Damon Inferel
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Everything posted by Damon Inferel
OOC: I'm just starting from the point as soon as Calonderiel went into his flashback... Gabriel glances up from the washroom and notices Calonderiel staring at him... "Um... well I appreciate it, but that's kinda creepy..." the elf says as he pulls the last sleeve over his arm. He thanks himself he was still dressed, now in the 'slightly' larger clothes of Cole's. It was as though a shadow had swallowed him, but it would have to do until he dried off, as well as his other clothes. Wait a minute... you mean there was no door to the spot where I changed?! He thinks, as he realizes that he just switched clothes out in the open. By the lack of expression on Calonderiel and the basic expressions of everyone else... nobody noticed. He glances slightly to his left and notices a sign. Washroom it says, an arrow pointing up a small flight of stairs. "That's embarrassing." He comments as he blushes to himself. He goes back to noticing that the elf is still staring at him, but somehow past him at the same time. In effort to follow the gaze of the seeming 'lady' he walks up beside him and looks in the same direction. A splotch of red paint is drying as far as he can tell. He tugs on the shirt, first pulling his hand through the lengthy sleeve. "Um... is it really that interesting watching paint dry?" The elf's expression stays the same. (OOC:Sorry!!! meow?) "Well, maybe I could at least set some background noise." Gabriel comments as he brings out his harp. "I have to be good for something. My good man," he says as he points to Cole, "I thank you for letting me steal one of your outfits and I shall take the tea. I suppose a non-alcoholic drink wouldn't kill me once in a while..." The elf looks up at Calondriel, and notices he is somewhat craning his neck to look into the lost arrow slits. He sees the pipe for the boiling water and proceeds to calmly pick up Calonderiel and move him away from the soon-to-come water. "Don't want to hurt that pretty face..." He whispers to himself, somehow acknowledging that not everybody in the room was as fond of guys as he was. Well, one of them was, possibly, but it was understandable for her. "And now, the harp..." There is a stroke of the harp and a flash goes through Gabriel's mind. By the way everyone, including the ice 'queen', snaps to attention, it is obvious that something is wrong. Gabriel does a little humming to himself and knows that they are about to have company. Man, is he marked by an entire kingdom? He senses a little magic coming from Calonderiel himself, but shrugs it off. Elves are attuned to magic, it's not exactly surprising. But why can I sense it? A second nonchalant chord comes through the harp and Calonderial is flung across the room. Gabriel blinks, but rushes to his feet. "You know, I'm not that great with my magic, so... I'm sorry. Oh wait, it wasn't me. Well, whether you two," He exclaims, pointing to Mordekai and Cole, "are part of this mission, whatever it is, or not, you might want to defend yourselves." He pauses a second and suddenly feels stupid. He left his sword back at the bar... "Um... do you guys have a weapon I can borrow? I'm not opposed to attacking like a rabid hamster, but I don't think I'd be too useful like that..." He decides it best to make his way over to Jareena, the designated knight, for supplies. As danger is impending, he realizes he is somewhat ignoring his employer, but shrugs off the guilt when he realizes he is useless without something sharp. All the while as he dashes over to Jareena he has one thought... Don't trip, don't trip. don't trip.
The beginning of the middle of the end
Damon Inferel replied to autumn_sun's topic in Conservatory Archives
OOC: Um.. i hope nobody minds, but I changed my last name to suit what I have entered myself as... "Fading and the Fifth Circle? Hn..." The dark-haired 'boy' (19) scrathced his head in confusion. "While i may not know anything of what you may be talking about, this certainly does not alarm me in the least. i've seen the dead before, and as you two speak of fading before the sunrise, you both must be dead. Still, I must ask why you choose to linger about this particualr grave. I have come to pay my respects to those who had not yet had the opportunity to fully enjoy their lives, and two apparitions stand in my way." He looks thoughtful for a second and his maroon eyes brighten ever-so-slightly. "Oh! Please forgive me... I forgot my manners. You inquired my name and I neglected you. My name is Damon Barlett. I have never known this lady who lies in this grave as I was not to have been born yet, but I have respect for the small children who die. I just have a tendency to lose my control and become upset at times. This time, I do not wih to sound profane towards you in any manner, but would you allow me to pay my respects to my aunt?" He produces a black rose from his coat and sets it on the tombstone. OOC: Please tell me that a grandmother's daughter is an aunt... Let me see. If my grandma had a daughter, and another daughter, and one of those daughters was my mom, then the other daughter would be her sister. The mother's sister is an aunt... right? -
"Ah, sophisticates are we? Well, I suppose I could do a bit of that myself. You ask for my identity Mr... Mordekai I presume? (Forgive the possible misspelling) Well, I shall give you such pleasure." The bard regards the twins with something of a stout manner, a manner in which would imply an English sophisticate... but without the cane. As he takes his stance, he realizes he is far shorter than they are and proceeds to look up. "forgive me. I am vertically challenged, but I am one of grace, talent, and a good deal of alcohol for blood. My name is Gabriel Pelous and I am not as renown as I would prefer, but in my efforts to achieve a form of stardom I find new tales to tell and thus grant myself a great many coin. The height problem does give me a bit of trouble when you are surrounded by people approximately one and a half times your size, considering they crane their necks to look down at me as I perform. The upside to being down is that I have a straight punch to a perfect getaway! Should you not realize it, I am an elf, which is why my size is so miniscule. However, despite my frail nature and such, I can drink just as a dwarf can..." The elf leaps onto a chair and sits on the edge of it, seeming to have a perfect center of balance before he begins to speak again. "You know, you tow remind me of somone i knew once. Yes, someone I was very close to... more than a brother. Come to think of it--" As Gabriale begins to flash back, he suddenly moves backwards, as the draft of the open air has caught his baggy, though quite flamboyant, shirt. He utters an elven curse and falls directly on his head, smashing through a bag of flour. He shakes himself off as he lays there, and then props himself onto one elbow. "You know, it is a little more than just demeaning to fall over into something dirty every time you try to be graceful... I'll be right back. I have to go claen up again. Might you have a washroom I can borrow... and a change of clothes?"
