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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Vigil StarGazer

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Everything posted by Vigil StarGazer

  1. The Words are so simple, that's why it is so true The story are so plain, that's why the feelings are weighted so heavily. I feel the pain in between the lines, the vortex of emotions, betrayal and lost. Everyone probably had experienced something similar before, and that's why everyone can relate to the story. But... what if your ex and your bro is the good guys, what if they were destined to be together, and you are the obsticle that is in their way. What if your ex was in love with your brother from the very beginning, but you offered yourself first? What if the person you are waiting for now never existed at all? What if she never come? You'll wait for an eternity for nothing, nothing at all... Love is Pain Marriage is Slavery Solitude is Strenght Welcome to the Dark Side of the Pen
  2. So, Salinye is excited again?
  3. Count me in, Pm me the riddles whenr ready.
  4. What I got for Christmas? Well I'll tell you what Kiddo... I got four days of brain killing quality time... Wrecking my brain by playing Homeworld 2... You got a stupid build limit .. and what's worst is that your build limit is 2 for battlecruisers.. and you have to beat like like 12 of them...in an almost endless wave... the cap for capture frigate is 4, sure I love how they change the capture frigate.. except that it's so weak... it's so vunerable... and the time in mission 13 when i spend so much time trying to capture the enemy dreadnaught and realized you can't do it In other news what i got is the pleasure to reformat my sister's computer because she got a trojan virus, to recap things a bit i'll tell you the story, back in august my cable provider cut my connection off because they say my connection is spreading virus... my sister claims that she hardly uses her computer so it must be my computer.. i ran a virus scan on my computer.. nothing... then i ran a scan on her computer.. man windows files are infected.. and worst i can't get rid of it... cable company won't hook me back up on cable because I'm not the person on the bills... the person who they have on record as the payee and owner of the cable service is my mom and she was out of the country for the time... i have to get my aunt to pretend to be my mom in order to get cable back... anyways my cousin promised my sister "LAST WEEK" that she'll format the drive for her.. because she got the windowXp CD... then the time comes and what?!? she said she's too busy... and guess who's left to sit in frount of the computer for 4 hours trying to figure out how to set computer to boot from CD rom and then have to dig my way in my sister's messed up CD pile to find the drivers to make everything work again? And Ofcourse what else is better then having a white christmas? In the friday (that's christmas day, at least for this year) I woke up and it was snowing hard... but that's all cool because We got someone to shovel the driveway for us... basically the guy drive a pickup truck with a plow in frount and do a little back in and out a few times in my garage ... all paid in good cash... So i wasn't that worried that I'll have to shovel the driveway and be a bit late for work.... I was wrong... so wrong. Everything started kicked in as soon as i saw the driveway in about 1 to 1.5 feet deep of snow... Never wanted to be late for work I start shoveling mad... then my sister came out... and start harassing me about gloves! OMG maybe if she would have helped instead of standing there... then my mom wakes up and bug me about gloves again and told me to stop being hyper?!? I was just trying to clear up the drive way! I ended up putting on the gloves but that's only 5 more minutes of shoveling before i was done with the shoveling... luckily the road wasn't that bad because everyone seems to have the same problem as i do. Oh btw.. the guy that was suppose to clear my driveway? When i got back home around 6 pm he was there... He said his truck broke down and had to fix it... explainable... but it's pretty bad when I've already pretty much done his job for him. And yes... eventhough it's holiday everyone in the house constantly naggs me for sitting in frount of the computer ... despite the fact taht it's a holiday. Grandmother wanted to do the groceries run... grandfather wants to get that haircut.. except the girl that runs the haircut joint down in her basement (and evade some taxes out of it) went on vacation so he can't go. And Generally everyone still thinks I'm lazy despite the fact that I'm the only one doing anything around the house this christmas... As to what I physically got? You know how giving gifts is a two way thing? YOu never knew how true that phrase really is. I got a sweater from my sister. Yah you can figure what my sister wants for christmas already.... I was thinking about getting gift cert from clothing stores... but I asked anyways and she wanted these pairs of gloves from Bananna Republic. You can never go wrong with gloves... it's always one size fits all deal. My dad gave me some weird Japanese box of fingerfood thingy... Yes my dad loves to snake on stuff... but there's always that need vs wants things... so I gave him a few pairs of silk socks instead... his sox are always full of holes. I worked out this deal with my aunt and my mom to not give gifts to each other.. basically to save money and not bothering to give each other what we don't want... but my aunt gave me some strange package so i went to the body shop give her some body cleanser package. Gifts that gets used up eveuntually makes great presents... you can give them the same thing next year and it won't be too bad. My aunt ended up giving me a pack of chocolage and an enveloped with 3 twenty dollar bills... money... a very useful christmas present indeed.
