Damon Inferel
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Everything posted by Damon Inferel
(OOC: you know what's funny Pip? We have this odd tendency to continuously reply to everything we end... I think it's fun to engage in other stimulating conversation with such an astute person such as yourself, however I know not the feelings of the recipient of my banter. How fare you to these inquisitions and off topic conversations, or lest we should stop in light of other events occuring in our binary dreams here at the Pen?) Amidst a dream, Cyndy sneezes in reality, opens her eyes briefly, licks her paw, and falls back asleep. (OOC: I do rather enjoy conversing with you in such a manner Pip, the publicity of such keeps anything meant for secrecy in it's proper place, and we could enjoy some riveting conversations during the free time, such as when my dear little kitten sleeps... See above.)
Gabriel glances over at the elf he is loking over as he stands up and successfully notices the 'pinke tinge' a.k.a. (at least in his mind) blush and smiles. "Don't worry, I didn't see that little flush of color." he says softly, hoping that the others won't hear him. He contemplates for a second as he notes the other look on Calonderiel's face, the thoughtful one. "You'll have to excuse me laddy," he comments in a cheap Irish accent, "But is it me Lucky Charms 'er my face that reminds ye of somethin'?" He laughs slightly and hold back from guffawing like he does sometimes when he laughs at his own cheesy accents. "Sorry... You just seem to look thoughtful every time you look at me. Hn... it might sound a little strange, but do you think I look like an old dead guy. I feel about that way right now, having this cramp in my hip and all. It's nothing I can't take care of though." his attention fades slowly into the background as a cup of tea brewing nearest to Mordekai(sp?) and Cole sounds terribly enticing. "Excuse me, oh Exalted employer, but I must take my leave to quench this non-alcoholic thirst of mine. Perhaps I can break this little... cough... alcoholism problem of mine..." He prances away and floats over a flour bag, so conveniently placed just high enough for his foot to get caught on a torn strand of burlap sack, causing him to fall over again. Once again, coated in flour, he glomps onto Cole and stares with pleading and pathetic little kitten eyes (since that's the kind of eyes elves have in here) and inquires... "I need some clothes Cole." his voice going very flat at the beginning of his sentence. "And some tea, if you don't mind." After a moment of the two twins not laughing he grins. "Well... I thought it was funny... geez, what an audience."
(I'm just making this as i go along) I know some friends that seem to care About me, not what I wear They like me for who am And not what i can do for them It's really hard to find good friends Ones who know it never ends Friends who'd help you when you need it And not dump you and tell you to beat it All of my friends, I care for them a lot A majority of my life they are, and not just a spot I've never really cared about anything before Feeling care and cmpassion was simply a chore They've taught me so much about how to be nice and not gamble with my emotions like a throw of the dice I never tire of them, each person's so great They don't have to be popular, real bright, or ornate I'd do anything for them, the ones closest to me Like keep secrets, and do other stuff and not for a fee Having them around makes me feel so much better If i could wite them a thank you note, it'd be as long as a letter I hope I will be around them now and forever So we can all be friendly and stuff through every endeavor Time's an evil thing, it tries to pull us apart Our personalities change and time corrupts our heart If i can help it, I'll find them all someday And we can be friends again and be joyful all day We'll all have our squabbles, our bickers and fights But not all friendships are perfect, at least not in my sights I just hope we'll still be together after several more years To lose someone close is one of the greatest of fears I'll be leaving soon, but I'll see them again I'm very devoted, time will not win I'll see them again, all of them one day We'll run into each other... and we'llsee what we say (I actually ran out of time towrite this, but it was a little ransdom anyway. But to all of my firends who read thi, i really mean it. This includes all of my friends here at the Pen, but mostly to garreth Cook ,john miller, and all of my friends that actually go to my school. garreth live about three hours from me, and John Miller goes to a different school. Meow! Thanks for being my friends you guys, I just hope we don't ever have to lose contact with each other. Have a nice weekedn... or something like that.)