OOC: You know, I've noticed something here... and I suppose it could be considered my fault due to my character's amnesia. Ever since my arrival we have all digressed into something different, and I am beginning to wonder if we will ever actually continue the investigation. Though I do place most of the blame on my presence, I have also noted that the time between posts on this topic are far and few between. I would certainly post more often, but I have nothing to respond to. (please do not take offense to that...) I personally find this thread to be quite enjoyable, and I love the characters portrayed here, but I find I do not often come here because it usually says 'Last post by: Damon Inferel.' I mean no offense to anyone, but do you think we might actually take up our positions once again. I have found that running my campaign may be a little difficult, but I have more than enough time for everyone here. I apologize for posting my out of character comments here, but I figured it should be known... Forgive me.
OOC: Ack! um... forgive the last post. Elwen forgot to log out, and I ended up posting under her name! Meow! Meow! I'm really sorry, i should have looked... Meow...
The beginning of the middle of the end
Damon Inferel replied to autumn_sun's topic in Conservatory Archives
Damon steps in and briefly runs to OOC... OOC: Pip? i thought you were Merry? Or am I still an idiot? Um... I am guessing we are in a graveyard... "Hn..." Damon regards the stone in front of the girl nodding. it seems as though he has appeared out of nowhere, but he just stalked up while the two ladies were locking eyes with each other. "excuse me, little girl? Do you know this woman? I have come here many times, and yet I have seen you never around. This lady was my grandmother's daughter. Who was she to you? In overhearing your conversation, you seem to be shunning to those curious, but I must know why you are here." Damon turns to face the other company presently arguing, though subtly, with the little girl. "And why are you here? None of you seem to have any business here... or do you?" OOC: i'm sorry to just jump in like /i know everything, but... I figured I'd tie myself in with the dead person somehow... I hope I didn't offend any of you... meow? mewo >< -
Um... A feeble attempt at role-playing...
Damon Inferel replied to Damon Inferel's topic in Conservatory Archives
A look of thought spreads across the features of the demon's face. "This is great news Iriador, but there is still the problem of, you know, getting close enough. Though, I will admit that anything we could do to suppress her is an idea. and I will also ask you where you acquired this information, as this seems terribly suspicious. Never in my years have I heard of such a thing." Hn... If I give her the number of my years... it'll have to be a reasonable human amount... Ah yes! "I may look young, but I have been studying this 'demon fox', as that is the reputation it has gained, for forty years now... I'm not as young as I look. In every book I have read, I have never heard of such a glyph... So. Where did you find this out?" Oh sh*t! I'm late! The demons face remains somewhat calm, but twitches a little as he is surprised by his own thoughts. "I have to go. I will return in a few hours time. Once the others are here, give them my instructions. You seem moderately trustworthy, so do not disappoint me. Once the party has assembled themselves in the common room, allow them to finish their morning meals, praying, and the like, and bring them to this table. The others have been reserved for a party of orcs in about half of an hour, and senseless bloodshed for taking their table is not something my group should be involved in. In caddition, I would not like to be banned from my place of business because some new trainess decided they would become rowdy. Anyhow... There is a forest at the edge of this town, north of here. Some of you may know of it, especially Senora, as Delita Forest. She seems to know a good deal about nature. She, or anyone else who knows of it can help you navigate the woods. there should not be trouble there, as they inhabit nothing more than a few bears and some other forest rodents." "Once you reach the end of the woods, you will come to a small cottage. A hermit who i have known for many years will be there. This will be an assignment astray from this present one. He has become a threat to me and this town, and he has assembled a small army, primarily composed of druids and a nymph. I have been watching him very carefully. I may have known him for many years, but we were never friends. You are to kill him and anyone else that stands in your way. After you have completed that, the cottage should provide you with supplies for the rest of the night. I will meet you there when your job is done. If anyone cares to inquire if this is leading them away from the primary objective, it is not. The mountains you are heading towards are four hundred miles to the north-east of that cottage. Yes, you have a long way to go. I will be leaving you now. I expect an answer to my question when I return." A few unintelligble words escape and the gesture that follows fades Damon from existence. Meanwhile... in the Abyss. "Forgive me Dracinsyr... I did not mean to be tardy. I am in effort to compile a band of mercenaries. They seem to be moving a little slower than I would hope, but all of them have wonderful potential. Once they reach the end of their use, I'll have their souls... do not worry." As Damon says this, he bows in respect for the horrific creature before him. A large demon sits atop an altar of steel, a large, jagged beak and void eyes compile the violet face. The remainder of his body is bulbos, covered in purplish domes that resemle faces behind plastic wrap... the souls he is fed trapped withing him.. Two spiked tentacles make up his arms, each giving him a superb reach of twenty feet. Though