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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

Vigil StarGazer

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Everything posted by Vigil StarGazer

  1. True Love's existance is based in experience and trust in one's own feelings, not in a Glarmourity given by sweet words or flowers. You can not expect to suffer through this situation. You must love or die. In this respect, I would say you must have strength in yourself not to be hurt or fooled by those who claimed to love you. You must learn to play. Dig?
  2. Oh Hamburger, Our own native Ham. Two oz. of Love, In all thy low fat ham. With Growing Hearth, We see thee Roast our cattles' mad cow disease free From far and wide Oh hamburger, we import from calgary. God We loves our ham, between two piece of bread. Oh hamburger they're 100% fat free Oh hamburger they're 100% fat free
  3. Zany zephyrs zoom zealously.
  4. http://www.4degreez.com/misc/dante-inferno-test.mv My result The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Eigth Level of Hell - the Malebolge! Here is how you matched up against all the levels: Level | Score Purgatory | Very Low Level 1 - Limbo | Low Level 2 | Moderate Level 3 | Moderate Level 4 | High Level 5 | Low Level 6 - The City of Dis | Low Level 7 | High Level 8- the Malebolge | Very High Level 9 - Cocytus | Low Level descriptions: http://www.4degreez.com/misc/dante-inferno-information.html Take the test: http://www.4degreez.com/misc/dante-inferno-test.mv
  5. FF7 Advent Children First of all, for those of you who are not final fantasy fans, please allow me to fill in some background information for you. Squaresoft™ has been one of the foremost creators of RPG (role-playing Games) on console gaming system with 8bit and later 16bit graphics. They have produced the final fantasy gaming line in which players role-play characters in a fantasy world to fight evil monsters and save the world by resolving distressful conflicts sprung by the forces of evil. Each sequence are unrelated to the next. Now FF7 was considered revolutionary at the time of its release. However it was not due to the release of Play station which allowed for 32 bit graphics, nor a sub 3d environment, and it's definitely no the chocobos. What makes FF7 so unique, mind blowing, and withstand the testament of time to emerge as one of the most memorable PRG of its time is the depth of its storyline and the hidden symbolism within. While other games certainly ousted the graphics in final fantasy 7, none have a storyline so deep and appalling. First and foremost please read the blog on the following page for some background information. http://biphome.spray.se/indish/analys.html The plot of FF7 can be summarized in a paragraph, as taken from the blog: "FF7 is the story of Cloud, Aeris, and their friends who try and save the world from Sephiroth and the Shinra, who are destroying the Earth. Shinra is doing it by draining out the Earths Lifestream, the lifeblood of the planet which is the energy that all living souls are made of, through its large Mako Reactors. Sephiroth is doing it by summoning a giant meteor that is going to destroy everything, allowing him to converge with this energy and claim if for his own to become a 'God.' Ultimately, the 9 heroes of the game defeat Sephiroth and all the members of Shinra (although Aeris loses her life in the process) and unleash Holy, the ultimate white magic, which is the only thing that can destroy the meteor. It succeeds in doing so but also sucks the humans, who have been doing all this damage, back into the Lifestream, realizing that their existence was a terrible error. This leaves only Nanaki, the teams sentient wolf-like friend, to live out his life propagating his species on the planet and remembering not to repeat past mistakes." Now, after several years Squaresoft™ produced the sequel in the movie, and I might say that I was deeply disappointed by the sequel. If FF7 was one of the millstones for the development of gaming industries then I must also say that Advent Children was a depiction of its graceful downfall. While the generations before has applaud games with both graphics and story intensity, the current generations of gamer was all for glimmer and no substances. In a brief summary Shira were still up to their old evils and found the remains of Jenova in the Northern Crater. Those eerie clones of Sephiroth (you know those wearing cloaks over themselves and have roman numerals marked on their forehead) formed the malik and begin a plan resurrect Jenova mainly to capture the remains of their ‘mother’. They hounded Cloud because they think he kept their ‘mother’ from them. Now Cloud had the problem of being a loner after his little adventure because he stills feel guilty from letting Aeris died, and the fact that he’s slowly dying from disease which is also affecting the children. Mixed with a few motorcycle battles, fights, and amazing graphics, the Malik leader eventually devoured the remains of Jenova. Sephiroth appears and Cloud has to fight the shadow that has always haunts him. Cloud finally became