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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword


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Everything posted by Signe

  1. *laughs!* I've also seen a couple Orlans and said much the same thing to them.. they must think we're crazy people.
  2. *laughs!* thank you very much Wyvern! That was VERY entertaining. *BIG hugs*
  3. This is actually a song but I'm bloody well not singing it for anyone despite the fact that I've been bopping around the computer room humming it for half an hour now. ;oP Do you want to see a sexy man? The sexy man who's called Orlan! He'll make you curl up your toes He has women lined up in rows! He's Orlan, a Man of Terra He'll make you not want to share- ah! He's hot and he's oh so yummy, Just look at that board-flat tummy! Now go see the sexy man, The sexy man called Orlan! Dares go out to... Gyrfalcon and Ayshela!
  4. Thanks, Ayshela. http://www.themightypen.net/public/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif) so many of my closest friends I've never met in the flesh, and my in-laws are in Australia, so when a friend of mine suggested a blog as a means of sharing the fun with the people who care, it seemed perfect! And it's been a lot of fun so far. http://www.themightypen.net/public/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif)
  5. Hey, if any of you lot are interested in the only sort of writing I'm doing these days, I'm blogging here http://chrisnkimberly.blogspot.com/ in typical (for me) obsessive fashion. ;oP
  6. thanks everyone. http://www.themightypen.net/public/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif) I've never been happier! And it's great to have the good wishes of so many people I love, like, respect. *BIG hugs for everyone!*
  7. meep?
  8. well, I was planning on writing out a post that was all roleplayish for Wyvvy, and one full of news for Regel (HUGE hugs for you!) and I will, but this morning I can't because I'm all wiggly and I can barely sit still!!! Last night at 11pm while we were curled up in front of a roaring fire listening to the wind howling outside, Chris (who some of you will remember as Candarius the aussie) proposed and I very happily accepted.
  9. *lol* we NEVER get thunder or lightening, and that was REALLY big, my cats had a fit. I'm pretty sure they'd never seen an electrical storm at all before, let alone one of that magnitude. *hugs for Panther!*
  10. *EXTRA big hugs for Peredhil, and big red lipstick-mark leaving kisses on Peredhil's cheek and the Portrait of Zool* Merry Christmas and all that jazz to both of you. http://www.themightypen.net/public/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif) (Peredhil, I sent you a Christmas card so I hope you haven't moved. ;o)
  11. I can't even think how much has happened since I was here last. I finished my degree in English and History, discovered I'm deathly allergic to narcotic-class painkillers the hard way, got a job, went on sick leave from said job because of tendonitis or carpal tunnel, we don't know yet which it is, went back to work, and had my contract end. it's been a busy year! *BIG hugs for Rev*
  12. From around a dark corner peeps a face known to some. Dark hair, red lips, red horns. The rest of her follows, the tiny seasonally silver bells attached to her tail ringing out in time with the swaying of her bottom. She smiles, her eye teeth just slightly too prominent, adjusts her santa hat, and goes looking for her harem. (Merry Christmas you guys. http://www.themightypen.net/public/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif)
  13. Thanks everyone. http://www.themightypen.net/public/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif) Yesterday was definitely one of my best birthdays ever, and I appreciate all the kind wishes. And happy belated birthday Sorciere! Love to all from Charlie the superTuna! ;o)
  14. this isn't so much a sig as it is a drawing I did of myself while trying out my friend's tablet, but Signe's Webpage has a gallery of sigs I've made for myself and others.