  5. Tim Hortons =) You know.. the Canadian Coffee Giant... maker of the mest coffee.. founded by non-other then .... TIM HORTON!!! The story of his life is that he worked hard to start up the franchise that makes the best coffee in The world... He raised more capital from selling some shares of his company to her wife's friends. Things went well but as he works harder and harder he neglected his wife... His wife went with his most trusted manager ... she filed for divorce and she along with the manager combined with other shareholders to control and the company... Tim Horton felt sick of all this crap, resign as head of directors and went to work in the mail room of some postal office... collect dividends and never once went back to the shareholder's meeting. Last I've heard was Tim Hortons began to hang out with one of his Wife's old friend... he used to really really hate her... but if they combined they share they will have 51.4% of shareholder's vote. Now go work on it!!!
  6. Hero - Tim Hortons Villian - The Collective Hive... a semi evolved mindless hentai tenticle monster that breeds ant minions Side Kick - Wendy - hot buNs and cold slurpies Minion of the Villians - An Army of highly cultural, technogically advance, assimulating ants, each with distinct and rich personalities and backgrounds, comes with magic the gathering elements, summon cost, and interesting quotes Anything else - A moral to the story... perhapse something very very deep that reachs to the core understanding of the universe. (psst, trying to make this quill quest as hard as possible)
  7. Wyvern the Blue Nose Elder (elder) Had a giant thirst for Geld (Like Bill Gates) If you have ever saw him (saw him) You'll do good to watch your Gold (something like Geld) All of the other Elder (Elders) used to laff and call him names (like Lizard) They never let poor Wyvern (Wyvern) Run his little evil schemes (Pee Eww) Then one folly Christmas Eve Peredhil came to say (Oh No no) Wyvern with your mind so bright Wouldn't you initiate new penners tonight. Then all the elders Love Him (Love Him) And they shouted out with glee (Yuppiee) Wyvern the blue nose Initator Pay your debt or you'll be History (Like Hilter!)
  8. Your friend could be having a case of Macula Degeneration. At the early stage it could be cured by medication, at mid stage a laser treatment would do. As for the collusion, it's basically a lesson learn. Just get three things ready.. take the person's driver licence number, the insurance number, and get the person to write a testimony with her and you both sign and a witness and dated... there's nothing much you can do now but just remember what to do next time... that's what learning from experience is all about.. (oh btw, I've learned from a looooong time ago to never believe the mere words of a pretty face.) For the soreness after the collusion... get the stupid Crowboy to give you a massage... or try a warm bubble bath =) Mmmmm chicks in bubble bath. Sure everyone has a bad day, just rememeber there's always tomorrow... yah More communiting, more bills and envelopes.... Anyways to make you feel better.. I'll play a song for you!!! Hope you feel much better. The End Of The World Sylvia Dee / Arthur Kent Why does the sun go on shining? Why does the sea rush to shore? Don't they know it's the end of the world, `cause you don't love me anymore? Why do the birds go on singing? Why do the stars glow above? Don't they know it's the end of the world? It ended when I lost your love. I wake up in the morning and I wonder why ev'rything's the same as it was. I can't understand, no I can't understand, how life goes on the way it does! Why does my heart go on beating? Why do these eyes of mine cry? Don't they know it's the end of the world? It ended when you said good-bye.
