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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

The Big Pointy One

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Everything posted by The Big Pointy One

  1. *Also tips a glass to Peredhil* I agree greatly as well, very nicely put ^.^ BigPointyStick ----------------- Newly appointed Page, and proud of it! The Trenchcoat Monk Wielder of the BPS Companion of Mr.Bunny "Stand ho, varlet! Thou shalt not take mine bunny!"
  2. A-ha! I knew it was in *a* dictionary, somewhere
  3. It had been a day since after Legman and his associates disappeared and re-appeared. The army had made its way to the highest point of the foothills. They could not procede further higher into the mountains as this would certainly disperse their numbers too much. So instead, they split up. Scouts revealed some caves not far to the northeast, and a fairly wide upward path to the north. Legman had taken a force compromised of about three-quarters of the main army with him on to the path while he sent one of his Lieutenant Generals and the rest of the troops into the caves. Before splitting up, he made a short speech. "Alright everyone, listen up. If my information is correct, there should be a large valley about a day's travel from here. The path I'm taking should take us right to it's main entrance. The caves on the other hand, should open up again in a secluded corner of the valley. I believe the goblin's main encampment is in this area. That being said I ask you all to be cautious as possible; I do not doubt the goblins know this area well. Be prepared for traps and other nasty surprises. Good luck, and may we all meet on the field of battle, alive and victorious." So it was at that time that the army split up. Dierden and Tayne went into the caves with the small force while Legman had the still mysterious mage accompany him, as well as the equally mysterious boy. While whithin the caves, Dierden felt... odd. Not necessarily in a bad way, but odd nonetheless. It was almost as he could feel the life of Gaia all around him. He shrugged it off mentally, assuming it had something to do with being underground for the first time. Tayne seemed fine; whatever it was that had put him on edge earlier had dissipated. Regardless, both were ready to act within a flash of a second. They were alert and prepared for anything, or at least that's what they thought.
  4. Actually, I think you can look it up in some dictionaries, but I could be wrong... Stick readies some kunais just in case that scary nanny floats by...
  5. A listening ear on a whispering wind To take away your fear 'til the very end Light within dark to shine through the night Peace through the wars of personal plight A great treasure found with minimal digging A hand tp pull you up from the ledge you cling Coming together around here isn't that hard You can find friends from a page to a bard
  6. Ha-ha! Great! Even better, because I *love* 'Favourite Things' ... at least I'm pretty sure you're referring to the Hip Hop track... I hope... regardless, I'll have to listen to it while I read this again, perhaps to get the full effect? I'm sure my brain can multi-task enough... ^.^ (Edit: Okay, maybe my brain *can't* multi-task enough... *chuckles*) BigPointyStick ----------------- Newly appointed Page, and proud of it! The Trenchcoat Monk Wielder of the BPS Companion of Mr.Bunny "Stand ho, varlet! Thou shalt not take mine bunny!" Edited by: The Big Pointy One at: 11/7/02 10:15:51 pm
  7. Ah, I love haikus... I hope you don't mind? Haiku of all types Are a favorite of mine Welcome to the pen (Heh, didn't say I was necessarily good at them... be sure to drop by the recruiter's office... just keep a watchful eye on your money ) BigPointyStick ----------------- Newly appointed Page, and proud of it! The Trenchcoat Monk Wielder of the BPS Companion of Mr.Bunny "Stand ho, varlet! Thou shalt not take mine bunny!"