  15. Satellite Song Coming home at night to a lonely cold apartment and the cold remains of breakfast on a plate the neon glare fron the store across the street casting wierd and shallow shadows on rumpled quilts and sheets Her clothes like in a puddle on the cheaply rented floor Discarded til tomorrow when they're needed once more Her shoes left in the hallway in a parody of steps by the locked and bolted door that keeps the world out when it shuts the quiet pad of barefoot feet from door to silent phone pause in hope of a blinking light and reluctantly move on She curls up tight on her bed late that night and she's wishing on a satellite star. Take one step forward try not to fall back the terrain behind is covered with cracks Don't look behind you don't ever regret darkness might find you it's hovering yet The past is a millstone a dead albatross a sinking abstraction give it up for lost Just keep on going abandon what fell a fallen companion leave them as well All that's important all you hold dear let go piece by piece but don't shed a tear Just harden your heart and armour your soul ignore the voices that scream and cajole Dream of forgiveness dream of the light dream of an end but don't give up the fight
  16. This isn't in any sort of order, but what it IS is nearly every piece of poetry I've ever written that I can still stand to have anyone see. *smiles* There's a siren's call in darkness There's a lover in the deep There's an appeal in raving madness It whispers me to sleep Strange pleasures in self destruction Sweet flatteries of pain Singing of seduction With it's inevitable shame :dragon4: Immerse myself in you and drink you up then cast you off and move onto the next each drink each drought each soul drank every drop it's mate in me consumed and me bereft that which should bring me light brings me but dark that which should fill me up burns me away a hollow vessel drained without a mark oblivion of night spun out of day the surface growing thin before it breaks light passing through throws truth into relief death of the blank facade that hid the ache and cognizance of causing others grief the shattered pieces fall and some are lost a vain attempt to pay the heavy cost :dragon4: There's a siren's call in madness and it's lulling me to sleep a sweet song of lustful sadness that begins a slimy creep across the web of my undoing and the fabric of my mind and the threads are slowly skewing tarnish taking their bright shine And I know my time is ending and there's nothing I can do but somehow I keep defending my memories of you :dragon4: Something unlooked for unnoticed unseen Something not planned for not called for forseen Something not asked for desired or dreamed Something that answered an unspoken need A voice in the dark continued til dawn And a wistful smile that's lingering on Constant distractions and tangents are gone Leaving just questions and 'what-ifs' undone. :dragon4: So I wake up and I was dreaming about you and I'm wishing you were here to make love to me like you did in my dream but you're not so I grab my towel, and I head for the shower and I step under the hot water and let it caress my body sensuously touching my face my neck my breasts planing down my stomach and over my hips drawing my nipples back up into the hardened state I awoke in and the water is hot so hot that when I lean back against the cool wall of the shower it feels good on my skin so I close my eyes and I cup my hands over my breasts imagining they were larger, rougher hands your hands and my hand slides easily over my slick skin down over my stomach and still I imagine it's yours and I find that I'm wet in the aftermath of dream I had and so my fingers slide into myself only they're really yours and not mine at all in my head at least and my knees start to feel weak but it's okay because I lean back against the wall and my toes curl squeaking on the bottom of the tub and I arch up into the water reaching for an absent lover and any sound I make is drowned by the rushing water and then I turn and press my forehead against the cool tile wall and the dream begins to fall away and I feel you leaving with it even though you were never really here and then I'm alone well I always was but now I feel it and there's nothing to do but wash my hair and scrub my reddened skin and turn off the water reaching through the steam for my towel to dry off the last evidence the last lingering reminder :dragon4: if I were made of wax or sugar I could dissolve molecule by molecule pulled away by the hot water streaming out of the shower head counterclockwise down the drain wind up in the ocean formless, thoughtless painless the hotter the water the faster I would melt but I'm not instead the water sheets off breasts, arms, hips, thighs pooling around my feet and the hotter the water the redder my skin and the steam makes it hard to breathe and my head floats higher and higher but not far enough never away and the water makes my hair heavy and it pulls me back down until I reach over eyes closed and turn the water off still here not wax not sugar flesh. :dragon4: Tick tock tick tock another second gone hours and minutes rushing by until the day is done On Monday you left you flew away from me I started writing this silly poem now the rhymes won't let me be Tuesday it really hit me that you're actually gone not here to keep me company that really just seems wrong Wednesday I thanked the heavens that your trip was nearly half done and I counted on my fingers the days that were still to come Thursday I really missed you like the deserts miss the rain I think that's the line, from that poignant refrain Friday I truly wondered if I'd survive til you got back I moped and whined and whimpered and really felt the lack Saturday