  9. The following includes scenes of violence and mature content, viewers discretions is adviced: Santa Claws' "The Night before Christmas" "Twas the night before christmas, when all through the town Not a creature was stirring, fear was all around. Dread was hung in the air here and there, those who stayed was on courage and dare. Women and children were hidden in holes lamenting and praying for their souls And Mamma cuddle children in their laps pale cold hands on small mouths, tightly claps When out on the lawn there arose such evil laughter I sprang from shock to see what was the matter. Away to the source the menfolk, toward they dash Torn up bodies and gory blood by brutal slash. The moon shourn glistering on blood-covered snow the town gate was busted in, by one brutal blow. When, what our worst nightmare has finally appear, A full out carnage, and screams is all I hear. With a bloodied screwdriver, so lethal and quick, I knew in a moment it must be St.Nick. More rapid then death in hordes they came, And he crackled, and howled, and call each beast by name; "Now, SLASHER! now, SLICER!, now, PINCER and HEXEN! On, VOMIT! on STUPID, GONER and SCHISM! To the end of the town, to surround them all! Now kill them! Kill them! Kill them all!" As sheep flees before the wolves hurried by, When Reinbeast meet resistances, they make sure they die. So from household to household they slew, With their fur mixed with blood, and St. Nicholas too. And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the roof The prancing and pawing of each devilish hoof As I drew my sword, and was turing around, St Nickolas was beside me, already stood his ground. He was covered with fur, from his head to his foot and his sack was all filled with all sorts of loot. dismembered head he had filled in his sack, with satifaction he flung it right on his back. His eyes -- they behold evil! his claws how scary! His cheeks the greenest, his rage is fiery! His drool lingers from his mouth and below, His skin are as pale and prolly as cold as snow; The stump of human bone he chewed with his teeth and the heat from the slaughter circles around him like wreath; He had a broad figure and a gluttonious belly, that shook, because he just ate baby Kelly. He was the king of demon in and of itself, and I gasped and fainted, in spite of myself; He gave a sharp and brutal twist to my head. and in a quick second I knew I was dead; He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work, and hunted the rest in hiding, giving their head the violent jerk, and picked up dismembered head by the nose, and flexing his muscles he wickly pose. He made sure everyone was slained, and then give the beast a whistle, and away they all flew like the down of a thristle. None was left alive as he exclaimed, era he drove out of sight, "Merry Christ-Massacre to you all, none will live after tonight!"
  10. I've come.... All your forts are belong to us. I will pwn all your b0x0r. Best anti devil stack? forget defense.. attack the deviler with inferno... no zombies =)
  11. I think one important point has be avoided so far in this argument. Sure enought the world has conflicts everywhere, but back in the 70's to the 80's and even the 90's people just don't care... the issues outside doesn't affect or touches the lives of people in other countries... that was before the avent of globalization. Now everyone is connected to one place, we get news and updates from around the world instantly. An event that happened from one side of the globe have repucsions around the world. That is why you are all suddenly aware, but the problem has and will also presist within human kind. Relatively speaking now the playground got smaller so every kid can see kids beating other kids up. Where ever there is people there's conflict, it just used to be behind the curtains now everything is open doors and world wide. Still there's the problem people becoming more stupid. The cause of the stupidization of the world is that we failed at raising our own children. I blame that on the failure of our education system and the popularization of TV in the 80's. TV basically tempers with our childhood developement and now video games made it worst. Another problem is the laxing of our education, and not just schooling but also in parental discipline. We used to be able to beat our kids up ... now psychologist are telling us that'll screw the kid up... but children never had also problems until those so call psychologist or child specialist intervene. In the good old days children has to learn to cook and clean and take care of themselves by the age of 14... they live outside once they hit 18 to earn their own keep... get married around age 20ish and there goes life... now it's just worst... people can be still stupid and ignorant even at 20... they don't know how to take care of themselves even when they became full adult. the combination of these three trends will be as follows: the intelligence of people are slowly decaying, they've grown soft because of this sheltered and virtual enviroment created by mass media with corrupted values and ideals. With the downgrade of intelligences conflicts will looked to be childish because most can't even generate an intellectual argument, less likely an intelligent solution. In short, mankind is doomed.
