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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

The Big Pointy One

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Everything posted by The Big Pointy One

  1. As the last of the mist-creatures perished, the sun rose on the horizon, and the graveyard the party was currently in slowly dissipated. Everyone found themself back on The Pathway, in front of the same doors, exactly in the way they had left them. Dierden addressed the group yet again. "Your courage and your strength have both been tested. Now it is time for your final test. Walk up the stairs, and face the final challenge, so you may venture forward, and on with your journey." Rondo staggered forwards first, leaning heavily on his staff, and panting slightly. Usagi motioned to assist him, but the wily old man waved him off. The group slowly made their way up the steps and opened the door. Instantly, they found themselves in a gleaming white room. Dierden followed behind in silence. Like before, his voice echoed in the back of everyone's minds. "The last test is a test of will. In this room, you will be taken to edge of your very being. Stay strong, and let nothing deter you from your task. Go forth, and become stronger at heart." ~ Rondo found himself in a warm room. It was a wooden house of some hort, logs burning lazily in the fire. The odd thing was, there was no door or windows. Just the walls, the floor and the fire. Rondo took a step towards the fire, and found a mirror was suddenly blocking his path. He looked into his reflection and was shocked. It was him as he used to be. Young, tall, not a care in the world. His reflection smiled at him, and beckoned him closer to the mirror. Rondo shook his head. How could this be happenning? It didn't make sense. A pair of young maidens appeared at his reflection's side, barely clothed, beckoning him closer to the mirror. He didn't know what to do, so he went with hit. Rondo stepped towards the mirror, reaching towards his young reflection, who did the same. The old man was pulled into the mirror and everything faded away except him and his reflection. The reflection pulled Rondo in close and whispered in his ear. "You can be me again, you know. There's a way. Tap in to what you once had. Spend it all. You can be me again." "But... what will happen to me? To the others." "You can be me again, you know. When the time comes, do you think it will make a difference who you are? You can be me again." "I want to be me again..." "You can be me again, you know. Give up what you have now, you'll have to in the end, you know." "What do you mean?" "You can be me again, you know. It doesn't matter. You should have it figured out by now. You can be me, you know." "Or... what?" "Or... what?" "I don't understand." Rondo and his reflection slumped to the ground. Tears welled in his eyes and he began to sob. "I want it all back. It isn't fair." His reflection stood up, a disgusted look on it's face. "What is this? You, old man, crying? That is a thing for children!" Rondo looked up through blurry eyes. It was a pathetic sight. "You have what you need. You can be me, you know. You have what you need. You can be me." it almost seemed as if his reflection was arguing with itself. Rondo slowly stood up. His reflection looked at him. "Well?" "I want to be you." Half of the reflection's face frowned, the other's curled into an almost evil-looking grin. Then, it split in half. Suddenly Rondo was looking at two reflections of himself, although both slightly different. The one that frowned put his hand on Rondo's shoulder. "You have what you need, you know." The other reflection pushed the reflection out of the way, and grasped both of Rondo's shoulders. "You can be me, you know." The first reflection tackled the one currently grasping Rondo's shoulders, sending them both to the ground. It punched it's double a few times, then stood up. "You have what you need, you know. Just remember. Look within yourself." The other reflection let out a strangled "You can be me, you know." And it all dawned upon Rondo. He grasped the currently standing reflection and absorbed it into himself. Nothing changed, but he felt completely refreshed mentally. A million sparkling lights went off inside his mind and it was as if Rondo had suddenly gained something he had lost before. Then he turned his attention to the reflection lying on the ground. "I don't need you anymore. I have what I need, you know." The reflection screamed at Rondo, then shattered into countless glass shards which floated harmlessly across the void that they had all been occupying. Then, everything faded away yet again, including Rondo. He was in the room with the fire again. This time there was a door. Rondo stepped through and found himself face to face with a smiling Dierden. "Your last test is completed, Rondo. Your will is strong, and you are ready to face the challenges ahead of you." Rondo simply nodded, a grin playing at his withered face. He had what he needed, now, and he could hardly wait to unleash it upon his, no, the world's adversary. He looked to Usagi, who had apparently finished his test first. The rabbit warrior simply stared straight ahead, a blank look occupied his face. Rondo tried speaking to him, but no words escaped Usagi's lips. The old man shrugged, and assumed a cross-legged position on the ground as Gyrfalcon and Oblinich completed their tests.