he is lacking any feet, the wall behind him is given a leathery appearacne, as strong muscular wings encompass the walls of the room. Certainly a sight to be disgusted by, but even more so feared, by a demon as low as a succubus. "Well, Damon. I suppose your outstanding record with me will excuse this tardiness this once. After all, were you not the only survivor of the aptly named 'Kitsune War'? You have no reason to apologize... just do not make it a habit." The massive creature laughs in an oily baritone, shaking a few loose stones from the ceiling. Though frightening, he is obviously very jovial. "What news have you brought to me, and what souls have you brought as well? I am famished!" His voice booms with the last word, but his wings keep the structure from collapsing. In a war torn realm, the extra support is a must. Bah! What a sickening creature! Had he not been so powerful, I would have overthrown him centuries ago! "I have news of the kistsune m'lord. it is evident that this group I have assempbled adapts quickly to the knowledge presented, and there is one elf in particular who seems to know an unusual amount. I plan to keep close watch on her. There is also a thief, the name of Enos he goes by. He seems strange for an old man, as though he knows something but keeps it hidden behind his 'charming' nature. I don't trust him very well, but certainly more than the elf or the others. As for the souls... I have but a handful of fey. The centaurs gave me a small amount of trouble, but the pixies were of no concern. Sadly, the most valuable one would be the chieftain of the cenataur tribe I raided. In time, you will be pleased with what I bring you, as it should suffice a great meal to last you many years." As the succubus hands the sack of jars to Dracinsyr he grimaces slightly, but then smiles. In due time, my dear pompous waste of a master, you will have no need for the souls of others. Your seat will be mine, and my plan has already begun to incubate... "I must take my leave m'lord. I have other things to attend to." "Yes, yes Damon! These will do fine for now! In fact, this chieftain you so claim as worthless will tide me for the next month! do as you will! Should you continure this loyalty, you will have all that you wish for in time! Enjoy yourself!" "I will m'lord... I will." -
OOC: Damn Smurfs... stuck... in... my... head? "Well, hello there." The elf gazes up at the paladin who has just lifted his miniscule height from the ground to escape the angry mob. "I take it you are one of those people who 'crusades'... right? I think they call you paladins... Eh, it doesn't matter anyway." The elf stands up with a strange grace stand up on the horse... and jumps. He glides gracefully through the air and as his featherlight feet touch the ground... he trips. The small elf is sent tumbling behind the horse at twenty-five miles an hour, kicking dust up all around him. ~ooowch~ he complains to himself as he stands up, his arms coated in dust and missing a small amount of skin from the elbows. Well, this certainly isn't attractive... guess i better clean up! "Hey! You, on the horse, the mill is back here!" He brushes the majority of the dust off of himself before shooting a small hole in the water tower with an arrow. The arrow fall out under the pressure and he stands under it long enough to drench himself so there is no more dirt on him. Great... now i look like a wet rat... With a few short words, he casts a mending spell on the tower and walks to the mill as the paladin approaches him. "Well, now that I have properly cleaned up... somewhat, my name is Gabriel Pelous. I'm an elf, if you haven't guessed, and I can be a little reckless at times. I also happen to be a bard, and I guess I'm part of that guy's party now... and so are you. so... you're travelling with me. And I can write stories about our travels... right?"
Um... A feeble attempt at role-playing...
Damon Inferel replied to Damon Inferel's topic in Conservatory Archives
OOC: At watching Yusuke and Chu right now, I feel like laughing madly... it was funny... Oh, right... "Allan, do you not listen? While your idea is certainly one that would work, and I give you my utmost respect for your intelligence Even though I already tried what he did..., but you do not seem to know that removing a soul kills a person. I have a very strict guidleline for that, and if you do so attempt to go through with your ingenious scheme, I will have you killed, and I will destroy your soul myself. Oh sh*t... I shouldn't have said that last part... I hope he doesn't notice. Better not try to cover it up. Do you understand that now. I suppose I could lighten your boundaries though. Should Senora learn a way to ressurect her, you may kill her if she becomes a problem. Once she is bound or the like, then you must bring her back. I should inform you that knocking her out would be much easier than damaging her at all. So, only as a last resort... okay? You have all doddled long enough. You may rest for the night, as it is getting late, and you leave in the morning. As I said before, Elwen is setting the deadline, and the longer you sit here and talk, drink, stare at other people..." He puts emphasis on the latter part as he remembers Senora staring at Iriador. "the less time you have to catch her. So... I suggest you get a move on. It's not safe at night around here, so I suggest don't leave." OOC: Um... I'm not certain when tomorrow is, but I hope we can get going soon. I have completely enjoyed this RP so far, and I thank all of you for joining me. *tear... not really* I only hope I can further entertain and/or service you in some way. If any of you need anything as far as this campaign is concerned, just PM me and I'll do good things for you. I'm sorry I haven't gotten the feats and such posted yet, but the Player's handbook is not just a few pages you know. Again, thanks! -
Um... A feeble attempt at role-playing...
