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The Pen is Mightier than the Sword

The Big Pointy One

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Everything posted by The Big Pointy One

  1. Alright, here's my real one 1.) Falcon2k1 2.) 3 Lightyears 3.) The Mighty Couch 4.) Big 5.) 1-800-MR-BUNNY 6.) Lazer beam 7.) Snicker! 8.) Pointy 9.) Clear 10.) Discarded tankards of Duck Brew (Toilet Duck's ale of choice!) 11.) Carrot 12.) Bright! Ow! 13.) Shore (y'know, like a body of water, the shore... yeah... I mean nose.) 14.) BigPointyStick 15.) Cute l'il demon spawn of the high lord Norzhorgahrexx (there's three of them!) 16.) Grat 17.) Mt.Everest 18.) "..." 19.) Stab 20.) "..." Ha!
  2. Not noticing what's going on, as Wyv looks over his entries so far, he finds one in some interesting form... and isn't quite sure when this entry got here... 1.)Mr.Bunny 2.) ... 3.) ... 4.) ... 5.) ... 6.) ... 7.) ... 8.) ... 9.) ... 10.) ... 11.) ... 12.) ... 13.) ... 14.) BigPointyStick 15.) ... 16.) ... 17.) ... 18.) ...? 19.) ... 20.) ...! Signed, Mr.Bunny.
  3. Woo! You're back! ...uhh... woo! Oh, and uh, here's your thread back... ...just kidding! Yoink! *Stick tries to grab the thread/attention and starts running like an idiot*
  4. Well, I'm *still* undecided, and it's been 2 years since I started University (I dropped out after the first semester...) I think I'm going to take some more... practical courses this January though. Perhaps a bartending course, some cooking classes (I'd have to go over to the next 'big' town to do that... bleh. :\ ) or maybe some sort of business deal. I don't know. All I know is that I like to cook, but I don't want to make a living off of it. I want to write professionally, but that'll only happen in time, as I improve my skills as a writer. I personally believe there isn't a class out there that can save me there. I would like to own/start up some sort of public business for my city, but it'd take more money than I'll normally achieve in these next few years. Of course, there are ways around that, but I don't think I can do those, yet. Still, the day may come when my ultra-entertainment complex (of doom) will be like some sort of... good thing. Anyways, if I were to go back to University, I'd for sure take Japanese again, not to mention the other classes I failed -.-; As for University offering *ME* classes that will be truly beneficial (read: make me money while I do something I enjoy) to me, I'm not so sure. Regardless of what I do, I know this: I currently work in an offsale, where I get paid to play gameboy most of the time (not as far as the owners of the company know, though) and make decent tips, and I'll continue writing here, well, pretty much as long as there is a here to write. Especially if I ever get published. Woo! That'd be cool. In the end, I don't care what I'm doing, really. I could go from crap job to crap job, for all I cared, so long as I had a little more than enough to get by, and somewhere to write. Video games don't hurt either. :tree:
  5. Stick doesn't really care about the poking but figures it'd be best if he stopped using other people as seats. Animals however, that was another matter. Now, if only he could find that darned rabbit... (HA! Hijacked!)
  6. Hey! I was going to do that! ...oh well... *Stick sits on Tralla to make sure the chair is extra-warm* ...whaaaat? Anyways, that sucks man; I hope the situation is improved soon ^.^
  7. Hrm, I always figured death was that skeleton in the robe with the scythe... or maybe a spell in FF6... *Stick is immediately pelted with various vegetables and pointy things until he is no longer visible* "What?"