  8. OOC: Well, we'll see what happens with your character as the story develops... heh. Anyways, if you haven't already done so, I recommend checking out the Green Room for the ooc/planning thread for this story, just in case anything hasn't been covered yet. Welcome aboard ^.^ Curious about the ruckus Legman had quickly made his way to the front lines to see what was going on. Apparently there was a mage and a weapon-bearing child who wanted to take part in the crusade. A dark smile slid across Legman's face as he thought of the possibilites of a magic-wielding ally, regardless of his competence. He whispered a few words into a captain's ear then made his way back to his place within the ranks. The captain made his way up to where the mage and boy were standing with slightly curious looks on their faces. Pointing at the child, he commanded "Make your way to the packhorses, and ask them what you can do to lend a hand. We are resuming our march in five minutes, so try to keep pace." he turned to the mage, "You, come with me. We'll get you a uniform, and perhaps anything you may need." The mage swallowed once, "Uh, don't I get a say in this... what if I don't want to join?" The captain scratched a stubbly beard, "Well, General Legman would appreciate it if you'd lend your assistance. We believe you'd be an asset to our force. And since it seems you don't have any objections to killing goblins as it is... did I mention we'll pay you?" Thinking for a moment the mage shrugged, "Heh, why not. You COULD use my help. Lead the way." The mage and the captain made their way to another set of packhorses where the spare uniforms were kept. Meanwhile, Dierden examined the area of confrontation, a slightly befuddled look on his face. He adjusted the spear he had taken to carrying on his back, as well as six throwing knives hanging from his belt. Dierden had never seen magic before, and was rather intrigued. He had heard of it, and it was interesting to him to finally see it first-hand, more or less. Snapping back to reality he looked around. Tayne had disappeared as soon as the marching stopped, and the mage appeared. One thing Dierden noticed before Tayne wandered off was that as soon as that ball of fire took flight, Tayne turned pale, fast. He'd have to ask his new friend about that, later. In less than five minutes the army was up and marching again. Everyone was more wary now, if it was possible; they didn't want to be surprised by an advancing raiding party. Granted, goblins weren't oft organized enough to form a raiding possible, but with chaotic minions like goblins, anything is possible. Dierden eased his spear from his back, and gripped it nervously. He hoped he would fair well when the time came to spill blood. Dierden didn't give any spare thoughts as far as morals were concerned. He knew goblins were an evil race, and would do much harm to the surrounding area and peoples if given the chance. This HAD to be done. Meanwhile, in the plains north of the mountains the sounds of thousands of hoofbeats could be heard echoing across the vast flatlands. The ground was quickly trampled as half a legion of heavily armed minotaurs set a fast pace south. Someone else had interest in the goblins residing with the mountains as well, it seemed. Whose side they'd take though, was yet unknown.
  9. Wow, someone noticed something about myself, and I didn't... odd. What's more surprising is that they actually said something. Heh. Well, thanks for noticing, it's appreciated ^.^ BigPointyStick Newly appointed Page, and proud of it! The Trenchcoat Monk Wielder of the BPS Companion of Mr.Bunny "Stand ho, varlet! Thou shalt not take mine bunny!"
  10. Well, this is just one, for now... perhaps I'll put some of my past works here... regardless, I'll be putting all my future work in here. The Rabbit The rabbit hides behind his mask He can't handle all the questions they ask All he wants is his carrots and his hutch He'd appreciate if you didn't bother him so much It isn't his fault you don't understand Just because his goals don't match your plans This rabbit wants to be left alone He doesn't quite care for how long It's just that right now he doesn't need you It's just that he needs to figure out what to do All he needs his carrots and his hutch And he'd appreciate if you didn't bother him so much It isn't his fault you don't understand Just because his goals don't match your plans. BigPointyStick<br> -----------------<br> Newly appointed Page, and proud of it! The Trenchcoat Monk Wielder of the BPS Companion of Mr.Bunny "Stand ho, varlet! Thou shalt not take mine bunny!"
  11. Stick came into a semi-conscious state. He stretched out, getting that first taste of morning air. "Odd." he thought, "Kind of musty..." His senses slowly coming to him, he feels the ground. Noting it smells kind of like the grass he was sleeping on last night, he finds it to be a bit... fleshier. Not like animal or human flesh, but kind of like the inside of a plant. He stood up, stretching again and finally opened his eyes. He blinked, rubbed his eyes and blinked some more. Looking around and pinching himself a few times, Stick blurted out loud, "Wait a minute, this IS a plant!" Gyrfalcon, grinning, made his way over to Stick. "You ARE in a plant Stick. In fact-" Stick cut Gyrfalcon off, and started ranting, "Of course! That explains it! This is the Plant Universe!" Gyrfalcon let out a quiet "Great." and walked off. Stick didn't notice, and continued ranting. "Hmm. So if this is the plant universe, then that means everyone here is a double of their real self. Or at least, the real self I know. I have to find my way back, but first, I should probably find out if any of my friends from The Pen have also been captured." Blinking a few more times, he scanned the room over again, "Wow, this looks a lot like the ballroom. In fact, it also looks like a party!"