Damon Inferel replied to Damon Inferel's topic in Conservatory Archives
OOC: Eh... *laughs nervously... very nrvously* No, I didn't mean that... Thank you for catching that... I'm sorry, I currently had all of my thought on that person... at that time... Damon looks over at Harmon and smiles a little. "You know, you seem to be something of a pessimist. If you'd like, I could kill you and make certain your prediction comes true. I would also have you informed you are not supposed to 'tear out' a person's soul. The soul is in the heart, and you tear out the heart to get to the soul. i'll have all of you know that killing a person by removing their heart does not give you their soul. You have to extract it and trap it. What a moron... I hate these people who don't know what i'm talking about... Well, I guess it can't be helped. He will still be of more use to this group than the thieves are, and possibly more useful than Iriador... she seems intent on dying, and this guy looks stupid enough to take an arrow to th chest and laugh at it for her. Lust is crazy... I suppose it wouldn't hurt to give you a pay advance... which I was going to do anyway." (Damon hands each person 3000 gp.) "This is your money. You either keep it or give it back. Don't look so surprised that I carry that much on me. I'm fully capable of holding my own to any of the thieves around here." Damon looks at Enos a little suspiciously, but holds a strange trust for this man. "There is much more than that if you complete the job... Trust me, I am very rich... but it means little to me. I make enough trading souls to buy a country... *smiles in his mind* I love marketing in the underworld. Kill the merchant and take your earnings... Enjoy your life while you can Harmon, as you seem to think you will meet your end so soon." -
No problem... I just have a habit of acting evil, but I'll do all I can to make certain my character is a lot more... compassionate by the end of the campaign. As a note to all of you other people... and you... Even if this campaign does conclude quickly, a band of mercenaries is not easily gotten rid of. I have plenty of ideas, so don't wory about this being a one-time deal, if you're interested of course...
Um... A feeble attempt at role-playing...
Damon Inferel replied to Damon Inferel's topic in Conservatory Archives
Damon spends a moment to actually direct his conversation at one person. "Elwen, I appreciate you hate the fact that certain people in here are womanizing freaks, but you have no say as to who I employ or not. Though, you can still kill who you wish should they get on your nerves. It just means I spend less money..." OOC: It's got to be annoying as I frequently think I'm not doing good enough, or doing something wrong, but any insults or rude comments I make are not to the person themselves. Forgive me if I offend any of you... i'm just doing what I can to play a lawful evil succubi who cares nothing for any of your lives except for Elwen's. (In character Elwen that is... remember, she's intriguing nd she is not to be killed.) -
Um... A feeble attempt at role-playing...
Damon Inferel replied to Damon Inferel's topic in Conservatory Archives
OOC: Well, I welcome all of the new people to the group. As long as I can keep my access to the internet, I will gladly take on anyone else. It means I get to put even more evil things in here, and thus more people to kill should they get careless... *blinks* Forgive me... part of me and the other two share a good deal of sadism. I'll try to keep it down... "Hn..." Damon looks at the other two applicants who trudge in, one of which looks terribly alert an unkempt. "Well, I can tell you that you certainly are welcome to my gradually increasing parade of people. The other's will give you the situation should you desire to know so... I have no qualms as to hiring those who wander into battle clueless, so I'll not repeat myself." Damon takes a moment to survey this group he has acquired, amazed that so many people had actually chose to oblige such a tedious quest. Sure, his life may be at stake, but living for six millenia gets old quickly. The only thing he didn't have was a kingdom of his own because he still took the occasi0onal order from the Demon Lord Demogorgon. Insane demon that ruler of mine is... Come to think of it, I've spent a good many days watching the two of him argue with each other... "Well, I can say that I've certainly heard of this kitsune." Yeah, she almost killed me once... Being part of an army against her doesn't give much room to be picked for survival... Good thing she doesn't remember that, or I'd have died half a century ago... "Yes, um... there was a tale brought up by a friend of mine... she annihilated an entire army of demons once... it is rumored she is a demon herself which is why she knew where all of the weak points were. There was... one person who actually got a hit in though... A succubi I believe. While the others were assaulting her from the front, this succubi flanked her and attempted to tear out her heart. Not a bright move on my part... but it worked. Had she not cut off my arm, I could have taken her soul... Well, one of them at least. Curse my stupididty. So she does have a weakness. If you can successfully steal the soul of her kitsune form, then you eliminate all of her power. Yes, I know of her wekness, but the hard part is achieving it. I don't suppose any of you can trap souls, can you? Didn't think so..." OOC: As I said in my bio, I have been alive for six thousand years. He had some time to grow his arm back, and enough knowledge about Elwen to know how she could be defeated. It was just hard to get there... that's all. He just won't tell you that he knows all of this because he is the one who almost killed her... and he won't tell you he is a demon either... OOC: On another note... his days of trying to kill her are over. He knows how to, so if he ever finds her, he's prepared. He just doesn't want to kill something so intiguing... It's a waste to destroy such power. I hope this doesn't offend anyone... (meow? *feels small at the thought of upsetting a certain person*) -