  2. Deleo blinked in shock as he saw the sun coming up. He had spent the whole night flying around the mountains aimlessly as his mind wandered away. As he snapped back into he reality, he decided to go back to the cave where Kokuryuu and the others were. As he turned and flapped upwards, he noticed a shadow approaching out of the corner of his eye. At first he dismissed it as an eagle, or some sort of bird of prey that resided in this region, but the sound of its wings told him otherwise. Flapping furiously now, Deleo made his way to the tendril-like morning clouds above him in the odd-chance that he could spy whatever was approaching. It turned out luck was with him, as the dragon in the distance flew beneath him, completely unaware. It was Cariose Cirruscloud, the dragon who had attacked him earlier. It seemed as if he was flying towards somewhere with an objective. Deleo's mind raced. He must know where Kokuryuu is.... but how? Augh, it doesn't matter. I've got to do something now, or Cariose will slay them all in their sleep! Deleo muttered a curse, readied a few handy spells and tucked his wings in for a diving attack. Angling himself so he'd land directly on the white's back, he did his best not to make a sound as he quickly plummeted towards Cariose. He was surprised when his foreclaws made sweet fleshy impact on his opponent's back, ripping bloody gashes along where the white's wings attached to his back. Both the dragons fell towards the craggy ground at an increasing speed, so Deleo released his paws, but not before releasing a firey breath on Cariose's spindly neck, who screamed in pain as he turned himself in mid-air, and opened his mighty wings to the morning sun. "Fool! You think to engage me again!? This time I will not hold back!" With that, he sent a cone of frost-breath at Deleo's grinning maw. Like before, dragon's breath met dragon's breath in a cloud of steam. Deleo was a bit prepared though, and magically placed a large ball of light directly on Cariose's face. It was instantly countered by a sphere of darkness though, then followed up by a flapping strike towards Deleo's currently exposed underbelly. Deleo flapped as quickly as he could, barely avoiding dangerous foreclaw and a snapping jaw. Using a slightly advanced spell this time, a ring of Deleos seemed to surround Cariose. The real Deleo flew straight up, and his mirror images did the same. He flew towards the one across from him and spun around in the air, effectively shuffling the illusions. Cariose sent out a ring of dispelling magic which harmlessly passed through all the images. "What trickery is this? My magic does not work!" Deleo did not speak, as he did not want to ruin his plan. He did, however, grin malliciously and dived in again, forepaws outstretched. Seeing no alternative, Cariose did his best to spraw his deadly frost-breath out in arc in front of him, in the off-chance that one of the images was the real Deleo. Unfortunately for him though, Deleo was directly where he wanted to be- right behind Cariose. Letting out a battle screech, Deleo once again landed a succsessful hit on his wiry adversary. He raked furiously at where had previously made contact, deepening the wounds around the white's wings. Cariose did his best to turn around and swat Deleo away, but as week as he was, he couldn't keep up with Deleo, who just moved with him. As he clawed away at Cariose's back, Deleo spit acid, the breath of his bronze heritage along Cariose's spine. The white again screamed in pain, but this time it was closer to a death cry. "Go down, foul chromatic! I've had enough of you!" And he did. Deleo finally managed to disable Cariose's wings, so the white plummeted straight-arrow to the ground. The metallic screeched again, this time in victory and shot a ball of flame straight after Cariose, to ensure that his opponent stayed down. Not bothering to check if he had actually managed to kill the white though, Deleo flew back to the cave to tell Kokuryuu of how he had managed to actually defeat the mightily swift Cariose... ~~~ Cariose heaved a sigh as he hurtled towards the spindly ground beneath him. He knew surely he was about to die. It irked him to no end that the same metallic that he had trounced the day before had defeated him so easily this morning. All his thoughts abrubtly ended as he smashed into the ground with a sickening snap. He felt many bones break, and groaned as blood leaked out all over his now-mangled body. He wished the fall had killed him. The pain was unbarable, almost as much as the embarassment. His wish was granted, however, as a ball of flame rained down from above, incinerating him, leaving him as nothing more than a scorched mess. Lightning crackled from a blue maw. Cariose and Deleo's battle had not gone completely unnoticed. Belshayou Keldanstorn had been assigned to keep an eye over Cariose, who had been acting a little too odd for his position. Belshayou was a female blue dragon, of age with Cariose, although with not quite the same ability. She yearned for position among the chromatic ranks, but was far from the top. At least with Cariose gone, she could rise in power at least somewhat. None of that mattered however, because she still had another task. Dealing with Kokuryuu. She flapped her wings hurredly, hoping to catch up to Deleo before he could reach the cave...
