." He turned to Silver as he sat by the fire. "You know, I had said that your business is your own, but I might at least ask you where we are heading. It will be a day at least before we leave this forest, especially if we rest now, so I need to know where you are trying to get. I know this forest like I know myself, and I can point you in the right direction."
Gabriel looks up at the eerie voice coming from his head. "Well, aren't we cryptic?" He turns back to Char with a stupid smile on his face. "I'm guessing you heard that too, right? Of course you did, or you wouldn't look so confused." With that, he pivoted and scampered off into the woods in the direction Calonderiel had ran off to. He practically danced, bouncing from one tree trunk to the other, his feet never hitting the ground. 'Why can't i be more graceful like this in public?' he thought, latching onto a branch and swinging onto it. It wasn't too long before he came across something moving awkwardly quiet about fifty feet ahead of him. "You know, when a person makes you think they are far away, they're usually right where you expect them to be. don't worry about me, I'm not moving anywhere, and i'm actually quite comfortable... and i'm not stalking you. I just figured i'd let you know that Everien is the other way, and you have a few people who need their guide ot the place." He looked past the figure of calonderiel in the distance, thinking. "Hey, are you trying to make us solve riddles or something, because I'm not sure what you meant about 'the memory of a memory'. Anyway, when you're ready, we'll be back at that mill place. Try to show a little more cheer, will ya? People might get the right impression of you... just kidding." He smiled to himself as he jumped off of the branch, and frowned as it broke under him. "Damn..." he muttered, falling a whole thirty feet into a pile of leaves and sticks and... not so soft ground. He groaned for a second, and then fainted. (Edit: OOC: And, it's quite alright. char {Sam} still had to have questions answered...)
(OOC: you know what's good about incubus... teleport without error at will... i base my spells and characters off of D&D... it gives me a reference point) Damon glanced at the reappearing Myriddin, blinking. "Well, to continue our little conversation, friend. i would have to contest the fact that I do not have such petty things as morals. i'd still kill without a second thought, and I am not exactly completely reformed. It' simply easier to get along in this realm without continuously being hunted... I have to apologize for arguing, but indeed, if I did have a soul, I would no longer be a demon, nor would i still have an existence. Those who shunned me from the Abyss would have noticed my soul, and they would have killed me. In addition, one is mortal to have a soul, and I, friend, am not of that category. Again, I apologize for contesting your theories, but I am quite adamant in conflict..." He paused, looking thoughtfully. "Perhaps, however, there is a certain... something that keeps me from killing all that lives, but it surely is not a soul. I would guess it's boredom of killing so much..." With that, Damon hunched over once again and his leathery wings sprouted from his back. He fluttered among the canopy, stealing dead branches and dropping them on the ground. He flickered for a second and appeared next to Silver as she was still walking. "Firewood. This is a good spot to camp at. I just hope the wizard knows a fire spell..." He looked back at Myriddin and then once again regarded Silver. "By the way, that teleporting was what caught you off guard, in case you ever considered cursing yourself for being surprised." (OOC: Demons don't need food! Yay! ><)
"Hn..." Damon looked thoughtfully back into the wizard's eyes, knowing that Myriddin would fail any soul-searching atempt. Demons held no souls except for the ones they stole, traded, tortured, sold, ate... They did not have any of their own. "I suppose it might not do me any good to tell you that i was once, a very long time ago asked to dispose of someone who might have been a member of your order. It was not out of malice, but rather from authority from the Abyss. That was centuries ago though. Perhaps my employer once had a mortal contact, and so the hunt is back on again. I might be able to help you find who you are looking for, if you could forgive me for slaying... a great deal of your Order's ancestors." "I should inform you that I have forsaken all of my old ways, as you may have overheard, and that a companionship may be possible. I'll tell you what. in exchange for your forgiveness, I will asist you in hunting down those who originally made me destroy so many. Whoever did it was not human, and so they may still be alive, and I will help you kill them... I do not know if Silver would allow your company, but as i am in his comapny, you may join me? Do we have an agreement?" (OOC: Plot twist out of an undefined plot... Also... I didn't know there was such a bird... interesting.)
