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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

The Big Pointy One

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Everything posted by The Big Pointy One

  1. "My my, what a group we're going to have. Oh well, better safe than sorry. Knight, Tanny, Riven... let's go. I'll lead you to the caves..." ---->
  2. After phasing in and out a couple times, Stick addresses the group of people gathered about the room, "Hey hey hey, I realise I'm a popular guy around here..." he stresses popular and drags it out rather sarcastically, "...but I think my group was going to be one of the little ones. Not *everyone* has to follow us into the caves." he adds in a friendly manner, "Peredhil had mentioned some good areas to explore!"
  3. Stick grins as the anticipation of the coming adventure grows. That and the prospect of making new friends, and journeying with old ones, "Actually, yes, I can speak wolf. One of those handy languages to speak when you're out living off the land and such. What about you Knight? Learn anything new since last we met? Or has your time been spent pursuing... lesser things?" Stick says the last part with a friendly smirk.
  4. Stick would guess, and he has an inkling as to what it may be... but he won't ;p
  5. Stick straightens up, shrugs, then starts balancing the BPS on the tip of his finger. "Where to go... well, I figure we should check in the lesser known areas of The Pen; or at least the areas that Annael isn't known to haunt. I suggest the lower levels beneath the keep; maybe even the caves. What say you, Tanny?" Stick and Knight turn to Tanuchan for their imput, expressions almost eager...
  6. Stick nods. "I'm still a little unclear on these rings... magic items have always confused me. In any case, I'll go with Tanuchan... I'm sure her wolf's sense of smell, not mention hearing and sight will compliment my own abilities."
  7. "Well, I'm not the greatest on search parties, but an idea occured to me. Understanding how these rings work, perhaps it'd be best to split up. We could send a larger group to investigate places where Annael is known to be, like her quarters, or the great tree in the courtyard, or the Confessional." Gyrfalcon nodded as Stick continued, "Meanwhile, we can part into smaller groups... probably no more than 2 people per group and try and look into places that we may not expect her to be. That way, when search proves fruitless, we can access the 'easier' areas when we need to, and re-formulate our plans as need be. What does everyone else think?" Stick scratches his chin in thought as he examines everyone else in the room.
  8. After slipping on his ring, Stick pats Knight on the shoulder a few times. "Good to have you aboard! Good thing there'll be some one along to share in my violent tendancies with." he then went to lean casually on Knight like friends tend ot do, "You're right, it *has* been too long." Stick paused again, looked around. "This is looking like a good rescue party already. I can hardly wait!"
  9. Stick stood up, and rested the BPS on his shoulders, causing the butterflies surrounding it to flicker and re-adjust their positions in minor annoyance. "I've been itching for an adventure! Although, I'm not sure if there'll be anything to smash along the way... I'll just have to go out of my way to start some trouble, I guess." the lanky warrior grinned one of his usual mischievious grins, which caused nearly everyone to roll their eyes. "Peredhil, do you have a green ring in that oh-so-lovely box? If I may be so rude to ask, of course."
  10. *Stick dips himself in chocolate then runs at Salinye and Tzim, who look at the crazy little... whatever he is with eyebrows raised.* "Can we help you?" "I'll be someone's man! ...ow." "Did you dip yourself in hot chocolate?" "...maybe."
  11. Also, you can give all your base. Or your food. Or your cash. Or your love (scratch that, all the love of all the young ladies you know, are related to, or have seen within the past 30 years.) ^.^
  12. Come on... we need your help! Like Jechum has said... we're still learning and such this reset... but I'm sure there's many more of you here that would have a fun time as a Rabbit!
  13. *Hides in the underbrush* ...just about done, I swear!
  14. *Stick shows up randomly and offers an ice cream cone.* Peace?
  15. (ooc: sooooo sorry I'm taking so long :S) Things looked dim at that point in time. More pototoes seemed to be pouring out of every alleyway, building and sewer hole. Being potatoes as they were, they were easy enough to julienne, dice and fry... but every time they took one down, another two replaced the one that fell. "..!" Mr.Bunny finally shouted, angered at all the nonsense. Of course, this was actually a verbal component to a spell. There was a flash of magical light then the sound of wings flapping. The carrot carriage was nowhere in sight. However, where the carriage was, there was a fourty-foot long carrot dragon hovering in the air lazily. All the potatoes paused to examine this horrifying transmutation then rushed Mr.Bunny. The dragon swooped, razor-sharp claws raking deep trenches through the potatoes as his carroty breath weapon sprayed carroty death upon other potatoes. Alaeha looked in astonisment from the pile of dead hashbrowns that currently surrounded her. "..." Mr.Bunny called as he hopped on the dragon and directed it towards Alaeha. She wiped her knife free of potato juice, sheathed it, then hopped aboard. "Wow, thanks for the save, Mr.B... there didn't seem to be an end to those guys." "..." he said, blushing slightly. "No need to be modest, now..." "..." "I guess so." she paused for a moment, "...so, where are we going now?" Mr.Bunny responded in an arcane language and a portal appeared before them. Inside, both Mr.Bunny and Alaeha could see what looked like... carrots. Tons and tons of carrots.