victorious by overcoming his guilt and defeated Sephiroth. The world rained and the water healed everyone’s disease, The End. One might think that the purpose of the movie was to wrap up loose ends left at the end of FF7, mainly the triangle relationship between Aeris, Tifa, and Cloud, the existence of humans after the cataclysm, and the fate of Jenova. Square soft did moderate on tying up these loose ends. It is presumed that Cloud chosen Tifa over Aeris at the end of the game and Aeris went back to the life stream. What so disdained was how square soft has twisted the original meaning in FF7 in order to fit the plot line of Advent Children. Towards the end Cloud was beaten unconscious he came to the life-stream and said “mother.” Aeris’ voices answered him and said basically it’s not his time yet and pushed him back down to the world of the living. Suddenly the whole relationship triangle between Aeris and Cloud became Opus Rex. That was never even hinted at in FF7 and suddenly made the relationship between Aeris and Cloud revolting. To quote from Aeris “Geez why’s everyone calling me mother today?” Speaking of Opus Rex Aeris made her last appearance with Sephiroth as they both exit out of the glowing door. So now Sephiroth is the dark father now? Next up was the children. To be honest the theme of children was unnecessary. One could feature the movie without having the children and call the movie “Advent Cloud”. Yes it was an easy symbolism as the hope of the future. They were lured away by the evil clones of Sephiroth with the promised of cure. The clones polluted the water and the children drank and be corrupted by evil. Cloud tried to rescue the children but failed, and realized that fighting wasn’t the answer. After he defeated Sephiroth the rain of healing came and cured everyone’s disease. Or was it that simple? While I lack knowledge in the Jewish Lore and religions, looking deeper one can compare Cloud to the savior. False savior came and tried to corrupt the children a la mass. In the end the true savior died, resurrected, and delivers salvation. Since when was cloud seen as any resemblance to a savior at FF7? I have rated the Movie FF7 Advent Children 2/5. The graphics was exceptionally well done, the fight scenes was a touch too flashy (quite literally, they were going at it so fast you can’t even see a single move clearly.) and Tifa was amazingly hawt and got a amazing body that one have to wonder if she have any back problems. The flaws however were much less apparent but amazingly frustrating. The original hidden context has been replaced with cheap clichés to stir false drama. There is no depth in the story; it’s all hack and slash with fancy animation. If this game sequel movie transpire anything, it is that Squaresoft™ has succumbed to the shallowness of this generation and raked in millions while robbing the true fans of FF7 from a deserving sequel to one of the greatest game of all times.
  6. The newest dissin' in town is being called an Emo. It hounds f00ls and put n00bs in their place In da streets there's never a slang so low. With white powder and black Mascara in bold. Talk of suicides and tears on their face; Whiners, self-mutilators, haters: the Emo. Black wardrobes, long hair, and 13 year olds. Those kids will never get third base. Obsessed about their sisters, living their lives so low, And worshiping to Marilyn Manson in their basement below. Born emotionally negative, but dying for a praise. Still never succeeding in life; the story of a billion Emo. So that’s what an Emo is, as been seen and told. Mid income family ugly white kids embarrassing the human race. Next time when you are emotionally low. Check if you have become an Emo.
  7. Here's More Garbage. But I don't want more garbage! <edit by Gwaihir> [EDIT: And we'll definitely pass over plagiarized garbage. --Tzimfemme, the Naked Mage.]
  8. A few years ago,a mother and father decided they needed a break,so they wanted to head out for a night on the town.So they called their most trusted babysitter.When the babysitter arrived,the two children were already fast asleep in bed.So the babysitter just got to sit around and make sure everything was okay with the children.Later at night,the babysitter got bored and went to watch tv but she couldn't watch it downstairs because they didnt have cable downstairs (the parents didn't want the children watching too much garbage).So she called them and asked them if she could watch cable in the parents' room.Of course the parents said it was ok,but the babysitter had one final request.She asked if she could cover up the clown satue in their bedroom with a blanket or cloth,because it made her nervous.The phoneline was silent for a moment,(and the father who was talking to the babysitter at the time)said....take the children and get out of the house....we'll call the police...we don't have a clown statue...the children and the babysitter got murdered by the clown.It turned out to be that the clown was a killer that escaped from jail.If u don't repost this within 5 minutes the clown will be standing next to your bed at 3:00 am with a knife in his hand