  3. Not to start an argument or anything, but I think the problem isn't liking the game too much, it's just self-control. The same can be said about just about anything, really. All in all, everything should be done in moderation. You do something too much, and you're right, you will get hurt. Or burned out, or something like that. Do something too little, and you may miss out. I say if you want to try something, even once doesn't hurt. (Unless it's getting shot... but I don't know many people who *want* to get shot.) Anything can get addicting, if you let it. But from my point of view, it doesn't seem like much of a problem (AD&D that is) ...unless you have a *lot* of free time, and a lot of friends who do, and money to waste on the books and what not, Ryuu. ~Shrugs~ But anyways, on topic, I think the people who like AD&D around here (including myself) should try running a campaign online. (I.e. over msn or some other chat function...) Of course, this requires matching schedules and what-not, but it could be done, and turn out pretty fun. The important thing to remember about roleplaying though, is not to worry so much about stats and level-gaining, and getting powerful and all that, but to actually roleplay. I promise, it's a million times more fun that way ^.^ (And seriously, I don't mean my first comments in agression to your comments Jareena, I'm simply stating my opinion, and I respect the fact that you are stating yours ^.^ )
  4. *The Big Pointy One nods sagely* Yes, I do believe Peredhil's statement was incredibly well-put. I totally agree there ^.^ (Sorry for lack of substance there...)
  5. Well, I haven't read that many poems or stories or heard any songs that have *really* had an impact on me, but the one that comes closest would have to be No Regrets by Aesop Rock, of his cd, 'Labor Days' it goes as follows: Lucy was 7 and wore a head of blue barettes City born, into this world with no knowledge and no regrets Had a piece of yellow chalk with which she'd draw upon the street The many faces of the various locals that she would meet There was joshua, age 10 Bully of the block Who always took her milk money at the morning bus stop There was Mrs. Crabtree, and her poodle She always gave a wave and holler on her weekly trip down to the bingo parlor And she drew Men, women, kids, sunsets, clouds And she drew Skyscrapers, fruit stands, cities, towns Always said hello to passers-by They'd ask her why she passed her time Attachin lines to concrete But she would only smile Now all the other children living in or near her building Ran around like tyrants, soaking up the open fire hydrants They would say "Hey little Lucy, wanna come jump double dutch?" Lucy would pause, look, grin and say "I'm busy, thank you much" Well, well, one year passed And believe it or not She covered every last inch of the entire sidewalk, And she stopped- "Lucy, after all this, you're just giving in today??" She said: "I'm not giving in, I'm finished," and walked away (Chorus: x2) 1 2 3 That's the speed of the seed A B C That's the speed of the need You can dream a little dream Or you can live a little dream I'd rather live it Cuz dreamers always chase But never get it Now Lucy was 37, and introverted somewhat Basement apartment in the same building she grew up in She traded in her blue barettes for long locks held up with a clip Traded in her yellow chalk for charcoal sticks And she drew Little bobby who would come to sweep the porch And she drew The mailman, delivered everyday at 4 Lucy had very little contact with the folks outside her cubicle day But she found it suitable, and she liked it that way She had a man now: Rico, similar, hermit They would only see each other once or twice a week on purpose They appreciated space and Rico was an artist too So they'd connect on saturdays to share the pictures that they drew (Look!) Now every month or so, she'd get a knock upon the front door Just one of the neighbors, Actin nice, although she was a strange girl, really Say, "Lucy, wanna join me for some lunch??" Lucy would smile and say "I'm busy, thank you much" And they would make a weird face the second the