  16. ...I wish I was a samurai... Heh, anyways, good luck with all the real life stuff... ^.^
  17. So... like... are we all clear that even though lots of us may disagree with each other, that doesn't make us enemies or anything like that? For a while there, it seemed like some blood was starting to boil or something. Regardless, I know for certain that no matter how much I may disagree with someone's opinions (and I tend to do that a lot...) that doesn't change how I feel about them as a person... that much ;p In the end, when one person thinks that the way they see things is absolutely right, it's hard for them to accept people having different viewpoints (which is how I find I think too often... :S) Peace!
  18. Quite simply, I think it comes down to good ole' human nature. It's always been like the guy with the biggest stick wins. Although we like to think we've evolved from our primitive past of who knows how long ago, but that kind of instinct is still alive deep within us. As much as I hate to say it, I know what it feels like to be the bully. One on hand, you know it's wrong to push people around, but on the other hand its easy to do sometimes, and that feels nice; knowing that you're stronger. Of course, that doesn't make it right or acceptable or anything. Another point is, I think most people don't like being wrong, not to mention when someone believes in something strongly, they tend to defend it the best way they know how. Unfortunately, for most people defending what they like doesn't always involve reacting in the smartest way possible.
  19. Excellent. Oh, and that bit about the working conditions? That freaked me out. That's... sickening. Things aren't always that sunny around here, but I'm pretty sure if something's wrong, if you complain, stuff usually happens. Go Canada! (Go *to* Canada ;p )
  20. Psh. I don't know about everyone else, but me? Maybe only a little bit cooler ;p hehehe, anyways, that was fun. Maybe if Wyv is kind enough to allow me to call again sometime, I won't be as flustered, and we might be able to enjoy it a bit more... In any case, awesome show, Wyv ^.^
  21. I've often pondered this situation myself. What would I do if I had to choose between blindness or deafness. Or rather, which would I rather be? Blind or deaf? Most people (as seen above) would lean towards deafness, as would I. I mean, it's easier. I play a lot of video games, I'm on the computer lots, there's lots of beautiful things in the world (nature, stars, girls, etc...) and just in general it'd be easier. However, although I'm not very knowledged in the area, the thing I think I love the most is music. I can't stand silence. I mean, I barely speak as it is, not being able to listen? I'd go insane. I also look at this way... my vision's going as it is. I don't the day will come when I will probably be unable to see, or barely see. The same could probably be said for my hearing too. In any case, I'm always crashing into stuff anyways, so it probably wouldn't be that different. Plus, I noticed no one seemed to mention that the advantage to being blind is that it'd remove probably any biases a person may have on other people. You'd have to learn to judge people by the sound of their voice, and their character just from speaking with them. I'll admit, there has been lots of times when I've judged people from their appearance. Technically, that's not wrong, because it's your right to choose who you associate yourself with; however, I think it is wrong to make that decision based on appearance alone. If I couldn't see people, I'd find out what they are like as a person much easier. I think it'd be easier to find a person I could stand being with (I'm leaning in the direction of soul mate here, as I'm sure many can tell) Anyways, long story short... deafness would suck. I'll take blindness. Go music! ^.^
  22. Hrm... it's getting a little sticky in here. And I'm a big sticky. Heh, jokes. Anyways, in the end, I don't think it really makes much difference. Bush and Kerry, Liberal and Conservative, they all have their own different plans and ideals, yes. But in the end, they all are trying to do their job, and it's easy to judge when you're not walking in their shoes. When you're in the world spotlight, everyone notices your mistakes, and unfortunately, mistakes made in said spotlight tend to be bigger. We all make mistakes. The thing is, like it or not, you have take the good with the bad. Where am I going with this? I'm not sure, really. I know it's good to vocalize our opinions on such matters, and I'm sure everyone around here can handle said opinions in a mature manner, no matter how different our opinions may all be. Let's not forget that after all's said and done, we're all friends here, and that this is simply a conversation/debate. It won't change anything outside this thread.
  23. It's never too late ^.^
  24. Eh, so long as you get better. I don't know the exact details meself, but I can definitely imagine what you're goin' through... I've been there many times as well. In any case, best of luck, keep on strugglin' and eventually things will look up. Somewhat... ;p
  25. GOOD! Now, I demand of you fifty push-ups, fifty sit-ups, and fifty dollars! NOW! eh-heh. Anyways, I missed the post in question, but for what it's worth (Coming from the lowly Quill-Bearer that is I) I think it's cool, as long as you're apologizing, and making sure whatever happenned doesn't happen again ^.^ ...or something like that. Anyways, always remember:
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