  12. Love is Pain. In it's own twisted form of agony, love is to give... to lose everything: your pride, your time, your wealth, your health, and eventually yourself. Love is the ultimate existances where two meld into one, both in body and in spirit. The agony is in the fight that shed your own bits and pieces to rescramble... comphenciate... (not even compromise) but to embrace the other's wimpse and personality even if it is flawed. Even then the two cannot completely mingled. Like two colors of sand mixed into one it seems like another, but looking deeply it's just a mixture of the two colors of sands. Love is pain, no pain no gain, but all gained in vain. It's embedded in the depths of our neuros, where sodium shed it's electrons so the pulse of electrons can fire up into our brains. Our brains wired in a way where the region of pain and amoria affects the same region. When we water our plants, the plants will grow and bloom; when we take care of our pets they obey and play. We give, and it was returned as expected. When we love... we lost, or we do not like what we receive. Love is giving... where it gives to it seemed to vaporized completely. It's a feeling that cannot be transmitted. Often unfelt, misinterpreted, confused... The rose dies in sorrows. Yet we only live and die. Therefore there is nothing else but love. (gotta love stream of thoughts writing)
  13. Excerpts One: The Sacred Wall The smooth cave wall was non-descriptive at first. Weathered by age alone the walls were smooth to the touch. A hand, equally aged, brushed up against these ancient stone, and dust lingers around the air as a magic glow slowly consumes the surface. Traces of magic ran across the wall like an oncoming flood, filling the long forgotten trenches and ridges until the walls itself became shimmering white with power. The customary thunder followed forcing the dark shadow a step back, but when the dust was cleared the whole cave itself glowed with primitive drawing of events a long forgotten past… …A band of creatures with flailing arms and lizard like tail slaughtered a bunch of wooly horned creature’s village beneath the crescent moon, leaving one female to weep for her lost partner. The pictogram representing the female was truly sophisticated for such a backward race at a backward time, but It was something more then the drawn figure that drew attention. That female figure has the sense of… worship? Faith? Devotion? Whatever it was her face has the expression of anguish, sorrows, all meld with determination and a swirl of infinitely complex feelings. Her eyes gazed to the east, and you can almost hear her scream in the most primal rage in a time before words was even invented and feelings and emotions are only exchanged by the simplest syllables. Her message was simple: Why does everyone have to die? Why must there be suffering? What is the meaning of all this if everything all fades to dust in the end? …All these thoughts compressed into a single scream, echoing in the age-forgotten cave, echoing into the reader’s mind. And then there was an answer. From the distant horizon the sun rose. The first break of light shine onto his beloved’s corpse. The man sucked air into his lungs again and coughed from his wounds, but he will live. On the last set of cave carvings, the wooly horned races had a perfectly rounded stone disk upon another piece of rock as they all bow toward it, and toward the female, the first cleric of the sun god, now wearing a circular stone charm around her neck. … Excerpts Two: The Etticapse’s Tale The chieftain was mad, and both his heads sulk while he sat in the depths of his cave. The plain Lizardmen was nothing compared to the mighty Etticaps. Lizardmen got great sharp stick and we got rocks and two heads! Yet the Faunlings had grown powerful and they got nothing but hands? What Chieftain Snug and Snot does not understand how these puny creatures can make Lizardmen run away. Igor and Vark, the strongest of the etticaps want to go see and slaughter those puny ones. He said Snug and Snot are weak and fear even these small things. Yet Snug and Snot was strong in the head and smash Igor and Vark, and he called me and Ole over. What use of me and Ole? we don’t know. We are small and weak, almost as small and weak as the Faunlings. When we came to Snot and Snug they grab me by the arm and then rip Ole’s head off my body. It was very painful and I miss Ole much, but me afraid of chieftain still. Then chieftains took horns from a dead faunlings and stick it to my head and then cover me with sheep wool. I fear greatly because even with the wool and horns I’m no look like faunling, but when chieftain told me go to at night I feel safe. I miss Ole much when I walk alone to find faunling, and when I found them they are dancing around a great stone. I dance with them and feel power, not just strength like chieftain but power like the sun and warmth and thunder. Me not feel so good, but have to keep dancing or faunlings will know. I watched as a faunling, that we attacked early that day being dragged to the stone. I know he dead because Pong and Dong throw a heavy stone to smash his head, but a old faunling came. He rubbed the stone on the faunling’s body and the faunling walked again! The other faunlings shriek and dance some more around the stone, then they went back to sleep. I walk back to chieftain and tell him about the big round stone, and the next moon came Etticapse, Lizardmen, and Bug-man went to faunling and kill them. We smash the big round stone and we smash the old man too. We took stone disk from old man and smash it too, but chieftain was still not happy. The next day we took head from dead faunling and pile them on where the stone was. Snug and Snot stick old faunling’s head on a Lizardmen’s stick and then stand it up on the pile of heads. Blood leaks out of the pile and flies swarm over the head. Then chieftain howled and bow toward the heads, and then all Etticaps bow and howl too. The more we bow the strong I feel, until I can feel the same like last night when Faunlings dance around stone, but now I feel the fire, the thunder, and the smashing of enemies inside me. The Lizardmen began to bow too and the bug-men ran away. We bow and howl until its dark again but we feel strong. Tomorrow we will kill more faunlings to make more piles of heads…