  12. Stick drools Er, excuse me... I'll just wipe that up. ~Ahem~ Anyways... Haikus are sweet, just thought I'd like to point that out. I haven't squeezed out many lately, but perhaps I can find inspiration from another doing so? Heh, we'll see. I'll have to agree (although it's a moot point now) with or most wise Elder of Initiates and suggest putting forth a collection of Haikus as an application ^.^ (Of course, what I used to do was write poems with Haiku verses... kind of a 'style' or lack there of I developed ) In either case, I look forward to see what will come of it all ^.^ BigPointyStick ----------------- Newly appointed Page, and proud of it! The Trenchcoat Monk Wielder of the BPS Companion of Mr.Bunny "Stand ho, varlet! Thou shalt not take mine bunny!" Edited by: The Big Pointy One at: 10/22/02 5:48:05 pm
  13. Ah, a step above, I can't express how glad I am to see I... wait, Page? Now, there's nothing wrong with being a Page, I *am* glad... but there's something I seem to be remembering about Pages... Stick thinks for a moment... Hmm... something about knights... Stick's throat suddenly goes dry, and he gets a look of fear in his eyes... Oh! OH! Isn't that the part, before you come a knight... where they smack you with a metal gauntlet? I don't want to be smacked with a metal gauntlet! Ah! Ahhh! (those being scared yelps) I mean, I like being conscious, and bruises... Someone taps Stick on the shoulder, which causes him to jolt in surprise, ready to bolt out the room; but he finds the person who tapped his shoulder has a firm grip (and no metal gauntlets in view) on him. The person who tapped his shoulder makes a calming motion, then bends in to whisper in Stick's ear. After a few seconds Stick's scared look turns to a more relaxed one. Oh right, that's squires that get knocked out. Suckers. Stick shrugs and goes about his merry little way... OOC: Seriously though, I'm rather proud to see my new title... I shall make sure I do everything to be worthy of it, and the ones above BigPointyStick ----------------- Newly appointed Page, and proud of it! The Trenchcoat Monk Wielder of the BPS Companion of Mr.Bunny "Stand ho, varlet! Thou shalt not take mine bunny!"
  14. Dierden blinked, then shook his head. He supposed he could worry about the youth's talents when it actually matterred. He simply nodded silently and left the recruiting tent. After a couple minutes of asking around, he made his way over to the encampment the still-growing army had made. At the time most of the soldiers where walking around freely, talking and joking around with each other. Dierden re-adjusted his light pack and made his way to where one soldier was sitting alone, sharpening a hand-ax. "Afternoon, my name's Dierden Samshae. May a sit here with you?" The soldier who looked up was tall, if not taller than Dierden. Instead of a lean form though, he was more filled out, and quite a bit muscular. He had long, fiery orange hair as well as a short beard. He ran his sharpening stone against the blade of his well-crafted hand-ax a final time then nodded. "Be my guest, Dierden. My name is Tayne Demeron." "Ah, thank you Tayne." Dierden took a seat on the flattened grass. "So, what brings you here?" "Tradition. It's in my bloodline to hunt goblins. My father before me did it, as his father before him, all the way back to the beginning of this Age. It's a mantle I'll gladly take up." Tayne gestured around the camp, "This, this is just a convenient coincidence. And what about you, Dierden? What brings YOU here?" Dierden shrugged, "I'm not completely sure. Nothing better to do, I suppose." he poked the ground with a twig, "I guess maybe it'll help me to get where I'm going." Tayne looked slightly confused, "Nothing better to do? Heh, suppose it works... where ARE you going?" Shrugging for a second time, Dierden replies, "That's the part I don't know. We'll just have to-" Their conversation was cut short as a dwarf, apparently in uniform, marched into the middle of the camp. "Alright boyos, we've been giving the order to march. There's no more recruitin' to be had here, and we're going to one last town before we start movin' into the mountains. Get packin' - we leave in fifteen minutes!"