door shut And run and tell their friends how truly crazy Lucy was And lucy knew what people thought but didn't care Cuz while they spread their rumors through the street She'd paint another masterpiece (Chorus x2) Lucy was 87, upon her death bed At the senior home, where she had previously checked in Traded in the locks and clips for a head rest Traded in the charcoal sticks for arthritis, it had to happen And she drew no more, just sat and watched the dawn Had a television in the room that she'd never turned on Lucy pinned up a life worth's of pictures on the wall And sat and smiled, looked each one over, just to laugh at it all No Rico, he had passed, 'bout 5 years back So the visiting hours pulled in a big flock o' nothin She'd never spoken once throughout the spanning of her life Until the day she leaned forward, grinned and pulled the nurse aside And she said: "Look, I've never had a dream in my life Because a dream is what you wanna do, but still haven't pursued I knew what I wanted and did it till it was done So i've been the dream that I wanted to be since day one!" Well! The nurse jumped back, She'd never heard Lucy even talk, 'Specially words like that She walked over to the door, and pulled it closed behind Then Lucy blew a kiss to each one of her pictures And she died. (Chorus x2) 1 2 3... A B C... (Sorry, that was kinda long...) Side note- I've heard that 'Flander's Field' many a Rememberance Day, and 'The Road Less Traveled' is also good ^.^
  6. Well said Vlad, well said ^.^
  7. I think in theory this is a good idea, but we also have to be careful not to make anyone feel left out. I think this may work if the credentials for 'Member of the Month' are basically on not how well they write, but on how they act as a member of The Pen. I.E. Replies to topics, good topic starting, most helpful posting, etc. I don't know really, that's why I tacked those 'I think's up there...
  8. Heh, I've never been to good at reading into things, but I *do* know a good poem when I see one, and this is definitely great. Extremely well written, great form and flow... excellent. ^.^
  9. *Grins* Well-written Tas. ~sigh~ I'm not that good at commentary, but I'll try... basically I can really see, even feel the emotion you're expressing here. And I can relate a fair amount too Gah, what else can I say except keep it up ^.^
  10. Alright, so I've been part of The Pen for a while now, and I have to say I couldn't be gladder to be here. I may have made similar comments before, but I simply find it amazing on how much this place feels like a 'home' if you will. One can easily feel like they have a loving family here. It isn't hard to find reassurance, care, concern anything that one needs within our virtual halls. I don't think any other site/forum on the web offers such a community. I mean, it's just incredible. Although some of our newer members may not see it yet, but we have a large group of people looking out for each other, and helping them grow as writers, as was intended. Simply look to the Banquet Hall, where everyone seems to be leaking poetry. You can't read a single thread with out finding at least a few replies of positive feedback. Or how about in the Cabaret Room. Whenever someone feels like they can't write, or they're about to 'retire' just look at how many people post to encourage and support whomever isn't feeling to up to it. I love it. Basically what I'm trying to say is that I couldn't be happier to be a part of this community... family. If nothing else, it gives me that bit of happiness to kinda push on, and go forward with things. I don't know how many other people need that, but I know it can't hurt in the least. It is a priviledge to be a Member here, and I hope I can do my best to help other people feel that way too, especially our new recruits. One other small thing, I don't want sound like I'm getting ahead of myself or anything, but one other small thing that brings me happiness, is making other people happy. So it's kind of a good coincidence that I'm here; now all I have to do is work on replying to more posts, giving (positive) feedback, and being an all around nice-guy. It