OOC: Meow! I'm so happy to have an alternative relief to managing my campaign... I hope I spelled that right... Um... Thi character might seem a little famliar, but with a different name and a little more drunk to start with. Otherwise... you know him well in two realities ashke. I'll just name him Gabriel Pelous. OOC: Um... I'm still trying to get basic format down, so all of my actual speech will be in quotations. My actions will be normal text, and thoughts are in italic. I need to learn that for my own RP as well because I'm a little confused because I keep changing how I type there... Somewhere amidst the gambling between a few of the other drunkards in the back of the tavern, most of them orcs (if they exist, or otherwise other humans), a fairly short figure pokes his head up from the lumbering idiots. He's a little discouraged because he always wins, but they keep threatening to tear his hands off if he claims a win. Quickly, he picks up his nearly empty wine bottle and breaks it on someone else's head, and balmes it on those he's gambling with, grabs his earnings and runs towards the elf while the other table brawls his gambling comrades. "Hey!" He shouts, trying to make his diminuitive figure of 5'3" known as he jumps from table to table dodging other people groping at him. "I'll go with you! It doesn't seem like too many others are willing, and you look about as frail as I do. I can be entertainment, and I'm not too bad at assassinations or combat either." He runs up and leaps onto the same table as the elf and glares frantically into the guy's pretty eyes. "You have really, relly, pretty eyes." He compliments as he stomps on a massive palm before it snags his foot. He looks like an idiot, but he doesn't seem to care. Completely ignorant of the five peole approaching him, he continues. "As I said, I'll join you, but I don't think I'll be among this riot for much longer. Um..." He pauses for a second, his face has calmed down a little but still seems to be alert, and looks back at the elf's eyes. "..." After a second, he jumps away onto another table backwards, still focused on his new employer, and gracefully falls backwards onto the floor after missing the table by a foot or so. "... Ouch..." He snaps awake as he notices nearly half of the tavenr is after him because he kicked most of their drinks on the ground in his jumping spree, and scrambles to his feet. He continues his shouting, now too concerned for his life to get lost in those pretty eyes he saw. "I'll be outside! I'm sorry for calling you frail, and I swear I'm much more graceful than that!" Despite his meager attempt to hide it, it is obvious he has a slight infatuation with his employer. It's not exactly the brightest thing for him to do, but he has a habit for falling for pretty guys. OOC: Um... I certainly hope none of you have a problem with guys who like other guys. My character has been with enough other guys, being an elf himself, to spot the difference in Calondriel. As far as why I picked playing someone like Gabriel, I like playing people like him. OOC: Um... I'm sorry to be the second person to note that you are a guy, but he'll forget every once in a while when he gets really drunk andhe'll not even p[ay attention. He is mostly the same as the guy you know, but I altered one or two things.
"Um... you'll have to forgive me miss... I do not, but you seem so familiar. I... can't forget you like I do everything else. I barely remember who I am, and every time I do remember, I forget again... I don't know why though. I know two things... that I have decided to figure out who you are and why you seem so... stalwart in familiarity. Seciondly, I know I am to die afterwards. Despite that, I must know who you are before I can assist with the investigation... I certainly hope you are not someone who is attached to me in some way, as I am hoping my death will not hamr anyone... physically or mentally." The demon looks confused, but as he detects a trace of sadness in the elf's eyes, he too gathers an amount of sadness. This confuses him. "Why are you sad anyway? I have done nothing to you that I can recall..." As if awaiting an answer, he pushes back this strange emotion and awaits her reply...
Well, I suppose the employer should give a little bit of information about himself. Forgive me if the lettering is a little choppy, as this keyboard sucks, but I'll do what I can. Well, as the name of Damon Inferel implies (Demon Infernal is the base words), he is of course a demon. Since he can take the form of a fair human, he is a succubi, but a lot less sexual than all others... in faact, almost not at all. Through millenia of experience, such an act has never gotten him anywhere, but he is far from a virgin... (mind you, that was some six or seven thousand years ago, while he was under the rule of Graz'zt. When Graz'zt was captured by the mad archmage, I forget his name, I set myself free.) I am certain you have all seen my avater, the precious little picture of chibi vincent from FF VII, and that is the exact description. Standing about six feet tall, with a good deal of ebon hair almost to his waist, and a... blood red, I think, trench coat. His eyes show no doubt that he is evil, lawful evil, as they are frequently narrowed and hold the same color as a smoldering coal. (I'm not looking at my avatar right now for physical description, but you can always look at that for reference. I don't have the wings though unless I am in demon form, whch even then I look the same... with wings. Damon has no qualms about spending money on mercenaries, but he himself is exceptionally powerful. In fact, he could almost match the power of the kitsune Elwen, but ould lose overall. I mean, he is only a lowly demon... (Note, my level is 12. Aristocrat 5/ Shadowdancer 5/ Assassin 2) I'll give you all a complete character info sheet (as best as I can format it) later. He generally prefers to not use this power though, but rather see the potential in others to employ, and he has a taste for powerful magic items. The mirror of Darkness interests me, but I live long enough to get what I want anyway... I am immortal by age standards since I am a demon, and most of my money is gained through soul trading in the Abyss. As far as personality goes... he's very quiet when not discussing something he wants, which is not often he wants something. He's a nice guy when he wants to be, but would not hesitate to kill anyone who is a threat to him. When he does talk, it is not anything extremely elegant unless it needs to be, but sophistication is certainly within his limits. He speaks all languages except for Druidic, and he speaks them fluently so those he has employed cannot plot against him. He' not heartless however, and will do what he can to make certain those he does grant a bit of trust stay alive. If he hates any one thing, it wuld be two things. He despises paladins with every inch of his eternally evil soul, and will slay them outright should they appear. The good thing is, he has a permanent undetectable alignment spell imbued upon him, so paladins don't know what's coming when they try to detect evil. The second thing he hates is random destruction. Though formerly one who did destroy towns for the sheer enjoyment of it, it always got to the point where the priests were hunting him down. So, anyone who wors for him who commits wonton destruction dies with extreme prejudice before they can crack under torture. Um... that's pretty much it. If you want a history, wait until the keyboard doesn't hurt my hands so much. And welcome to Archaneus!