  15. The year was 582, of the Fifth Age. Dierden Samshae had just turned 24, and felt it was time to venture forth from the forests where had gone in hopes of learning Nature's Way. He had attempted that about a year before. Feeling that he wasn't learning a whole lot except for different types of plant life and what-have-you, he went off where his instinct took him. This brought him to a medium-sized town by the name of Merak. Merak was mostly inhabited by humans, but one could spot a stray elf, or even a small cluster of Dwarves. (Dwarves were a portly race of humanoids that had suddenly sprouted out of non-existence at the beginning of the Fifth Age. No one really knows how exactly they came to be. However, people do know that they are among the fiercest warriors on Gaia, they can drink an Ogre under the table, and make quite possibly the finest and sturdiest armour ever recorded in history.) By coincidence or fate, a small army, apparently representing Tor'alas, the nation that housed Merak, also happenned to be in the market city. While mingling in the common room of a tavern, Dierden learned that this army was recruiting. Apparently, a force comprised mostly of Goblins was growing in number within the mountains. Who was organizing them, no one knew, as well as why. Regardless, they posed a threat to the local area, and had to be dealt with. Dierden figured since Rocoss Greenoak had trained him, he'd be of at least minor assistance to the army. After a brief meal, he made his way to the recruiter's tent, and signed up. He was told to find a room at a local inn, if he hadn't already done so. They would summon him when it was time for briefing. OOC: So again, if anyone wants to join in now, feel free- I'll wait a few days or so, perhaps even a week... or until I feel enough people of joined, whichever comes first. If no one joins in at the time, I'll just start off on my own anyways, and leave it open, just in case
  16. OOC: Just a side note, this now marks one year we have been working on this story! (Well, perhaps not to the exact day, but to the month, regardless ) I'm glad to see we have been making a steady, albeit slow pace on this. Perhaps we can even finish this before next October, no? Only time will tell, I suppose
  17. I like this poem, if for no other reason than I'm a follower of the whole neutrality idea (Sorry, descriptive commentary isn't really my strong point. Heh.) Keep it up! BigPointyStick ----------------- The Trenchcoat Monk Wielder of the BPS Companion of Mr.Bunny "Stand ho, varlet! Thou shalt not take mine bunny!"
  18. (Volume 1 would be Sliver's on-going story...) Just a note, this is more of a summary than a story, as compared to Volume 1. This is probably because I may expand on the whole thing, perhaps one day in novel form. Who knows. Origins: Volume 2 - BigPointyStick Dierden was born during a war between a Human-Elf alliance and a large Ogre army. Though disorganized, the Ogres had taken a sickening toll on the nation. Dierden's father was a stout young man by the name of Stal Serradin. After a victorious raid on an Ogre encampent just outside the town he was defending, Stal had run into a Dryad disguised as a human going under Sieara Samshae. Taken in by her beauty, combined with the air of victory, Stal found himself sharing a bed with Siera by the end of the night. Sieara didn't exactly know what was going on, or what she was doing, but she couldn't help but be taken up in the moment herself. Waking up in the middle of the night, Sieara was overcome by emotion and fled to her woodland home. Stal would be completely unaware that nine months later, he had a son. He was also clueless as to Sieara's true nature. Sieara knew she could not turn to Stal now, so she decided to raise young Dierden alone. Her community quickly shunned her because of her half-human son, and she was forced to flee again. Feeling the strain of raising a half-human boy alone, Sieara soon realised that she could never find acceptance in a regular society. Not knowing what to do, she left Dierden on the doorstep of a Temple outside of a small, nameless village. Giving Dierden a small charm as a symbol of his heritage, (although no one but a woodlander would recognize what it meant) an emerald leaf set in a silver frame, Siera fled back to the woodlands in search of a home. What happenned to her after that still remains a mystery. As for the charm, Dierden would find its use in his later years. As a child, Dierden was kind of an introvert. He lived and helped out at the temple. Despite his nature, he managed to make a few friends within the village, although it never really extended farther than playing together during the day. A lot of people attributed his usual air of singularity to the fact that he didn't have any real parents to care after and love him. (Not that the priests and priestesses at the temple were doing a bad job.) Regardless, he perservered. As he grew, Dierden found he had a strange affinity with all forms of plant life. The village