  8. Oh I definitely agree. I feel exactly the same way. I think it's kind of interesting to examine the 'generations' of The Pen. I mean, you have the people who started the place, the people of been here a long time, the people who have been here a while... and yeah. I think somebody knows what I'm saying. Anyways, I've kinda looked up to people since I first started writing on the old boards. Now, I like to think I can almost be in the same league... although I haven't yet worked with as many people as I would like, that will all come in time ^.^ For now, I'm enjoying hanging out and bothering everyone, old and new alike. :tree:
  9. Well, this was just crazy. One minute, Stick was introducing himself to people, then the next he was a rabbit. Now, he was himself again, except, well, he had carrots for hands. He had *no* idea when that happenned, or why. Oh well. He shrugged and walked over to the bar where he noticed Celes Crusader had just stood up and seemed as if she was either going to leave, or mingle. Stick was never sure about these things. In either case, he moved to intercept. Meanwhile, Mr.Bunny quickly found himself on the middle of the dance floor, about to get trampled. It seemed Stick had gotten careless while in his body, and his mindless prancing about. He couldn't concentrate on not being pulverized though, because he couldn't contain his maniacial laughter (which would sound a lot like silence to those not familiar with rabbit-speak) While he was in Stick's body, he had tried some carrot-transmutation spells to restore people/snakes back to their original forms. It was a bit difficult, although all was going well, until *someone* picked up that damned bone flute and started playing. The next thing he knew, his hands were carrots, and his mind was leaving Stick's body. Eventually, his laughing self rolled off the dance floor, and back to the base of The Mighty Couch. This really sucked. Rocoss somehow looked, although he didn't know how, since he didn't have eyes (anymore) among the room and noticed that everyone was being restored to their original selves. At least, that's what he assumed was happenning. It'd make sense, since he was *still* a crystal goblet. That's just the way things went. He wondered though, if he could move. Focusing all his will, all his mental energy on moving his entire (new) form. After much strain, he had success! ...sort of. He began to shake a little bit, even wobble. Then he started to tilt. Then the table started coming closer. Then Rocoss realised he didn't know how to reverse his balance, and he fell over on the table. Out of the corner of his... whatever... Rocoss noticed his body contorting even moreso, starting to definitely take on the form of the goblet the elven ranger's consciousness was inhabiting at the moment. The sad part was, no one even seemed to notice. That, or they were freaked out, and keeping their space. Either way, this really sucked.
  10. I want to play FFXI... a lot. What else can I say? I've always wanted to play an FF with other people. Sure, it shouldn't be in the main series, but, well... ~meh~ When/if I get my own computer, I'll be getting it. I know a couple around my area who'll also be getting it, so it should be pretty sweet.
  11. o.O? Mr.Hamilton? That's really funny, 'cause we have this friend with the last name Hamilton, and sometimes he's referred to as *MR* Hamilton, for inappropriate reasons.... and some of my friends always tell him he should be in radio... heh...
  12. An overly cute fluffy white creature with red bat-like wings flies into The Courtyard. As he lands, the moogle adjusts his head-bopper dealie to ensure it is not out of place or broken from his almost-frantic flight. He removes a rather large pack that greatly overshadows himself then opens it. The moogle then pulls out a thin wooden pedestal and places a thick, glossy blue-coloured book. Pausing to take a breath, he addresses all currently assembled. "Hello, everyone! For those who don't know me, I am known as Ropku. I consider myself a moogle of many talents, all of which I suck at. Or something like that. Anyways, I encourage everyone here to look upon my book of photographs which I have gathered since I um, moved into The Pen." Ropku opens up the book and slowly starts flipping through the pages. The first few are shots of wildlife and nature; amazing animals, forests of countless shades of stunning green, delicate flowers dripping with fresh morning dew, endless skies and sunsets that glimmer all sorts of colours across the horizon. Following these are pictures of The Pen itself, from all sorts of angles, milling with activities in some shots, and totally empty in others. Further on though, are the pictures Ropku obviously admires. They are of his friends. Roxxia and Sliver, lovers and friends, strong members of The Seven, gazing into each others' eyes so intently, it was as if at the time, nothing else existed. Stick and Mr.Bunny sprawled out on the floor in Stick's room, sound asleep, wearing not much more than a content smile and a pile of half-eaten carrots. Rocoss and his twin sister, with the former wearing a rarely-seen ear-splitting grin and the latter wearing a look that would scare demons down to the deepest level of the abysses and a water-soaked dress. Next, a more sombre picture of Mr.Bunny being held by his son when they first re-united. There are many pages more of pictures like this; not