(OOC:I never feel bd pip.. it's part of apathy...-ish. I'm learnign my emotions, but you never say the wrong thing. That sentence made no sense...) Cyndy continues to sleep... (OOC: gotta go! Meow! Pip... don't worry about anything. You should live carefree, as should everyone else. i wish I could, but I have a lot of stuff to learn about emotions and stuff, since I lived carefree for five years. I need to get back to caring... you all can take a break)
Meow... you write good poetry Merry. It's all symbolic and not right-to-the-point like mine always is, but wants to be like yours... Meow... *radiates envy and gamma radiation and turns green and starts breaking things* Not the hulk... less bulk. *cute smile like the one that made me look like a girl in my I.D. Card* I really liked this. I think I love this poem... like all of lynne's. I just can never think of what to say to her without being really... not-mke sense-ish. I'm not good at talking to her... regretfully. I'm working on it though! ><
Well, now it's off of your conscience, and he doesn't believe you. you have nothing to worry about anymore, lest you decide to pursue him. But... you might want to give him some time to think things over a little bit before you do, since I can read your mind, and I know you wil follow through with this. The large tuna bellowed at her, someow bigger. This meant that she was hungry, but Yasuo seemed to be in an akward mood, so she just leapt into his little jerky bag and pulled some out and sat there contently, chewing on dried meat, and watching Yasuo, Ki, and the kitsune. After finishing her jerky, she found herself tired after trying to express herself, a strain on such a small brain... for now. She curled up next to the wolf-boy-thingy-ish's bag and went to sleep. >~_~< (OOC:I'll cut everyone a break from my annoying presence for now and just see what happens... I know, I know.. it's not really annoying and such, but... never mind) (OOC: Forgiv me, I can be a tad grouchy in the morning, on rare occasions... mind you.)
The beginning of the middle of the end
Damon Inferel replied to autumn_sun's topic in Conservatory Archives
Damon leapt around in the air for a second and promptly hugged his aunt. "I... I'm alive? Oh, wait... I'm not, but you all can see me, and i'm dead. And I can finally see what my aunt looked like! And... I can run around and stuff out here, and not in that damned black place with the giant splinters and the guillotine blades. That stage manager is a nutcase." He looks at the little girl, his aunt, and pats her on the shoulder. "YOu're not going to die again on me, are you?" (eep... crappy post, but I'm sooo tired.) -
Gabriel nods and lets Calonderiel heal him, regretting he's going to end p annoying him as soon as he can speak. It's what a bard does unless he's travelling or singing. He casts a glance over at Char, who is surveying the room and looks back at the elf in front of him. "You're not well." He says, surprising himself that he can talk again, but it only last for a second. "I don't doubt that you're bleeding internally. I've had to tend to my own drunken wounds a great number of times, so I know that you don't have to be hurting on the otside to be hurting inside. Sadly, I don't know how to heal you..." he blinks at the elf and finds himself a little lost once again. That changes when he realizes he too is hurting inside, probably from the punch to the ribs that Cate had dealt him. Nothing a bit of alcohol won't fix. he thought, suddenly looking back at Calonderiel again. "I'm willing to bet you have a horrific bruise on your back too. Would it be all right if I checked? If I don't know, then I can't ask Jareena to heal you because I won't know what's wrong." His voice is matter-of-factly, but there is a hint of compassion hiding. He's simply trying to hide it beause he doesn't know what the elf will think... or the rest of the party. A lot of people have a tendency to chase him around with torches and stuff once they find out. "So... is it all right if I check? I just hope you don't think me rude for not inquiring. I'm only asking because I don't want to see... any of my comrades hurt... Yeah. It would hamper our little group's plans for our mission if the employer suddenly fell over dead."
The beginning of the middle of the end
Damon Inferel replied to autumn_sun's topic in Conservatory Archives
(OOC:Mrowr... I'm very eremophobic... it's okay though, I have friends.) Damon looked about at the small assortmentof various races, wondering if his confusion at seeing the pixie would kill him again. He decided it couldn't be any worse than the odd ways he had died while he was dead, so he just took whatever was coming. "Now how do I get back to beng myself?" He said aloud, looking at his strangely drunken aunt, as he had been so graciously told by the annoying stage manager duing their lunch break. He told him that it did get a little dull after killing him all of the time, and that they should enjoy a nice cup of... stuff. It turned out the stage manager was Death, so it might have been souls or something. Whatever it was, it had been really potent. A second later, a small pinkkitten appeared and immediately produced a lightbulb that floated above it's head. Amoment later, Damon found himself semi-conscious, as the same exclamation point it him before it finally splintered. "Heh... noy yu zain't gonna hit me wz that thingy no more, right... left...?" He felt as drunk as his aunt did now. The kitten pounced on him and uncred something that smelled like week-old warehouse salmon and poured it down Damon's throat. It meowed and made him finish the bottle. It tasted like week-old warehouse salmon too... Damon was forced to swallow i though, as oddly elongated claws werepointed at him. After swallowing, the kitten disappeared and Damon coughed. All three of the others turned around to see Damon's spirit... without the hole in his head. (OOC: Well, I guess that means I can speak again. Sorry for taking so long to find a way out of this, but I think it worked.) Other kitty Emoticons: >*-*< Surprised >`_`< happy Japanese kitty >~.~< asleep >< very happy >'_'< blank -
Any suggestions to fix that little problem? Not being rude, merely inquisitive... Also, that's probably because I changed the poem before I posted it because... it sounded threatening, and I didn't want it to sound like that.
