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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by X-Sabre

  1. luv is great!
  2. fruit is good. i lik fruit. good poems every1
  3. thats great i wish i cud rit lik that
  4. X-Sabre


    ooh, that's great
  5. wow, i lik this. *hugs*
  6. u have great poems! i luv them all! keep them coming!
  7. thsts funny! i wana rit lik tht
  8. thnx fr sharing!1! u r good!
  9. thts a godd song!1! u shud pt to musik. *hugz*
  10. ooh its shrt i lik *hugs*
  11. wow it made me think hehehe great poem. keep up good work
  12. great poem *hugs* thanx for sharin!!!!!111!
  13. oh wow, that's really good
  14. *stabbity must occur* Thankfully, not on Appy's poem. Nice deep meaning from such a short piece. Seems finished to me.
  15. *just nods quietly at Aardvark*
  16. Oh to be illiterate, what a marvelous dream. Never having to read dull boring stories, especially the ones that make you want to scream. How great would it be to be unable to read. To be unlike the countless other zombies, that create drivel so hackneyed. *edited* Yeah I was half asleep...
  17. Nice job Ozy. And I know all too well about having a friend you'd rather slap around than hug. I mean, I love the guy, but sometimes *shakes his fist in the air*
  18. Not really much I can say.. Perhaps this hit a little too close to home to be able to articulate exactly what I want to say. Very powerful poem appy.
  19. Wow, really deep man. Really smooth flow in the poem and you express your emotions quite vividly. Great job.
  20. Aye, I shall be the loveable Tavern owner, George Worthington. A portly man, in his late 40s, generally respected and loved by all. A loveable chap, always known to bring a smile to your face with a funny limmerick. Is that okay?
  21. Hmm, I'm in. I apologize for the last game about my inactivity.. Feudal japan just wasn't my thing, so I couldn't really actively RP.. I've already proclaimed that I suck at it. I'll try to be more active, but with work and everything else, I get bogged down from time to time. I'm all for the sherlock holmes thing.. I'm sure I could go read a few novels to refresh my memory.. lol
  22. Awesome poem Wren. I loved the contrast between what I assume would be the conscience(rational) and subconscience(emotional). Not sure if which set of words I want to use. lol Excellent way to work it into poem. Your rational mind says one thing, but the emotional mind says another. I know I've found myself doing the same thing in my head. Thanks for conveying it so well.
  23. Aye, that I do. But I shall not willing share it, for I do not want the wolves to know of it. Just know that this isn't the first time I've seen shapeshifters before, nor do I wish to see them succeed. If I am to die, I shall die fighting the wolves, just like my father.
  24. Aye, kill that which can save you. I have had enough of these accusations. Kill me if you like, but you will be doomed to die. OOC: I've been too busy to actually read any of the posts. I've had to just skim over them, and then post blindingly.
  25. Again, I return to find accusations from those around me. I was not in his room at that night. I myself was meditating underneath a tree, gazing at the moonlight calming reflecting off the lake not too far out of town. If you feel killing me is what you want to do, then by all means please do so. Kinjiru-san has a vicious look in his eyes, almost as if a beast were within. I have sensed a terrible feeling coming from you, and now I believe is when I shall make my accusation. OOC: Vote for Kinjiru/MeThinksUFoolish
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