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Everything posted by X-Sabre
There's been a bug in the board that causes that mail error to happen. Just know that it does post. Now, on to your post. It's got that hidden rage feeling to it, and I can completely identify with that. Having to hold in the rage, but knowing it's so close to the boiling point, it can be a difficult thing to deal with. Keep up the good work
These lines really hit home. Not really sure why, but that kind of struck me. Perhaps in a self-examination of myself, that is what I seem to be left with. I'm not really sure why, but it made me think. Thanks for the read Wyvern, I needed something like this
Merelas, thank you.. Honestly, I'm glad you posted. It was an awesome read, the choppy structure hit home. It works with the mood you are trying to set. *at least I think so.* I'm glad to have met you, as well as have trying to become friends with you. I wholeheartedly thank you for the amount of chances you have given me, and I love what you do write. I'm not the best at critiquing, but I try the best I can.
Wow, Mira, I am honestly in awe of what I just read. I've had to reread it at least 6 times so far, and it just touches me deeply. The mood this poem displays, is basically exactly what I've felt for years. I really wish I could describe this more, and give you a better feedback, but I'm not sure if I can. You vividly describe the feeling I get everytime I wake up in the morning. I ask myself this question everyday. You wrote a poem that really described a lot of my problems very clearly. And I thank you for that. I'm glad to know someone else has questions that I don't understand either. Basically Mira, all I can is that I am highly impressed, and hope you are able to convey your ideas just as clearly as this. Although the poem is highly political, it makes perfect sense to me being an American. And in fact, I'd actually like to talk with you a bit more if at all possible, even though I'm sure we probably aren't on the best of the terms. Overall, thanks Mira.. It was awesome to have a great read on this board, and actually make me think a bit. Just thank you, and I hope this post was of any help to you.
Erm, to elaborate a bit.. A lot of the reason I write poetry is to get the emotions on paper. And I'm sure people understand that. But a lot of it is like, okay, if it's on paper, there isn't anything else to muddy with the emotions, so that I can look at it from a clear perspective. With my new job, I just wanted to get out of the desperation I've been dealing with, and writing this quickly just helped. Wren, about that line... Honestly, I was using an online rhyming thing to help me out, and that was one of the words that fit. So I found a way to use it. As if I was saying to my "brother" go on to mom and tell her that I'm giving up. I can't remember the name of this short story I read, but it gave me a bit of inspiration. How it goes is 2 brothers go out "hunting" for I forget what, but trying to crawl through a fence, the younger brother ends up shooting the older brother, but shows no remorse for it. If I could remember the name, my explanation would make a lot more sense. But as I was writing this poem, it just kinda came to my head.. so I used it. Justin, honestly, I'm not sure if I understood it all. It just came out in about 5 mins of writing. BTW, I just wanted to tell you, sorry for hitting ya, but I had to take my counter. But, good to see you around nonetheless.
There are others that like Phish? I do not feel so alone now.. Odd.
Oh wait, is that just P being a Dead Head with Phish as the opening act? Erm.. Either way! w00t. *goes off to listen to the Billy Breathes album*
kandara likes Phish?!?!? You mean, there is another like me?! *hides* Happy birthday though.
For it is here that I shall lie, I've given up on the battle. Alone it is here I shall die, Go to mother and tattle. I have done nothing to this point, trying so hard to be normal. This last time I'll roll a joint, curling into position, fetal. It was over before it begun, never even had a chance. Not since 'aught one. Now, out in a trance.
I understand the emotion felt in this poem quite well. I read through it a couple times, just to make sure I didn't miss out on something. It's an odd structure, but it fits well with the feelings of desperation and loneliness the poem exudes. A couple little changes like "Like my screams are never hear" it should be heard, and "No one coming to my rescue" maybe no one's or no one is? Other than that, not bad.
Hmm, waiting f'r me to chooose eh? Hmm... Tanny makes some good points. I shall go with ye on this vote. *wanders off to drink some more* OOC: Vote for Damon Inferel
Oh no! Sorcy is back to kill me! *hides under his desk* Don't hurt me.. Please?!? OOC: Good to have you back Sorcy
Vlad, I think from time to time, everyone has had the same disgust with the level of feedback on the boards. I myself have complained about it a few times. People being quill-bearers still using responses like "OMG, I love this poem. That's so great. Keep up the good work." And it's usually not even done with proper english or punctuation. I've gotten about sick of feedback like that, or none at all... Unfortunately, it's things like this that make me not want to bother posting. If I wanted insight about my works, like I see a majority of people using, I'd just give the thing to my 10 yr old cousin and have her read it. I'll get the same response. And with that, I'm going back to my corner.