noticed this as well, and Dierden soon found his money pouch filled, as well as his spare time; within a short while he was working as a gardener for almost everyone in the village. By the age of eighteen, Dierden had gained in himself a yearning. He yearned to see the outside world; he yearned to see all the great forests Gaia had to offer. One day a pair of mysterious travellers stopped in the village. They soon learned of Dierden's abilities. Intrigued, they sought him out and after a short discussion, the travellers told him to gather his belongings, say his goodbyes, and meet them on the road heading west at sunset. Wasting no time, Dierden headed to the temple. He gathered his prized possessions: his gardening tools, a carving knife, a book of pressed leaves from the surrounding region, and of course, his mother's charm. (Which a blacksmith had earlier attached to a fine gold chain.) Leaving all but a few of his coins in the temple's collection box, Dierden snatched a few provisions from the temple's pantry and made his way to the road out of town. Dierden walked with the travelling pair into the sunset, and never looked back. Later, on the road, the pair revealed themselves to be elves, going by the names Rocoss and Roxxia. One was male, the other female, respectively. Oddly, they also happened to be twins. They explained to Dierden that they were going around the country, the world even, looking for people with special talents to help prevent a catastrophic even that could bring an end to this Age. They further explained that his abilities extended much deeper than an affinity with plants. As it turned out, Dierden had the rare ability to harness Nature's energy, like the Druids of Old. According to a prophecy, this ability would become vital in a battle yet to come. This was essential because of the living druids, (which were of small number as it was) none wished to partake in any war, and did their best to live in solitude. It was a lot for Dierden to take in, but he agreed to undergo training as well as assist in the events that were to come. Rocoss took it upon himself to teach Dierden the art of self-defence. The Elven ranger was surprised to see how well the young man could handle himself with a spear, as well as his accuracy with thrown weapons. After five years on the road together, Rocoss, Roxxia & Dierden parted ways. Rocoss explained that the twins had to attend to business in the southern realm of Estal. Roxxia noted to Dierden that part of his training involved immersing himself in Nature anyways. She said he must take it upon himself to follow his instincts and learn Nature's way. The twins also noted that their paths would cross again. Dierden accepted this, and headed north. After a year of travelling, Dierden joined a campaign to eliminate a goblin raiding force that was a threat to a handful of nearby towns. It was on that campaign that Dierden earned the nick-name he now carries, as well as the weapon that goes with it. OOC: Special thanks go out to my good friend Gyrfalcon; he helped me correct all the errors from this and my previous post. I really appreciate it, and I may as well call him my official editor ^.^ (Second opinions are equally appreciated... feel free to comment within the thread or without- if you have any comments/criticizm's/questions) ~~~ BigPointyStick ----------------- The Trenchcoat Monk Wielder of the BPS Companion of Mr.Bunny "Stand ho, varlet! Thou shalt not take mine bunny!" Edited by: The Big Pointy One at: 10/3/02 11:14:59 pm
  19. As Gyrfalcon left, Stick entered. A moment passed between the vampire and the tall warrior. They exchanged glances for a moment. Much had happenned in these two's past, it seemed intertwined. Stick's hands itched to reach for any of the innumerable kunais hidden through out his person, but he stayed them. This was a place of peace. After the uncomfortable moment finally passed, words were spoken. "Tamaranis." "Stick." Both blinked. "I'm glad to see you here, friend." "It's good to finally be here." For a moment, all grudges were lost, and Stick shook his former mentor's hand, then went his own way as well. Things had just got rather interesting. OOC: Was I *too* in character there?
  20. Quote: The bank was always pretty and sunny, but today it was prettier and sunnier than usual... As such, The Big Pointy One and best friend Mr.Bunny were enjoying a leisurely rest on said bank, relaxed and stretched out. The sun was beaming down on them, and everything seemed delightful. Well, except for some sort of buzzing from a bit farther down the river. Apparently some sort of lizard-ling was ...investigating... a snout of some sorts that was in the process of emerging from the river. Knowing that he'd get no more rest today, Stick stood up, stretched a final time and made his way over in the off chance he'd gain some sort of information. BigPointyStick ----------------- The Trenchcoat Monk Wielder of the BPS Companion of Mr.Bunny "Stand ho, varlet! Thou shalt not take mine bunny!"