  9. An echo. What's more funnier then a dead baby?
  10. The world and the nature was once balanced. All orgamisms contributed by absorbing the bio-product from other orgamisms and in turn be/or produce matters for other organism to be devoured or absorbed. In turn all organisms on the natural cycle is control thru it means. Then evolution created one organism that does not follow this rule. It simply absorb the bio-product and the resources of the planet and produce only waste that further decays the cycle of nature. It grows and multiply like a virus, devouring the biosphere unto no ends. That organism are humans.
  11. http://www.googlefight.com/index.php?lang=...pen&word2=sword
  12. I'll join. Probably plays a warlock or something. P.S Paladins... lol hahahahahh
  13. The News of Ayshela's death has been greatly exaggerated
  14. Dear Falcone: You got lied to. Enough said. GG K THX BYE. Sincerely, The World Or do you want the more elobrate explaination??? I'm sure you must have a prequel... like whinning about not having sex. You know how girls are... once you pull out the "Weakling cute puppy" card they will reply with sympathy response. Please remember in the next 5 seconds what they say will never mean a thing, Mr. Inflated Ego. For the Job thing, it's funny as hell because I'm stuck at the same position. Think about it, if you are in your bosses' shoes and you got this slave of en employee who would do anything to keep his job to the point that he's not replacable. What would you do? KEEP THAT GUY ON THE SAME JOB!!! Why would you promote him and then replaced him with another guy who needs to be trained again and is probably won't be as good as the first guy? BTW here's the real Pamphlet: * How to get a new Job instead of being stuck on a dead end job. * How to go to Javis and get hookers, cheap. * A Guide to Metro Transportation. * Serious relationship... not now.... but at Age 30 * A General Guide to Life.
  15. Cheers! *raise a mug of Ale at Brute*
  16. Coming Soon to a Bookstore Near You! The most eagerly awaited sequel of our lifetimes: The Bible Pt.2 God Speaks Out After almost 2 millenium of waiting, God has writen the follow up to the best selling book in history, The Bible. "I was getting disgusted with how people were misinterpeting my words and decided it was time to lay things on the line"-God In this amazing book God drops all the parables and stories and lays it all out plainly! "This changes everything! We had no idea."-Pope Benedict XVI He tackles the tough issues of the day like: Abortion- "If you don't want kids don't have sex!" Death Penalty- "Thou Shalt Not Kill is as blunt as I could put it, it doesn't change just because it's done by commitee!" Homosexuality- "I gave people the ability to love, who they decide to love is up to them. That's the beauty of free will" The Davinci Code- "It's a great book, but it belongs in the fiction section." "It put me back on the straight and narrow!"- James Baker From the 10 commandments (What Part Of Thou Shall Not Confused You? Chapter 6) to creation (Guess What? Your All Monkey At Heart. Chapter 12) God leaves no stone unturned. He talks about other Biblical Icons: Jesus: "A common misconception is that Jesus is my son. Actually Jesus is a part of me made mortal. I lived a full human life and died by your hands to show that I wasn't above it all. From Mary in the manger, to my marriage to Mary Magdalene, to Judas screwing me and ending up on the cross. I wouldn't change it for the world." The Devil: "People think Lucifer is rulling hell, WRONG! He was put in Hell to pay for his sins, not to watch over it. All the bad people do has nothing to do with him, he takes no credit for it at all and blaming him for things you've done is crap. He's suffering there, not tempting anyone." Hell: "When folks think of Hell they think of fire and brimstone. But what harm can fire do to a soul? None. Hell is a place you go to learn to repent. You stay there till you truly feel sorry for what you've done and ask my forgiveness. You don't burn, what you do is relive all the bad emotions and heartaches you've caused to other people in your life, experiancing thier pain over and over." Moses- "I liked Moses, he was really a nice guy and very dedicated. But near the end he strated to get a bit power hungry and needed to be taken down a peg." "One of the scariest books I've ever read, I Shat my pants!"-Steven King Read Gods words right from his own pen. He leaves nothing out this time, including his thoughts on religions, war, governments, and pollution. He cuts it down to the bone this time. "After the Flood I promised I would never destroy the world by water again. What people don't understand is that I have a million other ways to clean the slate if they don't shape up. From asteroids and meteors to fire and plague I could get it back down to a handful of believers any time I wanted to. But at the rate you're messing the world up with pollution I may not have to do a thing."