you were nearly here! Just one more day to go. I fretted and waited and wanted you back spent my day pacing to and fro. On Sunday I waited for your joyful return I waited with breath bated what the heck rhymes with return? the days follow each other like a child's chugging train running into one another in the confines of my brain. :dragon4: If I hold my tears today I will not cry tomorrow The sobs that do not have their way Cannot betray my sorrow. Though my eyes are bright with tears And my throat is choked with hate I will not show your eyes my fears I’ll hold on and I will wait. And so I smile and blink away The tears that blur my eyes Although I wonder if this price Is worth the final prize. :dragon4: Yesterday I woke up from a beautiful dream Only to find out things aren’t what they seem Swirling and changing, never the same I don’t even know where to put the blame… :dragon4: A headlong fall from a perilous height With a stormy sea there to cradle me. My heart burns white through your endless night *missing line Your touch is cold and burning hot You drown me and raise me high The chill touch of your waters fraught With burning whispers dry. The hateful whispers burn my skin And char my soul to black The light is fading fast to sin My saviour won’t come back. Sooth me with your anodyne admit me to your peace take me away from what is mine and make the burning cease. The black cold of your icy deep Is warmed by beams of light Penetrating your stormy keep And reminding me to fight. I’m fading away and losing myself I’m lost and I’ll never be found I’m slipping away with casual stealth I’m lost and I’ll never be found. :dragon4: A whirling vortex spinning me around Faster and faster, I scream; there’s no sound My eyes shut tight against the blinding light I’m taken by a force that I cannot fight I’m bound with chains of nervous energy Vibrating in world of slothful lethargy A tumultuous eye in a peaceful storm Left all alone, knowing not what I mourn, Spinning and list’ning to the vortex’ roar, Splitting my soul but I’m aching for more Pushing, fighting, I want to escape Save myself from the spiritual rape Whirling hell, spinning agony, The quiet of this silent cacophony. :dragon4: A pale darkness a deep light A black hole coloured white A full void shining bright Continuing far, out of sight Lighting up the midnight sky :dragon4: How can this happen How can it be real How can my nightmares Come here to steal? :dragon4: A sweet rushing ache through the corners of my mind Sweeping up the cobwebs allowing me to hide :dragon4:
  17. *smiles* you've always known exactly the right response to everything I say. *hugs Peredhil*
  18. There's a siren's call in madness and it's lulling me to sleep a sweet song of lustful sadness that begins a slimy creep across the web of my undoing and the fabric of my mind and the threads are slowly skewing tarnish taking their bright shine And I know my time is ending and there's nothing I can do but somehow I keep defending my memories of you
  19. When using these as relative pronouns, use who to refer to people: "The man who mistook his wife for a hat" Use which for things: ("The house which you are thinking of robbing"). That can refer to either: "The man that mistook his wife for a hat," "The house that you are thinking of robbing." Note that if the subject of the subordinate clause is different from that of the main clause, you can often omit the relative pronoun: "The house you are thinking of robbing is empty," But: "The house that was broken into was empty." all this is courtesy of the Uvic writer's guide, a great resource for anyone. http://web.uvic.ca/wguide/
  20. *the double-jointed succubus emerges from her silk-draped lair with a series of slaves racing to lie down in front of her so that her freshly-perfumed bare feet need never touch the floor, but rather step daintily upon the bare backs of her eager admirers. Approaching the list, the leather-clad demoness murmurs "how diverting" before reaching into her cleavage to pull out a pen and inscribe "Signe" on the list*
  21. Well, the original song it's based on is very suggestive. *grin* and I didn't want to tamper with that TOO much. I'm glad people like it. http://www.themightypen.net/public/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.gif) Maybe one of these days I'll actually get around to writing something again.
  22. Yes, Rev, I have almost certainly showed that to you before. *grin* I wrote it quite a while ago and Peredhil asked me to post it here when I sent it to him for some reason I don't remember. *grin* I'm flattered that you remember it hon!
  23. The Archmage Song I feel the earth move under my feet I feel my towns tumbling down, tumbling down I feel my farms start to trembling Whenever you're around Ooh, baby, when I see your troops Fighting right through my sunray Oh, darling, I can't stand it When you attack me that way I feel the earth move under my feet I feel my guilds tumbling down, tumbling down I feel my nodes start to burning Whenever you're around Oh, darling, when you're near me And you pillage me that way. I know that my emotions Are something I just can't tame I've got to counter you, baby I feel the earth move under my feet I feel my nodes tumbling down, tumbling down I feel the earth move under my feet I feel my town tumbling down I just lose control Down to my very soul I get a hot and cold all over I feel the earth move under my feet I feel my farms tumbling down, Tumbling down, tumbling down...
  24. *Signe wanders in with a small mainly white calico kitten on one shoulder and a tiny coal black kitten with bright blue eyes on the other. She smiles at all of her old friends and curls up with her new babies*
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