Gabriel linked in a moment of confusion, his eyes shifting back and forth as if trying to re-read the girl's sentences. "You know, you're lucky I'm a bard. Anybody else would have asked you to repeat all of that..." He cleared his throat again, and disappeared back into the barn, re-emerging with the cold cup of tea that Cole had made for him, and again realizing he was coated with flour. "What? Did you think I was going to ignore you? If I was ever ignored, then i wouldn't have a reputation, so I know what it's like to be ignored..." "Anyhow, let's start with the first... thing that somehwhat resembles a question." He sipped his tea gingerly with his pinky extended, and then promptly spat the tea back out to his left, so as not to get it on Char. "Too cold..." "Well, My name is probably not really Gabriel Pelous. In fact there is a good chance that I'll never know what my name is. About ten years ago, I died... sort of. I was involved in some kind of... death thing, and I barely survived. I was rescued by a cleric by the name of Gabriel, and I stole my last name from some other word. Pious = Pelous. Don't ask me, i'm wierd like that." "As per the second... piece of your question, I really have no idea where we are going. I just kind of escaped the bar and happened to tell him I was going. Yes, Calonderiel is a him, in case you were wondering. And yes, i do like him, so get over it." "And, the last part of your question... i think, is about the guy who tried to kill us all. Thanks for your help, by the way. His name was Cate. If I am right, since Calonderiel hated him so much, his last name was Kent. He is apparently a servant of some Dark force that i don't get quite yet. Not to mention, if he is Cate Kent, and i am who i think I might be, he's the guy who killed me before. I don't really know if i'm alive, but whatever. Either that guy had some unfinished business with Cal, or he had some unfinished business with Cal. either way, i think I saw him recognize me in some creepy way, and that might be why he tried to kill me... again. You know, now thta i think about it, i have my oewn little quest to go onto. I have to find out if I am this Devaberial guy that Lenore, the girl who you don't know, was talking about." He paused, half-panting, as he swallowed aother bottle of wine. "I hope that answers your questions..." Now, i have to go run after somebody and try to find out where Calonderiel went... I don't want him killing anymore people than he has to..." "Oh..., one more thing. If you want to come along, then ocme along. I don't really think he cares. The more the merrier, and thus the more to make him irate... It's fun to mess with cold-hearted people... until they decapitate you or something. But, I like him anyway."
(OOC: How'd we get in a room? Oh well... Just in case you were wondering, i think we're in a forest... I'm not sure.) "Well, old man, I see you have the talent of illusions at least." Damon commented dryly, pulling his wings back into his body. "I have found little use for them in the past, but it is amusing at best." He paused, staring into nothingness for a moment, as though he was wracking his brain for some hidden thought. "Actually, I've found that illusions can be useful... I hope you can forgive me, I've lived more millenia than you could dream, so it takes this old rust bucket of a mind to recall some things. I must also apologize for my rudeness. My name is Damon. Whether you overheard it or not is of no matter, as you have already seen what I am. This, my elderly friend-in-question, is Silver. She tells me that she is half-dragon. We are a motley little partnership at the moment, one created of various races and no particular goals. Well, Silver has a goal, I think." He muttered a few words to himself, unintelligile to the untrained, but it would appear to Myriddin that he was casting a detect magic spell on the medallion. "That's a curious item you have there. It is not as ornate as i would think that a magic item would have. Might I ask you it's function? I should also inform you that it is Silver's decisiosn whether you gain acceptance into our band..." (OOC: Just out of curiosity, did you get your name from the new MTG expansion...?)