-God Read Gods take on other major religious books like the Koran or the Book Of Mormons. See which religions he endorses and which he crusifies. From Christianity, to Muslum, to Jewism, to Paganism, to the Curch of Jesus Christ and the Latter Day Saints, to Penticostals, to Born Again Christians, to Cathalasisim: "The Catholic Church loves to condem things other religions do, but what about some of the skeletons in thier own Vatican?"-God "5 Stars" says the Times "For the sake of your soul you won't be able to put it down!" He even touches upon major parts of history: Dinosaurs- "I wasn't sure what I wanted to do with the world yet so I played around a little. But it became obvious that big lizards wern't the way to go. I do admit I had fun coming up with Stegasaurus though. I just loved those big plates on it's back." Sodom and Gamorah- "I am as patient as I can be, but when there's folks making statues of me and then crapping on them I get ticked. I warned them and they didn't listen so I put my foot down, literally!" The Holocaust- "I broke my heart watching what was happening, but I learned long ago that I needed to keep out of it all and stop with the big miracles. If you interfere one time people expect it every time. Mankind has to learn to do what's right by itself." 911- "I'll admit, I broke my rule of staying out of it this time. While I do my best to let life happen as it was meant to, knowing that the Twin Towers were to be hit I steped in and changed the path of the other 2 planes. I helped give courage to the passengers of the flight United 93 that let them force the plane down in the field, and I made sure American Airlines 77 hit where it would do the least amount of damage, in a closed for repair section of the Pentagon building. I had to let history run it's course, and that meant letting the folks in the airplanes die, but that doesn't mean I didn't do anything." So get off your praying knees and head to your local bookstore for the most eagerly awaited book since the last Harry Potter novel (Which God also covers: "I love Snape, he's just so good at being arrogant! Bless you JK Rowling!")! Buy it today!
  17. The Dark Mysterious Figure: Enuff Said. Rune: What? The Dark Mysterious Figure: *points to his name* Rune: Oh.
  18. Saw Constantine on a Dubbed DVD during the weekend. First and foremost, Kenu Reeves can't act. The demonhunter/exorcist/biblicalsuspense plot is an overused cliche (think ... er... Exorcist+6thSense+Underworld) with the infallable plot blockbuster movie int the making, but somehow Kenu Reeves can still manage to screw it up. Kenu Reeves plays the coldhearted exorcist (it's not like he can play other sterotypes, but we'll get back to that) gifted with the power to see demon and angel halfbreed, and after a rather inept plotforce met up with the female Protagonist (Rachael Weisz as Angela Dodson) to investigate the death of her twin sister and somehow end up to preventing the anti-christ from being born into this world. Like I said before the plot gets better as the film rolls along (mainly because it so cluelessly sucks in the beginning!) Besides the cliches combination there's also a sidedish of dying subplot characters, suspense, Romance, Apocalyplical threat, biblical conflict, gollum as the demon scourge, Hell and Lucifier himself. Special Effects are done well because they are not overly done and not forced into the scenes what was done in the matrix. The Chapter 17 Corinthians was a bit forced. Sure you might get away with some obscure books in the biblical context or some other jewish old testiments, but i'm quite sure there is never a Corinthians 17.... (Peredhil you might wanna help me out on this), and how do you get a maggot demon attacking ppl in the middle of bussy LA traffic and no one would care? even after the demon was hit by a car? Back to Kenu Reeves... the only part he got right was the cold exterior... he got a monotone voice and no body language. Expressionless even after 2 of his friends have died... The character he plays was full of rage on the inside because he's angry about not being able to go to heaven, and is secretly afraid of death. Not even one scene did he manage to act this out, not even after all those smooth witty dialict he had during the movie. He's cold on the outside, and hollow on the inside. In Summary: Cool Movie (biblical suspense is in these days), niffy plot, horrible acting. Next Up, How Kenu Reeves ruin Christmas.