just of The Seven either, but of all the Pen's Members and soon-to-be members. There are plenty pictures of Penners having a good time at social events such as the Fall Ball. There are pictures of Poets in front of captive audiences, reciting prose that surely was stunning for all those who experienced it, followed by a picture of the same poet bowing for the same appreciative audience as they cheer on. There are pictures of many different adventurers on many different outings from The Pen, surely in life-or-death situations. There are still more to follow, many just random pictures of various Penners hanging out and having a blast. But lastly, there is a picture of every single person associated with The Pen in an interesting collage. It is tweaked so that everyone seems to be joining arms in a massive huddle, grinning like fools for the photographer. "You see," says Ropku, closing the album shut, "What I find beautiful in this world, and all the worlds I've been to, more beautiful than god's creatures, moreso than nature's creations and more even than the beauty we can find in physical appearance, is friendship. When you have good friends, nothing else matters. Everything else in the world could be falling apart around you, but with your friends there, you could halt any sort of physical, spiritual, mental or emotional decay attacking you. Friends are with you when you're high, friends are with you when you're low. They're always there for you, whether you know it or not. I'm here because of my friends. I hope everyone here has friends as wonderful as I do. If not, they should seek some out. Do not be afraid to ask, because if you like someone, you should not hesitate to try and be their friend. Also, it easy to befriend people around here, because everyone I met is so caring, patient and easy-going (for the most part ;p ). When you think about it, isn't that what this place is all about? This community? It's about friends coming together to help each other out. To be there for each other at times of need, and at times of pleasure. And simply put, that's just friggin' beautiful. It is so beautiful, I'm almost at a loss for words right now. (Finally) I just want to say thank you to all my friends here, and thank you to everyone who made this place possible, and thank you all who gathered here to listen to me today. Thanks!"
  13. Eh, I'm a little slow... something to do with being Canadian or something. I kid! Anyways, I hope that my post doesn't mess the intent of the spell or anything like that. Woo! (Side note for people who don't know, Mr.Bunny can understand human, he just speaks rabbit, which most people can't understand.)
  14. Stick shrieked from where he was talking with William a few moments ago. Yes, that's right, he shrieked like a little school girl. Snakes! He had nothing against snakes! He didn't really like them either. Looking around the room, he could tell no one else really liked them, so he made his way to the largest cluster of snakes to apply his ranger-charms on the scaled reptilians. He was just about to enter into snake-talk when all of the sudden he found himself curled up on The Mighty Couch. Blinking his eyes repeatedly to look around and figure out what just happened. He was a bit tired lately, so perhaps he had fallen asleep and some generous Penner had moved him to The Couch to get some rest. Blinking a few more times he looked down to realise that he was now wearing a tuxedo! A tuxedo! He didn't remember wearing a tuxedo! Someone must have pulled a prank on him! Stick hopped off the couch to figure out who it was- probably Vincent Silver, or maybe Falcon; he discovered he could jump a lot farther than normally. Grinning in satisfaction he took another big leap and couldn't help notice that he felt a *lot* lighter than normal. He also noticed that everyone seemed *way* taller than he remembered. Like ten times taller. Shrugging he took another leap forwards, he felt off in some way. Looking down at his paws- funny, he didn't remember having paws. Furry paws. Furry *brown* paws. Re-examining himself, he noticed he had brown feet too, and a fluffy tail... catching a glimpse of his shadow he noticed what confirmed his thoughts... The Big Pointy One was a rabbit! He knew it! He jumped in the air in excitement and hopped around ecstacically, not caring whom he bumped into (not like they'd really notice or be injured as it was...) He finally noticed himself. He looked up at himself, and figured it all out! Of course... Mr.Bunny must have pulled the prank on me... turning me into a rabbit... then, he must have cast an illusion to make himself look like me, all so I could think someone cast some sort of spell to make me think everyone else had switched bodies! That trickster! Enjoying his new form, still not really realising he and Mr.Bunny had actually switched bodies, Stick continued to enjoy himself in his current form. ~~~ Mr.Bunny felt his mind get tugged and finally pulled away until he found himself looking at a cluster of snakes. He had been taking a few moments to rest his little legs on The Mighty Couch just a split second before, and was somewhat confused to what he was doing now. It didn't take him very long to figure out he was in his sidekick's body. What he had planned on doing with the snakes, he had no idea, as the warrior was horrible at speaking to animals. Plants he could do, but snakes, no. Shrugging, he spoke