For those of you who don't know, lyrical poetry is not necessarily music. It is poetry used to express feelings, and I was feeling particularly sadistic. Um... just to let you all know, I didn't kill anyone, even though I wished I could have, and in being a pacifist, I never will. forgive me for this... I certainly hope the person I wrote this about never sees this... To murder my friend would be a horrible act To quench their life under a mind that's cracked An insult too many from someone so rude And a personality no better than crude An enjoyable feeling to watch blood splatter The blade has no feeling, so what does it matter? Lying dead he is with no problems like life No longer in existence, no longer in strife A cold dead body that lies on the ground No more insults, no laughter, no heartbeat, no sound I know no grief as I see who he was I killed him for pleasure and not for a cause I'll revel in it, the joy seems unending No remorse for you comrade, my conscience unbending I have done nothing wrong but find my own bliss The insanity, the arguments, none of it missed I could take it no more, his perverted drivel My happiness continues, I make not a snivel This is my secret, not one I shall share Should anyone find out, they'd gasp and stare Commit once a murder for nothing but pleasure There's no turning your back to sadistic treasure
Um... A feeble attempt at role-playing...
Damon Inferel replied to Damon Inferel's topic in Conservatory Archives
(OOC: Suddenly, the Apocalypse arrives! A giant fifteen thousand tone meteor comes flying at the PC's at Mach 15. There's no time to escape! As each of the PC's, including the drunken Harmon, frolick about in a state of complete panic, wondering where the field of flowers they are in has come from [thus ignoring the meteor], the giant adamantine and diamond boulder smashes into Middle Earth and each person, animal, plant, or other living or non-living organism takes 1000d20x100000 points of fire and crushing damage. This effectively destroys the Tavern of the Quill, and slaughters all of the roleplayers in this RP.) This is juast a note that somehow this RP has shown up closer to the bottom of the list, and is thus dead. However, should anyone come from the rubble of the planet that does not exist, via a teleportation without error spell, we may continue in an alternate universe, where we are the same people, and everything else is the same. Since Damon has the ability to teleport without error at will... this incarnation of all of you dies, and I await to see what happens in the next universe. Brief note of apology: Um... I don't even think a kitsune could live through this... sorry. Even if you traveled to another plane, the entire realm was destroyed, the planes along with it, since there are no heavens or hells left to teleport to. -
I remember this! Meow! Forgive the brief amount of time that I had in my class, as I could not read it all, but I do remember it. It hasn't lost a thing ashke... it's still very creative, and very good writing. *sighs* I love your writing... it's emotional and stuff.
Meep... um... I didn't get it. Forgive my ignorance, but I still liked it. I think it's possible to like something, even if you're completely clueless as to what it actually is. I know one example that proves that true... but I couldn't tell you here.
I'm such an idiot... I knew it had been your birthday, but yet I had not the sense to come here and acknlowledge it that month ago... I'm sorry ashke. Happy, very belated, birthday. ...*hugs* is that okay for me to do?
Meow! Aya! one of the few crimson-follicled bishounen! Lovely poem ashke, one of which holds good imagery and a very good theme. Again, forgive the short review. It is really really really really really really really really good though. I might be exagerrating with one or two 'really's' though, but I still think it's good.
Death is so comforting... eep! I shouldn't have said that... um... really good image poem though. Note: Even when I shouldn't say something, I think it's best to express your thoughts... unless they'll gwt you killed. So, I say what's on my mind unless i'm actually talking to someone... Again, pip, very good, stupendous, miraculous, great, terrific, pleasant, applaudable, sensational, riveting, grand, extraordianry, ginormous... poem.
Hn... a thought. This is really good, especially when you read it aloud. I'm not very good at reviews, as I don't do them too often, especially considering I don't know what to say. But, giving an unbiased opinion, i really do like this, just as every other piece of writing you do. I enjoy the angst stuff the best... they're really emotional. I'd probably ask the same question that... Aural... I think his name is. Should you give yourself up for a cause, one important enough to die for... I'd ask you if it was worth it too. I just hope such a day never comes around to that...