Um... A feeble attempt at role-playing...
Damon Inferel replied to Damon Inferel's topic in Conservatory Archives
* blank, yet amused stare drifts between Senora and Iriador, as he wonders what could be so astonishing about an apathetic elf who seems to have an eerie aura of sadness about her. He decides it is best left unsaid and gives a small briefing, not caring who is listening or not* All right, you all can stop flirting and gaping at open spaces. *Damon says a little cheerily as he lifts his hand and points to each member at his table* Each and every one of you are now allied to each other. Including you my elderly friend. Those who desert others are not paid, and I will not tolerate insubordination over petty things. As you all are aware of, you are searching for a powerful artifact called the Mirror of Darkness. I should have you know that the place where it was stolen from is not anywhere near this tavern, because I wanted to watch all of you do something other than hike a mile and come around telling me you couldn't find it. It was located in a temple of Rallaster, hidden in the Laertes mountain range in the north. Mind you, it is very cold up there, so you might want to pack warmly. I naddition to the weather, it is guarded by a great deal of creatures, both human soldiers and native creatures who dwell in the snowy patches. Thus telling you that this Elwen character must be pretty powerful to obtain it. It should be about three weeks of a hike from here, and horses can only take you to the base of the mountain. From there, you must walk. I have horses in my barn located in the lot behind the main library. Elwen is not to be killed, but rather captured and brought back here. If I find that she is a threat to me, then I will give you permission to kill her. I do not think she could kill all of you before one of us did her in anyway. I'm not exactly weak you know... I am not setting a deadline for the completion of this mission... Elwen is. I am uncertain what she is going to use the mirror for, but I do not trust her reputation at all, thus giving me the feeling it could jeopardize both you and the world populous. The mirror is that powerful. If she uses the mirror before you capture her, you either fail the mission and don't get paid, or she does something terrible enough to kill all of you and you just die, still not getting paid. As I said, you leave tomorrow morning. For those of you who were too busy contemplating what others might be thinking, Senora, you might want to inquire of someone else what is going on. -
Um... A feeble attempt at role-playing...
Damon Inferel replied to Damon Inferel's topic in Conservatory Archives
*The demon regards this elf with a look of concern* No, no, no... I do not decide the prices here, that is your job. If you do not wish to be paid, then simply say so, I have no qualms about free labor. As for the rest of you, name your price... -
Um... A feeble attempt at role-playing...
Damon Inferel replied to Damon Inferel's topic in Conservatory Archives
OOC: If anyone else happens to join our motley crew, I will do my best to keep track so everyone joins in a conceivable manner. Just... If any of you get to be too much of a jackass, I'll ask you to leave. Well, it seems we have a varietous group here. This artifact is quite important, so I accept each and every one of you to find it for me. I am not concerned with the price of your services, just try to stay away from the extraneous figures... Let me see here... We have two thieves, a cleric, a bard, a fighter, a spellcaster of some sort, and... myself when I choose to intervene. I have to keep tabs on my only employees you know. It's not good for business if you die. I supose we should get started. I'll send any other applicants your way... You have today to rest, and then you depart. OOC: Um... I had to figure out a way to say what the effects of stuff are, so I'll put all of the in-game details I dictate in parentheses. Such as (Damon waves) and more complicated stuff... bear with me... (Senora detects a strange presence within Iriador... as if there are two seperate entities) Setting: The innards of the tavern are but an illusion to a larger place. Several doors adorn the wooden walls, leading to a vast mansion, full of libraries and a large ball room where parties and banquets are held. The stairs in the back of the bar lead to the Conservatory, the general place where people gather to discuss issues and gossip while attending to the small greenhouse on the second floor. The room you are currently in holds twelve tables and an elaborate bar in the background, full of various races, who spend most of their time bragging and drinking. The door leading to the exit is five feet from your table, for convenience to those who decide they are too afraid to face the perils that await them. OOC: *Blinks...* Um... I hope I have done well so far. i'm better with fighting, but I need to learn all of the other stuff too. That way, I can run my own campaign sometime in the real world! Meow! -
Um... I got an idea and I put it on paoer. Chapters Intro through 2 for now... Leads of Deception Introduction Many things were horrifying things and things of wonder. Astonishing and boring things I have seen them all. But one in particular was one I could have never imagined. My name is Fenris D ouvre and I am a well renowned elven bard. I am here to tell you of one of the most intriguing tales of lies and deception I have ever put into words. It could not have been more than a century ago that Myaka Tetsumora, a sorceress from a foreign land, nearly brought this world to an end through her manipulation of a little girl. A little girl named Mia Wessef Chapter One: A Mother Slain I was but a youngster by elven standards at the time, twenty-seven if I recall, when I first met Mia s mother. She was a lovely person, especially for a human, her red hair always flowing gracefully behind her, and her violet eyes never holding any