aloud, "This is weird. I wonder who did it..." and was amazed to hear his own voice, or at least, Stick's. His rabbit-voice only applied in his rabbit body, apparently. Excited as Stick-bunny, Mr.Bunny took the opportunity to introduce himself to some of the new Penners who had not yet learned rabbit-speech. Of course, the majority probably would not be in their own bodies, so he'd just have to talk to everyone to find out who was who. Meanwhile, Sliver and Roxxia quickly realised they had also switched bodies with each other. Laughing, they quickly ran out of the ballroom amidst a horde of snakes and figured there'd be a few interesting things they could manage elsewhere in their current states... Elsewhere, Rocoss was *really* disappointed to find out he had switched bodies with... with a crystal goblet. It was horrible. He somehow looked on through refracted vision and noticed his body trying to contort into a goblet-like shape, only imagining the pain he'd feel when got his body back. If he could sigh, he would have. This really sucked; he comes to this ball, ends up being a wallflower the whole time through, not talking to *anyone* and now this. He *really* hoped someone was thirsty.
  15. If anyone had been in the halls and paying attention, or perhaps if the doorman wasn't checking on his unconscious partner, they would have noticed the ever-increasing skittering of little wheels. It got louder, and louder still until they echoed through the very hall in front of the ball room. The doormen only had a split second to look up when some sort of upholstered brick on wheels smashed through the entrance doors. The whole room gasped collectively as the doors swung open and none other but The Pen's Mighty Couch crashed through and skidded to a halt on the middle of the dance floor. Ayshela quirked her lips curiously; she didn't remember inviting The Mighty Couch. It was a welcome presence, but she didn't think it had a conscience. Just as a few brave guests went over to examine it, the middle cushion shot up into the air, spewing multi-coloured fog behind it. Following the flying cushion was a spiralling human body that landed on his feet quickly and dusted himself off. He was wearing the same leggings and vest as when he tried to sneak in the window, but this time was also accompanied by a long red scarf, blue goggles and a brown leather driving cap. He slowly turned his gaze about the room, throwing out the occassional wave. As he did this he called out in a crescendo: "Heeeeeere's Stiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiicky!"
  16. After a quick sprint back to the Mighty Treehouse, Stick had changed out of his more conspicuous trenchcoat and gear, and into a more elaborate if not provocative get up. He wore a pair of loose, loose black silk pants, held up by a thin green and gold trimmed sash, paired with a blue silk vest, also embroidered with gold thread along the seams and cuffs. Not bothering with shoes or undershirt, Stick again padded quickly yet quietly down the halls towards the ballroom. This time however, instead of trying to walk in the main doors, Stick carefully climbed out the window (making sure not to jump this time... it wasn't Peredhil's birthday, after all.) and scaled along the outer ledges. With much precision and grace equivalent to that of a thirteen-year old dwarf, Stick swung out a grapling line and attempted to swing back in through the ballroom window. Unfortunately for Stick, his line was too long, and he ended up swinging in through a window the floor beneath. Back in the ballroom, Mr.Bunny was doing his best to mingle with all the newcomers, but was kind of disappointed that none could understand rabbit. Unfortunately for him as well, he had forgotten all his translator ears back in The Mighty Treehouse. Shrugging, he just bobbed his head to the music, sure enough that someone sooner or later would be able to communicate with him. To his delight the little demoness Rune happened upon him. "..." he offered in greeting, and she crinkled her nose in response. (At least she tried...) he thought to himself. Giving his best bunny-rabbit smiled and escorted himself onto the dance floor, doing his best not be trampled by those who braved it's surface. About that time, the doors opened again, admitting Sliver, Stick's ranger friend. The almost-short human was dressed in similar garb to Mr.Bunny; he was wearing a black tuxedo with a dark, shimmering green bowtie. On his arm was Roxxia, the elven ranger-cleric who is also a companion of Stick's. She was wearing a long blue dress of some secret elven material that seemed to glimmer with each step she took. On her head she wore the same golden circlet she usually wore, but it seemed to shine more than usual tonight. Her hair was partially tied into a bun at the back, while the rest fell freely behind her. Following closely behind was Rocoss, Roxxia's twin brother, dressed in an older formal military suit appropriate for such occassions as this. He looked extremely nervous for some reason; it was probably because of the same reason Stick was so excited. Of course, to Rocoss' advantage, he looked really well in his get up, and if his eyes were anywhere but the floor, he'd be catching a lot of approving glances. Letting his sister and friend do what they would, he calmly looked for an open space of wall. Elsewhere, the skittering of wheels could be heard through The Pen's hallways...