People and Personality of The Pen
Damon Inferel replied to Falcon2001's topic in Cabaret Room Archives
I have been here for almost a year, but already know what you mean... In a way, i envy the people here with their talents, but I also admire and wish I culd be like them. It's a place of open minds and wonderful talents, and there is something about this place that has me aspiring to still be more. I don't know too many people around here except for the people i know in RL, but I do love asscoiating with other people and it's great tosee that there are other literate people out there. Most often, I find that most people have never even read a book unless they had to, and this place is a good way to get away fro it all and be in a place where everyone shares at least one interest... writing. I'm hoping this place will be here forever, and I am so glad to have all of these friends, even if i don't really know them. nobody has tried to make a mockery of me or destroy me here, and i appreiciate everyone for it. Thank you all. -
Damon blinked in response to the unfolding of Silver's wings. "Well, i thank you silver for allowing me to join your party. Perhaps i misspoke when I may have implied that you were helples. Few people who have the gall to come into these woods are helpless... well, those who make it this far in." He struggled for a second, hunched over, and two black leathery wings sprouted from his back with hardly a sound and a small amount of blood. "Your race does not surprise me in the least," he said, still hunched over. "And in fact I am happy to be able to reveal my true self. Humans despise me, so i must follow under that guise." He stood mildly tall, a full 5'9", and his eyes had changed from a light blue to a shade of black that matched both his hair and his wings. "It might give you some suspicion of me to tell you that I am a demon, but i have been alive for so long that i have forsaken the idea of wanton destruction and chaos. Thousands of years and what seem like unending screams are nothing more than a bother to me. It is for my reformity that I have been shunned from the Abyss, and should i return I will be executed. So, I kept to myself in this forest for the last few centuries, and you are the first non-human to come through here on a... mission it seems." (OOC: For the whole character description... see my avatar...)
I just had this idea about a month ago, and it finally popped into my head... There's not a whole lot of polls around here anyway...
Death is what we are dealt when we are no longer serving our purpose. When we die of a natural death (old age... nothing else) we have fulfilled our purpose to the best of our ability and we are to continue that purpose in our next life. however, as we all have free will, we have the option of fulfilling our purpose or not. should we choose to defy what our 'optional destiny' is, Death will manifest itself in the object or person that brings about demise. There will inevitably be a second chance unles your soul is destroyed, but for the moment, we are erased and possibly lectured by some higher spirit... Though the last part is more of a joke. Clinically, death is the moment that the electric currents stop flowing through your body and your brain becomes inactive. There is no consciousness, and all of your other organs follow suit in the shutting down. That's why blood coagulates after death. The heart has stopped pumping it. But, that's my opinion...
OOOH! Anarchy! Meow! Alas, dear comrade in this system of which we are dominated by the media and other more oppressive beings, I have bad news. While i certainly do not agree with Society (which is why I capitalize the 'S'... Society is a thing, not an organization) I have to tell you that you are already conforming by working against the Society itself. We are put into the group of rebels, and thus we are already classified by our beliefs in misbelief of conformity. I truly am one of the few on this site who you may get a rise out of because of the fact that I abhor this order we have crafted with each other, but in the end we are all classified and put into stereotypical categories. It frustrates me to no end when I can go to the mall and notice that everybody has their own differences, but if you see past the veil of the minor imperfections, they all look the same. yes, conformity does control us... or at least it controls some of us. I have my shares in interests with other people, but in a way I am different by large. I despise the trendy and new and I do what I an to stand out... but subtly. The point is, that in order to stand out in Society, you must blend in and be a silent stand-out. do not let people know that you are against them and do what you must to survive in this oppressive world and nothing more. we, as humans, are bound to be confined to laws or our nature of evil will consume and destroy us. Everything a person has to do to be an anarchist (without alerting the military) has to be subtle. For example: I'm a guy, but I wear my hair long. There have been many a displeased gaze at my hair because it is long and I refuse to cut it. I do not want to concern myself with hairstyles or whatnot. I don't generally buy what is in magazines. I have to buy from stores because that's necessary, and thus making me a capitalist in the end, but i do it for myself. i do not follow suit with others, but i do so silently. Anarchy should be as murder... silent, subtle, and unknown. Being an outright outcast and voicing the expression of freedom is going to cause Society to classify you as a rebel, and in a world where we do not want to conform, we do not want to be classified either... in effect, you are right in saying that everyone is equal and that we should do as we please, but perhaps it is more noticeable when you openly defy something so standard in a subtle manner... I'm running out of time on this computer, or i'd type for a while... Thank you for starting this thread!