  14. Happy Birthday Tralla
  15. Falcon... there's so many wrongs in your post that i don't even know where to start.... but let's begin anyways. 1) I've told you... yes I've told you so... USP is all manuel labour... the job sucks and you won't be able to hand it because of the graveyard shift... and trust me those ppl in the morning and afternoon shift are l33t!!! they can do things twice as fast as the ppl in the midnight shift.. that's why they are in the day shift =) but don't despair.. you are not about to get fired... remember you are in a Union... they need three warning before they can fire you.. and by warning they bring you to an office, hand a little chit chat with you ALONG WITH A UNION REPRESENTATIVE in order to get you fired. It's all in the documentations... now ofcourse quitting is another thing all together, but man even wimps like me lasted through probation and evne got a job promotion... you should have lasted longer then that. Trust me I know how you feel, I've been through that shit too, and right now it's call the after-honeymoon season. All jobs have that period where you realized how sucky the job is... and that comes to the second point... 2) ALL job sucks.... the illusion of having a job where you do jack shit is well... a fairy tale. no jobs has their pros and cons... surely UPS sucks because of the schedule but on the other hand it's no brain work and you can't really screw up. Pretty soon you'll just get with the program and get used to it... and trust me that work from home thing won't fly. You need the ins and outs in the first two jobs and if you aren't an insider.. you aren't gonna get work... the third... that's excately like starting a business... you are taking some risks... it might fly if you got friends on campus that needs computers.... so... Falcon = Michael Dell #2 ? remember... what you can build.. the stores can offer stuff cheaper... mass production has its advantages. 3) Third, you tackle the problem all wrong... A good steady job beats anything.. because you'll always have a steady income and the tools are all set up for you. Besides there's lots of jobs that you can work after school hours. THis work is own by corporate america man, and you are no exception. Get a real job, not some pansy dancy excuse so you can sit at home and do nothing. My conclusion? If you have a resume ready, just send it to random places and give it a shot... currently you are way above your head with those ideas you posted, but I'm sure there's quite a few cool jobs out there.... have you tried being a store clerk.... at Electronic Brotique? Selling video games all day and talking to gamers? really good job... you can even try fast food joint for a change... low pay but at least no graveyard shift... You'll have to sacrifice saturday and sunday thou... or better.. have you look at your own campus for work? great place to work in your own school. Good Luck,
  16. the split second of distraction had nearly cost Solivagus' life as he glanced his way toward the mollusc stand, for already a troupe of bikini cladded girls and advertisers ambushed the prominent wizard with showers of ribbons and camera lights. "Congradulations!!!" said the catchy but anomious announcer voice. "You are the 10,000 customer of the mollucu seafood stand!" "But I didn't even buy any...." Solivagus tried to talked his way out of this situation but his chrasma check failed against the fake boobed blonds as they grabbed hold on him on each side with skanky poses. The camera crew took the opportunity to move in and the poor victim was as good as gone. Furthermore he had the close up shot on national television and his mouth being stuffed with a microphone. The wizard knew he was caught in the worst situation ever: he was flatfooted, against mobs of enemy stragetically targetting his weakness AND ALL THIS HAPPEN BEFORE HE COULD EVEN TAKE A TURN!!! "For this lucky winner.... er... your name sir?" "Sol... Solivagus." The wizard managed to blush sheepishly. "....So-vegas will grab the grand prize off.... this millieum giant mollusc!" The announce continue as they rolled in a deliciously fresh pulm molluse on a beautiful cart... so large that it filled a normal size plate and so fresh that it still wiggle its tenticles and ooze with a savoruing thick slime. The throughly trainned bikini blondshell delicately picked up the mollusc as if it was a prize (and indeed it was) and glaced over the purplish hellspawn with her fingers. "Mmmm yum" said one.. as she licked her lips in a laverish way, shoving that monsterroity in frount of it's next victim... with a sucking sound the mollusc attach itself onto the wizard's face. "Mmmmm! Mmmmmm!" Solivagus tried to scream for help but his mouth as well as his nose was already blocked by the Mollusc' suction as tenticle poke its way into his ears and eyes... ... and the camera crew, the girls, and the announcer had all left, cutting that scene out with a commerical break leaving poor Solivagus on the beach to his own angonizing fate... They head to Vincent Silver instead... "Congratulations sir! You have just won an award!" "?" Vincent Silver turn toward the announcer's voice in surprise... the fear slow reflect in his eyes but it was too late as a giant weenie tumble from the sky and pin the poor pennite down...