  17. Dressed to the nines in his finest garb (Plain khakis, a black t-shirt, his long brown seude trenchcoat and a simple fedora) Stick hurried down the halls towards the Cabaret room. As he got nearer to his destination he slowed his pace remarkably. No need to rush in plain view of everyone. Calmly walking forward now, the doors to the hall were within sight. The tall warrior put on his smoothest grin and boldly approached the bouncers. Man, he thought to himself, this should be good. All my buddies will be here, not to mention, so many chicks I haven't embarassed myself in front of. This'll be fun, I hope. "Invitation please." one of the bouncers grunted. "Oh yeah, that, no problem." Stick stuck his hand inside of his jacket and felt around. He was sure he put the invitation in there. In fact, he remembered it clearly. He put the invitation inside his jacket, just before he jumped in the shower... and... "Hey guys, uh look..." "No invitation, no entrance. Don't wanna hold up the line now." "Aw, come on... you know me, I'm The Big Pointy One! BigPointyStick! Lord of all that is wooden and sharp! Come *ON*!" "Sorry bub. Can't let you in without an invitation." "Hey, let's be reasonable here. I know Ayshela's a friendly girl... I'm sure she wouldn't mind... yeah!" Stick makes a run for the hall doors, but is caught by one of The Mighty Bouncers. "Like I said, no invitation, no entrance. Now scram, kid, you're scaring the newcomers." with that, the bouncer hurled Stick down the hall, where he sailed straight out an unfortunately open window... ~Five minutes later~ Dressed up in a miniature black tuxedo, Mr.Bunny hops down the hall and nods to the bouncers. "Invitation?" "..." Mr.B yanks Stick's invitation from his tux and hands it to the bouncer, who nods and admits the little brown rabbit into the hall. Smoothing his hair with a paw, Mr.Bunny hops over to his gracious hostess and offers her a delicious looking carrot wrapped in a blue and gold ribbon.
  18. *Stick considers bowing, but rather, just draws a small amount of attention to himself and is pelted by random vegetables* Ah, I love friendly sarcasm ^.^
  19. I'm sorry, these are all good definitions, but alas incorrect. The actual meaning of safe is this: Safe: A spell from Final Fantasy Six costing 12 MP. It targets singular characters only. In effect, it raises the physical defense of the target. It can be absorbed by the Runic ability, and bounced by the Reflect status. It's learned at the following rates: Unicorn x 1 Carbunkl x 2 Golem x 5 Alexandr x 10 Celes at level 22
  20. Well, about five years back, Mr.Bunny and I are sitting down, trying to enjoy a decent meal for once when there's this knock on the door. I go to get the door, but no one was there. I look around, and all I see is this snail on my door mat. Bored, I pick up the snail and hurl it into the distance. Then, just the other day, Mr.Bunny and I are playing this game of checkers, when there's a knock at the door. I go to check who it is, there's no one there again except the snail. He looks up at me and says, "What was all that about?"