worry. I conversed with her on a regular basis, trading knowledge of the human world, as Myna was very intelligent, in exchange for a story or two. We were friends in most senses, but never lovers. Her husband had been travelling with the English military in an effort to defeat the French. Though I never understood how humans could show any spite for one another, I never brought it up. It was a warm summer day, the hot breeze keeping the air dry around the village, when her husband returned claiming a victory. The first war of many to come had ended, and Myna Wessef, Mia s mother, had never been happier. The two spent countless hours, so I ve heard, making up for the five years they had been apart. Her husband did not seem too fond of me, perhaps because I look French myself, so I kept my distance from Myna for the most part. Nevertheless, they were both very happy. I was never certain when, but in the time I spent away from Myna, she had become pregnant. I did not have to approach her to notice, as I had first thought she gained a large amount of weight. But, upon closer observation she frequently kept patting her womb, as if checking for something. Four years past, Myna and her husband happier than I could ever think humans were capable of. The child, Mia, was a beautiful child, sharing all of her mother s features, including the violet eyes. The only trace of her father I could find in her was how narrow her eyes were all of the time. I took my opportunities when her husband went out to hunt to meet the child as she grew up. Though her eyes were always narrowed, she was an adoringly sweet child, and had a very good heart. However, in the midst of the happiness, Myna s husband never came home from hunting one day. The town constables said they found his body mangled and charred, as if mauled by a furious bear and set ablaze for a crematory sacrifice. This devastated Myna to no end, and she fell into a state of depression that grew worse as time passed. Mia was too small to understand, and still continued to be as cheerful and light-hearted as always. As Myna spiraled further and further into her darkness, more and more similar murders began drawing closer to her home. It was not long before the neighbor to Myna and myself was drawn out of his house, as if by compulsion, and stared at the waning moon with awe before he stabbed himself repeatedly in the chest. It was at that time that I noticed the moon had one more day before it would fade into blackness for the next day before it began to wax again. I had to get Mia and Myna out of there, which was not to be an easy task. Frantically, I explained to Myna that she had to leave before she too was murdered as I packed her belongings. She never once objected to the packing job I was doing, but she refused to leave the place she had once felt happiness in. She told me that if she were to be murdered, she would die in the home of her beloved, and if she should leave, she would destroy herself anyway. It was at that moment that she stared at me, a glare that I will never forget, with watery eyes, so utterly deprived of light that they were all but voids. The violet in them had faded, and she seemed several years older than she was. With those eyes, she pleaded with me to take Mia away from her. Mia and I left that night, the little girl s mother sitting in the center of an empty room, waiting for her doom. As we camped that night, my mind blacked out for a second, and the shriek of Myna could be heard from our fire as she was slain. Chapter Two: The Fight with the Sorceress Myaka Tetsumora Mia was sleeping quietly on the night the new moon came, our campfire the only light underneath the forest canopy. I held myself awake, devoting every bit of my energy to surveying the child. Sadly however, I drifted into a moment of slumber before I was drawn awake to the cold, unnatural blast of wind that came from the north, putting our fire out. I snapped awake, casting a darkvision spell on myself to look about. Mia was slumbering peacefully in the arms of Myaka, who I only knew at the time as an evil presence. I remember that well Who are you?! I tried to shout, my tenor sounding like a small rodent at the presence of evil I felt. Put Mia down or I will be forced to kill you! I felt a little discouraged at my voice, especially as a bard, but I drew my bastard sword to the front of me, hoping that my shuddering was not noticeable. This evil woman simply stood in front of me and laughed, her alto voice resonating no echo through the trees. I suppose I could oblige you with my name before I kill you. My name is Myaka Tetsumora from Japan. I foresaw the birth of this child many years ago, and I am taking her with me. That is enough talk. Lie down quietly and I will make your death swift. I could see in nothing but black and white through the darkness, which made it difficult to discern when she moved, but I saw it nonetheless. I brought my blade to my left, grazing her arm as she raised her hand to prepare a spell. It appeared I did nothing more than please her as her eyes widened in ecstasy as the blood flowed down her slender arm. To this day, I never understood how she could revel in pain, but my thoughts only focused on that for a second during that time. That blow to her only told me cutting her would be ineffective, especially after she magically healed her wounds with a psychotic smile. My sword fell to the ground, clattering loudly on the leaves left from the previous autumn. I drew my flute instead, hoping to cast deafness on her, but it was instantly whipped from my hand and held aloft for a moment before it splintered. The hope drained out of me at that moment, and I had no choice. If I were to ever save the child, I would need to live through this battle. I stepped backwards in fear, still quivering from the evil she radiated, and ran, swearing I would save Mia one day. Myaka never pursued me, but instead faded away behind me, not to be seen for two years.