may sound stupid, but it's just one of those things. What can I say, I get all warm and gooey on the inside when I see someone smile. It's probably the only reason I can stand being in the customer service business- I get a chance to be friendly, and nice, and hopefully make people smile and have a good day. When I say 'have a nice day!' I mean it dagnabbid! Heh, anywhoo... Gah, I hope that came out right, I was rambling a fair bit there. On a similar note, I think I have to tip my virtual hat to a certain Elder. Although *all* of our Elders have been doing a great job since I joined, and most definitely before then, recently a certain one has shined (shone? gah.) at least in my eyes. That would be our Elder of Initiates, Wyvern. I don't think I've seen more dedication from anyone in a long, long time. (Although the rest of the Elders deserve an honorable mention, because I *know* they're working really hard too! ^.^) I don't know how many of our (new) members realise how much work he takes into reading into, considering and replying to applications, but it sure seems like a lot to me. He balances his school and other posting. Also, Wyvern keeps a keen eye on current member issues, and tries to devote some time to hanging out in #thepen chatroom whenever he can. All these traits and more I find admirable, my friend; I wish I could find better words, but that's not really my strongpoint.... yet. Cheers, and keep up the awesome work, my friend! (I hope I don't make anyone feel left out by that ramble or anything, I in no way mean to do so- I hold everyone in the highest regards, I really do. ^.^ ) Again, it is a priviledge to be a part of the family that is The Pen. I hope others feel the same way.
  11. *Stick's eyes light up* Wow, thanks guys, I really appreciate the comments... especially considering I've been in a funk for the last, well, long time. It really means *a lot* to hear positive feedback, no matter how little or how much. Thanks, and thanks a lot more times. Heh, if only anyone knew how many times I tried to start writing a poem and then just closed explorer out of disgust. It was getting ridiculous. Of course, we'll have to see how many more I can write. Time will tell I guess. ^.^ (As for help, constructive criticism never hurts... suggestions on how to improve, etc. Although I may not put them all into place, I tend to keep any sort of advice people give me in mind, and it has the habit of popping up when I write stuff ^.^)
  12. Unfortunately for him, that's exactly where Sti- err, the masked mysterious wrestler was waiting with a tin garbage can. ~SMACK!~ in the back of the head, and the sword-wielding warrior falls. The masked wrestler grins beneath his mask and winks at Waterlily. He discards the now dented garbage can and elbow drops the temorarily dazed Dark Azunost. Waterlily runs as best it can then launches itself into the air and the masked wrestler rolls out of the way quickly to avoid being squahsed by the flying flower splash. To cheers from a suddenly appearing crowd, the masked wrestler climbs onto a small railing separating combatants from audience and waits for an opening to execute another of his high-flying maneuvers...
  13. I sit here in the morning light Staring into my hands What could have been is the right The left is how I am How's it really supposed to be? Is my current path my true fate? Is this person supposed to be me? Every day, this is my debate. Wasted potential, it seems I could have been so much more Have I broken my dreams? It burns down to my very core What about those I hold dear They don't seem too pleased It must hurt them that I don't care I'm not worried if they're appeased Am I wasting my life and my time Living with no goals or meaning Poems of inner strife that don't rhyme I say my life is just beginning Or is it about to end Will the day come at last When I can no longer bend And I finally snap so fast I break. I know, my poetry sucks, especially when I try to rhyme like this. But of course, I'm not so much trying to write poetry but express what I'm feeling, and this is just an inkling, for any who are interested. Heh.