  21. Skitter skitter skitter... The sound of rust-free wheels could be heard echoing about the halls somewhere. It was not an unfamiliar sound; it was slightly annoying to some however. Regardless, they continued rolling along. To one standing by, they'd catch a quick glimpse of the multicoloured vehicle of comfort speeding by at speeds faster than any couch on the market could achieve. If one were to listen closely, they'd hear an almost familiar voice, screaming at the top of his lungs... "Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Wooo-hoooo!" and then, in a normal voice, "Alright, Mr.Bunny, set engine diafragaemeteroso to 1.39 degrees, central click, then adjust the temparamoo to 12 and pump up the shoosamabob 4 times. We're taking this baby into overdrive!" "..." "...neither do I! Let's rock!" "..." Skitter SKITTER SKITTER CRASH! And then, like on so many of such adventures for Stick, the couch would hit a wall, just in the wrong place, and just at the wrong time. Pulling himself from the re-assembling wreckage, the tall warrior stepped out, stretched, and gently placed his travelling companion and best friend, Mr.Bunny upon his shoulder. After splicing so many commas, not to mention drawing out so many sentences, The Big Pointy One was hungry. Unfortunately, Vincent Silver and Damon Inferel were blocking his path to the kitchen. He stared blankly at his two fellow Quill-Bearers and scratched his head. "So, uhhh, yeah, what's up with you guys?"
  22. Maha. I was waiting for that 'AND WE LIKED IT'. Ah, poor old Dana Carvey, if only you were still cool today. What? Relevance? Me? Never.
  23. ...Allyson Hannigan, all the way... wee...
  24. Stick had caught word of Wyvern's plan to get rid of the Scantavia brothers, and was intrigued. A chance to increase his chances with many of The Pen's fine ladies was a chance he was willing to chance. He hadn't had any luck lately, maybe because, well, he hadn't had the guts to do or say anything, but it didn't bother him too much. But seeing every other Penner running off in pairs was starting to make Stick feel a little lonely. He finally decided that tonight was the night for action. In a short few seconds worthy of an action flick, Stick discards his common loose-legged pants and vest to change into some rarely-seen Night-Ninja™ gear. He climbs out onto the roof of The Seven's treehouse and swings his grapling hook onto the higher roof of one The Pen's mighty halls and proceeds to climb over. After padding along silenty overtop many walls, Stick finally comes upon the courtyard. He jumps down to the ground and starts running towards the bush where I.M. Clueless is usually known to hide. In haste, he didn't realise that the meeting was already over, and thus didn't see Wyvern coming out right in front of him. He barrels directly into the overgrown lizard and they tumble back into the shrubbery. After a few minutes of untangling, not to mention the removal of various Night Ninja™ shurikens from many painful places, Stick stands up and dusts himself off. In a whispered voice, he says to Wyvern "The blackbird has arrived. He is looking for a worm." Wyvern blinks in a confused manner, not sure about Stick's newfound get-up, or his way of speech. "What?" he replies. "Oh, uh, I thought we were supposed to use code. Nevermind. What's the plan?" Wyvern rubs his palms together the way he usually does when he's scheming, and explains to Stick what he had just explained to everyone else who had gathered in the bush. "...these Scantavia brothers *have* to go." "I agree. They have barely just arrived, but already they have exhausted their time here. They must go." Wyvern snickered and hurried off back on his way. Another person to blame, err, help was always useful. Stick also snickered and made his way back to the treehouse. Whereas the members gathered thought that by 'removing' the Scantavia brothers, they'd be more popular among The Pen's ladies, Stick intended to *save* the brothers, and make himself a hero among the female ranks. All the base would belong to him. By that, he realised, he meant all the *babes* would belong to him. And by belong, he meant would want to hang off his every word and call of their own will.
  25. Hrm, this is a toughie. I have no problem being naked, except for the fact I have a roommate. But my house isn't the beach, right. So if I were at a beach, I'd prolly only go nude if there were people there that wanted to see me nude for some reason. Sure, sounds sheepish, but hey, it's honest. Or something. Seriously though, if I was going with someone who I felt comfortable enough around to be nude to begin with, I'd have no problem (like some sort of 'girlfriend', light forbid I should ever find one... ;p ) but by myself? Stark naked? In public. No spanks. (Pun intended... for once.) I too am against speedos. Especially... well, nevermind, I'm also against speedos.
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