  21. Well, as many as you may soon find out, my good friend Tamaranis has decided to create a world of his own. By this I mean a global setting for his writing (and perhaps others who are interested, I'm sure.) Most of us who participated on the AMBB wrote and based their characters from Terra, based on the Archmage Game, if not loosely. I have decided to follow in my friends footsteps because like all authors, at least those with serious dreams of getting published, I need a world of my own. I have no problem writing in other worlds, other universes, but I do need my own. That being said, I present to you, the creation of my Existence, my world. I chose to use Gaia, as it is a common name, and I felt an original name would take away from the effect. I haven't really gone into detail with various aspects of my Gaia, simply because it is simple to imagine what it would look like. Water is still blue, grass is still green and flowers still smell just as sweet. If I feel I need to make more in-depth descriptions, I shall do so at the appropriate place and time. I hope it is not too hard to follow, and not too commonplace. I hope to open up any reader's imaginations, if even by the slightest bit. I also hope that this appears of high standards, or at least the ones I have attempted to set for myself. Thank you, enjoy your reading, and feel free to leave commentary, as it is *always* appreciated. And thank you again, to every one who has inspired me, especially my good friend, Tamaranis. I The Beginning In the beginning, like all beginnings, there was darkness. Existence was in its purest form; a stasis of non-life. This state lasted for eternity and ended in a flash. There was light. Tiny sparkling bursts. These bursts expanded into stars, thus giving birth to Chaos. There was no anti-chaos, and Chaos was Balance. Out of Chaos sprung Creation. Creation flew through Chaos and left physical form. The first formed was Gaia. Others later came, but their significance is not of current relevance. Before long and after another Eternity Chaos was weighted down by the physical forms. Chaos took hold of the forms and made them into spheres. The spheres were hurled at the stars and caught by Balance. Balance attached the spheres to the stars with the tiniest fragments of Existence while Creation breathed life from star to sphere. Plant life soon started to form as Gaia's surface shifted and re-arranged itself, forming mountains and recesses of greatly varying size. After thousands of years, water filled many of these recesses creating the oceans and lakes that cover a large portion of the planet today. With the rapid development of all the different plants, an atmosphere eventually came into place. The atmosphere further pushed the evolution of the plantlife, and also created the fourth element: Air. The first and second were Earth and Fire which both came into existence at the same time when Gaia was first created. Water was the second. Each element had a special tie to Creation which would later spawn Magic. II The Age of Immortals In the next beginning, Chaos and Creation came together to create dwellers on the spheres. Balance and Existence created a council of twelve to guide over the Dwellers. The Council were of varying shape and form, their images reflecting their will. They also had immense power over reality. With their power they created a domain to watch over the dwellers. It touched Gaia in certain places, but was of the ethereal. Only the most true-sighted could see the connection of Domain on Gaia. The first Dwellers were the Dragons, a reflection of the Council. They were granted the ability to speak with the elements. As such, they could wield and shape said elements as they saw fit. For the time, it was used to uphold harmony, which, at the time, was a rather easy task. The Dragons then passed this ability on to the next race of Dwellers- The Elves. The Elves, instead of shaping Gaia into her magnificent form, helped maintain it. They tended to the plants and handled positive and negative flows of energy. The Elves and the Dragons maintained the beauty of Gaia for an eternity, and all was shared in harmony. To this end, elvish society advanced at a fast but peaceful rate while technology barely inched forward. Both elves and dragons had a great harmony with the land and were able to live off of it without taking away from it. They simply shaped nature around themselves. Essentially, they *were* nature. Neither race aged too far, and neither fell from mortal wounds. It lasted for eternity, and passed in a flash. III The Age of Corruption From the four entities (Balance, Chaos, Creation and Existence) sprung a new being: Death. Death was an unwelcome being, except by Chaos. Balance didn't like the possible impact, while Creation and Existence were simply repulsed. Death meant to end the Age of Immortality and the beginning of a new Age. This came forth when the first conflict between a single elf and a single dragoon took place. It took many a year, and much manipulation, but the two finally met on a battlefield, eventually dying at each other's hands. Balance came to understand with Chaos while Chaos and Existence brought forth the third dwellers: Humans. This was done at the request of Death, as part of a deal unbeknownst to all but the eldest of the original entities. The Dragons and Elves would retain their eternal lives, although they could be slain. Humans would be completely mortal. Creation felt an impurity within itself and unknowingly created a thirteenth council member which was immediately rejected. This new council member, Evil, was banished to Chaos, who sent Evil back to Gaia. Evil waited in stasis while humans grew and learned from Elves. Elves and Dragons had begun to stray from their original lifestyle after the 'First Death' as it is referred to in both Draconic and Elven history. Elves started to civilize and advance technology towards a more natural, but unmagical lifestyle. Dragons, distraught with the thought of mortality scattered and hid themselves across Gaia. After many a millenia, humans had spread and multiplied. Civilization had taken place, and Evil's stasis was rapidly decaying. The Council Split up, as they could not agree on the fate of Gaia. Many of the former Council manifested on Gaia, and gathered followers. To lead them all was War. War paired with Death, who's presence was