  19. OMG the Flying Globe!!!
  20. Aegon might be 23, but he still got the mindset of a 16 year old :wizzie: Happy birthday... I'll go buy WoW soon to give you a mighty birthday a$$-whipping
  21. Have you ever had this feeling when someone told you some scientific breakthrough theories about how things work or innovative ideas, you realized that you have thought of it years before, but didn't bother to write it down? I swear I had a few, but i can't name any on top of my head.... but as i was driving to work today I had another ohe of these "moments" where a blinding flash of light just hit my brain with an another idea. Here goes: "The current situtution of the world's energy supplies is that we are running on non-replenishable power source, namely oil. Actually current techology has been stuck because big corporations has been over-relying on oil and gasoline so much that any change would shattered the economy. It's easy to place the blame on big corporations such as Shell/Dutch Royal or the Big Three car manufacturers for not building cars that run on things other then gasoline (Ford has the patten for a liquid alcholo car, which they bought from the inventor for 30 mil, and they promptly wraps it up underneath a shell somewhere) but ofcourse none of us here who owns a car would like to scrap their old car which generates enought Co2 to smog up the atmosphere and shell up say, another 20 grand for a clean and enviromental friendly powercell crap car. But what if that's to change? The best scenrio would be a slow and progressive transition from gasoline to some other stuff? Easily said but hardly done. One thing for sure is that the substitute for gasoline would have to be compatable to be use on a gasoline run engine. Secondly it has to mix pretty well with gasoline in between the transition... plus another few technicalities in the mix makes it sounds also impossible... Or it is? Think about an amazing synethic oil... the mixture of gasoline with alcholo plus millions of chemicals all amazing and strange added and then be sold as preium gas that's advertised to boost engin performance. Now everyone knows the problem of using Alcholo as fuel, the combustion rate is that much more powerful to that of gasoline and alone the combustion is unstable making it non-ideal to be used as fuel. The car's cylinder will take on more stress and down goes the lifespan of an engine. But the car manufactures wanted it that way... how else are they going to get people to buy more cars? " In the end everybody wins. Car manufactures get people to buy more cars, the oil companies' gain might not be so oblvious: but they don't want the OPEC thing happens again in the 1970, government would takes less legistiations on the oil giants; the world generally wins... i think. Instead of excessive Co2 we got excessive something else that hovers around the atmosphere, but the lifespan of this world will increase by a few centuries or so. Do the consumers win? Not really, but well oblivious is bliss. If you have come this far to my rant you've realized that I've once again screwed up. The fuel substition idea has once again, already been taken. We got synethic oil and commerical gasoline got alcholo already added to the mix. We can also assume that engines are built slowly to adapt to the increase in alcholo portion in the fuel, or at least i hope. Here's my 2 cents, VS out.
  22. At first i was gonna Pm answears to the authors.. but then Nooo.. everyone wanna spoil it for everyone else.. so here we go, I might as well join in: Etch your memories into you. Live in the now. Cheat yourself and succeed. Continue your pointless hunt. And kill your only partner. Or see the movie. Answear: Momentos Watch the Assistant Pig Keeper grow to be King See the bauble lit, then extinguished forever Travel from the Hall of Bards to Annuvin Slay the lord of evil See a lesser evil die by his lord's iron crown Bid the Sons farewell as they sail across the sea Answear: "The Return of the King" From the Lord of the Rings series
  23. On this special occassion I would like to take the oppurtunity to congradulate Jechum, our most active pen member currently on this board. Here's a look on his stats. http://www.patrickdurham.net/themightypen/index.php?showuser=176 Total Cumulative Posts 8,388,607 ( 16199.23% of total forum posts ) Posts per day 11123 What an outstanding achievement! He managed to post over 100%!!! His effort and dedication has surpass even the realm of possibility! A round of applause of the Elder of Lore for his outstanding, colossal, astromathical achievment. Thank you. :wizzie: :wizzie: :wizzie:
  24. Sorry, We can't have bi-polar pen members too. Bye
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