The demon stands and debates for a moment, a plot trying to surface itself as he contemplates whether trying to run an RPG is a good idea or not.. Well, I suppose the first important topic at hand is members of the party. It is of no true concern to me as to how many people decide they would like to try a hand at an amateur DM, who bases his campaign off of the location around the Tavern where poets reside. I only ask that people don't flood the place... (managing twenty characters and four hundred enemies is a little difficult) If anyone is interested, I have to inform them that the fights are probably going to be in a mild amount of gore, depending on if the villain you are to slay has blood or not. I can't determine whether I'm any good at this or not, but I'm willing to give it a shot if others are. Let's see... a plot? Well, I was just... 'inspired' (cough, my girlfriend gave me an idea), and I think I might be able to do it... The Mirror of Darkness, an extremely powerful artifact that grants its user one wish, for an unknown price, has been taken from the nearby temple where it had been guarded for centuries. The infamous kitsune, Elwen, has stolen it for her own reasons. As a small band, (or large band...) of mercenaries, you are being paid quite handsomely to retrieve it. I might add a small note... This thief, though evidently evil, is quite intriguing to me. Should you find her, you have permission to capture her, but should I find, or even remotely hear she has been killed, I will take all of the money for myself, and thus giving you nothing. You don't want to waste all of that hard work, now do you? OOC:Elwen herself gave me permission for this plot... (In fact she gave it to me!) Oh, and if you have read anything of hers... pretend none of those events have occurred yet. In short... you don't know anything besides what I told you.
A curious expression makes its way across the still watering eyes from Aurel's attack. Um... what was that all about? His gaze fleets between all of the females in the room, wondering who this 'sister' could be. He scans across twice before settling his eyes on... Rune. Excuse me Rune... *How do I know her name?* Do you have a sister, or a brother? Namely that oddly violent man who shoved me into a wall? *No, it's not her...* He looks around once more, suddenly recalling that he had given potions to the elven girl. *Where is she?* Rune? Forget what I just asked you. Where did that girl go? "Um... that way." The small demon's tiny finger pointed in the direction the 'sister' in question had fled. Thank you. With a brief wave Damon heads in the same direction, pursuing the person of whom he was believed to have wronged. I am sorry detectives, but I have a slight manner to attend to. When you are ready to depart for the investigation... please call for me. Rune can do that with her mind, being kin. As Damon strides through the doorway, he shuts it behind him, tracing a glyph in the air and melding the wooden frame with the surrounding wall, making certain nobody can follow him. Whoever you are, I wish to speak with you. How have I wronged you?! I do not even know you! What are you doing?! You have this break, and this break alone to do as you please, and you continue to doddle. If you do not get back on your appointed task, I will fry your memories as opposed to erasing them. The malevolent spirit housed hidden within Damon's mind laughs a little, a horrid sound of lunacy, and grins. No, I will give you your freedom to find this girl. As the moment comes when you discover what you wish to know, I will let you revel in whatever emotions she might stir within you, and then you will die. I can possess anyone I want, and that makes you expedable. You have your freedom, but it is a choice of which you choose. Find this person and learn about them, or finish your investigation nd get along with my plans. Choose. Now! A thoughtful expression crosses his face, shrouded by his collar as he looks down. *Is this person who owns a strange presence within me worth dying for?* Yes! Whoever you are! Where are you?!
Oh, forgive me... It was one in the morning, and I may have been feeling poetic, but my grammar must have been terrible... I have a bit of a problem with changing the original though, so I pray you can excuse the fact my poem will not change... Thank you for the review though.
Just as I did with my flower poem, I picked another random topic. I don't exactly say anything about my beloved, in fact I say nothing at all, but she is always my inspiration. Here it is, and try not to get confused... I already did... There was a little blue house on the beach, A remote place beyond humanity’s reach. It now sits lonely, the paint beginning to wear. The shutters on loose hinges, beginning to tear. Several occupants in its long past, A dreamy place where the summers last. The weather has came and gone again, Holding no care for the creation of men. The tides have risen innumerable times, The wind assisting the melody of chimes. Crystal and steel and glass once rang together, Seagulls gathering to preen a feather. The house has sat, holding its own, It’s boards like its memories, both creak and moan. The support pillars holding fast in the sand, The windows still polished to survey the land. A confusing little house that sits on the beach, Forever forgotten by humanity’s reach. I don't get it either, but it was one in the morning... and I was feeling poetic and rhymey...
One could debate on something... Though not quite certain what it may be. Hn... A saddened though subtle expression on the dark flames housed within the eyes of the daemon appears. Thoughts... where are my thoughts? I... yes, this is a story of some sort... isn't it? I... don't know what to say. I may have read it before, but... I don't understand it. What could make a person go mad to that extent? It does not suit the elven race to dwell in the confines of insanity. And... Might I have done something wrong to this person? A brief look of thoughtfulness, and it seems an idea occurs to him, his eyes becoming brighter for a moment. Oh! how could I forget! Please forgive me, I... my memory... Yes, I know you now. You are the one beloved I so often find myself composing poetry about. The source of my inspiration. I could be flattered that you speak my name as your single word, but your sadness reflects that I might have done something... OOC: *blinks...* Um... I think it is really pretty, even though I know where the generic idea came from. I wasn't certain if I was supposed to comment on stuff I read in character or not, so I decided I should try IC. Um... just to inform you, my character... he has a memory that comes back and forth. When it returns, he has a few moments before it is erased again, thus forcing him to recall all of his memory in intervals. He remembers Elwen, and a few other things, it is just inconvenient to everyone else that he forgets so suddenly, and they have to wait for him to recall again. Meow! Good story though. If there is to be more... I look forward to it.