already well known among the humans. Out of War came Destruction, and the face of Gaia was scarred forever. IV The Age of War War had taken reign over Gaia and the human race. The remaining council was at a loss. Balance was slowly fading while chaos grew and thrived. Creation was sickened while Existence was in turmoil. Seeking an age long past The Dragons and Elves banded along with a small group of humans in an attempt to force War away. All efforts were futile. With their resistance, the Dragon-Elf alliance only fueled War, Destruction and Death. Their numbers were greatly diminished, so they retreated to Gaia's protection. The humans were left behind to fend for themselves. It was at this time that Evil broke free of it's stasis. Evil quickly gained a following with promises of glory and power, so long as the humans followed its will undyingly. The remaining council knew something had to be done, and finally acted. A triumrivate manifested. Two were unnamed. One of those two was the direct daughter of Creation, and the sister of the third, Life. The other would later take up the mantle of 'good'. They imbued a group of humans with the ability to channel the council's energies directly. Thus, the first Clergy and the first Hierocracy was born. The first Clerics and Druids joined and fought back War. The Clerics reduced Death's hold over humanity and the Druids forced Destruction into a minimal state. Creation was pleased, and granted the Druids greater power over the elements, but with warning to use it only against destruction. Many humans as well as a small amount of elves who were repulsed by Evil fled to the open arms of the Clergy. Not all of the Clergy's new members were granted holy powers, however, so some became disenfranchised and left for the Temples of Evil. None the less, the followers of Good were many, even if all they could do was follow. Those able eventually formed a faction of devotees called the Warrior Monks. All who were able bodied enough yet unable to channel Good's power instead trained body and mind to be zealous warriors that could protect the Clerics and the untrained followers in times of need. Eventually, Life granted benefits to the Clerics of Good, giving them powers of healing and to the most faithful and powerful, the gift of Resurrection. It was a rarely seen and used gift, only used in the times of most dire consequence; the sacrifice recquired for a mortal to use such a power was great. V The Fifth Age Balance and Chaos returned to one; they were both present, but as one entity. Good and Evil, Life and Death, Creation and Destruction- they all shared Existence with Balance, but held pieces of Chaos. The remaining council members re-united and returned to watching over Gaia. Some of the Dragons came out of hiding, finding a desire for man's simplistic lifestyle. Perhaps it suited as a reflection to their own arrogance- a trait so rightfully held. The elves factioned; some mimicked human civilization, others stayed under Gaia's protective shroud, more retreated deeper within Gaia while the small amount left assimilated among the humans. Those who assimilated taught a select group the secrets of elemental speech, or 'Magic' as it was called, in their day. From all the colliding forces new races were born: Ogres and Goblin-kin, Kobolds and various anthropomorphic forms, merfolk and treefolk among many more. Gaia was now in her ripest state. Fate was undecided, and Balance was achieved through Chaos. The world was not at complete peace, but at least, now, there was time for rest.
  22. Nine years had passed in the capital city of Gervad. Word had spread of demon raids throughout the countryside. Farms were being burned down. Anduat had fallen. Sandtower was preparing a meager defence, although many of the long-time citizens had fled east. There were other disturbing rumors as well. Leiv'at was losing its tranquility. It was transforming from a majestic forest, to a twisted reflection of the hells. Beings unheard of and nearly undescribable were pouring out of the once peaceful woods. Also, the burnt remnants of the dead were walking again, this time, amongst the unholy hordes. Yet something was holding them back. Were they preparing for something? If so, what; and when? Aidan shrugged it all off. He didn't care what happenned anymore. His parents were gone. He liked his aunt and uncle; they were good people and everything- but they didn't fill the whole in his heart where his parents had been. All he had now was a bitter rage and a taste for revenge. He was at the barracks every day, training, working, brooding. The only thing that motivated him out of complete apathy was the chance to avenge his family. He pushed himself to his limits daily. Where men who had been seasoned veterans tired, Aidan kept training. When the swordmasters had told him to quit and rest for the day, he continued on harder than before. He could almost taste the demon blood that would one day spill. The rare times when Aidan wasn't training with his sword at the barracks, he was in a small patch of woods to the northwest of Gervad. He trained with the town's best hunter, Heran Belta. He was a skinny man with just a few thick strands of gray hair on top of his wrinkled head, who had a slight limp in his right leg. Of course, anyone who ever underestimated them quickly found that his feet and hands were quicker than most people's eyes. He had a youthful gleam to his fading blue eyes, and could still hit a bullseye at 200 paces. Heran was teaching Aidan how to move throughout the woods without making a sound, even on the cripiest of fall days. Aidan was making good progress, and Heran himself was almost as silent as an elf. Dutas and Perla were rather concerned about their nephew. They were afraid that his obsession with revenge would lead to violence within the town. They thought one day Aidan might lose his control over his rage and lash out on someone who crossed him wrong. They weren't the only ones. Everyone but the other trainees at the barracks (and their superiors) kept a wide berth, and rarely attempted to speak to the young would-be warrior. Aidan didn't even notice. OOC: Next: Conflict BigPointyStick ----------------- Wielder of the BPS Companion of Mr.Bunny "My name shall be synonymous with fuzzy bunnies." from Koznik's Inferno (a flash animation). Find out what secondary animated character you are.