Cyndy took notice that Yasuo wasn't going to kill her, but rather stare confusion bullets into her if she didn't explain herself. "Yeah... the fish that floats through my head carries thoughts with him, and i think the things I'm supposed to think... and stuff like that. He's also a seperate personality who tells me what to do. Basically, whenever i think of something, he makes a splashy noise and I see what I was thinking about, and he tells me what to do..." she looked a little confused herself, but was satisfied with her explanation. She just hopes Yasuo is. "Um... the other thingy. Meow... I wasn't kidding. I'm just a kitten, but I'm very mature for my age. That's why i say big words and stuff, but i don't always capitalize my i's. Um... it's really hard to explain, since I... don't understand it much either. I just... like you more than a friend. I think that's love... or something like that. you know, having different feelings for someone that somehow places them above everything else in your life. Meow... at least that's my way of saying it." She steps forward, hoping everyone else isn't staring at her, and walks up to the wolf-boy-thingy. "Hn... meow... it's funny though. That's why i wanted to be, at least partially, human. you know, cuz you're a wolf-human-thingy, and i'm a kitten-not human- thingy. I also wanted to do other stuff too, like ride on a car without being stuck in a crate. (OOC: This era does have cars... right? If not, forgive my stupidity...) I wanted to be able to talk, and stuff like that. But yeah, it was mostly you." She climbs up onto Yasuo's ribs again and poked his chin with a clawless paw. "But... I'm not kidding. you're a very nice person Yasuo, and you've never given me any more grief than trying to eat me, which was fun. Besides... it might be nice to have someone close enough to talk to... maybe?" After a moment of watching Yasuo fly by on a tuna, she goes back to her usual self, her eyes glittering with energy. "I won't change my personality though! I"ll still be the hyper kitten you've always known, and you'll never have a dull day while I'm around! Meow!" Again, however, she changes moods, something more timid as she shrinks back into herself. "Yuo don't... hate me for it... do you? (OOC: Eh... ... I still don't know what to say. Um... ... ... ...prick? Pip was never a prick... she wasn't even grumpy as far as I could tell. Perhaps I wasn't extraordinarily attuned to my short attention span that day. Pip's always a nice person. And so is Lynne and Merry and John... and... a few other people... I'm confused with myself... I just wrote something I'm still trying to figure out... this post... that, and something that just happened in class, which appears to be my fault, even though I don't know what I did...)
Gabriel eyes the figure hiding behind the corner, obviously trying not to be involved in any combat situations. He's still lying on the ground, but his brain isn't fried enough from his drunkeness that he doesn't lack the ability to speak. However, the fact he was internally strangled puts a damper on things, however he can croak out a few words like... "Lenore?" is the only thing he says, raspy and inquisitive. That's all he says befor wandering over to the new person with a sheet of parchment and a pen. You know, I saw you over here the whole time. I guess you were the only bright one out of us, not getting involved and all. Come, join us for a drink and a throat lozenge. His pen stops moving as he reaches the new person, Char. He hands the note to the new girl and runs back over to Calonderiel, who is looking a tad worse than he feels. He tries to speak again, but he fails and ends up coughing and then recoilong in pain. This is no way for a bard to be living... he thinks, looking over whatever visible wounds there are on the thin elf. He looks over at his bottle of wine that he had set on Cole's table and shakes his head. I've tried that before... and it hurts like hell. he ponders a moment, recalling the stab wounds he had recieved in a bar. That would be mean... He tries to speak one more time and bears past the fact his throat is on fire to say a few words. "You're... not okay... are you?" he mutters, trying to be audible, but failing slightly. Okay... no more talking for now.