  17. Have you ever attended a funeral, and as you watch the dead person in the coffin you became envious of him because he lays there resting so peacefully without a care while you are still struggling through life? And then have the sudden urge to say "screw this world" and want to just end it all painlessly?
  18. How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. I Love thee before we've even met. In dreams I saw you, for your beauty I wept. Everything about you is my ideal taste. I love thee before even our first date Boring shows, bubble tea, and snooker balls bright. I love thee madly, cutely you made a face to me that night. I love thee truely, I ICQed you many-a-praise. I love thee deeply but my passion naught for use. seperated, In my love you've lost faith. Still I love thee, thought you, I'm bound to lose. With my love lost, - You're with someone else. Memories, Tears, Loneliness for life! as if fate had choose Still I shall love thee until my soul is dosed.
  19. I regret the moment that i was born... I wish my parents would just forgo that 5 seconds of pleasure and just come to their senses...
  20. The ants crawling so slow over picnic table of wood ready to lay food to waste they mechanically began their loot spit, chew and glam marching on cloth of jute the ants began their festival round left nothing but soot the ants parade with joy marching with the sound of toot the swarm gather around with fecity leaving those who seem mute none dare approach crawling restlessly on pursuit the ant infested picnic will knock you off your boots.
  21. Been trying, like a fool while you're already taken; thought to have a chance with you but reality bound for a crude awaken. My love for her gone to waste love often leads to such astray. and Ode to you, a prayer for everything I do, but I, freak and stranger deserves no love but repugnance Chances are my love won't survive eternal loneliness then shall be mine. Only Lady Misery by my side against fate my anger won't subside now as my dream slowly fades to black The Dark Mysterious Figure is back. I'm back.
  22. Who's Nobby? http://Nobby13.friendtest.com
  23. Orlan took all the geld and ran away to cuba.
  24. Leaving a shell of his existance inside dragonqueen's tent and spirit away back to his secret hideout... "hmmm... get rid of past habits huh?" the dark figure pondered and at once he summon the office shredded and began to shread his porn collection all at once pass.... the machine began to do its magic and naughty pictures is reduced to semi erotic ribbons... (sound of machinry dying) "WTF? hey what's going on? why all of a sudden all the power went out?" The dark mysterious figure summon a ball of light and went to check on his fuse box... no use the whole thing was burnt. Next he peek outside and realized the whole block was out of power. He ventured to the next power outlet and tried to pulled some cable... until he realized the next block... along with the rest of the city's power all went out. (HeadLine News report: On the summer of august 2003 an unnamed omninious figure attemped to shrewd his porn collection in one pass, resulting in an electrical power outage that leaves Toronto and five major american cities without power for three days and causing an estimated 8 million dollars lost ...) "Damn it, should have also read the next card ace of pentacles, reversed." The dark mysterious muttered.
  25. DragonQueen was very much surprise as A Dark Mysterious Figure appears inside inside the cozy black gypsie style tent as thought he has always been there. There was no hint of his enterance except for the rustling of the tent's flaps and the faint settling of his robes. The dark mysterious figure proceed to occupy the now empty seat. A pale skeletal hand slowly stretched out from the robe sleeves and drop 15 geld in the jar, the clinging of the geld echoed in the silent and supenseful atmosphere. "One for Love, One for Career, and One for Creativity" said a voice from within the omnious hood.
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