  23. *grins* What, you can't stop walking for a couple seconds?
  24. Yeah, these are just a few things that I've scribbled down when I've felt so inspired (I've finally got around to carrying a notepad with me.) ...some may seem kinda stalker-ish or something, but whatever. It's basically what's on my mind, and I feel like sharing. Yay! (they all appear as they do on my notepad...) And I also realise not everyone would consider this poetry, it's almost completely formless... and yes, it is rather depressing stuff. Oh well. Perhaps I'll add a bunny poem sooner or later. ~They're all title-less~ I can't sleep because I can't get you out of my head... But I bet you don't spare me a second thought Okay, so I know you don't really owe me anything, what have I ever done for you? Did I ever tell you how I treasure that one sweet moment when your lips graced mine? Well, I do. Don't get me started on the tears I can't shed. I am born to walk alone my heart is long gone I've emptied all my tears (been) consumed (by) all my fears Yet it all still haunts me Like a sadistic ghost of melancholic desire that feeds on all my pain which never seems to end but it all disappears when i'm near you at least for an instant before reality kicks (in) and leaves me huddle up in my bed trying to cry, gibbering quaking, pouting shaking. I can't stop calling your name. It's one a.m. and I'm lying here thinking. She's always on my mind, but tonight she doesn't consume my thoughts. Tonight I can't stop thinking of my future; or the lack there of. I can't find the light; maybe I'm looking with the wrong tunnel vision. I know I'll always be alone, I just don't know If it'll be my choice. And yes, it hurts. Everything hurts. I saw you today. God you're beautiful. I saw you today. I tried not to stare. I saw you today. I love the way you move. I saw you today. But I didn't say anything. I saw you today. I don't think you noticed. I saw you today. I know you tried not to see me. Can you conceive the pain I go through? Are you feeling it? I don't know, it doesn't matter. I saw you today. (and just in case I want to quote myself, here's a few random lines I also wrote down:) "Look at my eyes. Can you see how they're screaming from the pain I'm trying to hide?" "What you see on the surface is but the tiniest reflection of how I truly feel." (yes, it works both ways... ) "As the darkness under my eyes grows larger, so does the one in my heart." "Heaven is in your eyes." ~~~ BigPointyStick ----------------- Wielder of the BPS Companion of Mr.Bunny "My name shall be synonymous with fuzzy bunnies." from Koznik's Inferno (a flash animation). Find out what secondary animated character you are.
  25. As oft as I profess to having no fears (at least to myself, anyways...) I think I'm falling into a state of cowardice, or something like that. There are many things that I fear in the mortal world, and the possibility of the world after. I think I'll only mention that deeply ingrained human fear; the one I think most people have, whether they know it or not (feel free to disagree) but that fear of spending one's life alone. Lately that fear seems to quickly becoming reality, and I think it is indeed taking it's toll. Regardless, I also think most fears can be conquered, eventually. As for the non-mortal, the great there-after, the whole concept of eternity bothers me to the center of my being. Regardless of the possibility of fates, regardless of religion, any way you look at it, forever *is* forever. When you think about it, how long does paradise seem like paradise? Perhaps I'm one who needs near-constant changing (another psychological analysis would be needed here...) but the thought of an eternity of doing *anything* irks me. I'd think after a while pleasure and torture would basically fade into each other. Of course, there's other possibilities such as re-incarnation and enlightenment, obviously of religious base. In the end though, I doubt it'd be much different, to me. Obviously though, that's just it- you *don't* know until 'the end'. Perhaps all mortal thoughts and feelings like that fade away. Who knows. It all goes back to the above discussions which tie into one of the other great human needs/fears- curiousity and the unknown. What we don't know, we need to, and if we can't, it scares us. I hate being human. (And don't even get my started on the paradox that is reality... ~sigh~)
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