Cyndy perks her head up quickly. "You... you heard me?!" she exclaims, her worry now overwhelming her compassion. It is only then that the tuna makes another run-by and states his opinion. You know, you've been doing all right speaking your mind for now. Just tell him. Besides, I doubt he'll believe you anyway, considering you are a kitten for one, and it's not something he'd expect. That way, you could clear your conscience. The kitten blinks and looks up at her object of affection's curious face... one that is anticipating an answer. "Maybe you're right Mr. Tuna." she says, muttering to herself, being very careful to not let Yasuo hear her talking to an imaginary fish. "Yasuo..." she says, her voice audible again. She takes a few steps towards him and looks up into his face, which is still waiting for an answer. She turns unusually pink from blushing and decides it's best to just tell him. "Yasuo... I... love... Tuna!! Fishy fishy tuna! Meow!" Both the tuna and Yasuo fall over flat, one leg poking up from the ground like an anime show. You idiot! You crazy, stupid, moronic, insane, overhyper, crackpot, pink, lunatic!! Look, you're never going to get it off of your mind unless you tell him, nor will you like the consequences if I don't see you tell him. I'll make certain that you hate fish so much, you'll tear anyone apart that even speaks the word fish!" You can do that? YES!! All right... I'm not going to like this... she thinks, suddenly regretting her comment about fish. "Yasuo...? I'm sorry about that. There's a little fish in my head that tells me to tell you what I really wanted to say, or else I'll never like fish again..." Yasuo sits back up, once again in light curiosity. "Yasuo... meow... I... I think I love you Yasuo." In a second, she scampers away behind a tree, hoping he doesn't kill her for saying it... hoping his reaction is a good one. (OOC: Meow! Sorry to... bring that out so early-ish. Mrowr... I don't know what to say. Sorry pip...)
Yeah... hot pink... i don't know how to change color text to pink though... Meow... I'm baffled at this new enlightening situation dear boy... erm... Watson. (Not in reference to Pip... the whole 'boy' thing)
(OOC: One cannot forget reality, lest they be trapped within their fantasy. Besides, I need to learn this kind of thing anyway... It'd be nice of me to be able to do more than just apologize ofr everything...) As Yasuo lays on the ground, apparently hating himself, the small kitten pads onto him and lays down right underneath his ripcage."Yasuo, are you talking to someone? i know it's not here where we are, but... you seem upset, and there is nothing here to upset you... at least I don't think there is." She looks a little concerned but tries to stay somewhat cheerful, so as not to let him know that his emotions are affecting her too. (OOC:minor Empathy, I guess... I know what it's like) "Yasuo. You shouldn't be mad at yourself. whatever you think you might have done is in the past, whether you did it or not. There is a whole future ahead of you, and more than enough ways to make up for what you think you did." she meows silently to herself, the equivalent of a sigh. "You should never have to feel bad Yasuo... and if i have to, I'll see to that. If you have these troubles right now, you don't have to teach me anything and i'll try to help as is." her mood suddenly changes to something of a false cheeriness. "I'm still gonna make you teach me though, so don't think you'll get away with forgetting! Meow!" The whole time she has her head poked up, looking at Yasuo's gazing face, the one staring at the canopy of the forest and possibly a few clouds. The tuna floats by again, the sound of crashing waves floating through her head. Innocent? Me? Well, that's only because I haven't had the chance to do anything yet. No, Yasuo, you are the one who is innocent. "Meow..." she says, still focusing her eyes on the half-wolf-ish guy. Maybe if he knew I liked him... I might be able to do something more to help... Or, I'd scare him... or, he'd kill me. Or... "There are too many possibilities Yasuo. Too many ways you would react." she comments, her thoughts spoken aloud. She doesn't seem to notice since she thinks she was only thinking it. (OOC: due to the cheesy graphics on all shows that make actual animals talk, until my character can be a half-kitty/human thingy... she speaks telepathically when she is speaking in quotation marks. Um... when she meows though, she's not being telepathic, and she doesn't project her thoughts unless it's by accident... like above. Her comments aren't able to focus on one person, so it's just as if she were speaking aloud...-ish. I hope that's understandable.)
Meow! Good poem!! You guys should really get a kitty emoticon...
Cyndy recoils in shock for a second, but her concern for the horrified display causes her to draw nearer. She doesn't know that her paw caused the scurrying backwards, so she ignores that fact. "Yasuo? Meow... a murderer? No, he's right! He's not a murderer. He's too nice and drunk to kill someone, and I know he'd never hurt anyone unless they were bad." She looks over at the figure who had once stood stern, powerful, and somewhat jovial before her, who was now cowering in fear of his own thoughts... though she didn'y know that. She approached him a lot more cautiously this time, being careful not to startle him. "Yasuo? Yasuo, what's wrong? Tell me, please? Who said you killed someone? Yasuo? I know you didn't do it... no matter what evidence anyone can present." As she says the last words, she climbs up, her front paws leaning on his knee. "Meow... it's all right Yasuo." If only I was a human... I could help somehow. the thought seems disconcerting as she feels as her own helplesseness is realized, but she ignores it, drawing her attention back to Yasuo. She tries one more time to bat at his cheek a little with her paw, hoping it might make him smile or something. (OOC:Meow... I like doing this type of thing... the whole compassion thing. If only I knew how to do it in reality... )