  14. This has been going on for a long time now I'm calling out to you and you're never there It rips me apart inside more and more But just at the last second you suddenly appear Everything fades away and all is well Nothing else matters, I feel alive Every time I'm with you I haven't a worry Nothing else matters, everything's alright And then it all begins again The anguish and torment and waiting I need to hear the sweet sound of your voice But endless ringing is all I get I'm left with bittersweet memories of you I curse myself, I damn it all I fall deeper into my darkness inside My fragmented heart turns to dust It's only a matter of time now I don't know how much longer I can handle this Maybe it's obsession, maybe it's love It doesn't matter, the future is blank These things don't quite work out in the end Still, I'll hold on, I'll pick up the phone I'll let it ring, maybe you'll answer And maybe, just maybe it'll be worth it... "Hello?" "..." "Hello?" "...goodbye."
  15. The person above me is *really awesome* at spriting... sprite-editing... yeah, you know what I mean (And his writing ain't to bad either ;p )
  16. I find myself pondering in the same fashion... granted, it's slightly different- I do all my thinking as I'm trying to fall asleep. Nicely written, and well-conveyed. Keep it up ^.^
  17. Deleo's eyes glinted in the fire. His mind wandered as Kokuryuu made her way over to where Gyrfalcon had was lying down. He made a note to himself that the mighty Ryuu was falling into a trap that none of their race should, but said nothing. She'd have to figure it out herself. It was indeed a shame though, that he couldn't heal her himself. He really wished he could, because at least they'd be on even ground again. But alas, healing was never Deleo's strong point. Again his eyes shifted to the fire. His scales shimmered as the flame curled and licked the air. As sparks and cinders popped out of the flame, so did thoughts of the recent events float through Deleo's mind. As a metallic dragon, he had little to no problems as far as fighting chromatics were concerned. The only problem was, well, after one fight a piece, both of the dragons were injured rather easily. If a war was to break out, with Deleo and Kokuryuu as the front line... He couldn't bear the thoughts of the possibility. His lips curled in disgust as he stood up and opened his wings. He walked over to ledge of the cave, about to take flight. Kokuryuu looked at him blankly and Deleo just said "I'll be back." in draconic. Deleo let himself plummet for a few moments then caught the night air before he smashed into the craggy bottom of the canyons below. He flapped lazily letting the wind blow against his face, cooling his tempestuous mind. He closed his eyes as he floated along, the moon shining in his wings, the stars reflecting in his scales. It was moments like these when he felt liberated, and at peace. There were times when Deleo wished there could be nothing in the world aside from himself, but the moon, the stars and a nice breeze...
  18. Well, like I said in that photo album thread, the majority of my characters resemble me physically, in one way or another. Although, for Roxxia, it may help anime fans to picture sailor Jupiter (yeah, I watched sailor moon, problem? ) except in ranger attire. Something like that, anyways. Oh, and that'd mean imagining Rocoss as a male version, with a different hairstyle, of course. Popku is a moogle, so it isn't too hard to imagine for anyone who's played a Final Fantasy game (*cough*6*cough*) and Toilet Duck isn't any different since he was on TV. As for the rest, well, a picture would be necessary of myself... ~shruggies~
  19. The person above me can get so drunk he turns into a werewolf. Go figure...
  20. *Stick blinks* How about last actions/sound effects... for instance, Black Mage's 'Honk' on white mage. Heh.
  21. The person above me drops a Bahamut Esper if defeated... err, nevermind. *Is on vacation*
  22. The Person above will not be putting me into servitude. Not that she knows of. Er, I mean... The Person above me didn't notice me saying anything, nope. Not at all. Go team! (sorry, this one kinda sucked )
  23. Just as Waterlily was about to make a pin, the lights went dark and a single spotlight shone a rafter not previously seen before. What it was supported on, no one really knew, it was just... there. A mysterious figure wearing nothing but green underpants and some sort of mask waved, as if there was an audience. He then pointed straight at Waterlily, then jumped a good thirty feet, elbow first. Waterlily deftly slid out of the way, and the masked warrior stood up. They stared each other down when William smacked Waterlily in the back with a chair. The masked man used this opportunity to clothesline the flower then run past it, bounce on nothing, as if there were ropes, then give it a big leg drop. He got up, and went for a pin of his own...
  24. The person above me just had a funny post conversation with the person above her
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