*Sabre comes stumbling in the tavern again, after being on a vacation for a few days* Wow, *hic* what's this? I got one of the werewolvess. I told you all! *grumbles to himself* I'm telling ya, it's gotta be that Merelas guy. He's too busy runnin' skeered to even talk to anyone else. Not very neighborly I might add. Now if ya'll excuse me, I be going back to the bottwe. *stumbles away looking for more booze*
*hic* Even being drunk, I don't deserve to die! It's that Deg guy. He's always looking at me the wrong way. Always better than thou.. Down with Deg! OOC: Vote for Deg. KILL!
*Sabre looks over at Nave, nodding for another drink* *hiccup* Aye, I knew that guy was in'ocent. I mean, he was just a bit too ready to die. It's a shame someone had to die, but oh well. So, who do we kill next? I'll break this bottle over their head. *tosses the bottle wildly without looking where it will hit* KSSSHHH Oops, sowwy to break that bottwe near you Gwai. Again, I still think it's that Merelas guy! He's got those shifty eyes, you just know he's got something up his sleeve. Hang Merelas!
Only thing I could say to that Tam is that Mari isn't making the game. It's people like DaveMcW, sogrom, GTO, crEEpy, and a few others. So there's a good chance it won't die unless it absolutely comes down to it. *hopes*
The last concert I saw was Keller Williams on Oct 15th 2003. It was in a small venue in Pittsburgh, PA *although it wasn't at the original venue. It was moved 2 days before the show due to the original venue being sold* I had anticipated seeing him at one place, but was quite surprised with the change in location. It was much easier to get to, and much more adequate for a concert this size. For those of you who don't know Keller Williams, he's a one man band, and I mean that literally. At any given moment on stage, there are at least 12 guitars all tuned differently, a few different types of drums, a keyboard, a few synth type things that I don't know the name for, and another vast majority of odd instruments, ranging anywhere from a piano, to a kazoo. The show started a bit late, there was a lot of confusion getting inside the place. The lights turned down low, except for the light show above the stage, and Keller walks out onto the stage, goofy as ever I might ad. Forgive me for not remembering the exact set list, it's quite hard to distinguish breaks in songs. Keller, being a one man band, uses a lot of loops to create his music, and it's hard to distinguish where one loop is going to go while he is recording it. Each song flowed virtually seamlessly into the next song, it was one huge jam with a few breaks to record new loops. Watching Keller cover Low Rider, doing all kinds of crazy antics during it, such as pretending to be cruising in his car, slumped down a bit with his arm out of the window. It really fit in well, and gives you the visual experience of a great song. Later into the jam, he broke into his It's A Plant song, which is a song in support of marijuana *although I use it, I do not condone it's use for newcomers* Watching him pretend that his kazoo was a pipe is just another example of his crazy antics on stage. Goofy dances that went out of style 10 years ago, overall just absolute craziness. All in all, the 2 sets provided me with a good 3 hours of outstanding music, aside from the jovial antics of Keller on stage. It was an amazing time where I found myself lost in the music more often than not. I suggest that if you're into progressive bluegrass, goofy onstage antics, or even just an appreciation for overall uplifting music, I strongly recommend seeing Keller live. Until you can see his skill on the guitar and other instruments, you won't understand the complexity that goes into his recordings. It might just sound like odd music, but broken down, it's simply an amazing feat.
Ooh ooh ooh! I play AMX. Erm wait, that goes without saying, I'm the one that told Loki it existed.
Sabre, the town drunkard and overall loudmouth stumbles into the "meeting" *hiccup* " I think you all be guilty! Ev'ry last one of ya! I know it wasn't me, *hiccup* I'm too dwunk to do anything. But if I had to guess, it's probably that Merelas guy. He's always got the shifty eyes." Falling into a seat nearby, he slunches back and glares at all the townspeople, holding his bottle close at hand.
I'm not really sure where this poem came from.. I have some ideas, but they're more or less too personal to speak about here. But it basically boils down to self-loathing.
Mail Error! Could not send the email Failed at 'mail' command Yeah, still getting that from time to time. Sorry about the 3 posts of my poem.. I didn't realize it was posting it..
As the green grass grows, and the hours being to pass. Only the lord truly knows why I have become so crass. Waves of time crash over me, Knocking me down so low. This moment feels like an eternity, dragging me beneath the undertow.
Werewolf I: Old School (Signup!)
X-Sabre replied to DeanTheAdequate's topic in Cabaret Room Archives
I'm willing to join in.. Forgive me for not totally understanding it.. But it sounds like fun. I'm dumb to these kind of things.. heh -
It is a damn shame that so many of my generation think like that, myself included. Perhaps it's a sign of the time, there's a lot of overly optimistic baby boomers, and a lot of angry depressed teenagers. Maybe my generation just had too much information to deal with at once, where as in the past, people usually only had to deal with issues that affected their everyday life, and were able to avoid seeing a lot of the things at least that I have seen. Too much information at too early an age, is just as bad as too little information. Who knows, maybe next generation will be able to find that grey area. Overall, great work. I love the erm, I'll say, "thought process" for lack of something else to call it. It's an original style, and quite a breath of fresh air. Thank you Nyyark for the wonderful read.